American Psychologist
This Is Not a Drill: Anxiety on Twitter Following the 2018
Hawaii False Missile Alert
Nickolas M. Jones and Roxane Cohen Silver
Online First Publication, July 25, 2019.
Jones, N. M., & Silver, R. C. (2019, July 25). This Is Not a Drill: Anxiety on Twitter Following the 2018
Hawaii False Missile Alert. American Psychologist. Advance online publication.
This Is Not a Drill: Anxiety on Twitter Following the 2018 Hawaii False
Missile Alert
Nickolas M. Jones and Roxane Cohen Silver
University of California, Irvine
The accuracy of emergency management alerts about dangerous threats to public safety is key
for the protection of life and property. When alerts of imminent threats are believed to be real,
uncontrollable, and impossible to escape, people who receive them often experience fear and
anxiety, especially as they await the threat’s arrival (i.e., incubation of threat). However, what
are the consequences when an alert turns out to be a false alarm? We explored psychological
reactions (i.e., anxiety) to the 2018 Hawaii false ballistic missile alert using Twitter data from
users across the state (1.2 million tweets, 14,830 users) 6 weeks before and 18 days after the
event. We demonstrated that anxiety expressed on Twitter increased 4.6% on the day of the
false alert and anxiety during the 38-min alert period increased 3.4% every 15 min. In
addition, users who expressed either low, medium, or high prealert anxiety exhibited
differential anxiety responses postalert, differential stabilization intervals (when anxiety
stopped decreasing after the all-clear), and different postalert baselines relative to their
prealert levels. Low prealert anxiety users expressed more anxiety at the onset of the alert and
for longer relative to other groups. Moreover, anxiety remained elevated for at least 7 days
postalert. Taken together, findings suggest that false alarms of inescapable and dangerous
threats are anxiety-provoking and that this anxiety can persist for many people after the threat
is dispelled. We offer several recommendations for how emergency management agencies
should best communicate with the public after false alerts are transmitted.
Keywords: false alarm, Twitter, anxiety, collective trauma, social media
When danger in one’s community is imminent, people
often rely on local and state emergency management orga-
nizations for information to assess the severity of the threat
and respond with appropriate measures to secure personal
safety and protect property. Indeed, the success of emer-
gency management personnel to effectively communicate
risk information to at-risk populations plays an important
role in saving lives (Rodríguez, Díaz, Santos, & Aguirre,
2007). However, when officials charged with disseminating
information about impending threats falter, this might lead
to a disaster (even if the threat becomes innocuous; Gilbert,
1998), and there may be a number of unintended conse-
quences. For example, a lack of regular updates during an
emergency can elicit distress and other negative psycholog-
ical outcomes among individuals under threat (Jones,
Thompson, Dunkel Schetter, & Silver, 2017).
False alarms are one example of how emergency man-
agement agencies might stumble. They occur when a trans-
mitted warning of an impending threat is no longer relevant,
such as when a hurricane changes course and no longer
threatens a geographic area. False alarms also occur when
an emergency organization broadly transmits a warning
about an impending threat that does not actually exist, such
as false active shooter reports. The implications of these
types of false alarms have been studied by researchers
across several disciplines. This body of work demonstrates
how false alarms are related to loss of organizational cred-
ibility (Dow & Cutter, 1998; Ripberger et al., 2015), behav-
ioral outcomes like diminished protective behavior among
individuals under threat (Ripberger et al., 2015), and in-
creased loss of life in tornado-prone areas with a high false
alarm ratio (Simmons & Sutter, 2009). However, little work
has directly examined the psychological impact of exposure
to potentially life-threatening events that turn out to be false.
Can a false alarm of an impending disaster itself be a form
of collective trauma (i.e., a large-scale natural or anthropo-
X Nickolas M. Jones, Department of Psychological Science, University
of California, Irvine; X Roxane Cohen Silver, Department of Psycholog-
ical Science, University of California, Irvine.
Nickolas M. Jones is now at the Department of Psychology, Princeton
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Roxane
Cohen Silver, Department of Psychological Science, University of Cali-
fornia, Irvine, 4201 Social & Behavioral Sciences Gateway, Irvine, CA
92697-7085. E-mail: [email protected]
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
American Psychologist
© 2019 American Psychological Association 2019, Vol. 1, No. 999, 000
genic disaster that affects many people)? If so, how do
people respond?
