Change 3, 08/27/2019
Department of Defense
NUMBER 8320.04
September 3, 2015
Incorporating Change 3, August 27, 2019
SUBJECT: Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible Personal Property
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5134.01 (Reference (a)), this
a. Reissues DoD Instruction (DoDI) 8320.04 (Reference (b)) to establish policy and assign
responsibilities for the process of uniquely identifying tangible personal property and their
associated selected attributes. The unique item identifier (UII) will be used globally as the
common data key in financial, property accountability, acquisition, and logistics (including
supply and maintenance) automated information systems to enable asset accountability,
valuation, life-cycle management, and counterfeit materiel risk reduction.
b. Under the authority of DoDI 8320.03 (Reference (c)):
(1) Assigns responsibilities and prescribes procedures to enable accountability and
acquisition value for uniquely identified items of tangible personal property through use of
transaction-derived data in a net-centric environment.
(2) Prescribes standards for constructing the UII and marking both the item and its
(3) Promotes correlation of data, and information sharing on items with UIIs between
users in a net-centric environment throughout the DoD Components.
(4) Assigns responsibilities and establishes procedures for operation and maintenance of
the DoD IUID Registry.
c. Prescribes the DoD IUID Registry as:
(1) The central repository for government items with UII acquired after January 1, 2004,
and for UII data elements established at delivery in accordance with subpart 252.211-7003 of
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Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) (Reference (d)), referred to
throughout this instruction as DFARS.
(2) The master data source for reporting government furnished property (GFP) in
custody of contractors in accordance with DoDI 4161.02 (Reference (e)).
d. Incorporates and cancels Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics Memorandum (Reference (f)).
2. APPLICABILITY. This instruction applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the
Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant
Commands, the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Defense, the Defense
Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities in the Department of
Defense (referred to collectively in this instruction as the “DoD Components”).
3. POLICY. It is DoD policy:
a. To employ IUID for all items that require unique item level traceability at any time in
their lifecycle.
b. To use the UII:
(1) To enable life-cycle management of assets.
(2) To support asset valuation and accountability for audit readiness on the general
property, plant, and equipment, inventory, and operating materials and supplies portions of DoD
financial statements.
(3) As the mandatory data element to identify unique items in financial, property
accountability, acquisition, and logistics (including supply, maintenance, and distribution)
automated information systems, and business processes.
(4) To support counterfeit material risk reduction.
c. For the UII to remain unchanged throughout the item’s life to include modification or
d. To enable the use of the UII with automatic identification technology and electronic data
e. For intelligence-related tangible personal property, information that is classified or
requires protection due to operations security considerations will not be maintained in the
unclassified DoD IUID Registry. This information will be maintained by the intelligence entities
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within the applicable Military Services or Defense Agencies and will be available for review, on
request, by those authorized by this instruction.
4. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.
5. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3.
throughout this instruction, does not require licensing with a report control symbol in accordance
with paragraph 10 of Volume 1 of DoD Manual 8910.01 (Reference (g)).
7. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This instruction is available on the
Directives Division Website at
8. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 3. This change is administrative and updates references and
organizational symbols to reflect the reorganization of the Office of the Under Secretary of
Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, pursuant to the July 13, 2018 Deputy
Secretary of Defense Memorandum.
9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This instruction is effective September 3, 2015.
