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Ph.D., Douglass Assistant Professor, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP
314-600-1224 | t[email protected] |
Aug 2021-May 2024
Aug 2020-May 2021
Aug 2017-May 2020
Sep 2014-Jun 2017
Sep 2009-Jun 2014
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Ph.D. in Building Performance and Diagnostics, Cumulative GPA: 3.89/4.0.
Awards/Funding: Funded by U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Research Grant,
ARCC King Medal Award, Carnegie Mellon University Assembly/Provost GuSH Grant.
Thesis: AI-driven building energy and carbon emissions benchmarking at multiple scales.
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL
Ph.D. in Architecture, Technology of Built Environment Track, Cumulative GPA: 3.50/4.0.
Awards/Funding: Vinci Fellowship Grant Funding.
Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Master of Architecture, Cumulative GPA: 3.56/4.0.
Awards/Funding: Graduate School Scholarship $36,000.
Thesis: Abandoned buildings rethinking: community healthcare center design in St. Louis.
Tianjin University, Tianjin, China (National 985/211 Key University)
Master of Architecture, Cumulative GPA (Equiv.): 3.50/4.0.
Awards/Funding: Funded by the Foundation of Tianjin Science and Technology
Commission, Funding N.O. 16YFZCSF00520.
Thesis: Research on design strategy optimization of green buildings based on operation.
North China University of Science and Technology, Tangshan, China
Bachelor of Engineering, Cumulative GPA (Equiv.): 3.67/4.0.
Awards/Funding: Dean’s List of Honors, First Category Scholarship.
Thesis: Improvement of residential space by design strategy.
Aug 2024-present
Aug 2023-May 2024
Douglass Assistant Professor - Building Technology, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE
ARCH 5/611 Advanced Architectural Design Studio: Graduate integrated research studio.
ARCH 311 Architectural Design Studio - Situate: Creating effective and appropriate
relationships with manmade/natural environments.
ARCH 430 Technological Integration: For building structural, technology, and
environmental systems.
Research Project: AI-driven building performance and carbon emissions analysis.
Instructor - Building Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
ARCH 48-733: Environmental Performance Simulation: to analyze building renewable
energy, visible & thermal comfort, sustainability, and optimization via advanced
simulation tools, i.e., Grasshopper-based programs, EnergyPlus, ClimateStudio, etc.
Thesis Advisor: Guided M.S. in Building Performance Diagnostics thesis projects.
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Aug 2022-May 2024
Adjunct Professor - Architecture Studio, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
ARCH 1203 Sustainable Studio: Sustainability of urban residential housing design.
ARCH 1204 Advanced Studio: Comprehensive design integrated with CD drawings.
ARCH 48215 Materials and Assembly: Building systems and construction foundations.
Produced and developed a core course: Environmental Building System 01.
Aug 2021-present
May 2022-Aug 2022
Jun 2021-Aug 2021
Jun 2018-Aug 2018
July 2020-Aug 2021
Feb 2019-Jul 2019
Ph.D. Researcher/RA, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Investigated the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Total Estimated Cost
Impact (TECI) Metrics Evaluation project for energy, carbon emissions, fault detection,
and cost analysis, PI: Vivian Loftness.
Worked on the GSA National Outdoor Air Verification (NOVA) project for ventilation,
energy, wellness, and indoor air quality, PI: Vivian Loftness.
Analyzed the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) funded project with
building performance, façade options for patient visual/thermal comfort, and indoor
environmental quality, PI: Azadeh O. Sawyer & Alstan Jakubiec.
Participated in 50 bird-friendly glass patterns for sustainable buildings with visual comfort
analysis, funded by American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and Carnegie Mellon University
College of Fine Arts’ Fund for Research and Creativity, PI: Azadeh O. Sawyer.
Building Performance Intern, Affiliated Engineers, Inc., Madison, WI
Developed building performance modeling for Cole Eye Clinic Center, Cleveland, OH.
Evaluated the performance and created the energy modeling for Millipore Sigma K3 Lab,
Sheboygan Falls, WI.
Developed and improved the Energy Plus interface with data pre-processing using Python.
Architectural Intern, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (SOM)
Chicago, IL (2021) & Washington, DC (2018)
Participated in the technical and interior design of Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority
(SAMA), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (construction documentation phase).