Research in psychology offers some clues about how
individuals might respond to false alarms of an approaching
catastrophe. Early experimental work on false alarms found
that when the threat of a strong electric shock was perceived
to be real, imminent, uncontrollable, and impossible to
escape, individuals experienced a heightened physiological
fear response (i.e., heightened heart rate) and subjective
tension (Breznitz, 1984, 1985). During the moments in
which participants anticipated the threat’s arrival, subjective
apprehension and worry increased over time (i.e., the incu-
bation of threat; Breznitz, 1968, 1971, 1984). This work
also demonstrated that when warnings of threat were can-
celled, it took time for individuals to recover from their
heightened state (Breznitz, 1984), suggesting that a cancel-
lation of a threat warning does not immediately remedy the
psychological consequences of having been warned.
Attention to fear and worry in this research is reminiscent
of studies that highlight anxiety as a key psychological
reaction to collective traumas such as terrorist attacks and
natural disasters (Norris et al., 2002). For some individuals,
lingering anxiety can cross clinical thresholds, developing
into posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD; Norris et al.,
2002). Collective traumas often occur without warning and
the threat they pose can sometimes be ambiguous. The
inherent uncertainty in some disaster contexts (Gilbert,
1998) can elicit psychological distress depending on how it
is appraised by those who experience it (Folkman, Lazarus,
Dunkel-Schetter, DeLongis, & Gruen, 1986). For example,
limited experience with a threat may increase situational
ambiguity, thereby exacerbating anxiety (Lazarus, 1966).
Thus, during dangerous or life-threatening situations in
which information is lacking and ambiguity is high, uncer-
tainty about the impending outcome may lead to anxiety
(Taha, Matheson, & Anisman, 2014) and other negative
psychological outcomes (Jones et al., 2017), especially
among individuals for whom ambiguity is intolerable (Br-
eznitz, 1984; Chen & Hong, 2010; Rosen, Knäuper, &
Sammut, 2007).
When communities experience collective traumas, there
may be marked variation in how they respond, and this
variation may depend on characteristics of the individuals
who reside within them. For example, researchers found
that after 9/11, older adults had a steeper decline in their
posttraumatic stress symptoms relative to younger individ-
uals (Holman, Silver, Mogle, & Scott, 2016). Other re-
searchers have focused on participants’ past negative expe-
riences to understand postevent responses. For example, in
a national sample of Americans surveyed across subsequent
waves following 9/11, Seery, Holman, and Silver (2010)
found that the experience of zero or many negative life
events was associated with poorer psychological outcomes
over time relative to individuals with some negative life
events (i.e., the association was quadratic). Further evidence
suggests that negative psychological states, measured be-
fore a collective trauma, may be relevant as well. Among
both youth and adults, experiencing negative psychological
states (e.g., anxiety) before a collective trauma was associ-
ated with an increased risk of developing PTSD in its
aftermath (Asarnow et al., 1999; Nolen-Hoeksema & Mor-
row, 1991). Overall, these studies suggest that, when pos-
sible, community-based studies of the impact of collective
traumas should disaggregate individuals by their preevent
vulnerabilities (e.g., characteristics or psychological states)
to assess whether postevent outcomes differ in a meaningful
Variation in psychological responses to collective trauma
has been studied mostly using traditional research method-
ologies (e.g., surveys and interviews). However, rigorously
studying the psychological impact of a collective trauma is
often difficult because of a lack of preevent data and chal-
lenges entering the field in a timely manner (e.g., securing
funding and ethics board approval), among other hurdles
(Jones, Wojcik, Sweeting, & Silver, 2016; Silver, 2004).
Some social scientists have circumvented these challenges
by using social media data to explicate psychological re-
sponses to collective traumas. Researchers have shown that
big data from social media platforms, usually Twitter (e.g.,
“tweets”), are particularly useful for evaluating community
responses to school shootings (Doré, Ort, Braverman, &
Ochsner, 2015; Jones et al., 2016, 2017), terrorist attacks
(Gruebner et al., 2016; Lin, Margolin, & Wen, 2017), nat-
ural disasters (Gruebner et al., 2017; Murthy & Longwell,
2013), and other collective adversities (De Choudhury,
Monroy-Hernandez, & Mark, 2014).
