0561-023 Graber 1
How successfully does TOMS Shoes apply its mission
statement when forming its marketing mix?
Candidate Name: Lauren Graber
Candidate Number: 000561-023
Business & Management SL Internal Assessment
Written Commentary
Word Count: 1,494
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Table of Contents
Title Page........................................1
Table of Contents...........................2
0561-023 Graber 3
TOMS Shoes is a for-profit shoe company based in Santa Monica, California. The
company designs and sells lightweight footwear and is philanthropically driven, stating that for
every shoe sold, they will donate a pair of shoes to a child in need. Founder Blake Mycoskie
originally started the company in 2006 after witnessing several Argentinean girls collecting
shoes for a shoe drive. Mycoskie decided to modify the current model of charity, creating a for-
profit company which would spend its finances on donating shoes rather than advertising.
Mycoskie believed that this method of charity would be more sustainable, leading to more
awareness and more shoes donated (On the Record, 2010). Four years later, TOMS still stands
by their humble origins, claiming the mission statement: “For every pair you purchase, TOMS
will give a pair to a child in need. One for one” (Our Movement, 2011).
Mission statements such as this one should be the root of the company’s marketing mix.
In this commentary, I pose the question “How successfully does TOMS Shoes apply its mission
statement when forming its marketing mix?” Thus, I will assess the successfulness of TOMS
Shoes in developing an adequate mix of product, place, promotion, and price. In order to
effectively achieve their mission statement, all of the company’s organizational objectives and
marketing mix must be derived from this statement. In the case of TOMS Shoes, this means that
all aspects of the business should contribute to its philanthropic mission.
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Mission statements are essential to any company because they are meant to guide the
business activity and ensure that every aspect of the business aligns with a single mission. This is
extremely important because it assists in the decision making process, creates a uniform,
organized business, and ensures a clear image (Cardani). A business can be assessed on how
successfully it aligns itself with its goals by comparing the mission statement to its marketing
mix. For TOMS Shoes, this mission statement is: “For every pair you purchase, TOMS will give
a pair to a child in need. One for one” (Our Movement, 2011). If TOMS Shoes is truly operating
under its philanthropic goals, then its marketing mix should reflect this statement.
Organizational Objectives
Before a company can truly align its marketing mix behind its mission statement, the
other aspects of its organizational objectives must also be in line with its mission (Cardani). The
following assesses how successfully TOMS’ objectives flow from its mission statement:
Aims/goals: The goal of TOMS Shoes is to donate shoes to children in need around the
world, specifically in Argentina, Ethiopia, and more (Our Movement, 2011). According to
document 3, TOMS had given away over one million pairs of shoes by September 2010 (Our
Movement, 2011). Clearly this goal directly follows the mission statement of TOMS, and based
on the numbers, it seems that TOMS is successfully living out this goal.
Social Responsibility: Another important objective of any business is its social
responsibility. TOMS capitalizes on this area, using their social and ethical objectives as a
marketing technique (Binkley, 2010). This fits their mission statement, since the entire mission is
socially and ethically driven.
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Target Audience: According to document 2, the primary target audience is college
students ages 19-24, both male and female, who are creative trend setters and socially aware or
are interested in becoming social active (Tom’s Shoes, Figure 4, 2010). The secondary target is
similar high school students ages 14-18 (Tom’s Shoes, Figure 4, 2010). Both of these audiences
are important because they are socially aware and willing to spread the message of TOMS Shoes,
thus they will help support the mission statement.
Overall, TOMS’ organizational objectives seem to align directly with its mission
statement. This clear connection between the business objectives and the mission statement
should assist TOMS in creating an adequate marketing mix as well, since business activity is
already flowing from the initial mission.
Marketing Mix
The marketing mix, comprised of product, promotion, place, and price, should also align
with the mission statement in order to achieve an organized, goal oriented company.
Product: As seen in document 2, the TOMS product is based on a simplistic design of
comfortable footwear. The product caters to its consumer by providing various designs and
colors, even allowing the consumer to design his or her own pair (Tom’s Shoes, Figure 2, 2010).