Alan F. Estevez
Acting Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. Procedures
DoDI 8320.04, September 3, 2015
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ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES ...................................................................................................5
ENCLOSURE 2: RESPONSIBILITIES .........................................................................................7
(USD(A&S)) ........................................................................................................................7
DIRECTOR, DPC ......................................................................................................................8
DIRECTOR, DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY (DLA) .........................................................8
DIRECTOR, DEFENSE CONTRACT MANAGEMENT AGENCY ......................................9
CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER....................................................................................9
DEFENSE AGENCIES ......................................................................................................9
ENCLOSURE 3: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................11
OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................13
DoD IUID REGISTRY ........………………………………………………………………....15
IUID REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................................15
GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................18
PART I: ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................18
PART II: DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................18
1. Unique Item Level Traceability Requirement Determination …………………………... 12
UII Operational Requirements................................................................................................ 13
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(a) DoD Directive 5134.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)),” December 9, 2005, as amended
(b) DoD Instruction 8320.04, “Item Unique Identification (IUID) Standards for Tangible
Personal Property,” September 3, 2015 (hereby cancelled)
(c) DoD Instruction 8320.03, “Unique Identification (UID) Standards for Supporting DoD Net-
Centric Operations,” November 4, 2015, as amended
(d) Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) and Procedures, Guidance,
and Information (PGI), current edition
(e) DoD Instruction 4161.02, “Accountability and Management of Government Contract
Property,” April 27, 2012, as amended
(f) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Memorandum,
“Item Unique Identification (IUID) of Tangible Personal Property – Policy Refinement for
Secondary Items in Use or in Inventory,” December 30, 2010 (hereby cancelled)
(g) DoD Manual 8910.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Collections Manual: Procedures For
DoD Internal Information Collections,” June 30, 2014, as amended
(h) DoD Instruction 4140.01, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Policy,”
March 6, 2019
(i) DoD Instruction 4151.19, “Serialized Item Management (SIM) for Life-Cycle Management
of Materiel,” January 9, 2014, as amended
(j) DoD Instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,”
January 7, 2015, as amended
(k) Defense Logistics Manual 4000.25, Volume 2, “Defense Logistics Management System
(DLMS): Supply Standards and Procedures,” June 13, 2012
(l) Military Standard 130, “Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property,” current edition
(m) Military Standard 129, “Military Marking for Shipment and Storage,” current edition
(n) Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, “DoD
Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness Guidance,” November 2013
(o) Section 802 of Public Law 108-136, “National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2004,” November 24, 2003
(p) Section 130 of Public Law 109-364, “John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2007,” October 17, 2006
(q) DoD Instruction 5200.44, “Protection of Mission Critical Functions to Achieve Trusted
Systems and Networks,” November 5, 2012, as amended
(r) DoD Instruction 5200.39, “Critical Program Information (CPI) Identification and
Protection Within Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E),” May 28, 2015,
as amended
(s) DoD Instruction 6430.02, “Defense Medical Materiel Program,” August 23, 2017
(t) DoD Directive 3150.08, “DoD Response to Nuclear and Radiological Incidents,”
January 20, 2010, as amended
(u) DoD Instruction 3020.45, “Mission Assurance (MA) Construct,” August 14, 2018
(v) DoD Instruction 4165.56, “Relocatable Buildings,” January 7, 2013, as amended
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(w) DoD Instruction 4140.67, “DoD Counterfeit Prevention Policy,” April 26, 2013, as
(x) DoD Procurement Toolbox Website, “IUID Registry”
(y) DoD Instruction 5000.64, “Accountability and Management of DoD Equipment and Other
Accountable Property,” April 27, 2017, as amended
(z) Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “DoD Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms,” current edition
(aa) Department of Defense Chief Information Officer, “Net-Centric Checklist,” Version 2.1.3,
May 12, 2004
(ab) DoD Manual 4140.01, “DoD Supply Chain Materiel Management Procedures,” dates vary
by volume
(ac) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Establishment of the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the Office of the Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment,” July 13, 2018
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(USD(A&S)). In accordance with Reference (a), the USD(A&S) establishes policy and develops
implementing guidance in appropriate DoD issuances and Defense logistics manuals (DLMs) on
all matters relating to materiel management, including counterfeit materiel risk reduction.
authority, direction, and control of the USD(A&S), the ASD(S):
a. Acts as the focal point within the DoD to leverage IUID capabilities in the prevention and
detection of counterfeit materiel, supply chain materiel management policy, and serialized item
management for maintenance as required by DoDI 4140.01 (Reference (h)) and DoDI 4151.19
(Reference (i)).
b. Develops IUID supply chain policy and coordinates functional business rules.
c. Coordinates and approves requirements for the DoD IUID Registry jointly with the
Director, Defense Pricing and Contracting (DPC).
d. Coordinates an integrated approach with the DoD, federal and State agencies, non-
governmental organizations, and domestic and foreign persons and organizations to provide
national unique item level traceability.
e. Develops and maintains policies, guidance, and standards regarding the transaction
conventions, structure, format, and procedures for UII marking syntax, semantics, data carrier,
and data elements of the UII mark and IUID equivalents.
authority, direction, and control of the USD(A&S), the ASD(A):
a. As part of program oversight responsibilities, ensures IUID is integrated in acquisition
programs to enable effective and efficient life-cycle management in accordance with
Reference (d).
b. Considers IUID and associated lifecycle management enablers (e.g., serialized item
management, automated information systems, and automatic identification and data capture
technology) during program support assessments and other oversight reviews.
