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Manikanta Gattu
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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of
California State University,
San Bernardino
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science
Information Systems and Technology:
Business Intelligence and Analytics
Manikanta Gattu
May 2024
A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of
California State University,
San Bernardino
Manikanta Gattu
May 2024
Approved by:
Dr. Williiam Butler, Committee Member, Chair
Dr. Conrad Shayo, Committee Member, Reader & Chair, Information and
Decision Sciences Department
© 2024 Manikanta Gattu
In cultural holidays, an exponential increase in sales in online platforms
as compared to sales during the regular season is expected. This study aims
to compare the effect of cultural holidays on online shopping and advertising
in India and USA in 2023. According to Hofstede’s second dimension
regarding Individualism and Collectivism, most of the US people take
shopping decisions individually and whereas in India people will take
suggestions from others and collectively shop online. Research questions
are: (Q1) How do cultural holidays effect online shopping in USA as
compared to India? (Q2) How do different cultural holidays affect Online
Advertising in creating awareness about products In USA compared to India?
The findings and conclusions for each question are: (Q1) Online shopping
sales are high in last four months (last quarter) in both countries, when
compared to other quarters. Because in both countries, most of the cultural
festivals and holidays come under these four months therefore, online sales
are at the highest numbers in these four months. And US is leading in
percentage of sales in every other quarter when compared to India but in
Quarter 1 India leads US in percentage. Because in India, people will
celebrate Sankranthi festival. There will be a week of holidays for this festival.
in which people would like to buy in online stores. Therefore, this paper
can conclude that online shopping will be affected by cultural holidays. (Q2) In
cultural holidays, these two states will run different campaigns according to
respective countries’ holidays. Holiday-Themed campaigns will be run in both
countries for bringing the awareness of products to people. Conclusions for
the research questions are: (Q1) Online shopping is significantly affected by
cultural holidays in both countries. People would like to shop online during
these holidays. (Q2) In cultural holidays, both countries will have holidays-
themed advertisements and both countries’ online websites have big discount
sales in this period so that people will be attracted and shop online. Areas of
further studies for each question are: (Q1) Future studies can focus on
different geographical locations with different cultural contexts. (Q2) Future
studies could focus on other marketing strategies which attract the customers
I would like to acknowledge and appreciate the support given by Dr.
Conrad Shayo and Professor William Buttler in completing this project.
I would like to dedicate this project and my whole master’s degree to my
family and friends who helped me in every way in completing my masters.
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................... iiii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ..................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ...................................................................... 1
Online Shopping and Advertising ............................................................... 1
Problem Statement .................................................................................... 4
Research Questions .................................................................................. 4
Objective of this Project ………………………………………………………. 5
Organization of this Project ……………………………………………………5
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................ 6
Background Story……………………………………………………………….6
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .......................................... 13
Data Collection ........................................................................................ 14
Data Cleaning………………………………………………………………….14
CHAPTER FOUR: DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS ....................................... 17
STUDY ............................................................................................................... 24
Areas of Further Study …………………………………….…………………28
REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 30
Figure 1. Online shopping sales in India during cultural holidays in 2023 .......... 18
Figure 2. Online shopping sales in USA during cultural holidays in 2023……….19
Figure 3. Comparison of online shopping sales in India and US in 2023……...20
Online Shopping and Advertising
In today’s highly developed technological world, everything has become
digital. The whole global marketplace is accessible in one go. In holidays there
will be huge scale of online shopping will be done in both countries on which this
study is focused. Kong Kaew, 2023 (Kong Kaew et al., 2023) has done Online
Marketing and advertising impact on consumer behavior towards purchase
intention in online shopping. He mentioned in his further study that, future studies
can focus on the different variables which affect online shopping and advertising
in different geographical areas. Therefore, this study focuses on how cultural
holidays impacts consumer decision making processes, in the United States and
Hofstede’s second dimension states about individualism and collectivism
(Hofstede, 1991). When it comes to US, most of the people decide individually in
shopping, whereas in India people will be taking suggestions from others in case
of shopping online (Dwivedi et al., 2015). This study became significant because
it resembles the further study of Kong Kaew (2023), a study on online marketing
and advertising impact on consumer behavior in case of online shopping. This
study also resembles the further study of Smith (2013) (R. Smith et al., 2013)
where he mentioned that future studies can focus on western countries and non-
western countries. whereas he has done cross-cultural examination of shopping
in USA, Norway, and Germany.
