2020 - 2025
Locals 31, 91, 213, 362, 395, 855, 879, 927,
931, 938, 979, 1999
United Parcel Service
Canada Ltd.
du Canada Ltée
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Dina Macera Chair, Dominic Porporino , Mark Aaron, Sean Griffin,
Craig Rayner, Derek Venman, Veronica Kenny, Ryan Thibodeau,
John Veentjer, Stephen Musson, Alyin Lusi, Megan Manser
Francois Laporte, Teamsters Canada President
Richard Eichel, Chairman
Pierre A Blanchard, Co Chair
Bob Miles, Co Chair
Kelly Gegear, Recording Secretary
Local 31: Grant Coleman, Edward (Duke) Needham and
Sean St Pierre
Local 91: Brian MacDonald, Roy Graham, Mark Peacock and
Tyler Mason
Local 213: Kimm Davis and Eldwyn Guttormson
Local 362: Ken Jarvis, Tony Atkins, Randy Eagleson and
Steve Wobben
Local 395: Randy Power, Dave Phipps and Shannon Gray
Local 855: Rick Gill, Keith Hollahan and Yhasir Rivera
Local 879: John McCann, Dan Digiovanni, Dave McLeod, Jay Ross,
Grace Barber, Darcy Cooper, Daryl Kropf, Mike Pinter and Mike
Local 927: Derek Doiron, Tim Baird and Kevin Conway
Local 931: Pierre A Blanchard, Richard Lamoureux, Steve Sobol,
Kevin Scott and Tony Murrin
Local 938: Bob Miles, Vince Johnson, Clyde Gooding,
Keith Tomlinson, Bosko Bozinovsky and Maxwelleta Mighty
Local 979: Paul Frias and Mark Durant
Local 1999: Sylvain Lacroix and Francois Langlois
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(hereinafter referred to as: “the EMPLOYER”)
Locals: 31, 91, 213, 362, 395, 855, 879, 927,
931, 938, 979, 1999 of the Teamsters Union
(hereinafter referred to as: “the UNION”)
2020 - 2025
United Parcel Service
Canada Ltd.
du Canada Ltée
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(hereinafter referred to as: “the EMPLOYER”)
Locals: 31, 69, 91, 141, 362, 395, 855, 879, 880, 927, 931,
938, 979, 990, of the Teamsters Union
(hereinafter referred to as: “the UNION”)
Effective from February 16th, 2000
until August
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Article Contents Page
1. Preamble & Recognition..............................................1
2. Union Security..............................................................3
3. Management Functions................................................7
4. Discrimination ..............................................................7
5. Stewards ........................................................................8
6. Grievance Procedure and Arbitration ......................11
7. Strikes, Lockouts and Picket Lines............................16
8. Seniority ......................................................................17
9. Equipment ..................................................................28
10. Physical Examinations................................................32
11. Hours of Work & Conditions....................................34
12. Vacations and Vacation Pay ......................................55
13. General Holidays ........................................................60
14. Pay Period ..................................................................62
15. Bulletin Board ............................................................64
16. Credit Union ..............................................................64
17. Health & Welfare Insurance......................................65
18. Pension Plan ..............................................................66
19. Jury Duty ....................................................................68
20. Bereavement Leave ....................................................68
21. Parking Tickets ..........................................................69
22. Breakdown or Impassable Highways ........................69
23. Bonds ..........................................................................70
24. Uniforms & Special Clothing....................................71
25. General........................................................................72
26. Part-Time Drivers / Non Combo / Walkers ..............76
Wage Protection – Cost of Living ............................79
28. Wages ..........................................................................81
29. Duration ......................................................................90
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Article Contents Page
Appendix A– Operations Clerical Employees ......................91
Appendix B – Terms and Conditions Applicable to
Automotive Mechanics, Automotive
Technicians and Maintenance Mechanics......94
Appendix C – Rules and Regulations....................................102
Appendix D ............................................................................107
Letter of Understanding No. 1 ..............................................108
Letter of Understanding No. 2 ..............................................109
Letter of Understanding No. 3 ..............................................110
Letter of Understanding No. 4 ..............................................111
Letter of Understanding No. 5 ..............................................112
Letter of Understanding No. 6 ..............................................113
Letter of Understanding No. 7 ..............................................116
Letter of Understanding No. 8 ..............................................118
Letter of Understanding No. 9 ..............................................120
Letter of Understanding No. 10 ............................................121
Letter of Understanding No. 11 ............................................122
Letter of Understanding No. 12 ............................................123
Letter of Understanding No. 13 ............................................124
Letter of Understanding No. 14 ............................................125
Letter of Understanding No. 15 ............................................126
Letter of Understanding No. 16 ............................................127
Letter of Understanding No. 17 ............................................128
Letter of Understanding No. 18 ............................................130
Optional Holiday Request ......................................................131
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Section 1.1
The Employer does hereby recognize the Canada Council of
Teamsters as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for all
employees covered by Canada Labour Relations Board
Certificate Number 555-3275 issued the 5th day of June, 1991.