Overall, the product seems to reflect the charitable intentions of the company – simplistic,
comfortable, and individual. Each of these words align with the philanthropic mission: the
simplistic nature reflects the simplicity of giving, as well as the poverty stricken areas where the
shoes are donated; comfort reflects the company’s desire to provide a more comfortable life for
children around the world by providing shoes to otherwise shoeless children; finally, the
individuality of each shoe represents the individual need to give. Each of these descriptors
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contributes to TOMS’ image, which flows from their mission statement. Also, since TOMS have
a fairly recognizable style, they can become a symbol of the company’s cause. The recognizable
symbol is essential to a company like TOMS because it allows the consumer to feel pride in their
charitable actions, encouraging them to either buy a second pair or spread the word about
Promotion: TOMS’ promotional strategy relies primarily on word-of-mouth promotion.
Recently, however, TOMS has also received positive publicity through magazines, newscasts,
press releases, and third party websites and blogs, mainly because its mission of goodwill makes
for a quality and uplifting story (Binkley). In both these ways of promotion, TOMS relies heavily
on people: Mycoskie said in 2009 that “It’s really just about telling the story and getting it out
there… When we do that, more and more people will buy the shoes and want to be part of it and
want to help” (Lerman, 2009). By relying on this word-of-mouth promotion and positive
publicity, the company allows the product and mission to speak for itself and truly shine through.
In this way, it can maintain its charitable, small-business reputation and thus, follow its mission
statement successfully. Also, by allocating money that would otherwise be used for advertising
to donating shoes, TOMS can more successfully carry out its mission statement (On the Record,
2010). Basically, the capital raised from selling shoes is used on donations rather than putting it
back into the company through marketing. While this may not seem like a promotional strategy,
it is actually extremely successful since it not only follows its mission statement, but also
encourages the public and media to get involved.
Place: In the beginning, TOMS’ sales mostly came from phone orders or through the
Internet. As the business grew, TOMS began popping up in small, independent boutiques in
urban areas around the US. Currently, they can be found in many of these types of stores. These
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places target their typical customer, well-to-do teens and young adults who are interested in
charitable causes (Tom’s Shoes, Figure 4, 2010). According to Document 1, Mycoskie said in
2009 that they “look at retailers in a non-traditional way and really pick them based on how
passionate they are about [the] story. [They] pick stores that our willing to tell [the] story in a
very powerful way and get behind it” (Lerman, 2009). Clearly, the way in which TOMS choose
the place in which they are sold follows its mission statement. The places are locations which
will further its charitable cause as well as appeal to their target audience.
Price: The starting price for TOMS is $44; however, the prices can range anywhere from
$44-$100 (Tom’s Shoes, Figure 2, 2010). These prices ensure that the business can sustain itself
even when donating a pair of shoes along with every pair sold. Essentially, the customers are
paying for two pairs of shoes with each one they buy. At the same time, the prices are low
enough that they are still competitive in the shoe market in order to ensure that they still retain
their customer base (Tom’s Shoes, Figure 3, 2010). These prices seem to adequately reflect the
mission statement, as they ensure that the business has the financial base to essentially donate
half their products.
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Based on my analysis, TOMS Shoes successfully applies its mission statement to its
other organizational objectives and more importantly, its marketing mix. The company’s choices
for products, promotion, price, and place all reflect its mission statement as well as its aims,
target audience, and ethical objectives. The concept of a for-profit charity is extremely
innovative and unique, thus making the importance of a clear image all the more important. In
order to maintain this clear image, it is essential that the entire business revolve around the
singular mission statement. In the short four years that the young business has been operating,
they have already established a successful marketing mix that does align directly with its mission
statement. This success should assist the company within the shoe market and ensure that the
business-charity mix is sustainable in the future.
0561-023 Graber 9
Document 1:
Lerman, Emily. "TOMS Shoes Founder Blake Mycoskie Plans to Give Away 300,000
Pairs."PhiLAnthropist Interview. LAist: Los Angeles News, 15 Apr. 2009. Web. 14 Mar.
2011. <http://laist.com/2009/04/15/what_happens_when_you_travel.php>.
PhiLAnthropist Interview: TOMS Shoes Founder Blake Mycoskie
Plans to Give Away 300,000 Pairs in 2009
What happens when you travel to Argentina to learn how to
play Polo? You start a sustainable and socially conscious
shoe company. Of course.