Joined in Zhengzhou Yongwei Longhu Parcel 117 Development project for planning and
architectural design (conceptual design phase).
Led ceiling system renovation and daylighting strategy analysis.
VP of Sustainability, Merakis Group, Ziran Education Foundation, Essex, England, UK
Led sustainable research and analysis for Educational Land Use Planning and
Development Project: K-12 & Academy of Continuing Education with the government.
Designed and planned for the Merakis Coffee House and Exchange Trading Store.
Directed the product design for creating a playground that empowers emerging creatives
and visionary investors to bring the next big ideas to life.
Architectural Intern, Henning Larsen Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark
Participated in the schematic design (SD) and design development (DD) phase of Jubail
Convention Center, Jubail, Saudi Arabia.
Researched users’ behavior and interior comfort in indoor environments.
Analyzed building environmental systems to achieve the projects LEED Gold goal.
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Aug 2018-Jan 2019
Aug 2017-May 2019
Dec 2017-Jan 2018
Feb 2016-Jun 2017
Dec 2013-present
Architectural Intern, NORD Architects, Copenhagen, Denmark
Joined in the construction documentation (CD) phase and conducted the assembly of
materials for Lyngdal Nursing Home in Norway.
Communicated and investigated site topography, geographic, and other contexts.
Analyzed interior color with thermal and lighting comfort for the nursing homes.
Research Assistant, Washington University, St. Louis, MO
Involved in technical research, building performance calculation, and construction on site
for CRETE House, U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon competition, Denver, CO.
Designed the building systems and programming for Lotus House, a 3D printed house,
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon competition, Dezhou, China.
Architectural Intern, MGA Partners, Philadelphia, PA
Joined the Lancaster County Day School in the conceptual design phase, Lancaster, PA.
Analyzed the site and landscape to improve the outdoor space quality and accessibility.
Prepared presentation slides and firm design portfolio.
Research Assistant, Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
Investigated daylighting control and building enclosure related to architectural design.
Researched the individual study of operation and energy consumption simulation model of
an existing sustainable building in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, Tianjin, China.
Co-Founder, Leadership, 1895 Design Institute LLC, Tianjin, China
Created a platform for 30,000+ undergraduate/graduate students nationwide in China to
communicate and share architectural design and technology resources.
Led four design courses (Fast architectural design, Hand sketch, 3D model-based
software, Graduate school application consult) for 500+ undergraduate students.
Organized public lecture series for higher education institutes regarding design
philosophy, building science, and technology.
2024 - Ph.D. Thesis
2024 - Journal
2024 - Journal
2024 - Journal
2024 - Journal
Li, T. (2024). AI-driven building energy and carbon emissions benchmarking at multiple
scales. Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.
Li, T., Liu, T., Sawyer, A.O., Tang, P., Loftness, V., Lu, Y., Xie, J. (2024). Generalized
building energy and carbon emissions benchmarking with post-prediction analysis.
Developments in the Built Environment. DOI:
Li, T., Bie, H., Lu, Y., Sawyer, A.O., Loftness, V. (2024). MEBA: AI-powered precise
building monthly energy benchmarking approach. Applied Energy. Special Issue: AI in
Energy and Carbon Emission. DOI:
Tian, J., Zhao, T., Li, Z., Li, T., Bie, H., Loftness, V. (2024). VOD: Vision-Based Building
Energy Data Outlier Detection. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction, 6(2), 965-
986. DOI:
Guo, B., Li, T., Yu, H., Loftness, V. (Under-review). Data-driven approaches to improving
EUI prediction accuracy for benchmarking. Energy and Buildings.
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2023 - Conference
2023 - Journal
2022 - Journal
Project Report
Project Report
Project Report
2022 - Book
2021 - Journal
2021 - Journal
2020 - Master Thesis
2018 - Book
2018 - Conference
2018 - Conference
2017 - Conference
2016 - Master Thesis
Li, T., Xie, J., Liu, T., Lu, Y., Sawyer, A.O. (2023). An Innovative Building Energy Use
Analysis by Unsupervised Classification and Supervised Learning Models. ASHRAE
Annual Conference, Tampa, FL.
