The Pelican restaurants source their
seafood following the Monterey
Bay Seafood Watch Program
recommendations that focus on the
environmental sustainability of how
the seafood is harvested. Pelican is a
member of the Surfrider Ocean Friendly
Restaurants who abide by eliminating
polysyrene use, proper recycling practices,
reusable tableware for onsite dining,
eliminated plastic bags and plastic straws,
and oering paper alternatives when
requested. Pelican also limits excess food
waste and order and donate food to the
community food banks.
The shipping and logistics team at
Pelican have worked over the last
several years to develop a deep
connection with local freight companies
to help offset the carbon footprint
that comes along with shipping beer.
Pelican ensures that every semi-truck
that coming to the brewery is full of
packaging and raw materials and every
trailer leaving the brewery are full of
beer heading to wholesalers. By doing
this, we make sure that we never have
empty trailers on the road that create
unnecessary trucking and will offset our
carbon footprint by an estimated 25-30
tons in 2019.
When the Brewers Association first
posted the statistic that it takes 7
gallons of water to produce 1 gallon
beer, we gasped and then asked
ourselves, “What is our consumption?”
We carefully looked over all of our
procedures, water meters, and waste
water logs. What we found was quite
surprising. We landed at half the
national average with 4.6 gallons of
water to 1 gallon of beer. We then
spent time dialing in processes and
have been able to drop that ratio to
under 4:1. An incredible feat that shows
every step in our process is done with
purpose and not wastefully.
The Pelican brewery operations are now
purchasing 50% of its electrical power
from local and renewable sources. The
brewery sends its wastewater to the Farm
Power digester in Tillamook, which helps
reduce nutrient loading from local dairies.
The methane generated from this process
creates electricity. The electric power is then
purchased back by Pelican at a premium cost
to help support this eort. By supporting
the Green Power program at Tillamook PUD,
Pelican it helping to reduce the amount of
methane gas released into the air. It also
helps improve water quality in local streams
& rivers by decreasing the volume of waste
deposited directly on farm fields.
At the Pelican Brewery, we capture all waste
water streams from our brewing process.
Through a great local partner, we turn our
euent into electricity. Our process uses lots
of water. Cleaning, sanitation, and rinsing
all contribute. In 2018, Pelican installed
infrastructure to capture, and move it to our
local digester. There it’s mixed with farm
waste. Through biotransformation methane-
rich biogas is produced, which runs two
700KW combined heat/power generators.
Our combined eorts greatly reduce nutrient
loading to our rivers and streams, and make
us a good partner to our city utilities.
Pelican is proud to be able to
supply all of our spent grain from
all three of our facilities to local
dairy farmers. Spent grain provides
additional nutrients, like protein
and fiber, for livestock and help
farmers cut back their costs on
having to buy feed. Pelican used
almost 2 million pounds of malt in
2018, with cheese being one of the
other major commodities produced
on the rural Oregon coast, that’s a
lot of happy cows!
Pelican has installed two energy ecient
Miura Boilers. This wew technology and
better process control allow this boiler to
capture more steam condensate and reuse
it in the generation process. The condensate
return lines have a connection to our kettle
steam stack that increases the recovered
condensate and creates a 5% utilization
increase. Our new brewing system features
a rectification system which reduces
required boiling time by 66%. This translates
to a significant savings in boiler energy
consumed in every batch we produce.
Once wort is boiled it needs to be cooled
down so the yeast can ferment the sugars
and make beer. To do this Pelican utilizes a
single stage cooling system to bring wort from
boiling temperatures to below 70°F. We run
chilled water and the wort through a plate heat
exchanger. We then route the now heated
water back to our Hot Process Water tank and
reuse it in the brewhouse. This process helps
cut back our need to heat water with our boiler
and reduces our usage of propane. This critical
process reduces our consumption of propane by
over 40,000 gals a year.
At Pelican, we are always looking to do the right thing for
not only ourselves, our team members, but also our beloved
coastal communities. Our team members are actively
involved in many organizations, events, and initiatives to
uplift our communities. Including partnerships with TORTA
and Trailkeepers of Oregon to ensure that our guests and
community have well-maintained trails and trail access to
experience the best of our coast. Environmental partnerships
with Barrel Bag, Surfrider Foundation, beach clean-ups, and
road sponsorships to ensure our beaches are clean and safe
for all to enjoy. Our team members also volunteer across
multiple community organizations, including local schools,
food banks, community centers, and sports teams, to ensure
we are positively impacting our communities. Pelican makes
several gift cards, gift certificates, and monetary donations to
community organizations throughout the year.
We get to wake up every day and know
that amazing is possible because of
the breathtaking beauty of our coastal
communities that surround us. At Pelican, we
are a leader and critical partner in our coastal
communities. We work with our community
leaders to create places that everyone can
thrive in. This includes working closely with
Tillamook Coast to develop sustainable
tourism initiatives for our counties, Tillamook
County to identify opportunities to improve
infrastructure and community experience,
and with lodging and restaurant alliances to
ensure we are the best employer.
At Pelican, we are actively involved in
helping teach and positively impact youth.
This includes a high school mentorship
program through Tillamook Bay College
for students in Tillamook in Nestucca to
learn about all aspects of the hospitality
business and Clatsop County with Seaside
High School. Team members also love to
spend their time reading and volunteering
to be positive role models to young
students in our local school district.
Pelican is very active in our community
sports with donation-based sponsorships.
Pelican is working to eliminate food insecurity in our coastal
communities. Our coastal communities have some of the
highest food insecurity rates in the state, and we want to do
our part to help those suffering from food insecurities. We
do this through reoccurring Food Back donations of food,
monetary donations, and awareness initiatives to inform our
guests about food insecurities in our counties. Additionally,
tackling food insecurity leads us to reach our RDEI goals and
create inclusive, diverse, and equitable coastal communities.
Creating diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplaces and communities is a
crucial focus for Pelican and our Family of Companies. This may seem like a
buzzworthy topic, but here at Pelican, we are committed to doing the real
hard work to create better workplaces, better communities, and in turn, a
better world through RDEI initiatives. We have hired an outside RDEI expert
partner to help guide us through the process and identify opportunities
for improvement. We have created an employee-led Diversity Advisory
Committee to work alongside Company leaders and the community to
advance changes in policies and procedures that help the FOC become
the Employer of Choice and a valued community partner. These are just
the beginning of the work that needs to be done, and we welcome your
involvement to help make us better.