2022 State Reports -
Underage Drinking
Prevention and
This State Report is required by the Sober Truth on Preventing (STOP) Underage Drinking Act (Pub.
L. 109-422), enacted by Congress in 2006 and reauthorized in December 2016 as part of the 21st
Century Cures Act (Pub. L. 114-255). The STOP Act requires an annual report “on each State's
performance in enacting, enforcing, and creating laws, regulations, and programs to prevent or reduce
underage drinking.” As directed by the STOP Act, the State Reports were prepared by the Interagency
Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking (ICCPUD), chaired by Miriam
Delphin-Rittmon, Ph.D., the Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use, U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
Time Period Covered by this State Report: This State Report primarily includes data from calendar
year 2020 and 2021. Regional and state profile data were drawn from the most recently available
federal survey data as of 2020. State legal data reflect the status of the law as of January 1, 2021. State
survey data, collected in 2021, were drawn from the most recent 12-month period in which the states
maintained the data.
Source of Data: For each state, overall population information was taken from 2010 Census data. Data
about the portion of each state’s population comprising 12-to 20-year-olds, as well as facts about past-
month alcohol use and binge use, were averaged from the 2017 through 2020 National Surveys on
Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), SAMHSA’s Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality
(CBHSQ), and the NSDUH special data analysis (2021). Confidence intervals for these estimates are
available from CBHSQ’s Division of Surveillance and Data Collection on request. The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention’s Alcohol-Related Disease Impact (ARDI) application (updated May
2022) served as the resource for data about alcohol-attributable deaths from 20152019 among youth
under age 21. ARDI was also the source for state-level data on years of potential life lost as a result of
underage alcohol-related fatalities. The National Center for Statistics and Analysis’s Fatality Analysis
Reporting System (FARS) provided the 2020 data used to present statistics about fatalities among 15-
to 20-year-old drivers. State legal policy data were obtained from the following sources: 1) the
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism’s Alcohol Policy Information System (APIS)
website (https://alcoholpolicy.niaaa.nih.gov/); 2) legal research planned and managed by the ICCPUD.
Recommended Citation: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA; 2022). 2022 Arizona State Report Underage
Drinking Prevention and Enforcement. Rockville, MD: SAMHSA.
Staff Chair and Point of Contact, ICCPUD:
Robert M. Vincent, MS.Ed
Associate Administrator for Alcohol Prevention and Treatment Policy
ICCPUD Staff Chair
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP)
Office of the Director
Phone: (240) 276-1582
Arizona Governor’s Designated Contact for STOP Act State Survey:
Emma Hefton, MPH, MCHES
Grants Administrator SABG
Division of Grants Administration, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Phone: (602) 417-4748
Email: Emma.H[email protected]
State Population: 7,421,401
Population Ages 1220: 869,000
Past-Month Alcohol Use
Ages 1220
Past-Month Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 129,000 (14.8%)
Past-Month Binge Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 74,000 (8.5%)
Ages 1214
Past-Month Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 6,000 (2.0%)
Past-Month Binge Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 4,000 (1.3%)
Ages 1517
Past-Month Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 37,000 (13.1%)
Past-Month Binge Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 19,000 (6.8%)
Ages 1820
Past-Month Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 86,000 (28.1%)
Past-Month Binge Alcohol Use Number (Percentage) 51,000 (16.6%)
Adults Ages 21+
Past-Month Alcohol Use – (Percentage) 2,884,000 (55.7%)
Past-Month Binge Alcohol Use (Percentage) 1,306,000 (25.2%)
Average Age of Initiation
Average Age of Initiation 16.2
Alcohol-Attributable Deaths and Years of Potential Life Lost Under the Age of 21
Alcohol-Attributable Deaths (under 21) 101
Years of Potential Life Lost (under 21) 5,675
Fatal Crashes Involving a 15- to 20-Year-Old Driver With Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) > 0.01%
Number of Fatalities Involving 15- to 20-Year-Old Driver With BAC > 0.01% 20
Percentage of All Fatal Crashes Involving a 15- to 20-Year-Old Driver 16%
The Alcohol-Related Disease Impact Application was updated May 2022 to reflect new methodology for calculating the
average annual alcohol-attributable deaths, and it reflects national and state annual averages from 2015–2019.
Alcohol-related fatalities are estimates derived from a sophisticated statistical procedure. The estimates are rounded to the
nearest whole number; however, percentages as displayed are calculated from the unrounded estimates and may not equal
those calculated from the rounded estimates. Totals may not equal the sum of components due to independent rounding.
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Behavioral Health Services
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is the single state Medicaid agency
for the State of Arizona. In that capacity, it is responsible for operating the Title XIX and Title
XXI programs through the State’s 1115 Research and Demonstration Waiver, which allows for
the operation of a total managed care model.
AHCCCS’ mission “reaching across Arizona to provide comprehensive, quality health care to
those in need” is implemented through the vision of “shaping tomorrow’s managed care…from
today’s experience, quality, and innovation.” Built on a system of competition and choice,
AHCCCS’ $14 billion program operates under an integrated managed care model.
On October 1, 2018, AHCCCS took the largest step to date toward this strategic goal of fully
integrated care delivery when 1.6 million members were enrolled in one of AHCCCS’ Complete
Care (ACC) health plans and American Indian Health Plans (AIHP). ACC plans and AIHP
provide a comprehensive network of providers to deliver all covered physical and behavioral
health services to child and adult members without a Serious Mental Illness (SMI) designation.
The ACC plans and AIHP also provide services for members with Children’s Rehabilitative
Services (CRS) conditions. ACC plans and AIHP address the whole health needs of our state’s
Medicaid population which is vitally important to improving service delivery for AHCCCS
members and reducing the fragmentation that has existed in our healthcare system. The YH19-
0001 AHCCCS Complete Care Request for Proposal [ACC RFP (Request for Proposals)]
awarded in March of 2018 resulted in seven awarded ACC plans across the state in three
Geographic Service Areas: north, central, and south.
