Technical sources
Bible Translations and Paraphrases
AV. Authorized Version = The King James Version. 1611.
ASV. American Standard Version, 1901.
Barclay. A New Translation, Vol. 1 & 2, NT. William Barclay, 1969.
Berkeley. Berkeley Version of the New Testament, Gerrit Verkuyl, 1945.
Bruce, Paraphrase. The Letters of Paul, a paraphrase. F.F. Bruce. 1965.
Cassirer. God's New Covenant, A New Testament Translation. 1989.
CEB. Common English Bible, 2011.
CEV. The Contemporary English Version. 1995.
Goodspeed. An American Translation, NT. Edgar J. Goodspeed. 1935.
ESV. The English Standard Version, The Standard Bible Society, 2001.
HCSB. Holman Christian Standard Bible, Holman Bible Publishers, 2004.
JB. The Jerusalem Bible. 1966.
Junkins. A Fresh Parenthetical Version of the NT. B.E. Junkins, 2002.
Knox. The New Testament in English. Ronald A. Knox. 1944.
LB. The Living Bible, Tyndale. 1971.
LEB. Lexham English Bible. Logos, 2011.
Moffatt. A New Translation, James Moffatt. Harper and Row. 1922.
Montgomery. Centenary Translation of the New Testament in Modern
English, Helen Barrett Montgomery, 1924.
NAB. New American Bible. 1970/86.
NASB. New American Standard Bible. 1973.
NCV. The Word New Century Version of the New Testament. Sweet
Publishing Co. Texas, 1984.
NEB. New English Bible. 2nd. Ed. 1970.
NET. New English Translation Bible, 2005.
NJB. New Jerusalem Bible. 1985.
NKJV. New King James Version, 1982, Harper and Collins.
NIV. New International Version. Zondervan, 1985. Updated, 2005 (TNIV),
and 2011 (NIV11).
NLT. New Living Translation of the Bible, 1996.
NRSV. New Revised Standard Version, 1990.
Peterson. The New Testament in Contemporary English. Navpress. 1993.
Phillips. The New Testament in Modern English, J.B. Phillips, Bles/Collins,
Pilcher. St.Paul to the Romans, Charles Venn Pilcher, 1951.
REB. Revised English Bible, Cambridge, 1989.
Rieu. The Four Gospels, A New Translation from the Greek. E.V. Rieu,
Penguin. 1958.
RSV. Revised Standard Version. 1946.
RV. Revised Version. 1884.
Scholars. The Scholars Bible / Version, Polebridge Press. 2000+.
Schonfield. The Authentic New Testament, edited and translated from the
Greek by Hugh J. Schonfield, London, 1962.
TCNT. Twentieth Century New Testament, 1904.
TEV. Today's English Version = The Good News Bible. 1976.
TNT. The Translator's New Testament, British and Foreign Bible Society,
TNIV. Today's New International Version, Zondervan, 2005.
Torey. The Four Gospels. A New Translation. Charles Cutler Torey. 1933.
Weymouth. The New Testament in Modern Speech, NT. R.F. Weymouth
Williams. A Private Translation in the Language of the People, NT. Charles
Kingsley. Williams. 1937. Moody 1955.
Wuest. The New Testament, an expanded translation, 1961.
General Abbreviations
BEB. Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, Grand Rapids, 1988.
cf. compare, confer.
DB. Dictionary of the Bible, Grant and Rawley, 1963.
eg. exempli gratia, "for example."
ET. The Expository Times.
Gk. Greek, the Greek text.
ie. id est, "that is."
JTS. The Journal of Theological Studies.
lit. literally.
LXX. Septuagint. The Greek Old Testament.
MSS. Manuscripts.
MT. Masoretic (Hebrew) text.
NT. The New Testament.
NTIQ. Novum Testamentum, International Quarterly for NT and Related
studies, Netherlands.
NTS. New Testament Studies. Cambridge University Press.