Section 1.2
Employees covered by this Agreement shall be “all employees of
United Parcel Service Canada Ltd. employed as feeder drivers,
package drivers, mechanics, service workers, preloaders, sorters,
package handlers, part-time drivers, part-time walkers, clearance
centre employees who load, unload or sort packages who do not
process documentation, revenue auditors, and customer counter
clerks, excluding supervisors, persons above the rank of supervi-
sor, office, clerical, technical and sales personnel and those
employees covered by Board Certification Order dated August
21, 1990, issued to the Association of Employees of United
Parcel Service (Board File 555-3053).”
The Employer agrees that the function of supervisors is the
supervision of employees. The work of supervisors will not
include assignments to work normally performed by employees
in the bargaining unit except for the purpose of training and
demonstration or to prevent service failures. Supervisors will
not perform bargaining unit work until after all reasonable
efforts have been made to have the work covered by qualified
bargaining unit employees in that classification.
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If there is a settled grievance for an aggrieved employee with
regards to a supervisor performing bargaining unit work that the
aggrieved employee could have performed, in violation of the
supervisor’s working provision in this Article, the aggrieved
employee will be paid for the hours worked by the supervisor at
time and one-half.
The names of newly promoted supervisors or managers of that
centre will be posted on the bulletin board.
Section 1.3
The effective date of the Collective Agreement shall be from
August 1st, 2020 to July 31st, 2025.
Section 1.4
The intent and purpose of this Agreement shall be to promote
and improve industrial and economic relations in the Industry
to establish and maintain a high degree of discipline and effi-
ciency and to set forth herein the basic agreement covering
rates of pay, hours of work and conditions of employment
which will render justice to all. The parties hereto desire to
co-operate in establishing and maintaining proper and suit-
able conditions in the industry, to provide methods of fair and
peaceful adjustments of all disputes which may arise between
them and to foster goodwill and friendly relations and better
understanding between the parties.
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Section 1.5
For the purposes of interpretation in the Province of Quebec
should there be a difference between the French text and the
English version of this Labour Agreement, the French text
should prevail.
Section 1.6
Wherever in the reading of this Agreement the masculine gen-
der or the singular case is used, it shall be understood to include
the feminine gender and the plural case.
Section 1.7
Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement, the
Employer agrees not to enter into, or attempt to enter into, any
agreement or contract with its employees that conflicts with the
provisions of this agreement.
Section 2.1
It is agreed that as a condition of employment, each employee
shall become and remain a member in good standing of the
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Section 2.2
Each new employee when hired by the Employer, will be
informed by the Employer that he is to sign an Authorization
Card authorizing the Employer to deduct from his earnings
Union Initiation Fees, Union Dues and/or other assessorial
charges levied against him by the Union.
Section 2.3
The Employer agrees to notify the Local Union when a new
employee begins work. This notification will be made in con-
junction with the new employee listing and the dues remittance
listing of active employees. Unless the Employer is otherwise
notified, all employees shall as a condition of continued employ-
ment, authorize the Employer to deduct an amount equal to the
Local Union’s Initiation Fees in installments of $25.00 per pay
period after the completion of the probationary period. This
deduction shall continue until the Initiation Fee is paid in full.
The Employer agrees to remit such monies so deducted to the
head office of the Local Union along with a list of the employ-
ees from whom the money was deducted at the same time as the
Union dues are remitted.
Section 2.4
(a) The Employer agrees for the duration of this Agreement, to
deduct from the first pay cheque each month, the monthly
dues of any employee under the scope of this Agreement
and to remit such monies so deducted to the head office of
the Local Union along with a list of the employees from
whom the monies were deducted not later than the tenth
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(10th) day of the month following the date upon which
such monies were deducted. The checkoff list will include
social insurance numbers and names designated by centres
within the jurisdiction of each Local Union.
(b) The Union will notify the Employer in writing of any arrears
in dues caused for any reason or any arrears in Initiation or
Re-Initiation Fees and the Employer will immediately com-
mence deductions in the amounts prescribed by the Local
Union in such written notice and forward such monies to
the Local Union along with the monthly dues as provided
for above. Such notice of arrears served on the Employer
shall prescribe payroll deductions of not more than the max-
imum monthly dues for both full-time and part-time employ-
ees in that local. The Union will refund directly to the
employee, any such monies deducted in error along with
confirmation of such refund to the Employer.
(c) The Union will supply the Employer with a supply of print-
ed checkoff forms which shall provide a column for “Dues”,
“Arrears in Dues”, “Initiation and Re-Initiation Fees”. The
Employer shall, each month, add the name of each new
employee hired on since the remittance of the previous
checkoff along with the starting date and the Employer shall
give an explanation alongside the name of each employee
who appeared on the previous month’s checkoff sheet for
whom a remittance is not made for any reason.