Previously shopping was a task, where people must go to the market.
With the advancement of technology in recent years, most consumers make their
purchases online. Unlimited product and service offerings are available from
different companies. Whereas such choices may not be there if they go directly
to a physical store. Moreover, they can find the suggestions for those related
items by themselves without any help, whereas online advertising is the main
key to attract the customers to buy from an online store (Kongkaew et al., 2023).
As mentioned, results of this study can answer how does online shopping and
advertising in India and USA will be affected by the cultural holidays in respective
countries. This study compares the results of the insights from both countries.
The unique cultural aspects of the United States and India play a role, in
shaping the online shopping and advertising scenes. In the U.S., where
individualism's key online shopping focuses on personalized experiences and
advertising often highlights success stories with the help of influencers and
secure e-commerce platforms (Chiu et al., 2022). In the US there are different
cultural holidays, some of them are New Year’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving,
Christmas etc. (Etzioni & Bloom, 2004). On the other hand, in Indian society
online shopping is seen as a group activity influenced by family and friends with
advertisements drawing inspiration from cultural symbols and family tales (de
Mooij, 2019). Some of the Cultural Holidays in India are Diwali, Dusshera, Holi,
etc. (Garg et al., 2019)
While both cultures rely on media for information the U.S. Emphasizes
expression, whereas India values community and shared experiences more
strongly (Gupta & Shukla, 2019). For businesses operating in these markets
adapting to these subtleties is essential. Customizing advertising approaches to
match values, communication methods and consumer preferences leads to a
genuine and engaging strategy that fosters successful online interactions, within
these distinct cultural landscapes (Araujo et al., 2020).
(Gupta & Shukla, 2019)Advertising is the only key for marketing the
products and bringing an awareness of these online websites for online
shopping. As the awareness of these websites increases, sales also increase.
Moreover, social media is the closest thing to people in current digital marketing.
In holidays, all social media websites will offer discounts to consumers to attract
them. Some organizations will use their own social media platforms to market
their products which reach consumers directly (Kong Kaew et al., 2023).
Problem Statement
This research, centered on the USA and India, will focus on the impacts of
different cultural holidays on online shopping and advertising in these two
countries. There will be distinct cultures in these countries. As Kong Kaew, 2023
mentioned in his further study, this study is focused on the cultural holidays’
effects on online shopping and advertising in US compared to India. By
comparing the results, this study can identify how cultural holidays are affecting
the decision-making process of consumers in their respective countries. And this
study will emphasize the best way to market the product to create an awareness
about the products. Furthermore, this study will analyze customer satisfaction
and purchase intentions which convey the areas to be focused on advertising in
future. (Kong Kaew et al., 2023)
Research Questions
There are two research questions for which this project will answer:
1. How do cultural holidays effect online shopping in the USA compared
to India? (Kong Kaew et al., 2023)
2. How do cultural holidays affect Online Advertising in creating
awareness about products In USA and India? (Kong Kaew et al., 2023)
Objective of this Project
This cumulating Experience Project is focused on effects of cultural
holidays’ impacts on online shopping in US compared to India in 2023. This
project is taken from the further studies of Kong Kaew 2023. This Cumulative
Experience Project also focused on cultural holidays’ impacts on online
advertising and marketing in both countries in 2023.
Organization of this Project
This cumulating Experience Project is divided into five Chapters Where
Chapter 1 includes Introduction of the topic. Chapter 2 reviews past literature
review, Chapter 3 is project Methodology and data collection, Chapter 4 is an
analysis of the results, Chapter 5 is a Discussion of the findings, Conclusion, and
recommendations for future research.
Background Story
The literature utilized for this project will be discussed in Chapter 2. It focuses on
the terminology mentioned in chapters providing background for the researcher’s
observations concerning the study topics introduced in Chapter One.