Nickolas M.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
Twitter data offer unprecedented opportunities for theo-
retical insight because analyses of tweets, which contain the
thoughts and feelings of Twitter users, possess several
strengths compared with traditionally collected data. First,
access to Twitter data is free to anyone with some technical
know-how. Second, these data are an ecologically valid
observational data source and can circumvent some biases
inherent in traditional data collection methods, like surveys
(e.g., low participation rates) or interviews (e.g., demand
characteristics). Third, because Twitter data are archival by
design, this enables an examination of emotion expression
before and after collective traumas across an extended time
frame that can be aggregated with granularity not possible
with traditionally collected data. Fourth, Twitter data can
also be explicitly linked to a user’s location via geo-
coordinates if a user opts in to making this information
public, or a user’s location can be inferred based on the
accounts they follow (see Jones et al., 2016).
The methodological strengths of working with Twitter
data may also be useful for studying how individuals re-
spond to false alarms of potentially life-threatening events.
To date, the theoretical insights from experimental studies
of false alarms have not been validated against large-scale,
observational data. Thus, Twitter data were harnessed to
explore anxiety responses to the 2018 Hawaii false ballistic
missile alert. At 8:07 a.m. on January 13, 2018, Hawaii
residents and visitors received an emergency alert from the
Hawaii Emergency Management Agency over the radio,
television, and on their smartphones stating that a ballistic
missile was inbound to Hawaii, that people should seek
shelter, and that this alert was “NOT A DRILL” (caps in
original). Media reports cited increased anxiety among res-
idents during the ordeal (Silva, 2018), and some residents
reached out to their loved ones to say goodbye (Pactol,
2018). Presumably, many individuals thought that death or
destruction was inevitable. However, a second message was
transmitted 38 min later stating that there was “no missile
threat or danger” and indicating that the original message
had been a “false alarm.”
This study addresses three main hypotheses. Consistent
with other Twitter studies of collective trauma, we hypoth-
esized that anxiety would increase at the time of the alert
and remain elevated in the immediate aftermath. Second,
consistent with the incubation of threat phenomenon, we
hypothesized that anxiety would increase incrementally dur-
ing the time from the transmission of the missile alert to the
“all clear” 38 min later. Finally, because prior research
demonstrates the importance of preevent vulnerabilities, we
hypothesized that individuals exhibiting either low or high
prealert anxiety might be at greater risk for experiencing
anxiety after the alert. Specifically, we hypothesized that
individuals who exhibited low and high anxiety before the
alert would exhibit the greatest increase in anxiety after the
alert, stabilize later, and exhibit higher postalert anxiety
relative to their prealert baseline.
Twitter Data Collection and Measures
Using procedures developed in prior research (Jones et
al., 2016), Twitter data generated by users likely to be
Hawaii residents were obtained. First, Twitter accounts
(n 46) operated by local government and commercial
organizations (e.g., city hall, local radio stations) that were
likely to be followed by Hawaii residents were identified in
the days following the alert. Next, the rtweet package (Kear-
ney, 2017) for R Software (R Core Team, 2018) was used to
interface with Twitter’s Application Programming Interface
(API) and scrape the most recent 5,000 followers of each
local account. If an account had fewer than 5,000 followers,
all followers were downloaded. After filtering out non-
English-language user accounts, user accounts created after
December 2017 (because they would not have 6-weeks of
prealert data), and both “private” and “verified” accounts
(likely belonging to businesses, celebrities, and other public
figures), a list of 32,239 user accounts was retained. Next,
18 days after the false missile alert, this list was read into an
R script that interfaced with the Twitter API and down-
loaded the most recent 800 tweets generated by each user to
obtain enough tweets dating back to 6 weeks before the
alert. It should be noted that this cost-free method for
sourcing Twitter data offers advantages over other methods
of obtaining tweets from Twitter (e.g., standard level search
API). Specifically, it circumvents restricted access to all but
a fraction of public tweets and the restriction of only being
Roxane Cohen
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
able to download tweets generated in the past 7 days from
a given search.