(d) The checkoff and cheques for the Union dues deducted,
must be in the office of the Local Union not later than the
tenth (10th) day of the month following the month in
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which the monies were deducted. If the checkoff and the
cheque has not arrived by the tenth (10th) day of the
month, the Local Union Secretary-Treasurer will, by regis-
tered mail, so notify the delinquent Employer who will
ensure that the Employer remits the cheque within seven
(7) days of receipt of the notification.
(e) The deduction of Union dues shall be made from every
employee including but not limited to probationary
(f) The Employer shall show the yearly monthly Union dues
deductions on employees’ T4 slips.
(g) In conjunction with this Article, the Employer agrees that
if the Local Union applies a pre-billing system, that proper
arrangements will be worked out by both parties.
(h) The Employer agrees to provide to each Local Union, no
later than the 21st of each month, a new hire listing, and an
IAF remittance report. These reports will include the
employees Social Insurance number, Employee name,
address, centre slic, the date of hire and their current rate of
The Employer will also provide a Reactivated Employees
report, no later than the 21st of each month, this report will
include the Employees name, Social Insurance number,
Inactive Date, the Date the employees returned to work and
centre slic.
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Section 3.1
The Union acknowledges that it is the exclusive function of the
Employer to:
(a) Maintain order, discipline, train, and generally manage the
(b) Hire, discharge or suspend showing just cause, classify, trans-
fer, promote, layoff, or otherwise discipline employees;
(c) Establish and enforce rules and regulations not inconsistent
with the provisions of this Agreement, governing the con-
duct of the employees.
Section 3.2
The Employer agrees that these functions will be exercised in a
manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement.
(a) The above clauses shall not deprive employees of the right
to exercise the Grievance Procedure as outlined in the
Section 4.1
No person shall be refused employment or in any manner, be dis-
criminated against in accordance with the Canadian Human
Rights Act and any other applicable Federal law.
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Section 4.2
The representatives of the Local Union shall be allowed to enter
the Employer’s premises to deal in the administration of this
Agreement, provided they have notified management and do
not interfere with the normal operation of the Employer.
Section 5.1
The Employer acknowledges the right of the Union to appoint
one (1) steward and if the operations are such as cannot be cov-
ered by one (1) steward, additional stewards may be appointed.
Shop stewards shall be allowed access to their cellphones while
performing Shop steward duties inside all UPS facilities.
Section 5.2
(a) By arrangement, grievances shall be processed during the
normal working hours of the steward. A steward shall
receive his regular rate of pay when grievances or pending
grievances are processed with the Employer on Employer
property, or at any other place which is mutually agreed
upon by both the Union and the Employer.
(b) If the Employer representative is unable to meet the steward
during the steward’s normal working hours, the steward
shall be paid for all the time spent during the processing of
the grievance with the Employer on Employer property, or
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at any other place which is agreed upon by both the Union
and the Employer.
(c) Should the Employer find that a steward’s activities interfere
with the normal course of his duties or the duties of other
employees, the Employer may contact a representative of the
Local Union and/or register a grievance commencing with
Step 2 as outlined in Section 6.2 of this Agreement.
Section 5.3
The Union will inform the Employer in writing of the name of
the steward and of any subsequent change in the name of the
steward. The Employer shall not be asked to recognize any stew-
ard until such notification from the Union has been received.
Section 5.4
The Employer will notify the Union by registered mail, email,
fax or personal contact with a Business Agent or an Officer of
the Local Union, prior to the suspension or discharge of a stew-
ard. Failure of the Employer to comply with this procedure shall
render the dismissal or suspension null and void.
Section 5.5
For the purpose of layoff within his operating centre and/or hub,
the steward shall be established on the seniority list as “second
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Section 5.6
For the purpose of processing specific grievances or disputes,
Business Representatives and stewards shall have access to
pay records and other specific relevant information or
Section 5.7
An employee called into the Employer’s office for any discussion
which may result in discipline or a grievance must be advised by
the Employer of his right to be accompanied by a steward or
Business Representative.
Section 5.8
All stewards shall wear I.D. Cards while on the Employer’s
Section 5.9
The Employer agrees to allow the Business Agent or the avail-
able union designated Shop steward the opportunity to address
all newly hired unionized employees during their orientation.
The purpose of this time is to introduce themselves and provide
them with information regarding the Teamsters and their
Collective Agreement. This meeting will not exceed fifteen
(15) minutes.
