Face ID Security
November 2017
Face ID Security Overview
With a simple glance, Face ID securely unlocks iPhone X. It provides intuitive
and secure authentication enabled by the TrueDepth camera system, which
uses advanced technologies to accurately map the geometry of your face. !
Face ID confirms attention by detecting the direction of your gaze, then uses
neural networks for matching and anti-spoofing so you can unlock your phone
with a glance. Face ID automatically adapts to changes in your appearance, and
carefully safeguards the privacy and security of your biometric data.
Face ID and passcodes
To use Face ID, you must set up iPhone X so that a passcode is required to
unlock it. When Face ID detects and matches your face, iPhone X unlocks
without asking for the device passcode. Face ID makes using a longer, more
complex passcode far more practical because you don’t need to enter it as
frequently. Face ID doesn’t replace your passcode, but provides easy access to
iPhone X within thoughtful boundaries and time constraints. This is important
because a strong passcode forms the foundation of your iOS devices
cryptographic protection.
You can always use your passcode instead of Face ID, and it’s still required
under the following circumstances:
The device has just been turned on or restarted.
The device hasn’t been unlocked for more than 48 hours.
The passcode hasn’t been used to unlock the device in the last 156 hours !
(six and a half days) and Face ID has not unlocked the device in the last !
4 hours.
The device has received a remote lock command.
After five unsuccessful attempts to match a face.
After initiating power off/Emergency SOS by pressing and holding either
volume button and the side button simultaneously for 2 seconds.
When Face ID is enabled, the device immediately locks when the side button is
pressed, and the device locks every time it goes to sleep. Face ID requires a
facial match—or optionally the passcode—at every wake.
The probability that a random person the population could look at your iPhone X
and unlock it using Face ID is approximately 1 in 1,000,000 (versus 1 in 50,000
for Touch ID). For additional protection, Face ID allows only five unsuccessful
match attempts before a passcode is required to obtain access to your iPhone.
The probability of a false match is different for twins and siblings that look like
you as well as among children under the age of 13, because their distinct facial
Face ID Security November 2017!
features may not have fully developed. If you're concerned about this, we
recommend using a passcode to authenticate.
Face ID security
Face ID is designed to confirm user attention, provide robust authentication !
with a low false match rate, and mitigate both digital and physical spoofing.
The TrueDepth camera automatically looks for your face when you wake !
iPhone X by raising it or tapping the screen, as well as when iPhone X attempts
to authenticate you to display an incoming notification or when a supported app
requests Face ID authentication. When a face is detected, Face ID confirms
attention and intent to unlock by detecting that your eyes are open and directed
at your device; for accessibility, this is disabled when VoiceOver is activated or
can be disabled separately, if required.
Once it confirms the presence of an attentive face, the TrueDepth camera
projects and reads over 30,000 infrared dots to form a depth map of the face,
along with a 2D infrared image. This data is used to create a sequence of 2D
images and depth maps, which are digitally signed and sent to the Secure
Enclave. To counter both digital and physical spoofs, the TrueDepth camera
randomizes the sequence of 2D images and depth map captures, and projects !
a device-specific random pattern. A portion of the A11 Bionic processor’s neural
engine—protected within the Secure Enclave—transforms this data into a
mathematical representation and compares that representation to the enrolled
facial data. This enrolled facial data is itself a mathematical representation of
your face captured across a variety of poses.
Facial matching is performed within the secure enclave using neural networks
trained specifically for that purpose. We developed the facial matching neural
networks using over a billion images, including IR and depth images collected in
studies conducted with the participants’ informed consent. We worked with
participants from around the world to include a representative group of people
accounting for gender, age, ethnicity, and other factors. We augmented the
studies as needed to provide a high degree of accuracy for a diverse range of
users. Face ID is designed to work with hats, scarves, glasses, contact lenses,
and many sunglasses. Furthermore, it's designed to work indoors, outdoors, and
even in total darkness. An additional neural network that’s trained to spot and
resist spoofing defends against attempts to unlock your phone with photos or
Face ID data, including mathematical representations of your face, is encrypted
and only available to the Secure Enclave. This data never leaves the device. It is
not sent to Apple, nor is it included in device backups. The following Face ID
data is saved, encrypted only for use by the Secure Enclave, during normal
The mathematical representations of your face calculated during enrollment.
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The mathematical representations of your face calculated during some unlock
attempts if Face ID deems them useful to augment future matching.
Face images captured during normal operation aren’t saved, but are instead
immediately discarded once the mathematical representation is calculated for
either enrollment or comparison to the enrolled Face ID data.
How Face ID unlocks an iOS device
With Face ID disabled, when a device locks, the keys for the highest class of
Data Protection—which are held in the Secure Enclave—are discarded. The files
and keychain items in that class are inaccessible until you unlock the device by
entering your passcode.