Well, that is exactly what happened to Blake Mycoskie,
founder of TOMS shoes. After visiting the country in 2006
and witnessing the mass amounts of children without shoes
and its detrimental effects, he returned to the US
determined to eradicate this problem. And for the last 3
years, he has been doing just that.
For those unfamiliar with the company, the concept is
simple: for each pair of shoes they sell, the Santa Monica-
based company will give a pair to a child in need. Shortly
after starting the company, Blake and friends returned to
Argentina with 10,000 pairs of shoes for the children and
ever since then, thanks to the company's success, they have
been able to increase the breadth and scope of the project; 140,000 pairs have been given away in
Argentina, Ethiopia and parts of the Southern US. He plans to give away an additional 300,000
in 2009 alone.
Tomorrow, TOMS will launch their "One Day without Shoes" campaign, in order to raise
awareness about the impact a pair of shoes can have on a child’s life.
In today's world, it is all about what you can do to give back and give more, and we hope to see
the emergence and success of companies like TOMS, with a focus on increasing awareness and
driving social change.
LAist is a big fan of TOMS, so we were pleased to have the chance to talk to Blake about his
unique business model, empowering young people, their current projects in Ethiopia and meeting
with the Obama administration.
TOMS core and initial vision and goal was to provide children in need shoes. How has this
evolved and grown?
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Well now we've started focusing specifically on Southern Ethiopia where there is a horrible foot
disease called Podoconiosis that is completely preventable with shoes. We’re really focused on
that area. It’s almost like an elephantitus of the foot and it’s really grotesque. Specifically, now
we have a factory in Ethiopia helping create special leather boots for kids so they don’t get this
So, as we’ve grown our giving has become more focused on specifically preventing diseases for
kids in certain areas of the world but we’re still focused on coming with new great shoes that
people will continue to buy so that people will continue to support us season after season so we
can continue our giving.
You touched on a great point in your speech at the Clinton School of Public Service that
when “you are doing something good, people want to help you”. Especially now, how
crucial or pivotal has that been to the success of TOMS?
It’s been very critical…it’s really just about telling the story and getting it out there. And when
we do that, more and more people will buy the shoes and want to be part of it and want to help.
That’s really been a critical part of the mission; it is not just being like “we’re a brand and
we’re doing it ourselves” but rather getting people to write about it, email about it, share the
videos, write on the blog…it’s really a very inclusive company so that we can get more people
And you guys don’t do any advertising, right?
No. It’s really all just through media, viral videos, blogs
and Facebook. We’re launching a new website that we’ve
been working on for 6 months. There will be a lot more
community pages, ways to interact and get more involved
with TOMS. I’m really excited about this because I think it
will take the kind of “people being part of the brand” to a
whole other level.
We’re trying to integrate more web 2.0 and let people
know what they can do if they want to get more involved; if you want to have a style your
sole design party, it will tell you other people in the area who are doing so. We want to integrate
our community and our fans so it’s not just “I’m buying a pair of shoes” but rather hosting an
event, screening, or eventually even helping us design the line, so its really just a community of
people, and not like a company.
What has been the biggest challenge with this whole project?
The biggest challenge was the fact that we had no experience making shoes when we started, so
learning production, quality control, inventory and all the other business parts of being a shoe
and fashion company. No one on our team really had any experience, but we’ve been learning
that on an ongoing basis, but it has been the biggest challenge so far.
So have you brought anyone new on?
We brought in a guy from Asics and Nike.
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What has been the greatest and most unexpected lesson?
When you really give young people a lot of authority and opportunity, they can do amazing
things. Because of our giving level and because we’re a start up, we haven’t really had a lot of
money to hire a lot of “super-experienced” people, so we’ve hired people right out of college, or
even out of high school and given them a tremendous amount of responsibility and authority for
the lack of experience they have and for the most part I’ve been really impressed with how many
of them have really risen up and become really important assets to TOMS, do their jobs and get
things done in a way that people with maybe ten years of experience wouldn’t do.
Also, with our intern program it’s a way to see how many great ideas and efforts come out of
that program. It’s really about empowering people, and making people believe that they really
can make a difference and contribution no matter what their age or experience is, and when
given the tools and abilities to do so, amazing things happen.