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Section 6.1
(a) A grievance shall consist of a dispute concerning interpre-
tation and application of any clause in this Agreement,
alleged violations of the Agreement and alleged abuses of
discretion by supervision in the treatment of employees
contrary to the terms of the Agreement. If any question aris-
es as to whether a particular dispute is or is not a grievance
within the meaning of these provisions, the question may be
taken up through the Grievance Procedure and determined,
if necessary, by arbitration. There shall be an earnest effort
on the part of both parties to settle such grievances prompt-
ly through the following steps at which steps the grievor
may be accompanied by the steward and/or a Business
Except in cases of conduct which would support discharge
such as serious accidents, consumption or possession or being
under the influence of alcohol or drugs, dishonesty, falsifica-
tion of records, gross insubordination, sexual harassment,
tampering with equipment or devices, unauthorized passen-
gers, or culminating incidents supporting discharge, employ-
ees shall be allowed to remain on the job without loss of pay
unless and until the discharge is sustained under the
Grievance Procedure. Suspended employees shall be allowed
to remain on the job without loss of pay unless and until the
suspension is sustained under the Grievance Procedure. If no
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grievance is filed to contest the suspension, or after the griev-
ance procedure has been completed, the suspension must
commence within (7) seven working days. The Union
agrees it will not unreasonably delay the processing of such
cases. If the Union unreasonably delays the processing of the
case, the Employer shall have the right to impose the disci-
pline. In the event of a conflict between this Article and
Appendix C, the provisions of Appendix C shall be applied.
It is understood and agreed that this Article does not waive
an employee’s right to the Grievance Procedure.
Section 6.2
(a) By a conference between the aggrieved employee and the
supervisor. Failing settlement the grievance must be sub-
mitted in writing to the Employer within five (5) working
days from the date of the alleged violation or from the date
the alleged violation became known to the grievor.
(b) Failing settlement at the above step, the Employer shall ren-
der his decision in writing and shall refer the grievance to
the Union within ten (10) days from the date that the
grievance was referred to him.
Should the Union wish to proceed with the grievance, they
will arrange a meeting between the Centre Manager or des-
ignate, Shop steward and/or Business Agent.
If a settlement is not reached at the above step and the Union
wishes to proceed with the grievance, they will arrange a
meeting between the Division Manager and the Union.
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(c) Grievances dealing with discharges and suspensions shall be
filed with the Employer in writing within five (5) working
days from the time of discharge or suspension and shall com-
mence with Section 6.2 (b) of the Grievance Procedure.
(d) Should the parties fail to reach satisfactory settlement in the
preceding steps, the final settlement of the grievance may be
submitted to the Arbitration Board as outlined below.
Section 6.3
A Union policy grievance concerning an alleged violation of
this Agreement in regard to which an individual employee could
not grieve may be filed with the Employer at Step 6.2(b) within
five (5) working days after the circumstances giving rise to the
grievance occurred.
Section 6.4.
It shall be the responsibility of the party desiring arbitration or
panel hearing to so inform the other party in writing within thir-
ty (30) calendar days after the final disposition of the grievance
in the preceding steps.
At the beginning of each year in the Province of Quebec two (2)
arbitrators will be mutually agreed to that will be selected to hear
arbitrations for Locals 931 and 1999. The parties will agree to
three (3) hearing dates for each arbitrator per year.
Section 6.5
A notice of intent to arbitrate under the foregoing provisions
shall contain the name of the aggrieved party’s appointee to the
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Board of Arbitration and within seven (7) days from the receipt
of the notice of intent to arbitrate, the other party must, in turn,
name their appointee. A third member to act as Chairman shall
be appointed by the respective appointees. Should either party
fail to name their appointee within the required seven (7) days
or should the appointees fail to select a Chairman within thirty
(30) calendar days from the date of appointment, either party or
their appointee shall request the appropriate Minister of Labour
to make the appointment.
Section 6.6
Paragraph 6.5 above notwithstanding, the Employer or the Local
Union involved may submit a grievance to a single impartial
arbitrator for settlement.
Section 6.7
The Board of Arbitration or impartial arbitrator shall not have
the right to alter or change any provisions in this Agreement or
substitute any new provisions in this Agreement or substitute
any new provisions in lieu thereof, or to give any decision incon-
sistent with the terms and provisions of this Agreement. The
Board or arbitrator, however, shall have the power to vary or set
aside any penalty or discipline imposed relating to the grievance
then before the Board or arbitrator.
Section 6.8
Each of the parties hereto will bear the expense of their
appointee to the Board and the parties will equally bear the fees
and the expenses of the Chairman or arbitrator.
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Section 6.9
The Employer shall not be responsible for the payment of time
used by an employee in the investigation and settlement of a
Section 6.10
All monetary grievances that are mutually agreed upon shall be
paid within a two (2) week period from the time of settlement
via direct deposit and the adjustment will be listed on the
employees pay stub.
Section 6.11
Time limits set forth in the Grievance and Arbitration
Procedures may be extended by mutual agreement in writing
between the parties hereto. Saturdays, Sundays and paid General
Holidays will not be counted in determining the time which any
action is to be taken or completed under the Grievance and
Arbitration Procedures.
Section 6.12
All employees who are discharged will have their discharge and
reason confirmed in writing and their pay will be mailed by reg-
istered mail to their last known address not later than the fol-
lowing pay day. All employees who terminate their employment
voluntarily shall have all monies owing to them paid not later
than the following pay day.
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When requested by the Employee, the Employer agrees to pro-
vide their Record of Employment via email within five (5) busi-
ness days.
Section 7.1
During the term of this Agreement, there shall be no lockout
by the Employer or any strike, slowdown, work stoppage or
suspension of work either complete or partial for any reason by
the employees.