With Face ID enabled, the keys aren’t discarded when the device locks; instead,
they’re wrapped with a key that's given to the Face ID subsystem inside the
Secure Enclave. When you attempt to unlock the device, if Face ID recognizes
your face, it provides the key for unwrapping the Data Protection keys, and the
device is unlocked. This process provides additional protection by requiring
cooperation between the Data Protection and Face ID subsystems to unlock !
the device.
When the device restarts, the keys required for Face ID to unlock the device are
lost; they’re discarded by the Secure Enclave after any conditions are met that
require passcode entry (for example, after not being unlocked for 48 hours or
after five failed Face ID match attempts).
To improve unlock performance and keep pace with the natural changes of !
your face and look, Face ID augments its stored mathematical representation
over time. Upon successful unlock, Face ID may use the newly calculated
mathematical representation—if its quality is sufficient—for a finite number !
of additional unlocks before that data is discarded. Conversely, if Face ID fails !
to recognize you, but the match quality is higher than a certain threshold and
you immediately follow the failure by entering your passcode, Face ID takes
another capture and augments its enrolled Face ID data with the newly
calculated mathematical representation. This new Face ID data is discarded
after a finite number of unlocks and if you stop matching against it. These
augmentation processes allow Face ID to keep up with dramatic changes in !
your facial hair or makeup use, while minimizing false acceptance.
Face ID and Apple Pay
You can also use Face ID with Apple Pay to make easy and secure purchases in
stores, apps, and on the web.
To authorize an in-store payment with Face ID, you must first confirm intent !
to pay by double-clicking the side button. You then authenticate using Face ID
before placing your iPhone X near the contactless payment reader. !
If you’d like to select a different Apple Pay payment method after Face ID
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authentication, you’ll need to reauthenticate, but you won’t have to double-click
the side button again.
To make a payment within apps and on the web, you confirm intent to pay by
double-clicking the side button, then authenticate using Face ID to authorize
the payment. If your Apple Pay transaction is not completed within !
60 seconds of double-clicking the side button, you'll have to reconfirm intent to
pay by double-clicking again.
Face ID Diagnostics
Face ID data doesn’t leave your device, and is never backed up to iCloud or
anywhere else. However, if you contact AppleCare for support with Face ID, !
you may be asked if you want to provide Apple diagnostic information, including
Face ID Diagnostics data. Enabling Face ID Diagnostics requires a digitally
signed authorization from Apple that’s similar to the one used in the software
update personalization process. After authorization, you'll be able to activate
Face ID Diagnostics and begin the setup process from within the Settings app
of your iPhone X.
As part of setting up Face ID Diagnostics, your existing Face ID enrollment will
be deleted and you'll be asked to re-enroll in Face ID. Your iPhone X will begin
recording Face ID images captured during authentication attempts for the next
7 days; iPhone X will automatically stop saving images thereafter. Face ID
Diagnostics doesn't automatically send data to Apple. You can review and
approve Face ID Diagnostics data—including enrollment and unlock images
(both failed and successful) that are gathered while in diagnostics mode—
before it’s sent to Apple. Face ID Diagnostics will upload only the Face ID
Diagnostics images you have approved; the data is encrypted before it’s
uploaded, and is immediately deleted from your iPhone X after the upload
completes. Images you reject are immediately deleted.
If you don’t conclude the Face ID Diagnostics session by reviewing images and
uploading any approved images, Face ID Diagnostics will automatically end after
90 days, and all diagnostic images will be deleted from your iPhone X. You can
also disable Face ID Diagnostics at any time. All local images are immediately
deleted if you do so, and no Face ID data is shared with Apple in these cases.
Other uses for Face ID
Third-party apps can use system-provided APIs to ask the user to authenticate
using Face ID or a passcode, and apps that support Touch ID automatically
support Face ID without any changes. When using Face ID, the app is notified
only as to whether the authentication was successful; it can’t access Face ID or
the data associated with the enrolled face. Keychain items can also be
protected with Face ID, to be released by the Secure Enclave only by a facial
match or the device passcode. App developers also have APIs to verify that a
passcode has been set by the user before requiring Face ID or a passcode to
unlock keychain items. App developers can:
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Face ID Security November 2017!
© 2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Apple, the Apple logo, Apple Pay, iPhone, Touch ID, and Face ID are trademarks of
Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. AppleCare, App Store, iCloud, iBooks Store, and iTunes Store are
service marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iOS is a trademark or registered trademark of
Cisco in the U.S. and other countries and is used under license. Other product and company names mentioned herein
may be trademarks of their respective companies.
November 2017