Q1. How do cultural holidays affect online shopping in the USA as
compared to INDIA?
The influence of cultural holidays, on e-commerce and marketing in the
USA and India is a research area for businesses navigating these diverse
markets. Previous studies offer insights into how cultural factors impact
consumer behavior and advertising tactics in these nations.
Culture is often defined as the shared programming of the mind that sets
one group apart from another. This shared mindset plays a role in how people
interpret aspects of life. According to Hofstede’s research there are six
dimensions of differences. (Hofstede, 1991),
Power Distance Index, which deals with inequality and acceptance of
power dynamics, second dimension is about individualism Versus Collectivism,
which looks at the strength of ties within a community. The third dimension is
about Masculinity Versus Femininity, which examines gender roles distribution.
The fourth dimension is about uncertainty Avoidance Index which measures how
well individuals handle anxiety. Fifth dimension is about long Versus Short Term
Orientation focusing on society’s time perspective. The sixth dimension is about
indulgence Versus Restraint concerning the degree to which gratification of
desires is encouraged or restricted (Hofstede, 1991).
In the United States the prevalent individualistic culture plays a role in
shaping shopping preferences. (Hofstede, 1984) Hofstede (1984) underscores
Americas focus on choice and independence influencing consumers to seek
customized experiences when shopping online (Johnson and Kang et al., 2010).
Additionally, U.S. Online advertising often highlights success stories, celebrity
endorsements and appeals to goals (R. E. Smith & Yang, 2004). The trust in
transactions is notably strong in the U.S. reflecting an expectation for transparent
and secure e commerce practices (Cyr et al., 2007). Conversely Indians
collectivist cultures significantly influences shopping habits. (Triandis, 1995)
Triandis (1995) emphasizes Indian’s communal nature, where family and
community viewpoints hold sway over decision making processes.
Collectivism also plays a role, in the realm of online shopping turning it
into a shared experience where individuals often seek advice and approval from
their loved ones and friends (Dwivedi et al., 2015). Advertising strategies in India
often incorporate symbols, traditions and narratives centered around family
values to resonate with the mindset of society (Singh et al., 2005). Establishing
trust is crucial in the market with a reliance on customer reviews, testimonials,
and word of mouth recommendations for building credibility (Chandran & Menon,
2004). The influence of social media differs between the United States and India.
In the U.S. social media platforms are commonly used for expression and self-
promotion (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). While in India they serve as spaces for
fostering community connections and sharing experiences (Choudhury &
Harrigan, 2014).
In India Research done by (Chatterjee & Shukla, 2020) the role played by
festivals like Diwali, Eid, and Holi in encouraging shopping habits with online
retailers taking advantage of these events to offer exclusive discounts and deals.
Additionally cultural subtleties play a role, in shaping advertising strategies in
India with companies incorporating symbols, motifs and languages into their
marketing campaigns to attract a wide range of consumers. (Chatterjee &
Shukla, 2020). Whereas in US, during cultural holidays like Christmas and
Thanksgiving in the United States there is an increase, in online shopping as
people look for gifts and items related to the holidays (Nieves-Rodriguez et al.,
Gracia et al. (2015) explores the connection between e service quality and
customer loyalty in Spanish speaking nations offering insights into cultural
markets. Trust is highlighted as an element influenced by website features and
cultural norms impacting shopping decisions on a global scale (Pratesi et al.,
2021). The growth of e-commerce calls for an approach that encompasses
aspects like sales channels, marketing strategies, inventory management and
logistics operations (Ranjan et al., 2021). Changes in grocery shopping habits
during the COVID 19 pandemic underscore the influence of demographics and
attitudes with tech generations showing a preference for online convenience. By
combining the Expectation Confirmation Model (ECM) and Information Adoption
Model (IAM) researchers delve into the processes involved in commerce. In
today’s business landscape companies are adapting to evolving consumer
behaviors by recognizing the significance of reviews that now play a role to
traditional word of mouth recommendations in shaping customer acquisition
strategies (Kong Kaew et al., 2023). The ubiquitous presence of the Internet in
life emphasizes the importance for businesses to grasp what motivates
consumer purchases, amidst changing market dynamics. Furthermore, the
COVID 19 pandemic has introduced complexities to shopping behaviors in both
countries. Concerns about vaccine side effects and adherence to distancing
guidelines have led to an increased preference, for shopping as a safer option
during these uncertain times (Dholakia & Atik, 2020).