Through the ACC contracts, Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s) are responsible for
providing physical, behavioral, and long-term care services. AHCCCS also operates the
American Indian Health Program (AIHP), a fee for service program that is responsible for care
for American Indian members who select AIHP. AHCCCS also has five unique
intergovernmental agreements with Tribal Regional Health Authorities (TRBHAs) for the
coordination of behavioral health services for American Indian members enrolled with a
TRBHA. The YH19-0001 AHCCCS Complete Care Request for Proposal (ACC RFP) awarded
in March of 2018 resulted in seven awarded ACC plans across the state in three Geographic
Service Areas: North, Central, and South. Three of these ACC plans are affiliated with current
AHCCCS Regional Behavioral Health Authorities (RBHA) and were required to align the
RBHA and ACC contracts under one organization.
In addition to overseeing the managed care organizations that provide Medicaid-funded health
care services, AHCCCS serves as the Single State Authority on substance use, and as the State
Mental Health Authority (SMHA) responsible for the state public mental health service delivery
system administration. AHCCCS is the agency responsible for mental health and substance use
and provides oversight, coordination, planning, administration, regulations, and monitoring of all
facets of the public behavioral health system in Arizona.
Extracted from fiscal year (FY) 2022/2023 – (Arizona) State Behavioral Health Assessment and Plan, Substance Abuse
Prevention and Treatment Block Grant (SABG), CSAP, Division of State Programs, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment,
Division of State and Community Assistance: Planning Step One. Assess the strengths and needs of the service system to
address the specific populations.
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Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) Primary Prevention
To streamline prevention services, AHCCCS made the decision to administer the prevention
contracts directly. This decision was effective as of July 1, 2021, and AHCCCS procured 20
local community-based coalitions through a competitive Request for Proposal (RFP) process. In
addition to the administration of funding for local community-based prevention coalitions,
AHCCCS has Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) with two of the state’s TRBHAs, the
Pascua Yaqui Tribe and the Gila River Indian Community, to administer SABG primary
prevention funding to tribal populations within the state. AHCCCS also has a relationship with
the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith, and Family (GOYFF) to provide substance abuse
prevention services through Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) and community-based
organizations. All SABG Primary Prevention efforts are administered utilizing the Strategic
Prevention Framework (SPF) Model from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration (SAMHSA) with these funds. AHCCCS currently utilizes a variety of providers
to implement prevention services, including community-based coalitions, schools, and various
state agencies. AHCCCS prevention efforts currently focus on several substances, including
alcohol, tobacco, prescription drugs, and opioids. AHCCCS prevention efforts include focusing
on a Risk and Protective Factor Theory, which includes reducing risk factors, and increasing
protective factors, in a variety of settings. To address the unique needs of the state with these
funds, AHCCCS will also address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma to ensure
all high-risk individuals are receiving the appropriate types of services. AHCCCS will continue
to support all prevention providers in offering services virtually, as appropriate, to ensure the
health and safety of all participants. All primary prevention services will serve populations
according to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) categories as follows: Universal (Indirect and
Direct), Selective, and Indicated.
Substance Abuse Block Grant (SABG) Treatment
SABG funds are used to ensure access to interventions, treatment, and long-term recovery
support services for (in order of priority):
1. Pregnant women (including teenagers) who use drugs by injection,
2. Pregnant women (including teenagers) who use substances,
3. Other persons who use drugs by injection,
4. Substance using women and teenagers with dependent children and their families, including
females who are attempting to regain custody of their children, and
5. All other individuals with a substance use disorder, regardless of gender or route of use, (as
funding is available).
Expenditures for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment
All states receive federal funds for substance abuse prevention through SABG funds
administered by SAMHSA. Exhibit 1 shows the sources that Arizona used for expenditures on
substance abuse prevention and treatment in 2021. As indicated, Medicaid funds and SABG
funds account for the largest sources (86.59 percent and 7.03 percent, respectively).
WebBGAS State Profile, 2021 SABG and Community Mental Health Block Grant (MHBG) Reports Arizona 2021.
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
States submit Behavioral Assessment and Plan reports that include their priorities for use of
SABG funds, as well as planned expenditures. For FY 2022–2023, Arizona designated reducing
the number of underage persons at high risk for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use as the
number one priority for use of SABG funds. Decreasing the percentage of youth reporting past
month alcohol use was designated the number two priority.
Exhibit 1: Sources of Arizona’s 2021 Expenditures for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment
FY 2022/2023 (Arizona) State Behavioral Assessment and Plan, SABG, CSAP, Division of State Programs, Center for Substance
Abuse Treatment, Division of State and Community Assistance: Table 1: Priority Areas and Annual Performance Indicators.
State Reports | Arizona
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State Performance: Laws, Enforcement, and Programs
As mandated by the STOP Act, this report details Arizona’s performance in enacting, enforcing,
and creating laws, regulations, and programs to prevent or reduce underage drinking.
The following sections address these measures:
State Laws and Policies: These underage drinking prevention policies have been identified as
best practices (or as promising practices suitable for ongoing evaluation) and fall into six
underage possession or purchase of alcohol
underage drinking and driving
alcohol availability
sales and delivery to consumers at home
alcohol pricing
enforcement policies
STOP Act State Survey Data: The STOP Act requires annual reporting of data from the 50 states
and the District of Columbia on their performance in enacting, enforcing, and creating laws,
regulations, and programs to prevent or reduce underage drinking. Administered since 2011, the
STOP Act State Survey collects data on the following topics:
enforcement programs to promote compliance with underage drinking laws and
programs targeted to youth, parents, and caregivers to deter underage drinking
state interagency collaborations to implement prevention programs, best-practice
standards, collaborations with tribal governments, and participation in underage drinking
media campaigns
state expenditures on the prevention of underage drinking
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Underage Possession or Purchase of Alcohol
Arizona-Underage Possession
Is underage possession of alcoholic beverages
Are there exceptions based on family
Is possession allowed if parent or guardian is
present or consents?
Is possession allowed if spouse is present or
Is there an exception based on location? No
Arizona-Underage Consumption
Is underage consumption of alcoholic beverages
Are there exceptions based on family
Is consumption allowed if parent or guardian
is present or consents?