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Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering:
a. Supports the development and transition of promising IUID-enabling technologies that
support the efficient and effective capture, transfer, storage, and analysis of life-cycle item
management data.
b. Monitors and reviews program planning documentation regarding the implementation of
IUID for Major Defense Acquisition Programs and Major Automated Information Systems in
accordance with the systems engineering procedures outlined in Enclosure 3 of DoDI 5000.02
(Reference (j)).
5. DIRECTOR, DPC. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(A&S), the
Director, DPC:
a. Maintains subparts 201.303 and 201.304 of DFARS.
b. Incorporates IUID-enabled unique item level traceability in procurement policies,
procedures, and guidance for critical materiel identified as susceptible to counterfeiting to enable
authoritative life-cycle traceability and authentication.
c. In coordination with the ASD(S), coordinates and approves requirements for the DoD
IUID Registry.
6. DIRECTOR, DEFENSE LOGISTICS AGENCY (DLA). Under the authority, direction, and
control of the ASD(S), and in addition to the responsibilities identified in section 10 of this
enclosure, the Director, DLA:
a. Ensures DLA-managed items identified as requiring IUID by the Military Services are
appropriately marked and recorded in the DoD IUID Registry.
b. Establishes and disseminates guidance on the use of the Federal Logistics Information
System (FLIS) IUID Indicator that identifies when a national stock number requires IUID.
c. Designates the FLIS IUID Indicator for DLA-managed items based on coordination with
the Military Services design activity.
d. Coordinates with the Military Services to ensure technical data for DLA-managed items is
updated to reflect IUID requirements.
e. Coordinates and publishes procedures and transaction exchange formats to incorporate the
UII in logistics business processes under the Defense Logistics Management Standards (DLMS)
in accordance with DLM 4000.25 (Reference (k)).
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f. Serves as the program executive officer and program manager for the DoD IUID Registry.
g. Maintains and enhances the DoD IUID Registry.
h. Funds resources to support the design, development, operation, upgrade, and maintenance
activities for DoD IUID Registry.
i. Uses the current copy or revision of Military Standard (MIL-STD) 130 (Reference (l)) as
the default requirement for IUID marking if more specific marking requirements are not
provided by the DoD Components.
direction, and control of the USD(A&S), through the ASD(A), the Director, Defense Contract
Management Agency develops policies and procedures that provide for systematic assessment of
the sufficiency of contractor-marked items’ MIL-STD 130-compliant data matrix marks in
accordance with Reference (l), associated data in the DoD IUID Registry, and MIL-STD-129
(Reference (m)) -compliant marking of the packaging of uniquely identified items, in accordance
with Reference (m).
CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICER. The Chief Management Officer of the Department of
Defense and DoD Chief Information Officer ensure:
a. The successful integration of IUID policy and the DoD IUID Registry into the DoD
Business Enterprise Architecture.
b. The adoption of IUID by the DoD Components through supporting IUID investment
requirements through the Defense Business Council.
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness ensures that force structure data systems can
consume, use, or share IUID data, as appropriate, to identify uniquely managed tangible personal
DEFENSE AGENCIES. The Secretaries of the Military Departments and the Directors of the
Defense Agencies:
a. Designate a focal point for IUID planning and implementation.
b. Develop and issue policy and guidance for IUID, as appropriate.
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c. Ensure Service- or Agency-managed items identified as requiring IUID are appropriately
marked and recorded in the DoD IUID Registry, in accordance with DoD Component IUID
implementation plans.
d. Establish policy that clearly assigns responsibility for the decision to uniquely manage
material for which the Military Service or Defense Agency is the primary inventory control
e. Resource IUID requirements and implement strategies.
f. Develop and issue guidance for IUID and development of IUID systems engineering plans
to support Major Defense Acquisition Programs and Major Automated Information Systems in
accordance with the systems engineering procedures outlined in Enclosure 3 of Reference (j).
g. Develop policies and procedures that provide for systematic assessment of the sufficiency
of items’ MIL-STD 130-compliant data matrix marks in accordance with Reference (l), and
associated data in the DoD IUID Registry for legacy items and new procurement contracts not
covered by Defense Contract Management Agency.
