Leaving UNC: Employee Exit Checklist
(To be completed by School/Division HR Office and employee)
Employee Name:
Date of Hire:
Reason for Departure:
Department Name:
Date of Exit:
The following checklist is provided to assist all UNC-Chapel Hill employees with the exit process. Employees
leaving the University should be aware of their benefits and rights. In addition, departing employees have an
obligation to return all University property assigned to them and to settle any outstanding accounts. Please
contact your School/Division HR Office if you have any questions during the exit process. (Please note: All
items on the checklist may not apply to all employees.)
You should review the “Leaving the University” package before making any decisions.
Employee’s Responsibilities
Provide written notice of departure
Return keys
Return UNC OneCard
Return P-Card
Return any other University property (laptop, uniforms, lab equipment, etc.)
Update home address information in online directory if moving
Settle any miscellaneous debts or fines
Contact department parking coordinator to ensure permit is cancelled
Decide what actions to take regarding benefits termination or continuation and
initiate necessary requirements within stated deadlines
Exit Interview Questionnaire completed and submitted via a method below:
§ Online Exit Interview Questionnaire
§ Print version of Exit Interview Questionnaire available for download at
Complete and mail print version to:
Employee and Management Relations
104 Airport Drive, CB 1045
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1045
§ In-person interview: To schedule, contact [email protected] or 919.843.3444
Leaving UNC-Chapel Hill: Employee Exit Checklist (continued)
HR Representative’s Responsibilities
Initiate termination workflow in ConnectCarolina
Ensure keys are returned
Ensure UNC OneCard is returned
Ensure P-Card is returned
Ensure exiting employee has contacted Benefits
Ensure all other University property (laptop, uniforms, lab equipment, etc.) has
been collected. List all items returned:
Remove employee’s name from authorized signature lists
Ensure access to University systems and data is removed, if appropriate:
§ ARC Request Form submitted to terminate access to University systems
§ ServiceNow ticket (Employee Access Removal) submitted to terminate access
to departmental systems, network servers, etc.
§ Ensure access is removed from vendor or other units’ departmental systems
Audit leave balances (vacation, sick, bonus, compensatory time)
Exit Interview Questionnaire completed and submitted via a method below:
§ Online Exit Interview Questionnaire
§ Print version of Exit Interview Questionnaire available for download at
Complete and mail print version to:
Employee and Management Relations
104 Airport Drive, CB 1045
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1045
§ In-person interview: To schedule, contact [email protected] or 919.843.3444