Is consumption allowed if spouse is present or
Is there an exception based on location? No
Arizona-Underage Internal Possession
Is underage internal possession of alcoholic
beverages prohibited?
No law
Are there exceptions based on family
Is internal possession allowed if parent or
guardian is present or consents?
Is internal possession allowed if spouse is
present or consents?
Is there an exception based on location? N/A
Notes: Although Arizona does not prohibit Internal Possession as defined in this report, it has a
statutory provision that makes it unlawful, "[f]or a person under the age of twenty-one years to have in
the person's body any spirituous liquor." Ariz. Rev. Stat. § 4-244. Laws that prohibit minors from having
alcohol in their bodies, but which do so without reference to a blood, breath, or urine test, are not
considered as prohibiting Internal Possession as defined in this report.
Arizona-Underage Purchase and Attempted Purchase
Is the purchase of alcoholic beverages
May youth purchase for law enforcement
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Arizona-Underage False Identification for Obtaining Alcohol
Provisions Targeting Minors
Is the use of false identification (ID) prohibited? Yes
Does the use of a false ID result in minor’s
driver’s license suspension?
Yes, through both a judicial and administrative
Provisions Targeting Suppliers
Is the lending or transferring or selling of a false
ID prohibited?
Is the production of a false ID in the context of
underage alcohol sales specifically prohibited?
Retailer Support Provisions
Is there an incentive for the retailer to use
electronic scanners for information digitally
encoded on valid IDs?
Do state statutes or regulations mandate that
state driver’s licenses for persons under 21 be
easily distinguishable from licenses for persons
21 and over?
May the retailer seize apparently false IDs
without fear of prosecution even if the ID is
ultimately deemed valid?
Does an affirmative defense exist for the retailer? Yes
Is it a specific affirmative defense (retailer
reasonably believed ID was valid after
examining it)?
Is it a general affirmative defense (retailer
reasonably believed purchaser was over 21)?
Does the retailer have the right to sue the minor
for use of a false ID?
May the retailer detain a minor who used a false
Underage Drinking and Driving
Arizona-Youth Blood Alcohol Concentration Limits (Underage Operators of Noncommercial Motor
What is the maximum blood alcohol
concentration (BAC) limit for an underage driver
of a motor vehicle?
Does a BAC level in excess of limit automatically
establish a violation (per se violation)?
What is the minimum age to which the limit
What is the maximum age to which the limit
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Arizona-Loss of Driving Privileges for Alcohol Violations by Minors (“Use/Lose” Laws)
Is there a “use/lose” law that suspends or
revokes a minor’s driving privileges for alcohol
What types of violation lead to license
suspension or revocation?
Purchase of alcohol
Possession of alcohol
Consumption of alcohol
The law applies to people under what age? 18
Is suspension or revocation mandatory or
What is the length of suspension/revocation?
Minimum number of days 0
Maximum number of days 180
Arizona-Graduated Driver’s Licenses
Learner Stage
What is the minimum age for permit to drive with
parents, guardians or other adults (other than
15 years, 6 months
What is the minimum number of months driver
must hold learner permit before advancing to
intermediate stage?
What is the minimum number of hours of driving
with parents, guardians or adults before
advancing to intermediate stage?
0 with driver education; 30 hours without (10 of
which must be at night)
Intermediate Stage
What is the minimum age for driving without
adult supervision?
For night driving, when does adult supervision
requirement begin?
Can law enforcement stop a driver for night
driving violation as a primary offense?
Are there restrictions on passengers? Yes, no more than one passenger under 18 who is
not driver's sibling, unless accompanied by a
parent or guardian
Can law enforcement stop driver for violation of
passenger restrictions as a primary offense?
License Stage
What is the minimum age for full license
privileges and lifting of restrictions?
16 years, 6 months
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Alcohol Availability
Arizona-Furnishing Alcohol to Minors
Is furnishing of alcoholic beverages to minors
Are there exceptions based on family
Is furnishing allowed if the parent or guardian
supplies the alcohol?
Is furnishing allowed if the spouse supplies
the alcohol?
Is there an exception based on location? No
Affirmative Defense for Sellers and Licensees
Does law require seller/licensee to be exonerated
of furnishing to a minor if the minor has not been
Arizona-Responsible Beverage Service (RBS)Voluntary
Is there a state law pertaining to Beverage
Service Training?
Yes, voluntary
If training is mandatory, who must participate? N/A
If training is voluntary, which of the following
incentives are offered?
Defense in dram shop liability lawsuits
Discounts in dram shop liability insurance,
license fees, or other
Mitigation of fines or other administrative
penalties for sales to minors or intoxicated
Protection against license revocation for sales
to minors or sales to intoxicated persons
Does the RBS law apply to on-premises
establishments (such as bars and restaurants) or
off-premises establishments (such as liquor
Does the RBS law apply to new or existing
Arizona-Minimum Ages for Sellers of Alcohol Off-Premises (i.e., Liquor Stores)
What is the minimum age requirement for off-
premises retail establishments?
Beer 16
Wine 16
Spirits 16
Does a manager or supervisor have to be present
when an underage person is selling beverages?
Notes: The age of the supervising person need only be 18 years of age.
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Arizona-Minimum Age for Alcohol Servers and Bartenders On-Premises (i.e., Restaurants and
What is the minimum age requirement for
servers in on-premises establishments?
Beer 18
Wine 18
Spirits 18
What is the minimum age requirement for
bartenders in on-premises establishments?
Beer 18
Wine 18
Spirits 18
Does a manager or supervisor have to be present
when an underage person is selling beverages?
Arizona-Distance Limitations Applied to New Alcohol Outlets Near Universities, Colleges, and
Primary and Secondary Schools
Colleges and Universities
Is there a distance requirement for off-premises
outlets (i.e., liquor stores)?
Is there a distance requirement for on-premises
outlets (i.e., restaurants and bars)?