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a. DoD Components will determine the requirement for unique item level traceability based
on general categories of management needs for:
(1) Accountability requirements to track uniquely by regulation; e.g., small arms, nuclear
weapons-related materiel.
(2) Statutory or regulatory requirements; e.g., Federal Aviation Administration rules,
special tooling, or test equipment.
(3) Operational requirements; e.g., tracking hours, miles, rounds fired related to usage of
an individual item.
(4) Maintenance requirements; e.g., managing time coded or life-limited item, tracking
overhaul or rebuild of an individual item.
(5) Maintaining parent-child relationships of uniquely identified items.
(6) Safety requirements; e.g., safety bulletins that require tracking at unique item level.
(7) Association of authenticity documentation with a unique item.
(8) Association of calibration information to a unique item.
(9) Life-limited, time-controlled, and critical items.
(10) Counterfeit prevention for critical materiel identified as susceptible to
(11) Other relevant categories as determined by the DoD Component.
b. In addition to paragraph 1.a., of this enclosure, DoD Components will consider the
questions in Figure 1 to help determine requirements to uniquely track items.
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Figure 1. Unique Item Level Traceability Requirement Determination
Has the FLIS IUID indicator been set to “Y” for this NSN?
Is this equipment a major end item that requires an
individual item identifier to link the accountable property
system of record asset record to the physical asset in
accordance with DoD Financial Improvement and Audit
Readiness Guidance (Reference (n))?
Is this a part, an assembly, installation equipment, launch
equipment, recovery equipment, or support equipment for
an aircraft or aviation weapon that requires enhanced
quality controls because it contains a characteristic whose
failure, malfunction, or absence could cause a catastrophic
or critical failure resulting in the loss of or serious damage
to the aircraft or weapon system, an unacceptable risk of
personal injury or loss of life, or an uncommanded engine
shutdown that jeopardizes safety in accordance with
Section 802 of Public Law 108-136 (Reference (o)) and
will require unique tracking?
Is this a part, assembly, support equipment , installation, or
production system operated on land that requires enhanced
accountability and asset visibility because it contains a
critical characteristic whose failure, malfunction, or absence
may cause a catastrophic or critical failure resulting in loss
or serious damage, unacceptable risk of personal injury or
loss of life, or an unsafe condition in accordance
Reference (a) and will require unique tracking?
Is this any ship part, assembly, or support
requires enhanced quality controls because it contains a
characteristic whose failure, malfunction, or absence could
cause a catastrophic or critical failure resulting in loss of or
serious damage to the ship or unacceptable risk of personal
injury or loss of life per Section 130 of Public Law 109-
364 (Reference (p)) and will require
Go to Figure 1,
Is this item a component of a weapon system that, if
compromised, could cause significant degradation in
mission effectiveness; shorten the expected combat-
effective life of the system; reduce technological
advantage; or enable an adversary to defeat, counter, copy,
or reverse engineer the technology or capability that
requires protection in accordance with
(Reference (r)) and will require unique tracking?
Is this an item of defense medical materiel that requires
unique item level traceability in accordance with DoDI
6430.02 (Reference (s))?
Go to B
A Start
Requires Unique Item
Level Traceability and
IUID Marking
Is this item a critical component of information and
communication technology ((e.g., microelectronics, printed
circuit boards, computing systems, signal processors, mobile
telephone, satellite communications, and networks) that
requires enhanced accountability and asset visibility at the
individual item level for assurance against subversion of a
system’s mission critical functions by foreign intelligence,
terrorists, or other hostile elements in accordance with DoDI
5200.44 (Reference (q
)) and will require unique tracking?
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Figure 1. Unique Item Level Traceability Requirement Determination, Continued
Is this an item of Special Tooling or Special Test
Equipment subject to serialized item management in
accordance with subpart 207.106 (S-73) of
Reference (d)?
Is this item a depot reparable item in accordance with
Reference (i) and will require
Is this a relocatable shelter that must be inventoried
and accounted for with an unique item identifier in
accordance with DoDI 4165.56 (Reference (v))?