Q2. How different cultural holidays affect Online Advertising in
creating awareness about products In USA and India?
Cross cultural variances play a role in the effectiveness of advertising
strategies making it essential to tailor approaches, for building brand awareness
in diverse countries. Cultural aspects, as identified by (Hofstede, 1980) are key in
shaping consumer behaviors and responses to ads. Hofstede’s dimensions,
which encompass Individualism Collectivism, Power Distance, Uncertainty
Avoidance, Masculinity Femininity, Long Term Orientation, and Indulgence
Restraint. (Hofstede, 2011) offer insights into how cultural nuances influence
advertising dynamics. Ads emphasizing individuality and personal achievements
may resonate more with Individualistic societies while authoritative figures could
hold influence in Power Distance nations.
(Mazaheri et al., 2014) have emphasized the impact of values on people’s
responses to digital ads. To evoke desired attitudes from the audience’s
advertisers should align preferences with appeals. Authentic values like family,
community or national identity should be integrated into advertisements for a
connection with the target.
(Gevorgyan & Manucharova, 2015) stress the importance of alignment in
ad content. By ensuring that messages resonate with values and symbols
relevance is. Awareness is increased among audiences. Genuine cultural
symbols, traditions and narratives can enhance the authenticity and engagement
of advertisements. Cultural subtleties play a role in building trust, an element in
marketing efforts (Han et al., 2023). To establish trust effectively it is crucial to
consider the values that influence how people perceive reliability and credibility.
Advertisements that address aspects and to show cultural authenticity contribute
to building trust among consumer segments.
During Cultural Holidays, in the United States such as Christmas and
Thanksgiving, retailers often seize the chance to kick off online marketing efforts.
Studies conducted by (Nieves-Rodriguez et al., 2017) underscore the power of
incorporating holiday sentiments and themes in ads to connect with customers
effectively boosting brand recognition and interaction. Similarly in India, during
cultural festivals like Diwali, Eid and Navratri in India marketers have chances to
engage with customers through online ads. Research by (Chatterjee & Shukla,
2020) highlights the significance of matching ad content, with values and
customs during these celebrations building brand awareness and customer
loyalty among audiences.
Social media, a platform for marketing, reflects cultural distinctions as well.
Various cultures show preferences for social media platforms as noted by
(Alsaleh et al., 2019). For product promotion advertisers should understand these
preferences. Leverage the most popular channels within each cultural context.
The post COVID era has introduced dynamics that impact consumer priorities
and behaviors (Al Hamli & Sobaih, 2023). According to (Chaturvedi & Dey, 2021)
emphasizing safety and wellness issuestailored to contextsis essential
through pandemic related messaging. In regions, like India where communal
well-being is emphasized, focusing on community health initiatives could be
advantageous. Conversely in the United States, personal safety and wellness
should take precedence.
The evolving landscape of e commerce demands advertisers to adapt to
the preferences of their target audience (Gu et al., 2021). Understanding
nuances is essential in interactions (Constantin et al., 2015). Advertisers need to
craft campaigns that resonate with customs considering the distinct preferences
and behaviors of American and Indian consumers.
In this research Tableau software will be utilized for data visualization to
examine and visualize the gathered data. This comparative study is focused on
two datasets concerning Cross-culture variations affecting online shopping and
advertising. This research is done on the 2023 datasets collected separately from
India and USA. These datasets were obtained from E-commerce revenue
collection in India and US in 2023. These datasets encompassed details such as
Sales, year, company and more.
Q1. How do cultural holidays affect online shopping in the USA as
compared to INDIA?