To which alcohol products does requirement
Primary and Secondary Schools
Is there a distance requirement for off-premises
outlets (i.e., liquor stores)?
Yes, within 300 feet.
Is there a distance requirement for on-premises
outlets (i.e., restaurants and bars)?
Yes, within 300 feet.
To which alcohol products does requirement
Beer, wine, and spirits
Notes: Exceptions are 1) restaurants; 2) hotel-motels; 3) government; and 4) golf courses. In addition,
case-by-case exemptions may apply for certain licenses within entertainment districts.
Arizona-Dram Shop Liability
Does a statute create dram shop liability? Yes
Does the statute limit damages that may be
Does the statute limit who may be sued? No
Does the statute limit elements or standards of
Does common law dram shop liability exist? Yes
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Arizona-Social Host Liability
Does a statute create social host liability? No
Does the statute limit damages that may be
Does the statute limit who may be sued? N/A
Does the statute limit elements or standards of
Does common law social host liability exist? Yes
Arizona-Prohibitions Against Hosting Underage Drinking Parties
Does a statute prohibit hosting underage drinking
Is the statute specific to underage parties, or a
general prohibition against permitting underage
drinking on the property?
What action by underage guest triggers a
Possession and consumption
Property type covered by the law? Residential/outdoor/other
What level of knowledge by the host is required? Knowledge (Host must have actual knowledge of
Does host’s preventive action protect him/her
from being held liable?
Are there any exceptions for underage guests? No
Alaska-Keg Registration
How is a keg defined (in gallons)? No law
Is it illegal to possess an unregistered or
unlabeled keg and if so, what is the penalty?
No law
Is it illegal to destroy the label on a keg, and if so,
what is the penalty?
No law
What purchaser information is collected?
Must the retailer collect the name and address? No law
Must the retailer collect the ID number, name
and address on license or other government
No law
Must the retailer collect the address at which keg
will be consumed?
No law
Must warning information be given to purchaser? No law
Is a deposit required? No law
Does law cover disposable kegs? No law
Arizona-High-Proof Grain Alcohol Beverages
Are there restrictions on the sale of high-proof
grain alcohol beverages?
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Are restrictions based on Alcohol by Volume
Are there exceptions to restrictions? N/A
Sales and Delivery to Consumers at Home
Arizona-Retailer Interstate Shipments of Alcohol
Are out-of-state retailers prohibited from sending
interstate shipments to in-state consumers?
Beer Prohibited
Wine Prohibited
Spirits Prohibited
Arizona-Direct Shipments/Sales
May alcohol producers ship directly to
What alcohol types may be shipped? Wine and distilled spirits
Must purchaser make mandatory trip to
producer before delivery is authorized?
Age verification requirements
Must the producer/shipper verify purchaser’s age
before sale?
Must the common carrier (deliverer) verify age of
State approval/permit requirements
Must the producer/manufacturer obtain state
license or permit?
Must the common carrier (deliverer) be
approved by a state agency?
Recording/reporting requirements
Must the producer/manufacturer record/report
purchaser’s name?
Must the common carrier (deliverer)
record/report recipient’s name?
Shipping label requirements
Must the label state “Package contains alcohol”? Yes (applies to wine shipments)
Must the label state “Recipient must be 21 years
Notes: A farm winery that produces not more than 20,000 gallons of wine and a craft distillery that
produces not more than 1,189 gallons of distilled spirits in a calendar year may make sales and
deliveries of their product to consumers who order by telephone, mail, fax, or through the internet.
State Reports | Arizona
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Arizona-Home Delivery
Is home delivery of alcohol permitted?
Beer Permitted
Wine Permitted
Spirits Permitted
Arizona-Direct to Consumer
Is there a policy allowing on-premises retailers to
deliver alcohol to a consumer at home?
Which on-premises retailers can provide delivery
of alcoholic beverages?
Bar license
Third party license
Yes, with state permit
Which types of alcohol are permitted to be
Mixed Drinks
Requirements and Restrictions
Are there restrictions in place addressing details
of the delivery?
Hours limited
Amount of alcohol limited
Food requirement
Are there certain requirements that the delivery
person must meet?
Must be 21
Must check ID at point of delivery
Must receive payment regardless of
delivery completion
Notes: Food requirement only required for mixed cocktails sold by restaurants.
Alcohol Pricing
Arizona-Alcohol Taxes
Control system for beer? No
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Specific excise tax per gallon for 5% alcohol beer $0.16
Ad valorem excise tax (for on-premises sales) on
total receipts for 5% alcohol beer
Wholesale tax rate (if applicable)
Retail tax rate (if applicable)
If retail tax rate applies, is there an exemption
from general sales tax?
General sales tax rate
Not relevant
Sales tax adjusted retail tax rate (the retail tax
minus the general sales tax, where there is an
exemption from the general sales tax)
Not relevant
Ad valorem excise tax (for off-premises sales) on
total receipts for 5% alcohol beer
Wholesale tax rate (if applicable)
Retail tax rate (if applicable)
If retail tax rate applies, is there an exemption
from general sales tax?
General sales tax rate
Not relevant
Sales tax adjusted retail tax rate (the retail tax
minus the general sales tax, where there is an
exemption from the general sales tax)
Not relevant
Additional taxes for 3.2 6% alcohol beer if
Control system for wine? No
Specific excise tax per gallon for 12% alcohol
Ad valorem excise tax (for on-premises sales) on
total receipts for 12% alcohol wine
Wholesale tax rate (if applicable)
Retail tax rate (if applicable)
If retail tax rate applies, is there an exemption
from general sales tax?
General sales tax rate
Not relevant
Sales tax adjusted retail tax rate (the retail tax
minus the general sales tax, where there is an
exemption from the general sales tax)
Not relevant
Ad valorem excise tax (for off-premises sales) on
total receipts for 12% alcohol wine
Wholesale tax rate (if applicable)
State Reports | Arizona
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Retail tax rate (if applicable)
If retail tax rate applies, is there an exemption
from general sales tax?