OT. The Old Testament.
poss. Possibly.
RTR. Reformed Theological Review, Australia.
TDNT. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. Kittel and
Friedrich. Eng. ed. Eerdmans, 1964-76.
TH. A Translators Handbook - Helps for Translators. United Bible Societies.
Greek Technical Sources, [Gk.].
* J.P. Louw and E. A. Nida, Greek-English Lexicon of the
New Testament Based on Semantic Domains. New York: United Bible
Societies 1988/89.
BAGD. A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early
Christian Literature. Arndt and Gingrich, Chicago University Press. 1955.
BDAG. A Greek English Lexicon of the New Testament and other Early
Christian Literature, Revised, Danker. Chicago University Press. 2000.
BDF. Blass and Debrunner. A Greek Grammar of the New Testament and
Other Early Christian Literature. Trans. Funk. 1961.
Brooks & Winbery. Syntax of New Testament Greek, James Brooks and
Carlton Winbery, University Press of America, 1979.
Burton. Syntax of Moods and Tenses in New Testament Greek. 3rd Ed. 1898
T&T Clark.
Chamberlain. An Exegetical Grammar of the Greek New Testament. 1941.
Dana and Mantey. A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament. 1944.
Doudna. The Greek of the Gospel of Mark. Society of Biblical Literature 12,
Harris. Prepositions and Theology in the Greek New Testament. Zondervan,
Kenyon. Textual Criticism of the New Testament, Frederic Kenyon.
Macmillan, 1912.
Levinsohn Acts. Textual Connections in Acts, Stephen Levinsohn, Society of
Biblical Literature 31, 1987.
Levinsohn. Discourse Features of New Testament Greek, 2nd ed. Dallas:
SIL, 2000.
LN. Lexical Semantics of the Greek New Testament, Louw & Nida, Society
of Biblical Literature, 1992.
Metzger. A textual commentary of the Greek New Testament. United Bible
Societies. 1971.
McKay. A New Syntax of the verb in New Testament Greek: an aspectual
approach. Lang, NY, 1994.
Moule IB. An Idiom Book of the New Testament Greek. C.F.D. Moule. 2
Ed. 1959.
MHT I. A Grammar of New Testament Greek: Prolegomena, J.H. Moulton
T & T Clark, 1906.
MHT III. A Grammar of New Testament Greek: Syntax. Nigel Turner.
T & T. Clark. 1963.
MM. The vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. Moulton and Milligan.
London. 1930.
Nunn. A Short Syntax of New Testament Greek. H.P.V. Nunn, CUP, 1965.
Plummer DDG. Web based Daily Dose of Greek, Robert Plummer.
Porter. Idioms of the Greek New Testament. 1992.
Rienecker. A Linguistic Key to the Greek New Testament, Fritz Rienecker
translated and revised, Cleon Rogers. Zondervan.
Robertson grammar. A Grammar of the Greek New Testament in Light of
Historical Research, A.T. Robertson, 1934.
Runge. Discourse Grammar of the Greek New Testament, Bellingham, 2010.
Smyth. Greek Grammar, Herbert Werner Smyth, Cambridge, Harvard
University Press, 1984.
TDNT. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, Kittel, trans. G.W.
Bromiley, 1964-76.
TNGEI. The New Geek-English Interlinear New Testament, Brown and
Comfort, Tyndale, 1990.
Thrall Pt. Greek Particles in the New Testament, Margaret Thrall, Eerdmans,
Turner. Grammatical insights into the New Testament. T & T. Clark. 1965.
Wallace. Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics. An Exegetical Syntax of the
New Testament, Daniel Wallace, Zondervan, 1996.
Zerwick. A Grammatical Analysis of the Greek New Testament, Max
Zerwick (trans. Mary Grosvenor) 1981.
Zerwick #. Biblical Greek illustrated by examples, Max Zerwick (Trans.