Li, T., Xie, J., Liu, T., Lu, Y., Sawyer, A.O., Loftness, V., Tang, P. (Under-review). DUAL-
FEED: AI-driven building end-use energy benchmarking classification and forecasting.
Developments in the Built Environment.
Xie, J., Sawyer, A.O., Ge, S., Li, T. (2022). Subjective Impression of an Office with Biophilic
Design and Blue Lighting: A Pilot Study. Buildings, 13(1), 42. DOI:
Loftness, V., Bie, H., Li, T., Tian, J., Liang, W. (2023). Evaluation of General Service
Administration (GSA) Total Estimated Cost Impacts (TECI) of BAS System Sparks with
Advanced Meter Data Analytics, Center for Building Performance & Diagnostics
(CBPD), Carnegie Mellon University.
Loftness, V., Bie, H., Li, T., Tian, J., Liang, W. (2023). Summary of General Service
Administration (GSA) National Outdoor Air Verification (NOVA) Field Studies, Center
for Building Performance & Diagnostics (CBPD), Carnegie Mellon University.
Carnegie Mellon University, University of Toronto, HGA Architects. (2023). University of
Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Heart and Transplant Hospital Daylighting and
Thermal Comfort Analysis, PI: Azadeh Omidfar Sawyer & Alstan Jakubiec.
1895 Design Institute. (2022). Guide of Quick Landscape Architecture Design, China
Machine Press, ISBN: 9787111722564, 1st edition, Beijing, China (1000+ Purchase).
Li, T., Lu, Y. (2021). A Review of Hybrid Mode of Inpatient Care and Homecare Design
Based on IoMT Technology. Prometheus, 5. Available at:
Li, T., Lu, Y., Jiang, F., Sawyer, A.O. (In process). Net Zero Energy Retrofit Feasibility and
Cost Analysis for A Historical Education Building in Cold Climate Zone, Applied
Li, T. (2020). Abandoned Building Rethinking: Community Healthcare Center Research, The
Gallery of the Creative Exchange Lab, Washington University, St. Louis, MO.
1895 Design Institute. (2018). Guide of Quick Architecture Design, China Machine Press,
ISBN: 7111585097, 1st edition, Beijing, China (8,000+ Purchase).
Wang, C., Zhang, M., Li, T., Juan, Y., Wang, Y. (2018). Investigation of Physical
Environment of Atriums in Large Buildings in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei Province, CIE
Topical Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
Wang, C., Zhang, M., Li, T., Yu., J., Wang, Y. (2018). Optimization of Atrium Spatial Light
Environment Comfort based on Subjective Evaluation, The 10th Asia Lighting
Conference, Kobe, Japan.
Wang, C., Zhen, Y., Zhang, M., Li, T. (2017). Investigation on Reflecting Light from Glass
Curtain Wall Building in Tianjin Area, The 10th Asia Lighting Conference, Shanghai,
Li, T. (2016). Research on Design Strategy Optimization of Green Buildings Based on
Operation Effect: Take LCLL Building as An Example (Funded by Tianjin Science and
Technology Programs: 16YFZCSF00520, Available at CNKI), Tianjin University,
Tianjin, China.
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May 2024
May 2024
Jul 2023
May 2023
Nov 2022
Nov 2021
Apr 2021
Nov 2017
Graduation Commencement Speaker: The School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon
University, on behalf of entire graduate students.
AIA Panelist: AIA Build Pittsburgh of Exploring the Future of Architectural Practice:
Navigating AI and Emerging Technologies, on behalf of Carnegie Mellon University.
ASHRAE Annual Conference Speaker: Speech for the paper session on AI and Machine
Learning / Energy Models - Buildings, Tampa, FL.
Green Building Alliance (GBA): Speech regarding building decarbonization and
electrification study by advanced AI models.
Architecture Lecture: Active and passive sustainable design strategies overview lecture at
the University of Pittsburgh.
Ph.D. International Annual Research Symposium: Speech of Human Behavior,
Performance, and Built Environments at Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL.
US Department of Energy (DOE): Solar Decathlon Competition interview on behalf of the
Illinois Institute of Technology to participate in the project competition.