General sales tax rate
Not relevant
Sales tax adjusted retail tax rate (the retail tax
minus the general sales tax, where there is an
exemption from the general sales tax)
Not relevant
Additional taxes for 6 14% alcohol wine if
Control system for spirits? No
Specific excise tax per gallon for 40% alcohol
Ad valorem excise tax (for on-premises sales) on
total receipts for 40% alcohol spirits
Wholesale tax rate (if applicable)
Retail tax rate (if applicable)
If retail tax rate applies, is there an exemption
from general sales tax?
General sales tax rate
Not relevant
Sales tax adjusted retail tax rate (the retail tax
minus the general sales tax, where there is an
exemption from the general sales tax)
Not relevant
Ad valorem excise tax (for off-premises sales) on
total receipts for 40% alcohol spirits
Wholesale tax rate (if applicable)
Retail tax rate (if applicable)
If retail tax rate applies, is there an exemption
from general sales tax?
General sales tax rate
Not relevant
Sales tax adjusted retail tax rate (the retail tax
minus the general sales tax, where there is an
exemption from the general sales tax)
Not relevant
Additional taxes for 15 50% alcohol spirits if
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Arizona-Low-Price, High-Volume Drink Specials
Are on-premises retailers prohibited from
offering the following types of drink specials?
Free beverages No
Multiple servings at one time No
Multiple servings for same price as single serving No
Reduced price for a specified day or time (i.e.,
happy hours)
Unlimited beverages for fixed price Yes
Increased volume without increase in price No
Arizona-Wholesaler Pricing Restrictions
Are volume discounts to retailers allowed? No law
Must wholesalers establish a minimum markup
or maximum discount for each product sold to
No law
Must wholesalers publicly post and hold (i.e., not
reduce) prices for a set period of time?
No law
Is wholesaler permitted to extend credit to
retailer and if so, what is the maximum time
Are volume discounts to retailers allowed? No law
Must wholesalers establish a minimum markup
or maximum discount for each product sold to
No law
Must wholesalers publicly post and hold (i.e., not
reduce) prices for a set period of time?
No law
Is wholesaler permitted to extend credit to
retailer and if so, what is the maximum time
Are volume discounts to retailers allowed? No law
Must wholesalers establish a minimum markup
or maximum discount for each product sold to
No law
Must wholesalers publicly post and hold (i.e., not
reduce) prices for a set period of time?
No law
Is wholesaler permitted to extend credit to
retailer and if so, what is the maximum time
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Enforcement Policies
Arizona-Compliance Check Protocols
Does the state have a written protocol for when
an underage decoy is used in compliance checks?
What is the minimum age a decoy may be to
participate in a compliance check?
What is the maximum age a decoy may be to
participate in a compliance check?
Are there appearance requirements for the
Yes; the person's appearance is that of a person
who is under the legal drinking age.
Does decoy carry ID during compliance check? Discretionary (if asked, they must present a valid
May decoy verbally exaggerate his or her actual
Is decoy training mandated, recommended,
prohibited, or not specified?
Not specified
Arizona-Penalty Guidelines for Sales to Minors
Are there written guidelines for penalties that are
imposed on retailers for furnishing to a minor?
What is the time period for defining second,
third, and subsequent offenses?
Two years
What is the penalty for the first offense? $1,000 to $2,000
What is the penalty for the second offense? $2,000 to $3,000 and/or up to 30-day suspension
What is the penalty for the third offense? $3,000 and/or up to 30-day suspension
What is the penalty for the fourth offense? N/A
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Arizona State Survey Responses
State Agency Information
Agency with primary responsibility for enforcing underage drinking laws:
Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control
Enforcement Strategies
State law enforcement agencies use:
Cops in Shops
Shoulder Tap Operations
Party Patrol Operations or Programs
Underage AlcoholRelated Fatality Investigations
Local law enforcement agencies use:
Cops in Shops
Shoulder Tap Operations
Party Patrol Operations or Programs
Underage AlcoholRelated Fatality Investigations
State has a program to investigate and enforce direct sales/shipment laws
Primary state agency responsible for enforcing laws addressing direct
sales/shipments of alcohol to minors
Not applicable
Such laws are also enforced by local law enforcement agencies
Not applicable
Enforcement Statistics
State collects data on the number of minors found in possession
Number of minors found in possession
by state law
enforcement agencies
Not applicable
Number pertains to the 12 months ending
Not applicable
Data include arrests/citations issued by local law enforcement agencies
Not applicable
State conducts underage compliance checks/decoy operations
to determine whether
alcohol retailers are complying with laws prohibiting sales to minors
Data are collected on these activities
Number of retail licensees in state
Approximately 13,000
licensed establishments
Number of licensees checked for compliance by state agencies
(including random checks)
Number of licensees that failed state compliance checks
Numbers pertain to the 12 months ending
Compliance checks/decoy operations conducted at on-sale, off-sale, or both retail
Both on- and off-sale
State conducts random underage compliance checks/decoy operations
Number of licensees subject to random state compliance checks/decoy operations
Not applicable
Number of licensees that failed random state compliance checks
Not applicable
Local agencies conduct underage compliance checks/decoy operations to determine
whether alcohol retailers are complying with laws prohibiting sales to minors
Don’t know/no answer
Data are collected on these activities
Don’t know/No answer
Number of licensees checked for compliance by local agencies
Not applicable
Number of licensees that failed local compliance checks
Not applicable
Numbers pertain to the 12 months ending
Not applicable
State collects data on fines imposed on retail establishments that furnish to minors
Don't know
Number of fines imposed by the state
Not applicable
Total amount in fines across all licensees
Not applicable
Smallest fine imposed
Not applicable
State Reports | Arizona
18 | 2022 State Reports Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement
Largest fine imposed Not applicable
Numbers pertain to the 12 months ending Not applicable
State collects data on license suspensions imposed on retail establishments specifically
for furnishing to minors
Number of suspensions imposed by the state
Total days of suspensions across all licensees No data
Shortest period of suspension imposed (in days) No data
Longest period of suspension imposed (in days) No data
Numbers pertain to the 12 months ending 12/31/2020
State collects data on license revocations imposed on retail establishments specifically
for furnishing to minors
Number of license revocations imposed
Numbers pertain to the 12 months ending 12/31/2020
Additional Clarification
No data
Or having consumed or purchased per state statutes.