Is this item a Task Critical Asset identified under the
Defense Critical Infrastructure Program in accordance
with DoDI 3020.45 (Reference (u)) and will require
unique tracking?
Is this item a sensitive or pilferable DoD serially-
managed item in accordance with Reference (i) and
will require unique tracking?
Does not Require Unique
Item Level Traceability
Is this item a serialized warranted item in accordance
with subpart 252.246-7006 Reference (d) ?
Is this item a critical materiel identified as susceptible
to counterfeiting and must be uniquely identified to
enable authoritative life-cycle traceability and
authentication in accordance with DoDI 4140.67
(Reference (w)) ?
Go to B
A Sta rt
Requires Unique Item
Level Traceability and
IUID Marking
Is this item a NWRM item that has to be uniquely
identified using an IUID construct to ensure accurate
item identification data can be provided to incident
response teams upon request in accordance with
Department of Defense Directive (DODD) 3150.08
(Reference (t))?
Is this an item identified in a DoD Serialized Item
Management program as requiring unique
management in accordance with Reference (i)
Is this item the parent of an item with an UII and thus
requires unique management in accordance with
subpart 252.211-7003 of Reference (d) and this
Table. UII Operational Requirements
When… DoD Components…
Marking items
Assess whether the quality of the IUID data matrix
symbol conforms to MIL-STD130 specifications in
accordance with Reference (l), by assessing the
population or sample with a commercial or government
data matrix verification tool.
Assess whether the quality of the data set encoded in the
IUID data matrix conforms to MIL-STD 30
specifications in accordance with Reference (l), by
assessing the population or sample with a commercial or
government data matrix verification tool.
Assess whether the specific IUID data matrix is applied
to the correct item corresponding to the dataset encoded
in the data matrix and corresponds to the human readable
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Table. UII Operational Requirements, Continued
When... DoD Components...
Working solicitations that
also include provisions
for government-furnished
Include the IUID requirements in subpart 252.211-7007 of
Using other agencies for
Ensure that purchases initiated by the DoD and executed
through the General Services Administration or other
federal agencies comply with the IUID policy.
Using government-
assigned serial numbers
Ensure compliance with subpart 252.211-7008 of DFARS.
Registering UII on
contract delivery
Ensure compliance with subpart 252.211-7003 of
If the contracting officer exempts the contractor from
marking the item, and the government marks the item
after receipt of the contract delivery, the government
must register the UII as for a newly procured item,
including relevant contract information.
Updating data on UIIs
Perform updates to existing DoD IUID Registry data as
close to real-time as possible, and not later than 30 days
after the event generating the requirement to update.
Make changes to the status of embedded items to the
DoD IUID Registry when the item is in government
custody in accordance with DoD Component
Submit individual updates to the DoD IUID Registry for
all embedded items with a UII when updates found in
the first six bullets of the following section are
submitted for the parent item.
For transactions meeting the last two bullets in the
Keeping Data Current” section below, submission of
data at the parent-level only is required.
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Table. UII Operational Requirements, Continued
When... DoD Components...
Keeping data current
Update the DoD IUID Registry when:
The DoD Component owner is not identified in the
acceptance transaction for new procurement items.
Submit an update to the DoD IUID Registry to indicate
the DoD Component owner at the time of receipt.
Asset ownership is transferred between DoD
Components, to include sales between DoD
Components and asset release to DLA Disposition
Services. The receiving DoD Component activity
processes the update to the DoD IUID registry.
Assets are transferred, sold, or loaned to foreign military
sales countries.
Assets are lost, expended, or destroyed.
Items are removed from the DoD inventory.
Custody changes for GFP. Submit data for GFP subject
to IUID policy to the DoD IUID Registry on a
transactional basis in accordance with the requirements
for property reporting in Reference (e).
A part number changes.
The UII mark is physically applied to an asset assigned a
virtual UII in the DoD IUID Registry.
a. Instructions for DoD Components to upload initial registration of existing assets,
including IUID-related GFP, to the DoD IUID Registry may be found at the DoD Procurement
Toolbox Website (Reference (x)).
b. Instructions for submitting and retrieving data on the existing DoD IUID registry may be
found at Reference (x).
c. DoD Components will not delete UII pedigree data from the DoD IUID Registry;
however, UII data may be archived if the entry of the UII was invalid.