In all, 1.2 million tweets representing 14,830 users who
tweeted within a 9-week window around the false alert
(6 weeks before and 18 days after) were downloaded. Data
collection procedures for this study were reviewed by the
University of California, Irvine’s Institutional Review
Board and assessed not to constitute human subjects re-
Anxiety expression. A custom R script was used to
compare the words in each tweet with a list of 114 anxiety
words (e.g., afraid, scared, worried) available in the LIWC
program (Pennebaker, Booth, Boyd, & Frances, 2015;
Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). The words threat and alarm
were removed from the dictionary because these words
were specifically used by government and emergency man-
agement personnel to refer to the missile alert event. Each
tweet was then coded dichotomously such that it was as-
signeda1ifitcontained at least one anxiety word; all other
tweets were coded 0. This approach allowed for a propor-
tion of tweets with anxiety to be calculated across analytic
time frames, and it provided a measure of anxiety expres-
sion that compensated for differential counts of tweets gen-
erated at each time-unit of analysis (e.g., minutes, hours,
Prealert anxiety. Users with prealert tweets (n
8,746) were grouped as low, medium, or high anxiety based
on their average proportion of prealert anxiety tweets gen-
erated 7 days before the alert. These proportions were then
standardized across all users and the z scores were used to
group users based on where they fell along this standardized
distribution. Users in the “low” group (n 6,849) did not
express any anxiety on Twitter before the alert. Users placed
into the “medium” group (n 1,394) expressed some
anxiety, up to just below one standard deviation; users in the
“high” anxiety group (n 503) expressed anxiety greater
than or equal to one standard deviation relative to all other
Analytic Strategy
Data were cleaned and organized in R using tidytext
(Silge & Robinson, 2016), and descriptive visualizations
were created in R using ggplot2 (Wickham, 2009) and
employed the generalized additive model smoothing func-
tion to depict a nonlinear line-of-best-fit across time. Tra-
jectories of anxiety before and after the alert were evaluated
at several time scales. All statistical analyses were con-
ducted in Stata 14.2 (College Station, TX) using procedures
outlined by others (Jones et al., 2016; Mitchell, 2012).
9-week window. The proportion of daily anxiety was
calculated across the 6 weeks preceding the alert and the
18 days that followed. Before attempting to model trajec-
tories of anxiety across time, a change-point analysis was
conducted in R using the changepoint package (Killick,
Haynes, & Eckley, 2016) to determine the discrete time
point at which anxiety decreased to a stable level after the
missile alert. This method employs the pruned exact
linear time algorithm (Killick & Eckley, 2014) to identify
when the mean and variance of a variable deviate over
time. In other words, the algorithm evaluates the mean
and variance in a block at the start of time, and then
evaluates whether they are significantly different from
the mean and variance calculated in the next block of
time. The package then displayed the time values where
the algorithm identified significant changes in daily pro-
portions of anxiety.
The change-point analysis indicated that anxiety in-
creased on the day of the missile alert and stabilized 2
days later. To evaluate these nonlinear changes over time,
a piecewise regression approach (Kim, Fay, Feuer, &
Midthune, 2000) with a discontinuity analysis (Thistleth-
waite & Campbell, 1960) was used. This approach is well
suited for modeling nonlinear changes in time-series data
because piecewise regressions allow for separate regres-
sion lines to be estimated for specified time intervals in
a unified statistical model. Specifically, time is blocked
into meaningful intervals by analytic knots, or dummy-
coded markers. A knot was placed on the day of the alert
(January 13, 2018, at 8:07 a.m. HST) so that an esti-
mate of what anxiety expression would have been (had
the alert never happened) could be compared with actual
anxiety expression at the alert’s onset. A knot was also
placed 2 days after the event, as the change-point analysis
revealed this to be a meaningful interval at which anxiety
levels stabilized across all users. Importantly, the piece-
wise regression analysis was clustered around each user
to account for within-user propensity for anxiety expres-
sion on Twitter.
12-hr window. Time across a period spanning 6 hr
before and after the missile alert was parsed into 15-min
intervals (cf. Jones et al., 2017), and the proportion of
tweets with anxiety was calculated for each interval. A
piecewise regression analysis was conducted on all
tweets in this time frame to evaluate whether anxiety
increased the moment the alert was transmitted and the
extent to which anxiety continued to increase during
the 38-min alert period. Thus, a knot was placed at the
moment the alert was transmitted and 45 min later
(roughly 7 min after the “all-clear” was transmitted). In
addition to evaluating immediate changes in anxiety re-
sulting from the missile alert, this approach also allowed
for an analysis of the slope of anxiety expression during
the 38-min alert period.