Section 7.2
It shall not be a violation of this Agreement, and it shall not
be cause for discharge or disciplinary action in the event an
employee refuses to enter upon any property involved in a
lawful primary labour dispute, or refuses to go through or work
behind any lawful primary picket line, including the lawful
primary picket line of Unions party to this Agreement, and
including lawful primary picket lines at the Employer’s places
of business.
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Section 8.1
Upon ratification, a new employee shall work under the provi-
sions of this Agreement, but shall be employed on a ninety (90)
days worked trial basis, during which period he may be dis-
charged without further recourse, provided however, that the
Employer may not discharge or discipline for the purpose of
evading this Agreement or discrimination against Union mem-
bers. After working ninety (90) days, the employee shall be
placed on the regular seniority list and his seniority date shall be
the first (1st) day worked.
If within a drivers first sixty (60) days of their trial period listed
above, the driver is not medically capable of performing any of
the classification work they were hired for, the days on alternate
work will not count towards their seniority attainment. Once
they return to full duties in the classification they were hired for,
the count towards the ninety (90) days will continue. Once they
attain seniority, their seniority date will be the first (1st) day
Section 8.2
The Employer must supply proof of the commencement of
employment by a new hire listing and establish personnel on the
seniority list in accordance with the day they started. The
release of a probationary employee shall not be subject to the
Grievance Procedure.
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Section 8.3
Operating centre seniority lists without social insurance number
for both full-time and part-time employees, by date of hire, shall
be posted on the operating centre bulletin board by the
Employer and shall be revised and updated each three (3)
months. An employee whose name appears for the first time on
such posted list shall have thirty (30) days to protest the accura-
cy of his seniority date.
Failure to do so shall be considered as an admission that the post-
ed date is correct for the purposes of a wage claim. Copies of all
posted lists shall be sent to the Local Union involved.
Section 8.4
A seniority list containing the names, and addresses of
employees as contained in the records of the Employer, will be
prepared and forwarded quarterly to the Local Union office.
Note: It shall be the employee’s responsibility at all times to
keep the Employer informed as to his correct home
address and phone number.
Section 8.5
Operating centre seniority by classification, shall apply except as
otherwise provided in this Article. Employees shall work off sep-
arate seniority lists by classification for each operating centre
under this Agreement.
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Section 8.6
Notwithstanding the permanent vacancy or opening provision
in Section 11.1, the purpose of seniority is to provide a policy
governing work preference, layoffs and recalls:
(a) In the event of a layoff, the Employer shall consider:
1. the seniority of the employees;
2. the qualifications of the employees; where the qualifi-
cations are relatively equal, the employee’s seniority
shall be the determining factor.
(b) Senior employees shall have the opportunity to accept a lay-
off over less senior employees providing the junior employ-
ees are qualified to perform the work.
(c) For planned absences of one (1) week or more, swing driv-
ers, drivers displaced by a trainee, or drivers with a bid run
that has been collapsed by a change in dispatch, will by sen-
iority have the option of selecting the available run of their
choice providing the Company has adequate coverage for
the other available routes. Such drivers will be assigned to
that run for the duration of the absence.
A bid driver that has had his run eliminated for a one day
period will have the ability to select an available run of his
choice based on seniority. Runs that have already been
selected as per the paragraph above are not considered
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Section 8.7
Where there are two (2) or more operating centres in the same
building, a laid off employee may displace the most junior
employee in the same classification in the building on the first
(1st) Monday following the day of layoff. A laid off package
driver may displace the most junior driver in the building (pack-
age or non-tractor-trailer feeder) on the first (1st) Monday fol-
lowing the day of layoff. The laid off seniority employee may dis-
place a non-seniority employee in his or her classification with-
in the building after losing one full shift.
Section 8.8
(a) If the job of a tractor-trailer feeder driver is eliminated, said
driver shall have the opportunity to displace the least senior
feeder driver in his operating centre, with a start-time on a
run, on the first (1st) full shift following the date of elimi-
nation until the eliminated job is re-established.
(b) If the job of a non-tractor-trailer feeder driver is eliminated,
said driver shall have the opportunity to displace the least
senior non-tractor-trailer feeder driver in his operating cen-
tre, with a start-time on a run, on the first (1st) full shift fol-
lowing the date of elimination until the non-tractor-trailer
job is re-established.
The displaced driver shall have the opportunity to exercise
his seniority as provided in paragraph (c) or (d) below.
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(c) If the displaced feeder driver is also a qualified package driv-
er, he shall have the opportunity to displace the least senior
package driver in the building (where there are two (2) or
more operating centres in the same building) on the first (1st)
Monday following the date of elimination until his job is re-
established provided he has the seniority to do so and his
Company seniority shall be dovetailed in the operating cen-
tre’s package drivers seniority list. His pay rate will also be
dovetailed into the package driver classification rate. The laid
off seniority employee may displace a non-seniority employee
in his or her classification within the building after losing one
full shift.
