Wenwen Cheng
Curriculum Vitae
Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma
830 Van Vleet Oval, Gould Hall, Rm. 266
Norman, OK, 73019
Phone: (832) 836-1600
E-mail: wcheng@ou.edu
Ph.D., Urban and Regional Science
College of Architecture, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX
Dissertation: Design of Thermally Comfortable and UVR-Healthy
Schoolyards for Children in Low Latitude Urban Areas in North America
(College Station, TX)
Advisor: Robert D. Brown
Committee: Galen Newman, Wei Li, Daniel Goldberg
Thesis reference: Cheng, W. (2020). Design of Thermally Comfortable and
UVR-Healthy Schoolyards for Children in Low Latitude Urban Areas in North
America (College Station, Tx) (Doctoral dissertation).
MLA Master of Landscape Architecture
College of Landscape Architecture and Architecture, Peking University,
Beijing, China
Thesis: Neighborhood Open Space Satisfaction and the Implication of
Neighborhood Landscape Design: Taking Neighborhoods near Beijing
Yuyuantan Park as Examples
Advisor: Kongjian Yu, Zhifang Wang
BLA Bachelor of Landscape Architecture
College of Landscape Architecture, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing,
Landscape Design of Bajia Country Park
Advisor: Liang Li
Microclimatic Landscape Architecture Research Lab, Gibbs College of
Architecture, University of Oklahoma
Assistant Professor
Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of Architecture, University
of Oklahoma
Microclimatic Landscape Design Laboratory, Department of Landscape
Architecture, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Instructor of Record
Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture, Texas A&M
Research Assistant
Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture, Texas A&M
Teaching Assistant
Department of Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture, Texas A&M
Landscape Designer
China Wuzhou Engineering Group, Beijing, China
Assistant Landscape Designer (Internship)
AECOM, Beijing, China
Assistant Landscape Designer (Internship)
MCM Group, Beijing, China
Peer Reviewed Articles
Cheng, W., Li, D., Liu, Z., & Brown, R. D. (2021). Approaches for identifying heat-
vulnerable populations and locations: A systematic review. Science of The Total
Environment, 149417.
Li, F., Yao, N., Liu, D., Liu, W., Sun, Y., Cheng, W., ... & Zhao, Y. (2021). Explore the
recreational service of large urban parks and its influential factors in city clusters
Experiments from 11 cities in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. Journal of Cleaner
Production, 314, 128261.
Liu, Z., Cheng, W., Jim, C. Y., Morakinyo, T. E., Shi, Y., & Ng, E. (2021). Heat
mitigation benefits of urban green and blue infrastructures: A systematic review of
modeling techniques, validation and scenario simulation in ENVI-met V4. Building and
Environment, 107939.
Cheng, W., & Brown, R. D. (2020). An energy budget model for estimating the thermal
comfort of children. International Journal of Biometeorology, 64(8), 1355-1366.
Cheng, W., Spengler, J. O., & Brown, R. D. (2020). A Comprehensive Model for
Estimating Heat Vulnerability of Young Athletes. International Journal of Environmental
Research and Public Health, 17(17), 6156.
Cheng, W., Brown, R., Vernez, D., & Goldberg, D. (2020). Estimation of Individual
Exposure to Erythemal Weighted UVR by Multi-Sensor Measurements and Integral
Calculation. Sensors, 20(15), 4068.
Li, F., Zhang, F., Li, X., Wang, P., Liang, J., Mei, Y., Cheng, W., ... & Qian, Y. (2017).
Spatiotemporal patterns of the use of urban green spaces and external factors contributing
to their use in central Beijing. International journal of environmental research and public
health, 14(3), 237.
Wang, Z., Cheng, W., & Wang, H. (2015). Evidence-based Restorative Environment:
Research Progress and Design Inspirations. Landscape Architecture (Top landscape
journal in Chinese), 6, 110-116. [In Chinese with English abstract].
Peer Reviewed Conference Presentations and Abstracts
Cheng, W., LI, D., & Liu, Z. (2021). The construction and application of the heat
vulnerability indices/models, a systematic review. Council of Educators in Landscape
Architecture (CELA), March 17-20, 2021. [Abstract submission and oral presentation]
Cheng, W., & and Brown, R. D. (2019). Designing UV-Healthy and Thermally
Comfortable Schoolyard Environments in Low Latitude Urban Areas (College Station,
TX). Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA), Sacramento, CA. March 6-
9, 2019. [Abstract submission and oral presentation]
Cheng, W., & and Brown, R. D. (2018). The Impact of Land Surface Cover on
Neighborhood Microclimate in College Station, TX. Council of Educators in Landscape
Architecture (CELA). Blacksburg, Virginia. March 21-24, 2018. [Abstract submission and
oral presentation]
Cheng, W., & and Brown, R. D. (2018). Considering Invisible Light in Playground
Design: Ultraviolet Radiation (UVR) and Children’s Skin and Eye Health. Council of
Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA). Blacksburg, Virginia. March 21-24, 2018.