14-day window. Hourly proportions of tweets with
anxiety generated in a 14-day window around the alert (7
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
days before and after) were calculated for each prealert
anxiety group (i.e., low, medium, high) to provide a more
fine-grained analysis of the immediate impact of the alert
and its sustained effect across the following week for
each prealert anxiety group. To determine the discrete
time point at which anxiety leveled off for each group, a
change-point analysis was conducted for each group in-
dividually. Postalert change points were used to place a
second knot in each piecewise regression to accurately
model changes in anxiety over time for each group. Thus,
a knot was placed at the moment the alert was transmitted
and at the group-specific change point after the alert,
when anxiety stabilized.
To evaluate whether the event had a lasting effect on each
prealert anxiety group in the days that followed, we con-
ducted three ordinary least squares regression analyses in
which each group’s prealert average proportion of anxiety
expression (baseline anxiety) was compared with its post-
alert average (new baseline), after stabilization in anxiety
Figure 1. Daily anxiety among Hawaii Twitter users 6 weeks before and 18 days after the false missile alert
1.2 million; n
14,830). See the online article for the color version of this figure.
Figure 2. Anxiety on Twitter, 6 hr before and after the ballistic missile alert (n
20,338; n
See the online article for the color version of this figure.
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This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
First, daily proportions of anxiety across the full range
of available data were examined. Consistent with the
hypothesis that anxiety would increase on the day of the
alert, across all users, anxiety increased 4.6% (standard-
ized b .25, standard error [SE] .01, t 19.62, p
.001; see Figure 1). In terms of percent change, this jump
represents a 160% increase in anxiety expression.
Anxiety was also hypothesized to increase incrementally
during the period from the release of the alert until the
“all-clear” 38 min later, during which time users awaited the
attack (i.e., incubation of threat; Breznitz, 1968, 1984).
Consistent with this hypothesis, the results from 4,415 users
(20,338 tweets) who tweeted in this time frame indicated
that anxiety increased 3.4% in each 15-min block during the
alert period (standardized b .12, SE .02, t 5.90, p
.001; see Figure 2), until the all-clear was transmitted, at
which point anxiety expression began to decline over time.
In a window 7 days before and after the missile alert (see
Figure 3), the low prealert anxiety group’s anxiety increased
9.5% at the onset of the alert period (standardized b .49,
SE .02, t 22.87, p .001). The medium prealert
anxiety group also increased in anxiety expression (5.8%;
standardized b .30, SE .03, t 8.34, p .001).
Although the high prealert anxiety group was hypothesized
to exhibit an increase in anxiety expression, this group’s
anxiety decreased 8.8% (standardized b ⫽⫺.46, SE .07,
t ⫽⫺5.93, p .001) at the onset of the alert.
Postevent stabilization rates also differed across groups
(see Figure 4). As expected, the low prealert anxiety group
took the longest to stabilize (41 hr after the false missile
alert). However, the high prealert anxiety group stabilized
immediately after the alert was transmitted, the same point
at which a significant drop in anxiety was observed for this
group; the medium prealert anxiety group stabilized 23 hr
Each group’s postalert baseline (after stabilization) was
compared with its prealert baseline. The low prealert anxi-
Figure 3. Hourly anxiety by Twitter users with low, medium, and high prealert anxiety, 7 days before and 7
days after the false missile alert (n
324,010; n
8,746). See the online article for the color version
of this figure.
Figure 4. Change point analyses for each prealert anxiety group, in
which Time 169 (vertical dashed line) is the moment the alert was trans-
mitted: (a) group with low prealert anxiety (n 6,849); (b) group with
medium prealert anxiety (n 1,394); (c) group with high prealert anxiety
(n 503). See the online article for the color version of this figure.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
ety group, for whom anxiety expression before the alert was
zero across a 7-day period, exhibited a new anxiety baseline
that was 2.5% higher than its prealert baseline (standardized
b .13, SE .004, t 28.15, p .001). The medium
prealert anxiety group’s new baseline was less than 1.0%
lower than its prealert baseline (standardized b ⫽⫺.01,
SE .005, t ⫽⫺2.11, p .035). The high prealert anxiety
group exhibited a new baseline 10.5% lower than its prealert
baseline (standardized b ⫽⫺.55, SE .05, t ⫽⫺10.76,
p .001).