(d) If the displaced feeder driver is not a qualified package driv-
er, he shall be given the opportunity to qualify for the next
package driver opening in the building. After having so
qualified, his Company seniority shall be dovetailed in the
operating centre’s package drivers seniority list until his job
is re-established.
Section 8.9
An employee shall lose all seniority and will be deemed to be ter-
minated if he:
(a) voluntarily quits;
(b) is justifiably discharged;
(c) has been laid off and not employed elsewhere and has
refused to return to work within twenty-four (24) hours
after being contacted personally. When the employee can-
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not be contacted or is employed elsewhere, then the
Employer will notify the employee by registered mail to his
last known address to return to work and he will be allowed
not more than seven (7) consecutive days from the date of
notification to report for duty;
Note: It shall be the employee’s responsibility at all times to
keep the Employer informed as to his correct home
(d) if he takes employment other than that declared and agreed
upon when applying for the leave of absence;
(e) is absent for three (3) days without permission from the
Employer or without notice to the Employer giving reasons
for his absence;
(f) if an employee is laid off and not recalled for a period
extending beyond twenty-four (24) consecutive working
Section 8.10
Leave of absence in excess of thirty (30) days or an extension to
an existing leave that will exceed a total of thirty (30) days will
not be granted until a request for same is submitted in writing to
both the Local Union and the Employer and is mutually agreed
upon in writing.
Section 8.11
A bona fide leave of absence which may include leave for
Military purposes under thirty (30) days shall not be unreason-
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ably withheld or denied. Specifically for Military leave requests,
said leave may be for periods over 30 days. The Employer
reserves the authority to designate leave of absence periods con-
sistent with efficient operations of the Employer.
Section 8.12
Absence due to bona fide illness or injury shall not be cause for
discharge or loss of seniority providing the Employer is notified
of such illness or injury. The employee shall notify the Employer
when he is able to return to work. An employee who returns to
work from an absence due to a bona fide illness or injury shall be
allowed to return to his/her normal area or run.
Section 8.13
In the event of a complete closure of a hub or operating centre
and whether or not the work is moved to another hub or oper-
ating centre, the Employer will give sixty (60) working days writ-
ten notice of such closure. During this sixty (60) day period, the
Employer will meet with the affected Local Unions to outline
the reasons for closure.
After giving notice, the Employer must establish a joint plan-
ning committee with members appointed by both the Employer,
the Union and employees. The committee’s goal is to develop an
adjustment program which will eliminate the need for the ter-
minations or minimize the impact on the employees and assist
them to find other employment. If after six (6) weeks, the com-
mittee has not agreed on an adjustment program, application
may be made to the Minister of Labour to appoint an arbitrator
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to resolve any unsettled issues. The arbitrator may not, howev-
er, delay the terminations or review the decision to terminate.
Employees affected in the hub or operating centre which is clos-
ing shall have an opportunity to move back to the centre from
which they originally transferred.
(a) In the event the Employer establishes a new hub or operat-
ing centre at a different location within a town or city in
which the Employer already has a hub or operating centre.
The Union and the Employer shall meet and establish pro-
cedures which will protect the seniority of employees at the
original and new hub or operating centres. Such procedures
shall be reduced to writing.
(b) In the event of a partial closure of a hub or operating centre
caused as a result of the work being moved to another hub
or operating centre which results in the reduction of
employees in the partially closing hub or operating centre,
the following will apply:
A meeting shall be held thirty (30) working days prior to
the partial closure between the Employer and the affected
Local Unions in an effort to reach a satisfactory agreement
for all concerned in the hub or operating centre from which
the work is being moved; and
Failing agreement, employees affected in the hub or operat-
ing centre shall have an opportunity of moving with the
work or exercising their seniority within their own hub or
operating centre in the manner agreed to by the parties. If
work is available in the hub or operating centre to which
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the work is being moved, the available vacancies shall be
posted for bid and such vacancies shall only be opened to
those qualified employees subject to layoff.
It must be clearly established that there is movement of
work for the above provisions to apply.
(c) Employees moving under the conditions of Section 8.13,
8.13 (a) or (b) will dovetail their seniority with those bar-
gaining unit employees already employed at the hub or
operating centre to which they moved.
(d) Should the Employer consider the complete closure of a
hub or operating centre, the Employer and the Local
Union shall meet prior to a final decision being made to
examine practical solutions to the potential closure. If no
viable alternatives are agreed to, the Employer shall meet
with The Canada Council of Teamsters in order to address
the practicality of relocating affected employees where
permanent openings exist at remaining Employer loca-
tions, minimizing the impact of any terminations, and
relocation counseling to affected employees in locating
alternative employment. In the event that relocation of
employees is agreed to:
1. Relocated employees shall not displace employees as a
result of the transfer, but shall be placed at the bottom
of the seniority list without loss of wage rate or benefits
previously attained with a new seniority date which
will be the first day of work at their new location;
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2. All expenses associated with such relocations will be
the responsibility of the employee; and
3. An employee must accept or reject a proposed reloca-
tion within five (5) days of notification of any opening
and must fill the opening in a reasonable time period
not to exceed thirty (30) days.