[Abstract submission and oral presentation]
Cheng, W., & and Brown, R. D. (2017). Evidence-based Urban Climate-responsive
Urban Green Space Design: A Literature Review. Council of Educators in Landscape
Architecture (CELA). Beijing, China. May 26-29, 2017. [Abstract submission and oral
Brown, R.D. & Cheng, W. Microclimatic Design for Health. Landscape Architecture for
Health and Active Living: Toward an Interdisciplinary Initiative Panel of CELA. Beijing,
China. May 26-29, 2017. [Panel presentation]
Principal Investigator
Project Title: Climate Resilient and Thermal Equity Schoolyards.
Funded Source: Faculty Investment Program (FIP), University of Oklahoma
Funding Amount: $14,324
Funded Source: Program for Research Enhancement (PRE), University of Oklahoma,
Gibbs College of Architecture
Funding Among: $5,000
Co-Principal Investigator
Project Title: Nature-Based Climatic Responsive Community Planning and Design:
Promoting Thermal Health Under Future Climate Predictions
Funded Source: Center of Health & Nature
Funding Amount: $25,000
Principal Investigator, Dr. Dongying Li
Senior Personnel
Project Title: A 4-Dimensional Multiscale Greenhouse Gas Emission Monitoring
Platform for Sociocultural/Socioeconomic Impacts Assessment and Environmental
Resiliency Enhancement
Funded Source: Big Idea Challenge (BIC), University of Oklahoma
Funding Amount: $75,000
Principal Investigator, Dr. Binbin Weng
Research Assistant, Assessing and Remediating Health and Safety Issues in Children’s
Play Spaces in Resort Settings
Funding Resource: Triads for Transformation, Texas A&M University
Grant Amount: $30,000
Research Assistant, COMFA 4D model development and testing
Researcher, College Station Heat Vulnerable Index development
Research Assistant, ‘SmartBox’ Microclimatic instruments package design
Research Assistant, Cylindrical Radiant Thermometer testing
Research Assistant, Measuring the Microclimatic Effect of an Urban Nature Reserve on
the Thermal Comfort of Visitors
Funding Resource: Schob Scholars LAUP Mini-Grant Program Landscape Architecture
and Urban Planning Department, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Grant Amount: $3,000
Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma
Fall 2020, Fall 2021
Introductory Graduate Studio I (LA5515)
The studio course serves to develop students’ abilities to understand spatial relationships,
evaluate the appropriateness of ideas and conduct comprehensive design programming,
communicate ideas verbally and graphically, and think critically and reflectively. Various
representational methods, such as hand and computer drawing, physical and computer
modeling, and design narrative are utilized.
Landscape Architecture Drawing & Graphics (LA5513)
This course covers the basic conception of generating spatial and environmental ideas
using two- and three- dimensional visual expression in landscape architecture design.
Methods of graphic communication such as sketching, diagramming, color rendering for
plan, section, perspective, and axonometric drawings are included.
Applied Research in Landscape Architecture (LA6950)
This course is for third year MLA students to work on their graduate project. Weekly
meetings and committee meetings are scheduled.
Directed Readings (LA5960)
Students have independent study with instructor/mentor to conduct studies on specific
research/design projects.
Spring 2020, Spring 2021
Landscape Architecture Technology: Materials and Construction (LA5243)
This course introduces students to the important technical aspects of materials and
construction techniques in the profession of landscape architecture. This course covers
many structural principles in the material and construction including brick, concrete,
asphalt, stone, wood, paving curbs, walls, steps, small structures, site furnishings, lighting
and site stormwater management.
Directed Readings (LA5960)
Students have independent study with instructor/mentor to conduct studies on specific
research/design projects.
Graduate Project (LA6595)
This course is for third year MLA students to work on their graduate project. Weekly
meetings and committee meetings are scheduled.
Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018, Fall 2019
Digital Communication I (URPN220)
This class teaches the basic and intermediate skills of design programs including Google
SketchUp, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign to
students through a site design project.