For the first time, real-time psychological responses to a
false alarm event have been captured using a big-data ap-
proach with large-scale observational Twitter data. Consis-
tent with prior Twitter studies of collective trauma in which
expressions of negative affect have been explored (De
Choudhury et al., 2014; Doré et al., 2015; Gruebner et al.,
2016, 2017; Jones et al., 2016, 2017; Lin et al., 2017;
Murthy & Longwell, 2013), this study reveals a marked
increase in anxiety among likely Hawaii residents that lin-
gered well after the missile threat was dispelled. In the most
fine-grained analysis, results were consistent with the incu-
bation of threat hypothesis (Breznitz, 1968, 1971, 1984),
which states that anxiety experienced in anticipation of a
threat will increase in the moments during which one waits
for the threat to arrive. Specifically, anxiety increased 3.4%
every 15 min until the transmission of a message 38 min
later reporting that the initial alert was a false alarm. Sur-
prisingly, this trend was not thwarted by corrective tweets
posted by the state’s emergency management agency and by
a local congressional representative shortly after the alert’s
transmission explaining that the missile alert was a mistake.
Despite these corrections being retweeted by 35,000 users,
the incubation of threat phenomenon persisted. This is
likely the case because users either (a) did not see the
messages dispelling the threat, or (b) saw them but did not
believe them, as evidenced by a user who tweeted: “I’m still
sheltering twenty minutes [later] who knows who’s right?”
Alternatively, this “incubation of threat” trend could sim-
ply reflect the fact that unique users became aware of the
missile alert at different points in time during the alert
period. For example, if a large number of users woke up to
the alert 35 min into the ordeal and generated tweets ex-
pressing anxiety, this would explain the observed increase
in anxiety during the alert period. This alternative explana-
tion was evaluated among 556 users who tweeted in at least
two of the three 15-min intervals during the alert period. We
found that anxiety increased incrementally across the alert
period (at nearly the same rate) among these users as well.
Overall, this suggests that evaluating tweets generated in the
alert period, in aggregate, sufficiently captured the experi-
ence of the incubation of threat.
Consistent with early work suggesting that the cancella-
tion of a threat does not immediately remedy reactions to a
threatening situation (Breznitz, 1984), our results suggest
that the experience of a false alarm may have a lingering
impact on some individuals well after the threat is dispelled.
The analysis of the entire sample across a 9-week window
revealed that anxiety remained elevated for at least 2 days
following the alert. When disaggregating users by their
preevent propensity for expressing anxiety words, disparate
patterns of postalert anxiety expression were uncovered. For
example, for the group of users in this sample who did not
express any anxiety before the event (i.e., the low prealert
anxiety group), anxiety increased the most and lingered the
longest, relative to other groups, before stabilizing to a new
baseline level 2.5% higher than what it was before the
missile alert. Insofar as anxiety expression on Twitter can be
assumed to be reflective of a user’s life experience (Jones et
al., 2016), this pattern is consistent with evidence demon-
strating that people who are likely to have had lives devoid
of psychologically impactful negative experiences are at
increased risk of negative psychological outcomes follow-
ing a traumatic event (Seery et al., 2010). Moreover, the
lingering presence of anxiety well after the threat was
dispelled may be driven by some users in this group engag-
ing in perseverative cognition, defined as the chronic acti-
vation of the cognitive representation of a psychological
stressor (Brosschot, Gerin, & Thayer, 2006).
Research also suggests that individuals with pretrauma
vulnerabilities (e.g., negative psychological states; Asarnow
et al., 1999; Nolen-Hoeksema & Morrow, 1991) may be at
increased risk for negative psychological outcomes after a
traumatic event. However, our results show a different
pattern. The high prealert anxiety group exhibited a de-
crease in anxiety following alert period, declining to a new
baseline level 10.5% lower than the group’s prealert base-
line. It should be noted that this pattern is unlikely to be the
result of regression to the mean because several prealert
observations were available with which to accurately ac-
count for natural variations in anxiety expression and iden-
tify the “high” prealert anxiety group. However, diminished
anxiety after the alert is consistent with downward counter-
factual thinking (Byrne, 2016), such that users in the high
prealert anxiety group may have recognized how much
worse things could have been had the missile threat been
real. It could also be indicative of near-miss relief (Sweeny
& Vohs, 2012), a phenomenon observed when an aversive
event is avoided.