4. IUID REQUIREMENTS. To ensure IUID requirements are met, the Military Departments
and the Defense Agencies will:
a. Ensure MIL-STD 130-compliant data matrix marking in accordance with Reference (l)
and registration requirements are met for all IUID-related property items delivered to the
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government under contract, in inventory, or in use, which require unique item-level traceability
at any time in their life-cycle.
b. Identify items with a unique item-level traceability requirement at any time in their life
cycle using the procedures of this instruction. Ensure review of the following items, at a
(1) Major end items.
(2) Depot level reparables.
(3) Nuclear weapons-related materiel.
(4) Small arms and light weapons.
(5) Items with a classified, sensitive, or pilferable controlled inventory item code.
(6) Critical safety items.
(7) Items currently serially managed or warrantied, including items in unique item
tracking programs.
(8) Items that require periodic test, calibration, or safety inspection.
(9) Items that require technical directive tracking.
(10) Items requiring intensive visibility and management.
(11) Other items, as determined by the requiring activity.
c. Ensure that for any uniquely identified subassembly, component, or part embedded within
an item, the configuration chain up to and including the level-1 parent will also be uniquely
d. Ensure that solicitations include the clause at subpart 252.211-7003 of DFARS when the
FLIS IUID indicator for the item to be acquired requires the item to be data matrix marked (FLIS
IUID indicator equals “Y”). Items requiring IUID will be included in the contract for purchases
of new equipment, major modifications, re-procurements of equipment and spares, or items of
e. Identify items in contracts that meet IUID criteria according to the unique item level
traceability requirements identified in this enclosure.
f. Ensure the timely delivery of IUID data to the DoD IUID Registry, and the marking of
UIIs on items purchased by the DoD by issuing solicitations that include the clause at subpart
252.211-7003 of DFARS or by alternate implementation that will result in government-
controlled IUID marking and registration no later than 30 days after receipt of materiel. At the
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same time, ensure accountable property systems of record are updated with IUID relevant data in
accordance with Reference (e) and DoDI 5000.64 (Reference (y)).
g. Ensure uniquely identified items are marked in accordance with Reference (l).
h. Ensure GFP is managed in accordance to Reference (e) with appropriate accountable
records in accordance with Reference (y).
i. Ensure shipment and storage containers and packages containing uniquely identified items
are labeled in accordance with Reference (m).
j. Maintain DoD Component IUID implementation plans and provide updates on execution
to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Supply Chain Integration, as requested.
k. Designate the FLIS IUID Indicator for DoD Component managed items with a national
stock number assigned.
l. Provide DLA with the IUID specific marking requirements in excess of the MIL-STD, for
DLA managed items.
m. Incorporate the use of IUID in business processes for acquisition, financial, property
accountability, supply, maintenance, distribution, and logistics systems for items that have an
individual item traceability requirement.
n. Modernize acquisition, logistics, and property management automated information
systems with UII requirements, including use of the DLMS in accordance with Reference (k),
and the IUID Registry as defined in this enclosure.
o. Ensure program managers plan for, update, and implement, IUID requirements in the
program’s systems engineering plan, in accordance with Reference (j).
p. Use the UII in all unique item tracking, serial number tracking, and serialized item
management processes.
q. Leverage IUID-enabled unique item level traceability for precision inventory control and
traceability, and for the prevention, detection, reporting and disposition of non-conforming
materiel, including counterfeit materiel.
r. Ensure commonality and interoperability with all automatic identification and data capture
technology infrastructure requirements and IUID data management processes.
s. Ensure submission of product quality deficiency reports for non-compliance with the item
marking requirements of Reference (l) and supply deficiency reports for non-compliance with
the packaging marking requirements of Reference (m), as appropriate.
t. Establish supporting metrics to manage IUID implementation.
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ASD(A) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition
ASD(S) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment
APSR accountable property system of record
DFARS Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
DLA Defense Logistics Agency
DLM Defense Logistics Manual
DLMS Defense Logistics Management System
DoDI DoD instruction
DPC Defense Pricing and Contracting
FLIS Federal Logistics Information System
GFP government furnished property
IUID item unique identification
MIL-STD Military Standard
UII unique item identifier
USD(A&S) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment
These terms and their definitions are for the purpose of this instruction.
contractor logistics support. Contracted weapon system sustainment that occurs over the life of
the weapon system and generally covering multiple integrated product support elements.
