The Twitter Timeline
Peter Smyth
Diced project data manager
UK Data Service Webinar
20 April 2021
Copyright © [year] UK Data Service. Created by [Organisation], [Institution]
What we will look at
1. Keys & Authentication
2. The new API and developers account
3. What is and what isn't in a users Timeline
4. Extracting a complete timeline ,
while avoiding the API rate limits
5. Stitching things together
6. Conversations
7. Analysis of the timeline contents.
Keys & Authentication
API v2 now uses a ‘Bearer Token’ for access
Overall this makes things easier
But you still need to get one before you start!
And to get one you need a Twitter account!
The APIs
Currently v1.1 and v2
V1.1 well established
V2 still being developed, but simpler to use
We will assume that any one new to the Twitter
would choose v2
This is a non-t
echnical Webinar, so for today it
doesn’t matter
The Old System (v1.1)
You can however still use it if you have the right
set of keys
You can also use it with some v2 keys
If you have old keys and legacy code, will still
No talk about when it will be shut down - t
hat I've
The new system
Changes to endpoints
Changes to data delivered
Instead of getting everything
You now have to say what data you want returned
Old System returned data
Academic accounts
10,000,000 Tweets / month
Access to Full Search
Need to apply and be accepted
Academic Accounts Application process
Make sure you have a Twitter Account before
you start
Complete relatively short online form
Wait a day or so and hope
Not sure what actual criteria are, but you are
ked about You and Your project
Academic Accounts Application process
Online form (Edge)
Timelines v What do you see
Four things to consider:
1.What is included
2.What is not included
3.What is not included but you can get
4.What is not included and you cannot get
Included in what you see
Your own Tweets
Tweets from those you follow (your friends)
Twitter recommendations
Tweet Warnings
Not included (in what you see)
All the tweets your friends see
Their recommendations and Ads
Timeline What you can get
All of your Tweets
All of your Friends Tweets
Timeline What you cannot get
Deleted Tweets
Anything from banned accounts
Recommendations (from Twitter)
Example Twitter Feed
Software choices (Python based)
1.Python Tweepy
2.Python twa
4.Raw API (via Python Requests)
many more possibilities
Example : The UKDS Timeline
Basic Stats:
3248 Tweets
Earliest date is : 2018-06-05T14:32:34.000Z
(Tweet rate of 3.1/day)
Example : The UKDS Timeline
Made up of:
691 Original Tweets
2296 Re-Tweets
103 Quoted Tweets
158 Replies
Significance of the Tweet Rate
The higher the Tweet rate, the shorter the
Timespan of in the Timeline (limited to 3200 most
recent Tweets)
May be as short as a couple of weeks
Need to collect them promptly (assuming you
Significance of the Tweet Rate
Example: DiCED
Want 905 complete Timelines
Total of 300030 unique Friends Timelines
Took over 16 days to collect
Significance of the Tweet Rate
Situation easier with Academic account as you
have access to full search and can specify start
and end times
Collecting the data
We need:
1. The UKDS Timeline
2. A list of the UKDS Friends
3. The Timelines of all of UKDS Friends
hough not part of the timeline, it is useful to
have User details of the UKDS and their Friends
Example: The UKDS User Info
"data": {
"created_at": "2011-09-16T08:10:34.000Z",
"description": "The UK\u2019s largest collection of UK and international social,
economic and population data.
Funded by @ESRC. Visit our blog:",
"id": "374406950",
"name": "UKDataService",
"public_metrics": {
"followers_count": 10137,
"following_count": 3356,
"listed_count": 378,
"tweet_count": 10535
"url": "",
"username": "UKDataService",
"verified": false
A word about Trump
Controversial Tweets
Free Speech
Warning on Tweets
Opinion of Fact checker or Twitter
Tweets Removed
No longer returned in searches
Donald J Trump Banned!
He becomes a non-person to Twitter
Non-Person on Twitter
Not only can you not retrieve his Tweets
His Id is removed from the Friends list of his 88M
What data to keep
In v2 of the API you make this decision in
advance by what you ask for
In v1.1 as you get everything, you may decide to
rid of the junk, but there will be key fields you
want to keep
Field Essential Likely
text Y
author_id Y
id Y
created_at Y
conversation_id Y
referenced_tweets Y
entities.mentions Y
entities.hashtags Y
public_metrics.retweet_count Y
public_metrics.reply_count Y
public_metrics.like_count Y
public_metrics.quote_count Y
entities.urls Y
in_reply_to_user_id Y
What to keep (Twitter_Fields.xlsx)
Timeline Reconstruction
1. Get the Target Timeline (UKDS)
2. Get List of Target Friends
3. Get Timelines from Friends
4. Combine ‘Data’ and ‘Includes sections of
imeline Data
5. Combine (append) all of the Timelines
6. Sort by Date or ID
4. Combine ‘Data and ‘Includes sections of
Timeline Data
If the Tweet was a Re-tweet, then you need to
data in the ‘Includes’ section to get the full text of
the Tweet.
The same is true for a complete set of Entities
‘hashtags, @manetions, URLs )
What Next?
The Timeline itself is just a Chronological
sequence of events
How you use it is upt
o you, but probably
influenced by your research needs
Conversations and Responses
If you are going to do any kind of Text analysis,
you will probably need to combine Tweets into
Or even just re-c
onstruct multi-part Tweets
API v2 helps here by providing a ‘Conversation’
-point which will provide all of the Tweets with
the same Conversation_id (You still have to
assemble them yourself)
Timeline Analysis
What do you want to do?
Have you kept the data to do it?
Do you need additional software or Data?
Timeline Analysis
Change of Tweet rate
Trending (external) Hashtags
Retweeting new/different sources
Sentiment Analysis
Tricky with limited text
Some of which is hashtags, mentions and URLs
Irony and sarcasm N
(small demo)
Basic Stats (and other things)
How many Original Tweets v Retweets
User info. H
ow old account, No. of Tweets,
Friends and Followers
User Description
Tweet rate over time
Relate @mentions and #hashtags to known
rends or events
Examples of Hashtag usage
Examples of Hashtag usage
Examples of Hashtag usage
Warning about shortened URLs
[{'start': 105,
'end': 128,
'url': '',
'display_url': '…'
Network Analysis
Often Friends & Followers
Could be accounts and #hashtags or @mentions
Many additional s/w products support network
Social Networks is a subject in its own right.
(small demo)
Twitter producers and consumers
Friends and Family
Hobbies and pastimes
Commercial/Public services
News Outlets
Political Organisations
Tweet Traffic
Have a Plan
ing a plan could be as simple as changing
the account name
The Timeline by itself is just data y
ou have to
turn it into information
There is much pre-built
s/w to help with the
techie bits.