Alternatively, we offer a few potential explanations that
may be particularly relevant to this group. For example, a
pattern of generalized worry about future negative events,
characteristic of anxious individuals, may have buffered
those in the high prealert anxiety group from experiencing
even greater anxiety as a result of the alert (for a review of
such “upsides” of worry, see Sweeny & Dooley, 2017). It
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
could also be the case that lower anxiety expression in this
group reflects a process by which the threat of death via a
ballistic missile put disruptive daily stressors into perspec-
tive. This supposition is consistent with the notion of a
leveling theory of human adaptation to life events in which
people react differently to positive and negative experi-
ences, and how one responds depends on the totality of a
person’s life. For example, hedonic leveling (Lucas, Clark,
Georgellis, & Diener, 2003) posits that happy individuals
have less to gain when they experience positive life events
(e.g., marriage), whereas unhappy people have more to gain
from positive life events. The pattern for this group is also
reminiscent of adaptation level theory (Brickman, Coates, &
Janoff-Bulman, 1978), which highlights the importance of
the contrast between what life is like after a significant
event compared with what life was like beforehand. Insofar
as these theories operate similarly with respect to negative
life events (e.g., the false missile alert), anxious individuals
may have more to appreciate when they experience a near-
miss and thus express less anxiety on social media after
having “survived” what would have undoubtedly been con-
strued as a deadly situation.
Although our results mirror those in other studies of
Twitter data that reveal increased negative emotion after a
collective trauma, we acknowledge several limitations.
First, Twitter users are not necessarily representative of the
general population, as they tend to be younger (aged 18–29
years) and from urban locations (Pew Research Center,
2018). Second, we recognize that counting anxiety words
embedded in tweets may not be a perfect measure of actual
felt anxiety. Nonetheless, there are myriad face-valid exam-
ples of expressions of anxiety in the data we collected (e.g.,
“I’m scared guys”; “This is some scary [expletive]”). There
is also a tradition in psychology of relying on the words
people use to provide a window into their psychological
state (for a review, see Pennebaker, Mehl, & Niederhoffer,
2003; Tausczik & Pennebaker, 2010). For example, re-
searchers have linked depression to the use of first-person
pronouns and negative emotion words (Rude, Gortner, &
Pennebaker, 2004) and linked word usage to motivation
(Pennebaker & King, 1999) and to traditional personality
constructs (i.e., the Big 5; Schwartz et al., 2013), respec-
tively. On balance, we believe that capturing anxiety words
in this false alarm context reflects an important psycholog-
ical signal despite the potential error inherent in a dictionary
word count approach, and we maintain a person’s prealert
word usage pattern to be an acceptable proxy when other
information is unavailable.
We also acknowledge that the method we used to source
Twitter users precluded our ability to distinguish psycho-
logical responses of temporary visitors to the state com-
pared with permanent residents. Moreover, the data we had
available to us limited our ability to examine nuanced
responses to the alert based on individual characteristics that
we could not assess. Thus, the tweets we collected, although
informative, are not linked directly to any person-level
psychological data (e.g., personality, history of negative life
events). In addition, it is possible that individuals with
military connections, or Native Hawaiians versus those who
recently relocated, may have experienced differential levels
of anxiety in response to the false alert that our methodol-
ogy could not capture. Other methods (e.g., survey research)
might supplement the kinds of data we examine here to
further explore these other factors (see Jones et al., 2017, for
an example of this technique).
Finally, there is no guarantee that all users in our sample
were residents of Hawaii (although 50% of users men-
tioned a Hawaii locale in their Twitter profile); we did not
rely on geolocation data because less than 1% (.07%) of
tweets in our data were geocoded. However, the method we
used to source locally generated Twitter data has performed
well in other studies of collective traumas (see Jones et al.,
2016, 2017). In addition, the presence of heightened anxi-
ety, despite the error inherent this method, suggests that the
effects we demonstrated would likely have been even
greater had we captured tweets generated by residents ex-
Despite these limitations, our results lead to several rec-
ommendations for mitigating the psychological impact of
impending threats, false or otherwise. Early theorizing on
false alarms posited the false alarm or cry wolf effect in
which individuals may not believe the next threat warning
because they lose faith in the credibility of systems or
agencies responsible for disseminating them (Breznitz,
1984). Empirical work supports this. For example, residents
of tornado-prone areas who perceive their local false alarm
ratio to be high are less trusting of the National Weather
Service (Ripberger et al., 2015). Other work indirectly
shows that such perceptions can be deadly (Simmons &
Sutter, 2009). Credibility loss is particularly important to
combat in risk-prone locales like Hawaii, where residents
remain in targeting range of a ballistic missile from North
Korea, live near active volcanoes, and sometimes experi-
ence destructive weather events. In such a locale, it is
critical to maintain the public’s continued reliance on and
trust in emergency management systems for information
about impending danger.