Underage compliance checks/decoy operations to determine whether alcohol retailers are complying with laws prohibiting
sales to minors.
Excluding special licenses such as temporary, seasonal, and common carrier licenses.
Does not include fines imposed by local agencies.
Does not include suspensions imposed by local agencies.
Does not include revocations imposed by local agencies.
Underage Drinking Prevention Programs Operated or Funded by the State
Ajo Substance Abuse Prevention and Education Coalition (SAPE) Arizona Youth
Number of youth served 404
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 219
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: https://azyp.org/progra
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to maintain an effective coalition, reduce
marijuana usage by youth, and reduce underage drinking.
Be Awesome Youth Coalition Maricopa, Arizona
Number of youth served 147,607
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 244,025
adult contacts
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: www.beawesomeyouth
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to reduce underage drinking in Maricopa,
reduce youth marijuana use in Maricopa, and reduce marijuana and tobacco vaping.
Douglas Community Coalition La Frontera SEABHS
Number of youth served 1,250
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 1,375 adult
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: https://www.douglasaz.
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to reduce underage drinking in youth ages
1320 years old and to reduce misuse and abuse of medications in youth.
Healthy People Coalition (HPC) - Native American Advancement Foundation (NAAF)
Number of youth served 131
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 54
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: https://www.healthype
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to decrease underage drinking and binge
drinking, decrease youth drug use of marijuana, heroin, meth, and opioids, increase alcohol perception of harm,
and increase awareness of medication abuse.
Refugee Integrated Services Provider Network (RISP-Net) La Frontera Center
Number of youth served 71
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 485
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
State Reports | Arizona
20 | 2022 State Reports Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement
URL for more program information:
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to reduce underage drinking and marijuana
use, increase awareness about vaping, and increase awareness about prescription drug use and misuse.
San Carlos Apache Tribe Wellness Center
Number of youth served 2,340
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 4,274
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: https://scatwellnesscen
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to increase alcohol perception of harm and
reduce underage use, decrease health issues associated with long-term substance use, and decrease suicide
attempts and completions.
Yuma County Anti-Drug Coalition (YCADC) - YMCA Yuma, Arizona
Number of youth served 128
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 1,415
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: https://www.facebook.
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to decrease underage drinking, reduce
marijuana use, and maintain an effective coalition.
Youth Empowerment and LGBTQ Leadership (Y.E.L.L.) Southern Arizona AIDS
Foundation (SAAF)
Number of youth served 46
Number of parents served Not identified by
subgroups 18
Number of caregivers served No data
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available Yes
URL for evaluation report: Quarterly and annual
reports are created by
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
the University of
Arizona and available
upon request.
URL for more program information: https://www.facebook.
Program Description: Substance abuse prevention program with goals to increase perception of harm of
prescription medication misuse, increase alcohol perception of harm using refusal skills development, maintain
coalition focusing on substance use and the LGBTQIA community, and establish social media campaigns to raise
awareness about drug use.
Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) High School Curriculum
Number of youth served 99
Number of parents served 0
Number of caregivers served 0
Program has been evaluated Yes
Evaluation report is available No
URL for evaluation report: Not applicable
URL for more program information: No data
Program Description: Teaching TGFD in Kingman, Bullhead City, and Lake Havasu City to high school-aged youth.
This curriculum is designed to reduce students’ intention to use alcohol and other drugs.
The Dangers of Alcohol and Underage Drinking
Number of youth served 222
Number of parents served 0
Number of caregivers served 16
Program has been evaluated No
Evaluation report is available Not applicable
URL for evaluation report: Not applicable
URL for more program information: No data
Program Description: -Adolescent Alcohol Use & Risk: The presentation reviews an in-depth decision on the
dangers of underage drinking and the consequences associated with it. Parents and educators learn
communication tips, along with creating a family safety plan to build protective factors in their child. This
presentation can be provided in English and Spanish.
-The Risk of Underage Drinking for youth provides an in-depth look at the dangers of underage drinking and
identifies various types of risky behaviors associated with alcohol consumption. Youth ages 1218 will leave the
course having learned the health risks (both mental and physical) and legal ramifications of drinking, as well as
strategies for resistance. We incorporate “Fatal Vision” goggles for students who then practice a “field sobriety
test” to provide a realistic understanding of impairment. The presentation for adults is designed for parents,
guardians, and those who directly work with youth. It focuses on the risks associated with underage drinking, the
latest trends, and the laws and consequences of alcohol possession or consumption by a youth. Participants learn
skills and ways to engage youth to decrease the likelihood that they will experiment with drugs or alcohol, as well
as how to begin a proper dialogue with youth about substance use.
Additional Underage Drinking Prevention Programs Operated or Funded by the State
Arizona Partnership for SuccessShared goals for the Arizona-PFS (AZ-PFS) project include the reduction of
marijuana use and underage drinking among youth ages 920 and increasing capacity of educated/certified
substance abuse prevention workers.
-2,200 youth and 4,149 parents and/or caregivers served.
-No report available
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22 | 2022 State Reports Underage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement
Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and PreventionFunds programs that increase and enhance
parental involvement and increase education about the serious risks and public health problems caused by the
abuse of alcohol and controlled substances.
-19,682 youth and 11,311 parents served.
- Report at https://goyff.az.gov/sites/default/files/meeting-documents/materials/wellington.pdf
High School Health and Wellness ProgramDesigned by the Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family (GOYFF)
to help prevent the early onset of the use of alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs.
-18,224 youth and 2,000 parents served.
-No report available
Trauma Informed Substance Abuse Prevention ProgramDesigned by the GOYFF to support and expand the
utilization of the principles of trauma-informed care (TIC) in a comprehensive approach to preventing substance
abuse among youth, adults, and families.