Public Lecture Exchanges: Speeches for senior undergraduate students at 50+ Higher
Education institutes, including the top 985/211 National Key Universities in China, such
as Tianjin University, Beijing University of Technology, Nanjing University, South
China University of Technology, Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and
Technology, etc., regarding architectural design philosophy, study experience, and
building up the architectural connection platform.
Asia Lighting Conference Speaker: Speech for the conference paper session on indoor
environmental quality and visual comfort, Shanghai, China.
May 2024
May 2024
Jun 2023
Apr 2023
Dec 2022
Leading Guest Editor: Special Issue of Carbon Emissions Analysis by AI Techniques,
Journal of Information, Publisher: MDPI.
MEIE Paper Reviewer: The 7
International Conference on Mechanical, Electric, and
Industrial Engineering (MEIE 2024), Yichang, China.
ASHRAE Technical Paper Reviewer: Reviewed annual ASHRAE technical conference
paper, Tampa, FL.
Architecture Studio Reviewer: Invited as the guest reviewer for the final review of
Architecture Design Studio ARCH-1202 at the University of Pittsburgh.
Architecture Studio Reviewer: Invited as the guest reviewer for the midterm & final reviews
of Architecture Design Studio ARCH-1201 at the University of Pittsburgh.
May 2024
Jun 2023
Apr 2022
Nov 2022
The 2024 Seed Grant Program: The Wilton E. Scott Institute for Energy Innovation $60,000
(Role: PI, Co-PI: Azadeh O. Sawyer).
Carnegie Mellon University Conference Funding, Grant support for conference and
traveling from Carnegie Mellon University $1,500, Pittsburgh, PA (Role: PI).
Carnegie Mellon University Assembly/Provost GuSH Grant, Grant support for doctoral
studies from Carnegie Mellon University $3,000, Pittsburgh, PA (Role: PI).
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June 2024
May 2024
Nov 2022-present
Sep 2021
Sep 2020-present
May 2021
May 2020-present
Jun 2019-present
Aug 2018
Nov 2017
Nov 2015
Aug 2015
Sep 2014
Douglass Architecture Professorship, College of Architecture, University of Nebraska,
Lincoln, NE.
ARCC King Medal Award, ARCC King Student Medal for Excellence in Architectural and
Environmental Design Research, Pittsburgh, PA.
ASHRAE Member, The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE), Atlanta, GA.
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Building Competition, First Prize for Net
Zero Retail Design, on behalf of Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL,
Patent of Gesture Recognition based on EMG (Electromyography) for Healthcare
Facilities, FlectThink Group, Hangzhou, China (In Process),
Top 3 Designs in Wharton Tangen Hall Furniture Competition, Wharton School of
Business, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA (built),
Associate AIA, American Institute of Architects (AIA), Washington, DC.
LEED AP BD+C, U.S. Green Building Council, (USGBC) Washington, DC.
SOM Fellowship Program, Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, LLP, Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Energy Solar Decathlon Building Competition, Second Design Prize,
on behalf of Washington University, Denver, CO (Built),
Tianjin University New Campus Gateway Design Build, Tianjin, China (Built),
31st Busan International Architecture Competition, Honorable Award, Busan, Korea.
Tianjin International Design Studio Exchange Program, First Prize, Tianjin, China.
Data Analysis
Text Editing
Teaching Platform
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese.
Python, Java, R, JavaScript, C++.
Power BI, Tableau, ArcGIS.
Revit (BIM), AutoCAD, Rhino 3D, Grasshopper, Sketch Up, Adobe Suite, Hand Sketches.
Open Studio, Energy Plus, Climate Studio, IES VE, UMI, Grasshopper-based simulation tools
(Ladybug, Honeybee, Pollination, etc.).
Latex Editor, Jupyter, Sublime, Visual Studio, Microsoft Office Suite.
Canvas, Blackboard, Miro board, Jamboard, etc.
Aug 2014 (first time)
May 2017, Dec 2021
Swim across the longest river (Yangtze River) in China.
Drive all the way from the East Coast to the West Coast.
Cook the finest fish for family and friends.
Discuss the state-of-the-art AI techniques related to building design and technology.
Write funny video games for friends’ birthday gifts via Python.