This study is focuses on comparing the cultural holiday’s effects on online
shopping and advertising in India and USA. For studying how cultural holidays
impacts online shopping and advertising in the USA versus India follows a
process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting data. Initially datasets from 2023
are collected related to online shopping and advertising from respective country's
government websites covering factors like sales data, collected revenue and
revenue in different years. These datasets are then carefully standardized to
ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the analysis.
This research is going to be done using Tableau software to analyze the
data and visualize the data, Whereas Some of the similar research had done the
analysis using different tools. (Liu et al., 2021) has done the cross-cultural
comparative analysis between China and US using Linear regression model and
probability laws. Whereas (Kong Kaew et al., 2023) has investigated the impact
of cultures on online shopping in Thailand using Linear regression model.
Coming to (Pratesi et al., 2021), this research used reliability and correlation
analysis to investigate the impact of cultural differences on online shopping which
is focused on Asia and European countries.
Data Collection:
For this question two data sets of 2023 are being collected from the respective
country’s government websites. For analysis of US revenue collected in holidays,
data set is taken from (Bureau, n.d.), whereas for data set of Indian revenue
collected in holidays is taken from (Statista, n.d.).
Data Cleaning:
For this study tableau is used to analyze and compare the analysis of results of
both countries. Both datasets are mixed up into one dataset. But the dataset,
which is collected, cannot fit into the tool, so it is changed to table format which
can be fit into Tableau.
This study is going to be done by using Tableau, a visualizing tool.
Tableau software exploratory data analysis (EDA) visualizes trends in shopping
behavior and advertising strategies within each setting. Various visualizations
such as bar graphs, line charts and heatmaps are created to uncover patterns
and differences between the USA and India. Additionally statistical tests are used
to determine the significance of variations providing insights into how culture
influences consumer behavior and marketing effectiveness.
A crucial aspect of the methodology involves an examination of aspects
that influence online shopping practices and advertising approaches in both
nations. By considering dimensions like individualism collectivism and power
distance the study aims to reveal the norms driving consumer choices and
marketing tactics. After analyzing the research results, we can combine them to
draw conclusions, about how culture influence online shopping and advertising in
the USA, versus India.
Q2. How different cultural holidays affect Online Advertising in
creating awareness about products In USA and India?
In investigating the influence of cultures, on the effectiveness of
advertising and product awareness creation in the USA and India, it is crucial to
follow a thorough methodology. Case studies are one of the methods to analyze
Case studies have some of the financial reports and graphs from their
study. For investigating the cultural holidays’ impacts on online shopping in India
and USA, I have taken reference from the case study called Successful Digital
Marketing Case Studies That Boosted Growth written by Eric Siu, (2024). This
case study can answer how cultural holidays impact the online advertising in
India and USA.
This chapter analyzes the information gathered from various sources and
displays the results of every question below. This analysis is done by using
Tableau and using some case studies related to cultural holidays’ effects on
online shopping and advertising.
Q1. How do cultural holidays affect online shopping in the USA as
compared to India?
Results of the investigation on cultural holidays’ effects on online shopping
in USA compared to India explains how online shopping sales have been
collected in USA compared to India in 2023. After analyzing the data and
visualizing them using Tableau, here are the results given below for respective
Figure 1: Online shopping sales in India during cultural holidays in 2023
From figure 1, which displays cultural holidays sales in India in 2023, it is
shown that in Q4, sales were at 17.60 US billion dollars, which is highest when
compared to other Quarters. In Q1, sales were at 16.91 US billion dollars; in Q2,
sales were at 16.43 US billion dollars; and in Q3 sales were at 16.58 US billion
dollars. Compared to other Quarters, Q4 has highest numbers of sales in India.
Figure 2: Online shopping Sales in USA during cultural holidays in 2023.
Figure 2 displays online shopping in the USA in 2023. It is shown that in
Q4, the US has collected 282.22 US billion dollars, which is highest when
compared to other quarters. Coming to Q1, sales were at 271.87 billion US
dollars. In Q2, sales were at 277.84 billion US dollars, and in Q3 sales were at
282.92 billion US dollars. Sales are increasing quarter by quarter and were the
highest in the last quarter.