When emergency systems falter, research shows that
credibility loss can be mitigated by a clear explanation of
why the false alarm occurred in the first place (Breznitz,
1984; Fischhoff, 2011). In the days and weeks following the
Hawaii false missile alert, the media reported that the alert
was sent in error by an employee with whom the agency had
several past issues. This reporting likely raised questions
about the agency’s disciplinary procedures but may have
assured the public that the entire affair was a fluke. Further
reporting assured the public that new safeguards were in
place to prevent one person from having the authority to
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
transmit any message on the statewide emergency system
(Wamsley, 2018).
During a crisis, social media can be an important channel
through which critical updates are transmitted. Indeed, the
value of using social media accounts to transmit critical
updates, in tandem with outlined procedures, has been ac-
knowledged by the Department of Homeland Security for
almost a decade (Silver & Fischhoff, 2011). Agencies
should also increase public outreach efforts to ensure that
community members are connected to critical information
channels during a crisis. Such measures would serve to
bolster the public’s trust in reporting agencies. We also
believe it is good advice for the public to seek out and
follow verified social media accounts belonging to their
local emergency management agencies as soon as possible
so that they will have access to the most up-to-date infor-
mation about any potential threat during a real emergency.
In addition to revealing new information channels to
follow, false alarms may also raise awareness of potential
threats. For example, some individuals in our sample ex-
pressed the realization of not being prepared: “Definitely
scary. I live in a small studio a few blocks from the beach
I was like take shelter where? I’m definitely not prepared.”
In the months before the false alert, aggressive rhetoric
between government leaders heightened fears that a military
conflict might be imminent. As a result, in December 2017,
Hawaii began performing emergency drills and siren testing
to prepare for such an eventuality, although what to do
during an attack was not clear to all residents (Kelkar,
2018). In our sample, many users expressed confusion about
what actions to take and were unsure where to seek shelter
when instructed to do so. It is prudent for members of the
public to educate themselves about emergency preparations
and for emergency management agencies to use all avail-
able channels to transmit concrete recommendations for
protective action (Fischhoff, 2011).
Insights from our data also highlight the importance of the
interface between emergency management agencies and the
news media. Users in our sample searched for information
on traditional media channels to no avail, evidenced by
tweets like “missile alert in Hawaii but no news coverage”
and “nothing on the news. looked it up on twitter and people
are as confused as we are.” These tweets highlight the
crucial importance of information dissemination via the
news media during a crisis as the public relies on the media
for critical updates (Jones et al., 2017).
Although the missile alert was an unusual event, false
alarms of impending threats are not uncommon. For exam-
ple, near the end of 2018, a false active-shooter alert was
transmitted to the Walter Reed National Military Medical
Center. The alert was transmitted widely without the words
“exercise” or “drill” and was accordingly believed to be a
legitimate warning. This false alert precipitated an hour-
long lockdown of the hospital and was ultimately charac-
terized as an “improper use of a mass notification system”
(Martinez, 2018). As mass-communications technologies
are developed to warn people of life-threatening events at
both the local (e.g., schools) and national (e.g., presidential
alerts) levels, such occurrences may increase if systems
operate without clear procedures and proper oversight.
Free and open access to public Twitter data, coupled with
Hawaii’s false missile alert, provided an opportunity to
study, for the first time, how several thousand people re-
sponded psychologically to the threat of an inescapable,
impending tragedy. Although it is fortunate we were able to
study this phenomenon without loss of life, we show that for
many users, the anxiety elicited by this false alarm lingered
well beyond the assurance that the threat was not real, which
may have health consequences over time for some individ-
uals (Holman et al., 2008). Thus, our results reveal how
potently frightening a crisis period can be and highlight how
intense experiences like this may have lasting effects that
become even clearer after disaggregating users by their
preevent psychological state. This event serves as an exam-
ple of how accidental crisis communication can become a
disaster (Gilbert, 1998) and should inform emergency man-
agement agencies how they can better serve the communi-
ties they are charged with protecting.
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Received December 28, 2018
Revision received March 28, 2019
Accepted May 2, 2019
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