-1,200 youth and 55 parents served
-No report available
Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control Underage Alcohol Prevention ProgramThis prevention
campaign targets teens, licensed establishments, and law enforcement officers across the state to educate
Arizonans on the dangers and consequences of consuming alcohol while underage.
-2,953 youth served.
-No report available
Stand with Me, Be Drug Free CurriculaSubstance use prevention curriculum for Kindergarten to 12th grade
- 1,077 youth served
-No report available
Keep a Clear MindEvidenced-based substance use prevention curriculum.
-1,293 youth served
-Report at https://www.keepaclearmind.com/keep-a-clear-mind
Impaired Driving CurriculumIn-classroom substance use prevention curriculum.
-108 youth served
-No report available
Maricopa County Urban Indian Coalition of AZ (UICAZ)Program goal is to reduce alcohol, marijuana, prescription
drugs, and other drug use among American Indian youth in Maricopa County.
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
-31,030 unduplicated youth and 141,704 unduplicated, uncategorized adults served.
-https://phxindcenter.org/prevention-services/ and https://www.facebook.com/UrbanIndianCoalitionofArizona
-Quarterly reports collected by Mercy Care RBHA (funder); no formal evaluation other than output data is available
for past fiscal year.
Helping Enrich African American Lives (HEAAL) CoalitionProgram goal is to increase the health and wellness of
African American individuals, families, and others in Maricopa County with regard to the use of alcohol, marijuana,
and prescription drugs among youth.
-244,810 unduplicated youth and 504,856 unduplicated adults (does not identify parents separately) served.
-Quarterly reports collected by Mercy Care RBHA (funder); no formal evaluation other than output data is available
for past fiscal year.
SafeOut LGBTQ Youth CoalitionOverall goal of the SafeOut program is to reduce substance use and excessive
alcohol consumption among LGBTQ individuals ages 1326 in Maricopa County.
-52,807 unduplicated youth and 61,654 unduplicated adults (does not identify parents separately) served.
-Quarterly reports collected by Mercy Care RBHA (funder); no formal evaluation other than output data is available
for past fiscal year.
Additional Clarification
No data
Additional Information Related to Underage Drinking Prevention Programs
State collaborates with federally recognized tribal governments in the prevention of
underage drinking
Description of collaboration:
-Healthy People Coalition: Native American Advancement Foundation (NAAF)
Comprised of community members of Gu Vo District on the Tohono O’odham Nation, the Healthy People
Coalition will utilize effective prevention strategies, activities, and evidence-based curriculum to promote
healthful behaviors, decisions, and environments that will reduce, postpone, or eliminate the problematic use
of alcohol and illicit substances among the youth of Gu Vo District.
-San Carlos Apache Tribe Wellness Center
The Wellness Center offers individual, family, and group counseling and therapy; has numerous treatment
groups and a DUI psycho education program that meets state certification; offers crisis stabilization
throughout the community (San Carlos Hospital ER, Detention Center, schools, etc.); offers a 4-hours-a-day, 5-
days-a-week psychosocial rehabilitation program; and has an award-winning prevention program that offers
education and health promotion throughout the community.
Arizona Youth Partnership (AZYP)
AZYP works with the Hwal’bay Hmany did Gev’ik coalition in Peach Springs. One of their goals is to reduce
underage drinking. Liquor bottle locks are distributed along with information to parents and caregivers.
Information is disseminated during school events and community events.
-The Arizona Parents Commission on Drug Education and Prevention provides funding to sub-grantees who
collaborate with Tribal Nations in Arizona. The intended goals of these partnerships are to maintain an
effective coalition, increase youth leadership and efficacy skills, increase youth perceptions of the risks and
harms associated with the use of alcohol and controlled substances, and increase community members'
perceptions of risks and harms in youth use of alcohol and controlled substances.
-The Arizona Partnership for Success (PFS) collaborates with Tribal Nations in Arizona. The intended goals of
these partnerships are to maintain an effective coalition, increase youth leadership and efficacy skills, increase
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youth perceptions of the risks and harms associated with the use of alcohol, and increase community
members' perceptions of risks and harms in youth use of alcohol.
-The GOYFF collaborates on the TISAPP Program with Tribal Nations in Arizona. The intended goals of these
partnerships are to maintain an effective coalition, increase resiliency skills, and increase youth, family, and
community members' perceptions of risks and harm in youth use of alcohol and controlled substances.
-Through Mercy Care's SABG primary prevention funding, we do collaborate with Salt River Pima Maricopa
Indian Community, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, and Tohono O'odham (Village of San Lucy). Gila River has its
own Tribal Regional Behavioral Health contract with Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS).
We subcontract with Phoenix Indian Center in the central Arizona region, who serves urban Native American
tribal members from many of the federally recognized tribes in our region.
State has programs to measure and/or reduce youth exposure to alcohol advertising and
Description of program:
-Douglas Community Coalition: Southeastern Arizona Behavioral Health Service
The town of Douglas, Arizona, maintains a strong history of collaborating and working
together as a community, regardless of challenging situations arising from its close
proximity to the U.S.Mexico border. Since the coalition’s first meeting in 2010, it was
clear that its main purpose was to strengthen collaboration by changing social norms
that contribute to substance abuse and misinformation. In particular, the coalition has
used local data and results from recent needs and assets assessment to identify their
main aim as preventing underage drinking through a strengths-based approach.
-Refugee Integrated Services Provider Network (RISP-NET): La Frontera Arizona
RISP-Net was established in 2002 as a local advisory committee to a refugee family
strengthening project in Tucson, Arizona. The coalition expanded its mission in 2005 to
include all refugee groups in Tucson. It is currently comprised of more than 150
stakeholders from all systems serving refugees, including health care, public
education, law enforcement, Department of Economic Security, resettlement
agencies, the public library, and refugees themselves. Its stated purpose is to
illuminate the issues impacting the successful acculturation of refugee families in
Tucson, Arizona, and to work collaboratively for positive systems change.
