Mann Hall, Stinson Dr. !
NC State University !
919.515.7948 !
Research writing and communication professional with expertise in supporting a wide
range of engineering fields. Consistently receive outstanding course and workshop
evaluations from students for high-impact teaching practices. Strong team member
oering an array of skills in leadership, project management, written and oral
communication, networking, employer development, and interdepartmental collaboration.
Possess the ability to build student-focused services from concept to fruition on a lean
Selected Academic Appointments
Teaching Assistant Professor & ###August 2019—present
Director of Graduate Professional Development, CCEE
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Manage a portfolio of professional development programming to support career
objectives of professional-track and research-track graduate students. Teach one course
per semester for graduate engineering students. Design and deliver all course content in
a dynamic manner, being consistently ranked one of the best teachers in the department.
Key outcomes include: !
Students saw shortened time to publication for research articles!
Students had papers accepted at top conferences !
Students won top poster awards at international research conferences!
Students are better prepared to communicate eectively in their jobs!
Assistant Dean of Academic Aairs # # September 2016—June 2019
William Peace University, Raleigh, NC !
Provide high-level strategic planning for the institution, including opening new Center for
Immersive Learning; overseeing Career Services; ensuring institution adheres to
accreditation regulations; managing course evaluations; chairing Academic Policies
Committee; and upgrading classroom facilities. Serve as Chief of Sta for Academic
Aairs division of approximately 50 full-time employees. Key outcomes include: !
Responsible for overseeing 50% of 2017-2018 institutional strategic plan
initiatives, all of which were completed on time!
Successfully pitched and was awarded funding for new academic center on
campus; currently overseeing $750,000 facility renovation and hiring new staff!
Revamped part-time faculty contract process to better serve faculty!
Restructured organizational chart to create sensible teams and ensure employees
had better support from supervisors !
Director of Thesis & Dissertation Support Services May 2013—August 2016
North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC
Build from ground up a nationally-recognized support program for graduate students in
sciences and engineering using appropriate pedagogies. Key outcomes include: !
Built relationships with multiple academic departments!
Developed feature-rich, web-based environment for delivering instructional
Established best practices model for other institutions to adopt
Doctor of Philosophy in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media (Focus:
Scientific and technical communication). North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC 2013. !
Master of Arts in English (Focus: Rhetoric and Composition). North Carolina State
University, Raleigh, NC 2010. !
Bachelor of Arts in English (Honors). Catawba College, Salisbury, NC. 2008.
Areas of Expertise
Technical communication!
Writing and editing !
Oral communication!
Dynamic presentations!
Writing pedagogy!
Higher education!
Digital media!
Student support !
Google Suite!
Adobe Creative Cloud!
Advanced Microsoft Oce!
Document design !
Slide deck design !
Course development
Project management!
Strategic thinking!
Fluent in French!
Elementary Spanish !
Mort Barlaz, Dept. Head,
CCEE at NC State !
Ranji Ranjithan, Assoc.
Dept. Head, CCEE at NC
State !
Meagan Kittle Autry, Ph.D.
Refereed Journal Articles, Book Chapters, and Conference Proceedings!
Mehlenbacher, B., Kelley, A.R., Kampe, C., and Kittle Autry, M. (2016). Instructional Design for
Online Learning Environments and the Problem of Collaboration in the Cloud. Journal of
Technical Writing and Communication 48(2), 199-221.
Mehlenbacher, B., Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R. (2015). Instructional Design for STEM-based
collaborative, co-located classroom composition. IEEE Transactions on Professional
Communication 58(4), 396-409.!
Kinsella, W.J., Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2015). Articulating resistance to nuclear power:
Local tactics and strategic connections in a nuclear construction financing controversy.
In M.S. Meisner, N. Sriskandarajah, & S.P. Depoe (Eds.), Communication for the
Commons Revisiting Participation and Environment (pp. 332–345.) Turtle Island:
International Environmental Communication Association.!
Kittle Autry, M. & Carter, M. (2015). Unblocking occluded genres in graduate writing: Thesis and
Dissertation Support Services at NC State University. Composition Forum 31. Available
online at !
Kelly, A.R., Kittle Autry, M., & Mehlenbacher, B. (2014). The temporality of Twitter: Considering
Chronos and Kairos for digital rhetoric. In G. Verhulsdonck & M. Limbu (Eds.), Digital
Rhetoric and Global Literacies: Communication Modes and Digital Practices in the
Networked World (pp. 227-247). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. !
Kinsella, W.J., Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2013). Risk, regulation, and rhetorical boundaries:
Claims and challenges surrounding a purported nuclear renaissance. Communication
Monographs 80(3), 278-301.!
*Winner, Best Article in Rhetoric and Writing Studies, the Canadian Association!