Spring 2018, Spring 2019
Landscape Design IV (LAND312)
Land 312 is the advanced design studio course for BLA students prior to the required
professional internship and the final year of the study. Students are expected to
understand various system in landscape architecture design through community design
project including the knowledge of theory and concepts of community design, master
planning process for community development, evidence-based design, and sustainable
healthy communities.
Spring 2017
Landscape Construction II (LAND232)
This course covers essential construction materials and systems applied in landscape
development. Topics include statics and mechanics of simple structures; properties and
procedures of wood, masonry, and concrete construction; construction sequencing and
material costs. Development of a construction document package is required.
Undergraduate/Graduate Student Mentoring
Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of Architecture, the University of Oklahoma
Aman Golshan, MLA, Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of
Architecture, University of Oklahoma
Project Title: Green Wind catcher Design for Mitigating Urban Heat Islands and
Air Purification
Teaching Assistant
Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Spring 2016
History of Landscape Architecture (LAND240)
Fall 2015
Landscape Design V (LAND318)
Studio Critics
Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of Architecture, University of Oklahoma
Fall 2021
Landscape Architecture Intermediate Graduate Studio III (LA5535)
Spring 2021
Landscape Architecture Intermediate Graduate Studio II (LA5525)
Fall 2020
Graduate Architectural Design III (ARCH 5536)
Landscape Architecture Intermediate Graduate Studio III (LA5535)
Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Fall 2020
Landscape GeoDesign Studio (LAND602/URPN 493)
Fall 2015
Social & Behavioral Factors in Design (ARCH 212)
Guest Lecturer
Fall 2020
Cheng, W. Mitigating Urban Heat Island by Landscape Architecture Design.
Course: Ecological Site Design Studio (EAS 590). Instructor: Runzi Wang, School for
Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan.
Fall 2019
Cheng, W. Considering the Effect of Design on the Microclimate.
Course: Design Programming (ARCH660). Instructor: Aubrey R. Pentecost. Department of
Architecture, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University.
Cheng, W. Creating Thermal Comfort Places for Healthy People.
Course: Microclimate Urban Design (LAND210). Instructor: Robert R. Brown. Department of
Landscape Architecture, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University.
Course Related Projects
Department of Landscape and Urban Planning, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Spring 2017
Deck and Boardwalk Construction as High Impact Learning: Design, Material Selection,
Construction, and Long-Term Observation
Fall 2015
Schob Natural Preserve Prairie Garden Design and Construction
Cheng, W. Urban Heat Island and Human Thermal Health Design and Research.
Landscape architecture and Urban ecological services Forum of Chinese Society of
Landscape Architecture. Online.
Cheng, W. Graduation Representative speech, Department of Landscape Architecture and
Urban Planning, College of Architecture, Texas A&M University
Brown, R.D. & Cheng, W. Microclimatic Design for Health. Landscape Architecture for
Health and Active Living: Toward an Interdisciplinary Initiative Panel of CELA. Beijing,
Cheng, W. Landscape, Citizens and Society: Our Responsibilities. 9th National Forum of
Landscape Architecture Graduates, Beijing, China.
Graduate Assistantship, Texas A&M University
Microclimatic Design and Research Group Scholarship, Texas A&M University
First Prize National Scholarship, Peking University
Second Prize Scholarship, Beijing Forestry University
Academic Service
Guest Editor, Special Issue "Green Space Planning, Design and Governance for
Enhanced Human Wellbeing", land.
Reviewer, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)
Reviewer, Ambio (A Journal of Environment and Society)
Reviewer, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening
Reviewer, Computational Urban Science
Reviewer, Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture (CELA)
University Service
Faculty Search Committee, “Cluster hire focused on Sustainability and Equity”,
Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability, the University of Oklahoma
Faculty Search Committee, Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of
Architecture, the University of Oklahoma
Internal Proposal Review Committee, the University of Oklahoma
Academic Appeal Board, Gibbs College of Architecture, the University of Oklahoma
Chair, MLA graduate committee, Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of
Architecture, the University of Oklahoma
Co-Advisor, BS Capstone Project Committee, College of Engineering, the University of
Chair, MLA graduate committee, Division of Landscape Architecture, Gibbs College of
Architecture, the University of Oklahoma
Community Service
Invited speaker for College Station - Bryan CITY Summer School, Lick Creek Park
Natural Centre, College Station, Texas
Student Volunteer, Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ACSP), Houston,
Landscape Design: AutoCAD, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, SketchUp, Lumion,
Spatial analysis: ArcGIS, QGIS, ENVI, ENVI-met
Statistical analysis: R, Python, SPSS