Can you tell me more about the intern program?
There are two parts to it. We have the interns who spend the summer here in LA and we have the
Vagabonds. Vagabonds are interns who travel around the country hosting screenings and
parties and spread the word about TOMS to high school and colleges around the country. And
that’s become a big part of my thinking and a big part of the culture; you don’t necessarily need
the most experienced people, you just need people who are passionate, smart and hardworking.
What's your advice for people, young especially, who
want to take the social entrepreneurship route to give
back in their communities and want to make this
giving a full-time venture?
I think two things. For better or for worse, a lot of people
have been laid off and a lot of companies aren’t hiring,
but there are social ventures like TOMS out there and
often the best way to get involved is to volunteer some
time, and even if you are 40 years old and are not going
to do an internship, the truth is, if you have, lets say,
graphic design skills, and you’ve been laid off, maybe donate your skills to a not-for-profit or a
social venture like TOMS that you’re really passionate about, and often times through that
process, especially as an organization is growing, sometimes it can become an opportunity for
actual employment.
And I think a lot of people have seen that by getting involved in a socially focused venture that
they are not only fulfilling a financial needs but their spiritual and mental needs as well. I think
that’s why people love working at TOMS and I think were going to see a lot of other
organizations like TOMS popping up because it’s just kind of that right thing to do.
Has TOMS been able to stay profitable and sustainable?
Yes, it’s TOMS third full year. We’re definitely on a path to sustainability. We haven’t had to let
anyone go. If anything we’ve had to hire more people in the last two months. We’re right on plan
and we’re going to give away 300,000 shoes in 2009.
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How do you pick your retailers?
We look at retailers in a non-traditional way and we really pick them based on how passionate
they are about our story because we don’t think there is a certain type of person who likes
TOMS…so we feel our demographic is very wide so we should sell to a very wide variety of
stores, so we pick stores that our willing to tell our story in a very powerful way and get behind
I saw the new Vegan TOMS. How focused are you on using the most sustainable materials?
What is your commitment to environmental/sustainable practices?
The new line of shoes is made from 70% recycled plastic bottles and 30% hemp, so the fabric is
more sustainable than even an organic cotton. So we’re very much focused in that direction and
moving as fast as we can.
The pop-up store on Abbott Kinney was so successful you ended up staying longer than
planned. Any future plans for more pop-up stores?
No plans yet, but were thinking about San Francisco.
I heard you recently met with the Obama administration in the White House....
Yes, I was invited to go the White House and meet with the administration and specifically talk
about the Department of New Media. It’s cool because it’s the first time the White House has
ever had a Department of New Media and they invited myself and a few other entrepreneurs
involved with technology just to talk about what we're doing and how we can bring more
transparency to government.
What’s next for TOMS?
We’re just trying to get our community more involved in our mission, besides just buying a pair
of shoes. So there are a lot of ways we’re working with the new website and the social media
properties so people can host design parties, screening of the documentary film…really just
trying to get our community together offline as well as online so we can really create platforms
for social change, not with just shoes but with other big ideas out there.
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Document 2:
"Tom's Shoes Campaign." Issuu.com. The Clementine Group. 25 Mar. 2010. Web. 14 Mar.
2011. <http://issuu.com/siuc-soj/docs/toms_book_final>.
SWOT Analysis - Figure 1
Marketing Mix - Figure 2
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Competitive Matrix - Figure 3
Target Audience - Figure 4
0561-023 Graber 15
Document 3:
“Our Movement”. TOMS Shoes. < http://www.toms.com/our-movement/movement-one-for-
One for One
TOMS Shoes was founded on a simple premise: With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give
a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for One. Using the purchasing power of individuals to
benefit the greater good is what we're all about. The TOMS mission transforms our customers
into benefactors, which allows us to grow a truly sustainable business rather than depending on
fundraising for support.
Giving Is Catching On...
The TOMS mission of giving shoes has attracted other brands, resulting in unique and successful
collaborations. Ralph Lauren sold co-branded Polo Rugby TOMS, giving a matched pair with
every pair sold. Element Skateboards has issued limited edition TOMS + Element shoes as well
as a One for One skateboard. With every skateboard purchased, one will be given to a child at
the Indigo Skate Camp in Durban, South Africa. It is TOMS’ hope that as our One for One
movement continues to grow, more and more companies will look to incorporate giving into
what they do.