CE 590
Professional Engineering Communication (NCSU)
CE 610
Advanced Research Communication for Engineering, face-to-face and
hybrids format (NCSU)
ENG 626
Advanced Writing for Empirical Research (NCSU)
ENG 426
Analysis of Writing Style (NCSU)
COM 436
Environmental Communication (NCSU)
COM 410
International Communication (WPU)
ENG 333
Communication for Science and Research (NCSU)
ENG 316
Advanced Grammar (WPU)
STS 214
Introduction to Science, Technology, and Society (NCSU)
ENG 101
Academic Writing and Research Across the Disciplines, face-to-face and
hybrid formats (NCSU)
Teaching Experience
for Studies in Discourse and Writing (CASDW), 2013.*!
Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2013). Access, accommodation, and science: Knowledge in an
“open” world. First Monday 18(6).!
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R. (2012). Merging Duke Energy and Progress Energy: Online public
discourse, post-Fukushima reactions, and the absence of environmental communication.
Environmental Communication 6(2), 278-284.!
Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2011). A humanistic approach to the study of social media:
Combining social network analysis and case study research. Proceedings for the 29th
Association for Computing Machinery International Conference on Design of
Communication. Pisa, Italy: ACM, 257-260.!
Edited Special Journal Issue!
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R., Eds. (2012). Computers and Writing 2012 Special Issue:
ArchiTEXTure. Enculturation 14.!
Other Publications!
Kinsella, W.J., Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2013). Public voices and energy choices: Citizens
speak out at the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Communication Currents 8(5).
(General audience summary of “Risk, regulation, and rhetorical boundaries,”
Communication Monographs, 2013).!
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R. (2012). Introduction: Computers and Writing 2012, ArchiTEXTure.
Enculturation 14.!
Kittle, M. (2010). Review of America, America. In G. Hamilton (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
Contemporary American Writers and Their Work. New York: FactFinder.!
Conference Presentations
Kittle Autry, M., Carter, M.P., Wojcik, K. (2016). The New WPA: Supporting Graduate Writing
Across the Curriculum. Council for Writing Program Administrators Annual Conference,
Raleigh, NC. !
Kinsella, W.J., Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2013). Risk, regulation, and rhetoric: Discursive
boundaries and the putative “nuclear renaissance.” Conference on Communication and
Environment, Uppsala, Sweden. (Presented by Bill Kinsella.)!
Kittle Autry, M. (2013). (In)visible composing: Social media and the public composition of
vernacular and occluded genres. Panel titled, “Mobile, social, public: Understanding the
publicness of new media composition practices,” with J. Frith and J. Kalin, CCCC, Las
Vegas, NV.!
Anson, C., Dannels, D., Kittle Autry, M., & Gierdowski, D. (2012). Next generation feedback: The
eectiveness of oral screen-capture response to students’ writing. European Association
for Research on Learning Instruction SIG Writing Conference. Porto, Portugal.
(Presented by Chris Anson.)!
Kittle Autry, M. (2012). Genre Across Borders (GXB): A scholarly repository for the genre
community. Panel titled, “Genre Across Borders (GXB): Sustaining genre conversations,”
with C.R. Miller, A.R. Kelly, & D. Dryer. Genre 2012: Rethinking Genre 20 Years Later.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.!
Anson, C., Dannels, D., Kittle Autry, M., & Gierdowski, D. (2012). Screencap your feedback:
Using screen capture technology to provide audio-visual feedback to writers. Computers
and Writing, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle Autry, M. (2012). “Are you talking to me?”: Facilitating community in a hybrid writing
classroom. Panel titled, “Through the Internets: Writing, Community, and Engagement in
Online spaces,” with J. Swift, L. Clark, & K. Maddalena. CCCC, St. Louis, MO.!
Kittle Autry, M. (2011). Nuclear fallout: Shifting discourse concerning nuclear energy post-
Fukushima Dai-ichi. Society for the Social Studies of Science, Cleveland, OH.!
Kittle Autry, M. (2012). Interdisciplinary panel on nuclear energy industry with W.J. Kinsella, L.
Kochtcheeva, L. Gardner, & A.R. Kelly. Second Annual School of Public and International
Aairs and College of Humanities and Social Sciences Conference on Shale Gas and
Nuclear Power: The Bridge to a Renewable Energy Future? NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2012). Nuclear power and North Carolina energy companies.
Second Annual School of Public and International Aairs and College of Humanities and
Social Sciences Conference on Shale Gas and Nuclear Power: The Bridge to a
Renewable Energy Future? NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, AR. (2012). Looking global, speaking local: Fukushima Dai-ichi and
nuclear energy discourse in the Carolinas. Global Engagement Exposition, NCSU,
Raleigh, NC.!
Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2012). Temporal trends in digitally-mediated environmental
debate: An analysis across media to assess social media use in local environmental
debate. Graduate Student Research Symposium, NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R. (2012). Merging Duke and Progress Energy: Examining rhetorical
boundary work in nuclear energy discourses in the Carolinas. Carolina Rhetoric
Conference, Clemson, SC.!
Kelly, A.R., & Kittle Autry, M. (2011). Pilot study: Duke-Progress Energy merger. Environments,
Risks, and Digital Media symposium, NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle Autry, M. (2011). Framing climate change as “debate”: Implications for burden of proof
and public understanding of science. Carolina Rhetoric Conference, Columbia, SC.!
Kittle Autry, M., & Clark, L. (2011). The hybrid composition classroom: Teaching from two
platforms. North Carolina Symposium on the Teaching of Writing, NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle, M. (2010). Gendered nature in online environments: An ecofeminist analysis of
conservation websites. Graduate Student Research Symposium, NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle, M., & Lloyd, W. (2010). Do they really read what we write?: A study of student reactions
to electronic commenting and grading. North Carolina Symposium on the Teaching of
Writing, NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Invited Talks
Kittle Autry, M. (2017). Making smart choices with few resources. Storr + Steelcase Education
Symposium, Raleigh, NC. !
Kittle Autry, M. (2013-present). Various presentations on dissertation writing, writing research
articles, and scientific communication; by invitation to departments across the NCSU
Kittle Autry, M. (2014). Beyond the Professoriate panelist, “Higher Education Careers for PhDs.”
Beyond the Professoriate: A Virtual Conference for PhDs in Transition. !
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R. (2012). Planning and promoting open access journals. For HON
398 Introduction to Scholarly Publishing, NCSU.!
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly, A.R. (2012). The open access imperative: The right to read. For the
Genre 2012 Roundtable, “Supporting genre research dialogues across disciplines.”
Genre 2012 Rethinking Genre 20 Years Later, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.!
Kittle Autry, M. (2012). Technology and voice: Oral response to student writing.
Kittle Autry, M., & Kelly. A.R. (2012). Communication patterns on in response to
Duke-Progress Energy merger. For Progress Energy corporate communication
department, Raleigh, NC.!
Kittle Autry, M., & Miller-Cochran, S. (2011). Designing your hybrid writing course for a
community of inquiry. NGLC Blending Learning Conference, Southeast Missouri State
University, Cape Girardeau, MO.!
Awards and Grants
Esperantic Studies Foundation Grant (funded both 2018 and 2019). !
# Support for enhancing student awareness of world languages and linguistic justice. !
$5000 each year. !
DELTA Grant (2015). Project: Dissertation Completion Community.!
Support for developing an innovative online support website for NC State’s!
doctoral candidates, including writing instruction, group support, and the!
development of a customizable progress tracking tool Principal investigator.!
Council of Writing Program Administrators General Research Grant (2014-5). Project: !
Instructional Design Choices in Hybrid Composition Classes.!
Support for developing an innovative assessment design for new hybrid!
composition courses in NC State’s First Year Writing Program. Co-principal!
investigator with S. Miller-Cochran. $1000.!
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of English, NC State, April 2012.!
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, Department of English, NC State, March 2009.!
Professional Development
Women’s Leadership Success in Higher Education Workshop (March 2019). !
AAC&U High Impact Practices Summer Institute (June 2018). !
NC State Performance Leadership Program (2016). !
Alda Center for Communicating Science Summer Institute. (June 2015).!
NC State Conference on Leadership and Diversity for Managers (2014).!
Preparing the Professoriate (2012-2013). Competitive professional faculty preparation program
for doctoral students. NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
Carolina Writing Program Administrators Meeting in the Middle. (2012). Charlotte, NC.!
Carolina Writing Program Administrators Fall Workshop Retreat (2011). Grant writing. Little
Switzerland, NC.!
Certificate of Accomplishment in Teaching Program. (2008-2010). NCSU, Raleigh, NC.!
University Service
Chair: Academic Policies Committee, Academic Catalog Committee; William Peace University,
2016-present. !
Member: University Council; Academic Standards Committee; Academic Council; William
Peace University, 2016-present. !
Selection committee: Preparing the Professoriate competitive fellowship program, NC State
University, 2013-2016. !
Program consultant: Genetic Engineering and Society PhD Program (NSF funded IGERT), NC
State University, 2012-2013.!
Technical Skills
Software: Microsoft, Apple, Adobe, and Google suites, Camtasia, Jing!
Higher education: WebAdvisor, PeopleAdmin, Moodle, MyMediaSite, MyPack, GradesFirst,
Qualtrics, Colleague !
Web production technologies: Wordpress, Wix, Weebly, Drupal, CSS, HTML!
Social media: Facebook, Twitter, various blog platforms, Instagram, and more!