Joseph Smith), 1963.
Greek text, UBS 4th Corrected Edition, Bruce Metzger. Ref. translation,
Robert Brown and Philip Comfort, Greek-English NT. Tyndale, 1990.
Greek Textual Classifications:
Western text. The Western text refers to a group of texts (Uncials, Papyri,
Minuscule [scriptural quotations in other literature]) best represented by the
bilingual (Greek and Latin) codex D (Bezae), and going back to the middle of
the second century. Its many additions in the Gospels and Acts are often viewed
as amplifications of earlier texts, but this is disputed by many.
Byzantine text. The Byzantine text refers to a large group of texts going back
to the early fourth century in Syrian Antioch when different textual traditions
were reworked into an agreed text. This text was accepted in the Eastern Roman
Empire (Byzantium) and became the main source for the Authorized Version of
the Bible, 1611.
Alexandrian text. The Alexandrian text refers to a group of texts which
Westcott and Hort argued was the closest textual source to the original (Nestle's
resultant text improved on that of Westcott and Hort and remains the basis of the
UBS Greek New Testament, Fourth Corrected Edition, used in these notes). It
was called the Alexandrian text because it was the text primarily used in
Alexandria and is best represented by codex B (Vaticanus).
Caesarean text. The Caesarean text refers to a group of texts used in Egypt
(eg. papyri P45) before the Alexandrian text and used by Origin in Caesarea in
the early third century. This text is best represented by Codex W (Washington)
(Koridethianus). It is similar to the Alexandrian text, but with some of the
Western text "amplifications".
General Grammatical Terms
acc. accusative
act. active
adv. adverb
adj. adjective
aor. aorist
dat. dative
fem. feminine
fut. future
gen. genitive
inf. infinitive
imp. imperative
imperf. imperfect
ind. indicative
intrans. intransitive
mas. masculine
mid. middle
neu. neuter
nom. nominative
opt. optative
part. participle
pas. passive
perf. perfect
peri. periphrastic
pl. plural
pluperf. pluperfect
PP. prepositional phrase
pres. present
prep. preposition
pro. pronoun
sing. singular
subj. subjective
subs. substantive
tran. transitive
voc. vocative
Bible Commentary Series
Abingdon. Abingdon New Testament Commentaries, Abingdon Press,
Nashville, USA.
Anchor. The Anchor Bible, Doubleday, New York / Yale University Press.
BECNT. Backer Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Baker Book
House, Michigan.
Black's. Black's New Testament Commentaries, A & C Black, London /
Harper's New Testament Commentaries, Harper & Rowe, San Francisco
and Hendrickson, Massachusetts.
BST. The Bible Speaks Today, Inter-Varsity Press
BTCPC. Biblical Theology for Christian Proclamation Commentary, B&C
CBC. The Cambridge Bible Commentary, Cambridge University Press,
CGTC. The Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary, Cambridge
University Press.
CGTSC. The Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges,
Cambridge University Press.
ChiRho. ChiRho Commentary Series, Lutheran Publishing House, Adelaide,
Australia (deceased)
Continental. Continental Commentary Series, Augsburg-Fortress Press.
Crossroad. New Testament Commentaries, The Crossroad Publishing
Company, New York
DSB. The Daily Study Bible Series, The Saint Andrew Press, Edinburgh / The
Westminster Press, Philadelphia
ECC. The Eerdmans Critical Commentary, Eerdmans Publishing Company,
USA and UK.
EGGNT. The Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament, Broadman and
Holman Academic, Nashville.
EGHB. The Expositors Guide to the Historical Books, Baker Book House,
EGT. The Expositors Greek Testament, Reprinted by Eerdmans.
EPSC. Evangelical Press Study Commentary - a new conservative series for
the Old and New Testament, Evangelical Press USA and England.
ESVEC. The ESV Expository Commentary, Crossway.