-Youth Empowerment and LGBTQ Leadership (Y.E.L.L.): Southern Arizona AIDS
Foundation (SAAF)
The Youth Empowerment and LGBTQ Leadership coalition aims at supporting LGBTQ
youth and their allies in identifying risk reduction techniques around substance use.
The coalition will participate in and support local events promoting public health and
intends to recruit interested youth and community supports at these events. With
youth support, we created a youth-led subcommittee comprised of LGBTQ and allied
youth with goals around educating their peers. Using the Botvin Life Skills training
curriculum, we cultivate leadership, communication, decision making, and public
speaking skills with the youth as a way to support the youth subcommittee to
effectively engage and educate their peers around the risks of substance use.
-Yuma County Anti-Drug Coalition
The Yuma County Anti-Drug Coalition (YCAD) is a multi-disciplinary coalition with
members from many different community sectors, and we strive to bring substance
abuse prevention, education, awareness, and treatment resources to community
members. The agencies, key stakeholders, and community members collaborating for
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
the YCAD Coalition also strive to link those who have been affected by substance use
with culturally competent services.
-The STOP coalition works with local retailers to limit exposure to signage in stores.
State collaborates with/participates in media campaigns to prevent underage drinking Yes
Federal campaigns: Red Ribbon Week, NIDA Facts Week, National Prevention Week,
Prevention Accelerator Media Campaigns (CADDY), It Matters Arizona
Regional and local media campaigns: Newspapers, local trade and business magazines,
parent print media, children’s print media, restaurant table tops, Chamber of
Commerce meetings, posters hung throughout community, It’s a Party Foul to provide
alcohol to a minor
Local school district efforts: Printed brochures and handouts for school events and
parent gatherings, school district website, morning announcements, school marquis
Other: Coalition-created campaigns, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, Snapchat, article
shares, PSAs, videos at bowling allies and game center, radio station, Twitter
State collaborates with/participates in SAMHSA’s national media campaign, “Talk. They
Hear You.”
State officially endorses TTHY efforts Yes
State commits state resources for TTHY No
State forwards TTHY materials to local areas Yes
Other: No
State procures funding for TTHY No
Pro bono Not applicable
Donated air time Not applicable
Earned media Not applicable
Other: Not applicable
State has adopted or developed best practice standards for underage drinking prevention
Agencies/organizations that established best practices standards:
Federal agency(ies): SAMHSA
Agency(ies) within your state: AHCCCS, Yes
Nongovernmental agency(ies): AZYP, Community Bridges Yes
Other: No
Best practice standards description: AHCCCS currently accepts the guidance provided by the Substance Abuse
and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) document "Selecting Best-fit Programs and Practices:
Guidance for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners" as the standard to follow when selecting programs
and practices, including the best practices lists and resources lists.
Communities approach to underage drinking.
All presentations are reviewed by the agencies executive leadership.
Additional Clarification
No data
State Interagency Collaboration
A state-level interagency governmental body/committee exists to coordinate or address
underage drinking prevention activities
Committee contact information:
Name: Detective Dan Webb #34, Prevention Unit Coordinator, Arizona Department of Liquor
Email: daniel.webb@azliquor.gov
Address: 800 W. Washington (5th floor), Phoenix, AZ 85007
Phone: (602) 542-9054
Agencies/organizations represented on the committee:
Arizona Youth Partnership – Ajo
La Frontera Center Pima County
Maricopa Ak-Chin CAASA
Native American Advancement Foundation Tohono O’odham Nation
State Reports | Arizona
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Pima Council on Aging
Pinal Gila Council Senior Citizens
San Carlos Apache Tribe San Carlos Apache Nation
Southern Arizona AIDS Foundation – Pima County
Southeastern Arizona Behavioral Health Services Douglas
Yuma Family YMCA
Yavapai County Attorney
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety
Arizona Criminal Justice Commission
Arizona Attorney General’s Office
Pure Heart Church
Arizona Department of Health Services
High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Arizona Department of Corrections, Rehabilitation and Reentry
Arizona Department of Adult Probation
Arizona Department of Public Safety
Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections
Arizona Department of Liquor License and Control
Graham County Substance Abuse Coalition
Arizona Department of Education
Cisco Systems
Arizona Department of Economic Security
Crossroads, INC.
Governor’s Office of Youth, Faith and Family
Arizona Department of Child Safety
Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners
Apache Junction Police Department
Arizona Department of Veterans’ Services
Pascua Yaqui Tribe
A website or other public source exists to describe committee activities Yes
URL or other means of access: https://mentalhealthresources.org/listing/arizona-prevention-portal/,
Underage Drinking Reports
State has prepared a plan for preventing underage drinking in the last 3 years Yes
Prepared by: AHCCCS, STOP Coalition
Plan can be accessed via: The statewide strategic plan is completed and available on the AHCCCS Grants
webpage for SABG. https://www.azahcccs.gov/Resources/Grants/SABG/
State has prepared a report on preventing underage drinking in the last 3 years Yes
Prepared by: Evaluation Research and Development (University of Arizona), Arizona Criminal Justice
Report can be accessed via: https://www.azcjc.gov/
Additional Clarification
MercyCare- MercyCare completed a Regional Needs Assessment in 12/2020, which included information on
underage drinking needs and resources in our region.
State Expenditures for the Prevention of Underage Drinking
Compliance checks in retail outlets:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |
Checkpoints and saturation patrols:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
Community-based programs to prevent underage drinking:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
K–12 school-based programs to prevent underage drinking:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
Programs targeted to institutes of higher learning:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
Programs that target youth in the juvenile justice system:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
Programs that target youth in the child welfare system:
Estimate of state funds expended Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending Data not available
Other programs:
Programs or strategies included: Data not available
Estimate of state funds expended: Data not available
Estimate based on the 12 months ending: Data not available
Funds Dedicated to Underage Drinking
State derives funds dedicated to underage drinking from the following revenue streams:
Taxes No data
Fines No data
Fees No data
Other: NA No data
Description of funding streams and how they are used:
Not applicable
Additional Clarification
No data
State Reports | Arizona
2022 State ReportsUnderage Drinking Prevention and Enforcement |