Section 8.14
The Employer agrees to grant the necessary time off, without dis-
crimination, to any employee designated by the Union to attend
a Labour convention or serve in any capacity on other official
business, without pay. The employee’s seniority shall continue to
accumulate during such leave of absence. The Union shall give
two (2) full working days notice, specifying the length of time off
for such leaves of absence. Such leaves of absence shall be revo-
cable upon seventy-two (72) hours notice by the employee.
The employee must make suitable arrangements in writing for
continuation of Health & Welfare and Pension payment before
the leave may be approved by either the Local Union or the
Employer. It is understood that this clause would apply to an
Executive Board member and/or a full-time Business
Section 8.15
Full-time employees may, at their own expense, obtain a transfer
from one centre to another subject to the following conditions:
(a) He is qualified in the classification to which he bids.
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(b) Request for transfer by an employee who is qualified to bid
shall be valid thirty (30) days following receipt of the request.
(c) He will be placed on the bottom of the seniority list at the
centre to which he is transferring.
(d) He will keep his years of service for the purposes of vacation,
retirement, benefits and wage progression. This transfer
shall be granted only subject to the provisions of 11.8 (f)
and shall be granted, by seniority, amongst all the employ-
ees who asked for a transfer to that centre. A copy of such
requests shall be sent to the local union involved.
(e) Part-time employees already at the centre shall be given first
opportunity subject to 11.8 (f), in order of seniority, for any
full-time positions prior to transferring employees requests
to transfer being granted.
(f) The transferring employee upon acceptance shall have ten
(10) working days, commencing on the date of the compa-
ny granting request to transfer, in which to transfer to the
awarded position. If said transferee fails to report to the new
location within this ten (10) day period the employer shall
fill the vacancy at it’s sole discretion.
(g) The vacancy created by the employee who is transferring
will not be subject to the transfer procedures.
Section 8.16
Full-time drivers with a minimum of fifteen (15) years of senior-
ity, shall have a one-time opportunity to bid on an available
part-time driving position. The driver shall be paid the top part-
time driver rate of pay and shall be precluded from doing any
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combination jobs, and their seniority shall be dovetailed into the
part-time driver classification. They will maintain their flex
benefit level and will receive all benefits as a part-time employ-
ee commencing on the date of the change in classification. If
due to a proven hardship the driver wishes to return to full-time
status, he shall be afforded the opportunity to bid on a full-time
package driver vacancy.
Section 9.1
(a) It is to the mutual advantage of both the Employer and the
employee that employees shall not operate vehicles which
are not in a safe operating condition and not equipped with
the safety appliances required by law.
(b) Employees shall immediately, or at the end of their shifts,
report all defects of equipment on a suitable form or device
furnished by the Employer. It is agreed that a DVIR form
and/or device shall be supplied for the driver, on which to
report defects in equipment and will be available for review
by the driver and/or the Union. The Employer will main-
tain a copy of this report on file.
The mechanic or a qualified representative of the Employer
will sign this report when repairs are made. When the unit
is reported for reasons that make the vehicle unsafe for use
and cannot be repaired, it will be red tagged by the auto-
motive department, the key removed and placed in the
automotive department with the red tag. The red tag must
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not be removed until the automotive department has deter-
mined that the vehicle is in safe operating condition.
The Employer shall not ask or require any employee to take
out equipment that has been reported by any other employ-
ee as being in an unsafe operating condition until same has
been approved as being safe by the automotive maintenance
(c) It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Employer to
maintain all vehicles in a safe operating condition and in
accordance with the Ministry of Transportation’s
(d) The maintenance of equipment in sound operating condi-
tion is not only a function, but a responsibility of the
Section 9.2
Drivers will not be held responsible for damage while towing or
pushing a vehicle if instructed to do so by the Employer unless
the employee has been proven negligent.
Section 9.3
(a) The Union and the Employer agree having regard for safe-
ty and the employee’s health factor that all power units will
have and be kept in working order; adequate heaters,
including double heating systems if required, windshield
washers, defrosters, windshield wipers, west coast type mir-
rors and fog or driving lights on feeder equipment, proper
weatherproof cabs, snow tires or chains in the proper season
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on equipment. Moose bumpers will be installed where the
need has been determined.
The Employer agrees to install winter fronts in P30 and
P31 vehicles upon request.
It is agreed that the Employer will continue the practice
of installing power hook-ups and antennas on feeder
equipment. Once an employee is qualified in Feeders,
they will be provided with a pin puller.
Should an Employee on a specific Feeder run identify a
potential Health and Safety situation due to adverse winter
conditions the Employee will document their concern, with
a copy sent to the Union, and submit it to their local CHSP
(b) All power equipment shall have flares or reflectors, proper-
ly stocked first aid kits, fire extinguishers and other items
required by law installed in the units.