Contractor logistics support does not include interim contractor support, a temporary measure for
a system’s initial period of operation before a permanent form of support is in place, but may
include performance based logistics product support strategies and public-private partnering
DLA Disposition Services. Disposes of excess property received from the military services. The
inventory changes daily and includes thousands of items: from air conditioners to vehicles,
clothing to computers, and much more. That property is first offered for reutilization within the
DoD, transfer to other federal agencies, or donation to state and local governments and other
qualified organizations.
DLMS. A process governing logistics functional business management standards and practices
across DoD. A broad base of business rules, to include uniform policies, procedures, time
standards, transactions, and data management, designed to meet DoD requirements for global
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supply chain management system support. DLMS enables logistics operations to occur
accurately and promote interoperability between DoD and external logistics activities at any
level of the DoD organizational structure. The DLMS supports electronic business capabilities
such as: American National Standards Institute Accredited Standards Committee X12 electronic
data interchange, on which the DLMS transaction exchange was founded; automatic
identification technology, including passive radio-frequency identification and linear and two-
dimensional bar coding; extensible markup language; and web-based technology. The DLMS
encompasses standardization of logistics processes including, but not limited to: Military
Standard Billing System, Military Standard Transaction Reporting and Accountability
Procedures, Military Standard Requisitioning and Issue Procedures, and Supply Discrepancy
DoD IUID Registry. The central repository for IUID information and serves as an acquisition
gateway to identify the UII of the item, what the item is; how and when it was acquired; the
initial unit cost of the item; component ownership; current custody (government or contractor);
and how it is marked. The registry captures, retains, and provides data regarding uniquely
identified tangible items. The UII enables net-centric data correlation and collaboration in order
to facilitate effective and efficient accountability and control of DoD assets and resources in
support of DoD business transformation and warfighter mission fulfillment.
force structure. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms (Reference
GFP. Property, including both government furnished material and government furnished
equipment, in the possession of, or directly acquired by the government and subsequently
furnished to the contractor (includes sub-contractors and alternate locations) for performance of a
government-assigned serial number. Means a combination of letters or numerals in a fixed
human-readable information format (e.g., text) conveying information about a major end item,
which is provided to a contractor by the requiring activity with accompanying technical data
instructions for marking the U.S. Government-assigned serial number on major end items to be
delivered to the U.S. Government. Defined in subpart 252.211-7008 of DFARS.
IUID. A system of establishing globally ubiquitous unique identifiers on items of supply within
DoD, which serves to distinguish a discrete entity or relationship from other like and unlike
entities or relationships. Defined in DFARS.
net-centric. Exploitation of advancing technology that moves from an application centric to a
data-centric paradigm that is providing users the ability to access applications and services
through Web services an information environment comprised of interoperable computing and
communication components as defined in the Net-Centric Checklist (Reference (aa)).
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parent item. The item assembly, intermediate component or subassembly that has an embedded
item with a UII or DoD recognized unique identification equivalent.
parent-child relationship. An association of a uniquely identified item (i.e., the child) with the
next higher level of assembly that is uniquely identified (i.e., the parent).
child. The lower level item of a parent-child relationship.
parent. The higher level item of a parent-child relationship.
pedigree data. Includes acquisition contract information; original part, lot, or batch number;
serial number; and shipment and delivery information.
personal property. Defined in Reference (y).
secondary item. Defined in DoD Manual 4140.01 (Reference (ab)).
unique identifier. Defined in Reference (c).
UII. A globally unique and unambiguous identifier that distinguishes an item from all other like
and unlike items. The UII is derived from a UII data set of one or more data elements. (See
Reference (l).)
unique item level traceability. The requirement to trace life-cycle management events related to
acquisition, storage, operation, maintenance, safety, physical security, retirement, and disposal
by each individual item (e.g., for a single instance of a stock-numbered item or a single assembly
or subassembly) (See Reference (h).)
virtual UII. A UII of a legacy item that has been entered, along with its associated data, in the
DoD IUID Registry, while postponing the physical marking of the item with an IUID-compliant
two-dimensional data matrix symbol to a more advantageous time based on logistic and
economic considerations.