The TOMS Story
In 2006, American traveler Blake Mycoskie befriended children in Argentina and found they had
no shoes to protect their feet. Wanting to help, he created TOMS Shoes, a company that would
match every pair of shoes purchased with a pair of new shoes given to a child in need. One for
One. Blake returned to Argentina with a group of family, friends and staff later that year with
10,000 pairs of shoes made possible by TOMS customers. As of September 2010, TOMS has
given over one million pairs of new shoes to children in need through Giving Partners around the
Where We Currently Give
We currently give in 23 countries:
Argentina Honduras South Africa
Armenia Lesotho Swaziland
Burundi Malawi Uganda
Cambodia Mali United States
China Mongolia Zambia
El Salvador
Guatemala Peru
Haiti Rwanda
Thanks to customers like you, children all over Cambodia are wearing TOMS! The Steung
Meanchy landfill is one of the many places where our shoes are given. Here, kids get TOMS to
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protect against cuts, injuries and infections caused by metal, shards of glass, chemical waste and
sewage. In Cambodia, children wear their TOMS to meet the school uniform requirement as well
as to prevent contracting intestinal parasites that lead to malnutrition.
In Ethiopia, TOMS gives shoes through several Giving Partners who serve the most vulnerable
and impoverished children in the country. In certain regions of Ethiopia, wearing shoes and
practicing good hygiene can prevent podoconiosis, a disease that causes swelling of the feet and
legs due to prolonged exposure to irritant soil. In Addis Ababa, Ethiopia’s capital, our partners
work with HIV positive and street children, giving shoes to protect them from glass and metal
found on the city streets. Some of our Giving Partners also give children shoes as a part of
education initiatives that provide school supplies, nutrition and school uniforms.
In Malawi, TOMS gives shoes through several community based organizations (CBOs) serving
orphaned and vulnerable children all over the country. Children in primary school walk up to 5
kilometers each day to get to school, making it important for them to have durable footwear.
Malawian schools require that all secondary students wear a uniform with black shoes, which is
why our black canvas slip-on works well here. The CBOs also offer health programs where
children receive shoes and medication to protect them from dangerous parasitic infections.
The ground can get very hot in parts of Peru, which is why TOMS works with Giving Partners in
this country to give shoes to help protect children’s feet from burns. Additionally, shoes are
required for school attendance in Peru. Our Giving Partners also remind us that a new pair of
shoes provides a sense of dignity for the children in their programs, especially when it means
they have durable shoe for participating in a fundamental part of Peruvian culture: soccer!
South Africa
TOMS Giving Partners in South Africa work with children in densely populated and severely
impoverished areas. One of the locations, known as Missionvale in Port Elizabeth, is home to
more than 15,000 children who wear TOMS as protection from cuts, injuries and infections.
These children also value their new shoes because they can attend school without being ridiculed
or stigmatized.
0561-023 Graber 17
Binkley, Christina. "Charity Gives Toms Shoes Extra Shine." Business News & Financial News.
The Wall Street Journal, 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 14 Mar. 2011.
Cardani, Leann. "A Strategic Management Issue." Corporate Mission Statements. University of
St. Francis. Web. 27 Mar. 2011. <http://www.stfrancis.edu/content/ba/ghkickul/stuwebs/
Lerman, Emily. "TOMS Shoes Founder Blake Mycoskie Plans to Give Away 300,000
Pairs."PhiLAnthropist Interview. LAist: Los Angeles News, 15 Apr. 2009. Web. 14 Mar.
2011. <http://laist.com/2009/04/15/what_happens_when_you_travel.php>.
On The Record: TOMS Shoes' Blake Mycoskie. Perf. Melanie Wells and Blake
Mycoskie.Forbes.com. Web. 2010. 14 Mar. 2011. <http://video.forbes.com/fvn/cmo/
“Our Movement”. TOMS Shoes. < http://www.toms.com/our-movement/movement-one-for-
"Tom's Shoes Campaign." Issuu.com. The Clementine Group. 25 Mar. 2010. Web. 14 Mar.
2011. <http://issuu.com/siuc-soj/docs/toms_book_final>.