EBC / Expositors. The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Zondervan
Epworth. Epworth Commentaries, Epworth Press, USA.
FOB. Focus on the Bible, Christian Focus Publications
Hermeneia. A Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible, Augsburg-
Fortress Press, Philadelphia
HGT. A Handbook on the Greek Text, Baylor University Press.
Horizons. The Two Horizons New Testament Commentary (THNTC),
Eerdmans, Grand Rapids and Cambridge.
ICC. The International Critical Commentary, T &T Clark, Edinburgh
Interpretation. Interpretation, A Bible Commentary for Teaching and
Preaching, John Knox Press, Louisville
IVP Commentary Series. The IVP New Testament Commentaries, IVP
Press USA and England.
JSOT. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament - Supplement Series,
Sheffield Academic Press
LABC. Life Application Bible Commentary Series. Tyndale.
Layman's. The Layman's Bible Commentaries, SCM Press London / John
Knox Press Virginia (deceased)
LS. Let's Study, Banner of Truth, Edinburgh
Macmillan. New Testament Commentaries, Macmillan (deceased)
Mentor. Christian Focus Publications
Moffatt. The Moffatt New Testament Commentary, Harper (deceased).
Moody. Commentary series, eg. Wycliffe Exegetical Commentaries, Moody
Press, Chicago (deceased)
MPA Books - Biblical Application Series, St Matthias Press, Aus./UK.
NAC. The New American Commentary, in preparation and reflecting An
American Commentary, Broadman Press, USA.
NCB. The New Century Bible Commentary, Oliphants / Marshall Morgan &
Scott / Marshall Pickering / Eerdmans / Sheffield Academic (deceased)
NCBC. The New Cambridge Bible Commentary, Cambridge University
Press, 2000 + series replacing the CBC series.
New Clarendon Bible, replacing the older Clarendon Bible, Clarendon Press,
Oxford, England (deceased).
NCC. New Covenant Commentary Series, New Creation Publications Inc.
NIBC. New International Biblical Commentary, Hendrickson / Paternoster
NICNT. The New International Commentary on the New Testament,
Eerdmans (formerly The New London commentary on the New
Testament, Marshall, Morgan & Scott.)
NICOT. The New International Commentary on the Old Testament,
NIGTC. The New International Greek Testament Commentary, Eerdmans
NIVABC. NIV Application Bible Commentary, Zondervan
NTL / OTL. The New / Old Testament Library - A Commentary, The
Westminster John Knox Press Philadelphia / SCM Press London.
NTR. New Testament Readings, Routledge, London / New York.
Pelican. The Pelican New Testament Commentaries, Penguin Books. Later
published as the Westminster Pelican Commentaries, Westminster Press,
Philadelphia (deceased).
Pentecostal. Pentecostal Commentary series, Deo Publishing, UK.
Phillips. The J.B. Phillips Commentaries, Macmillan and Fontana (deceased).
Pillar. The Pillar New Testament Commentary, Eerdmans/Apollos.
Reading. A Literary and Theological Commentary. Smyth and Helwys.
REBC. Revised Expositors Bible Commentary, Zondervan.
REC. Reformed Expository Commentary.
Sacra Pagina. Biblical Commentaries, Liturgical Press.
Sheffield Guides. Guides to the Old and New Testament, Sheffield Academic
SRC. The Socio-Rhetorical Commentary, Eerdmans.
Torch. The Torch Bible Commentaries, SCM Press, London and USA
TPI New Testament Commentaries, Trinity Press International and SCM
Press (deceased).
Tyndale. Tyndale Old/New Testament Commentaries. Inter-Varsity Press.
Wesleyan. The Wesleyan Bible Commentary, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans.
Word. Word Biblical Commentary, Word Books.
ZECNT. The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament,
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, USA.
Supplementary source-notes for the series of Exegetical Commentaries on the
Greek text produced by Pumpkin Cottage Publications.
Pumpkin Cottage Publications