Figure 3: Comparison of online shopping sales between US and India in 2023
Figure 3 explains the comparison of online sales between USA and India
in 2023. It shows that both countries have the highest number of sales in Quarter
4 itself. By comparing through percentages, in Q4, US has 25.52% while India
has 25.46%. In Q2, US has 25.31% while India has 24.76%, and in Q3, US has
24.85% while India has 24.53%. However, when it comes to percentage of sales
in Q1, India has the highest number of percentages, 25.25% while the US has
Q2. How do cultural holidays affect online advertising in creating
awareness about products In USA and India?
Referencing case study written by (Siu, 2024), this investigation examines
the effects of cultural holidays on online advertising. Cultural holidays such as
Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years in the United States as well as Diwali,
Navratri, and Raksha Bandhan in India. These festive occasions play a role for
marketers to roll out targeted campaigns that aim to attract consumer interest
and promote product visibility. Additionally, we delve into the characteristics of
advertising approaches utilized during cultural holidays in both nations. In the
US, advertisers often use themes centered around family gatherings, gift giving,
and holiday cheer to connect with consumers during Thanksgiving and
Christmas. They frequently incorporate celebrity endorsements, success
anecdotes, and aspirational lifestyles in their advertising content to appeal to
consumers’ values of individualism.
Cultural holidays in India are deeply rooted in traditions, family values, and
communal celebrations. Marketers customize their campaigns to reflect these
subtitles by highlighting themes of unity, tradition, and the significance of bonds.
Symbols, rituals, and narratives that resonate with consumers’ cultural heritage
are prominently shown in advertising materials during festivals such as Diwali
and Navratri. While these holiday seasons, huge discount sales like Great Indian
festival and Big Billion days will be run in biggest online platforms called Amazon
and Flipkart respectively. Furthermore, the section evaluates the efficacy of
advertising during holidays in raising awareness and stimulating consumer
interaction. Performance metrics, like website traffic, click through rates and
conversion rates that are analyzed to gauge how holiday-themed campaigns
influence consumer behavior. Moreover, the section points out any trends or
patterns seen in marketing strategies during various cultural holidays between
the United States and India. This involves recognizing messaging styles, visuals,
and promotional techniques employed by marketers to leverage the mood and
cultural importance of holidays.
A launched advertising format, from Meta, an illustration of how we can
strategize to advertise holiday promotions and upcoming sales events in advance
is Reminder Ads. These ads enable Instagram users to choose to receive
reminders for launches, events, and more. After opting in, users will receive push
notifications on their feed leading up to and during the event through their app
(Siu, 2024).
When advertising through marketing campaigns during the holiday
season, it can impact achieving your desired outcomes. During this time of year,
a surge in consumer activity ranging from gift shopping to making travel plans
and attending holiday events occurs. By launching a planned marketing
campaign, we can leverage this increased online engagement to attract new
followers and engage with existing ones. Digital marketing platforms such as
Google, Meta, and YouTube offer access to shopper audiences that we can
integrate into our targeting strategies. Utilizing groups such as “Online Shoppers
or those in “In Market for Sales is a way to connect with new followers who are
likely to make purchases online.
This chapter will discuss the results from chapter four and the case studies'
findings. This chapter also gives a conclusion and areas for further study for each
of the two questions.
Q1. How do cultural holidays affect online shopping in the USA as
compared to India?
In these four months in India, festivals like Vinayaka Chavathi, Dusshera,
Diwali, Christmas, and New Year’s Day are celebrated. In India, these festivals
are celebrated with different Indian outfits, crackers, and various things. So, the
graph of sales in these months will be higher than in other months. There are
some big festivals in other months but in these months, many of the festivals
come together.
Some of the big e-commerce companies, like Flipkart and Amazon,
distribute big discount sales such as Big Billion Days and Great Indian Festival,
respectively. During these sales, they give huge discounts for every item. These
activities attract customers to buy online. This is why there will be huge sales
within these months.
When coming to the USA, in the last 4 months of the year, the US has
holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. In these holidays,
people will shop mostly online because all companies offer huge discounts.
Therefore, the sales will increase when compared to other months.
When it comes to comparisons between the US and India, In Q1, India
leads in sales over the US because Indians celebrate festivals such as Sankranti,
Holi, Ramadan, etc. Therefore, people like to shop online for different items
related to that festival. This makes significant changes to the graph. This is one
of the examples of cultural holidays influencing online shopping. By this example
we can conclude that there will be huge influences of cultural holidays on online
Q2. How do cultural holidays affect online advertising in creating
awareness about products In USA and India?
During these occasions, online advertising in the US and India takes on a
unique flavor. In the US, holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas inspire
marketing campaigns that highlight themes of family, gift-giving, and aspirational
living. Likewise, Indian festivals focus on traditions, unity, and the bonds of
family. Marketers use symbols and themes to establish connections with their
target audiences aiming to increase awareness and engagement.
The evaluation of advertising effectiveness during holidays is based on
key performance indicators, like website traffic, click through rates, and
conversion rates. By analyzing these metrics, marketers can understand how
holiday-themed campaigns impact consumer behavior and engagement levels.
Through this analysis, trends emerge in marketing strategies used during these
holidays. These trends highlight the messaging styles, visuals, and promotional
techniques utilized by marketers to align with the spirit and cultural significance of
each holiday. These diverse cultural celebrations provide marketers with
opportunities to create tailored campaigns that do not promote products but also
resonate with consumers on a level by tapping into cultural values fostering
greater engagement and interaction.
Q1. How do cultural holidays affect online shopping in the USA as
compared to India?
In summary the impact of holidays on online shopping is significant
especially when comparing the USA and India. While both countries see an
increase in purchases during seasons, the specific holidays and their timing play
a role in shaping consumer behavior differently. In India, the concentration of
festivals like Vinayaka Chavathi, Dusshera, Diwali, Christmas, and New Years
Day in the fourth quarter results in a rise in online shopping. E commerce giants
such as Flipkart and Amazon take advantage of this by offering discounts during
events like Big Billion Days and Great Indian Festival, which drive consumer
participation and boost sales. Similarly in the USA holidays like Thanksgiving,
Christmas and New Years Day dominate the quarter of the year. This leads to an
uptick in online shopping due to attractive discounts offered by companies.
However, the consistent higher sales volume in the USA compared to India
throughout the year highlights differences, in culture and economic influences.
Q2. How do cultural holidays affect online advertising in creating
awareness about products In USA and India?
The impact of holidays on shopping and advertising strategies holds
significant importance in both the United States and India. In the US, there is a
surge in activity during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Day while India
witnesses increased sales during festivals like Diwali and Christmas. Marketers
can effectively tailor their campaigns by understanding the intricacies of these
celebrations. American campaigns often focus on themes of family, gift-giving,
and aspirational living. Likewise, Indian campaigns emphasize traditions, unity,
and familial connections.
Evaluating metrics such as website traffic, click through rates, and
conversion rates allows marketers to gauge the influence of holiday-themed
campaigns on consumer behavior and engagement levels. By pinpointing trends
in marketing strategies during these festivities, marketers can enhance their
approaches to better resonate with values and consumer preferences.
Leveraging holidays present marketers with opportunities to create impactful
campaigns that deeply connect with their target audiences fostering brand
awareness, engagement, and driving business success in both countries.
Areas for Further Study
Q1. How do cultural holidays affect online shopping in the USA as
compared to India?
The research offers insights into how cultural holidays impact shopping
behavior and advertising strategies in the US and India. However, there are
some limitations to consider. First, focusing on these two countries may not fully
represent shopping behaviors and advertising practices across diverse cultural
contexts worldwide. Additionally, this study relies heavily on sources and
quantitative analyses, which may not capture the depth and nuances that primary
research methods like surveys or interviews with consumers and marketers could
Q2. How do cultural holidays affect online advertising in creating
awareness about products In USA and India?
Future studies could do research on other marketing strategies which
affect online shopping most and what kind of advertisements attract the
customers most. Further research can also focus on the marketing strategies of
the most successful advertising companies. Further research can overcome
these limitations by comparing a range of countries and cultures to gain a
comprehensive understanding of global online shopping dynamics during cultural
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