(c) The Employer shall be responsible for safety factors; relative
to overload, load make-up and cleanliness of equipment.
(d) The Employer agrees to provide the new seat-back with the
adjustable lumbar upper support feature where the seat is
attached to a post. Seat-backs will be replaced upon request.
High back seats will be provided in all tractors purchased
after 2020, and any other seats that are required to be
replaced will also have high back seats provided they are
available for the model year of the tractor whose seat needs
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(e) Concerns relating to tools, buildings, and equipment
issues will be resolved by the operating Division Manager
and/or the Automotive Manager and Local Business
Agent in that area.
A consultative committee, comprised of an equal number of
company and union representatives, will be established to
discuss equipment accommodation for employees with per-
manent disabilities, or accommodation issues that are sup-
ported by medical documentation. A request may be made
that the documentation be provided by a company doctor.
Each case will be evaluated on an individual basis.
Section 9.4
The Employer must keep speedometers in proper working order
and reasonably accurate.
Section 9.5
Centre or hub equipment must be safe and properly maintained.
All buildings must be equipped with proper exhaust fans.
The employer will maintain all facilities with adequate heat, and
provide ceiling fans if required.
In areas where employees feel that adequate heat or the clean-
liness of the facility is lacking, the Union and the Employer
will meet and form a joint committee in an effort to resolve
the concerns that were raised.
Section 9.6
Hand trucks will be provided in package cars and maintained
where reasonably required. Hand trucks of a sufficient size shall
be provided in order to handle loads of up to 150 lb.
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Section 9.7
The Employer, the Union and the employees shall co-operate in
continuing to provide a safe working environment. This will be
undertaken through the applicable health and safety legislation.
Section 9.8
The Company agrees to provide employees that fuel, shift or do
car wash with reflective safety vests.
Section 10.1
Physical examinations required by a government body or the
Company shall be promptly complied with by all employees; pro-
vided, however, the Employer shall pay for all such examinations,
including the full cost of doctors notes or reports. These reim-
bursements shall be paid within ten (10) business days from the
date the invoice was provided to the Company. Examinations are
to be taken in the employee’s home area except in cases where a
medical specialist is not available in their area.
Section 10.2
An employee who seeks to return to work after a medical leave
of absence (including a leave of absence covered by Workers’
Compensation), or after an absence caused by a chronic or recur-
rent condition may be required by the Employer to submit a
medical and/or hospital report. The Employer may also require
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the employee to submit to an examination by a physician select-
ed by the Employer. It is understood by the Employer and the
Union that once an employee notifies the Employer that he has
been released to return to work by the employee’s doctor, the
Employer’s doctor must examine the employee within three (3)
working days from the time the employee brings the return to
work slip to the Employer. In the event the employee is not cov-
ered by Workers’ Compensation or Weekly Indemnity Health
Insurance during the three (3) working day period noted above,
the Employer will be responsible for the days lost. In order to
avail himself of this provision the employee must advise the
Employer the same day he has been released to return to work by
his doctor.
Section 10.3
All employees off-duty for any length of time for sudden illness,
unconsciousness, dizziness, fainting, convulsive seizure, heart irreg-
ularity, chest pain, etc., must have a return to work examination.
The Company agrees to pay for all medical examinations, med-
ical forms or notes required.
Section 10.4
The Employer reserves the right to select its own medical exam-
iner, in the case of a dispute between the Employer’s physician
and the employee’s physician. A neutral physician will be cho-
sen to determine if the employee shall or shall not return to his
normal work. The expense of the neutral physician shall be
borne equally by the Employer and the Union.
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Section 10.5
In any instance where the Employer requires a medical exami-
nation, under the terms of this Article, and the employee is dis-
satisfied with the doctor, the Employer shall provide the employ-
ee with an alternate doctor that he or she may go to.
Section 10.6
When an injury is reported the UPS reference number will be
given to the employee upon request. When requested, a copy of
the injury report that UPS has filed with the workers compensa-
tion board will be sent to the employee as soon as possible. Since
adjudication of workers compensation claims is made by workers
compensation boards, employees wanting to know the disposi-
tion of employee on-the-job injury claims will contact the appli-
cable workers compensation board. No employee will be disci-
plined or threatened with discipline or retaliated against as a
result of filing an on-the-job injury report.
An employee who reports to work and is unable to complete
their work day due to a workplace injury which requires medical
attention, will be paid their daily guarantee of hours for that day.
Section 11.1 – Permanent Vacancies or Openings
(a) When a permanent vacancy or opening in the delivery driv-
er classification occurs in an operating centre, it shall be
offered to the employees in the package driver and non-
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tractor trailer feeder driver classifications in that operating
centre in seniority order with a maximum of three (3)
moves in the package driver classification. Any driver who
is awarded any vacancy or opening shall only be able to
exercise his seniority up to two (2) times during each eight-
een (18) month period except for the opportunity to quali-
fy for a higher rated paying job.
(b) If as a result of the third (3rd) move, another vacancy or
opening is created in the package driver classification, it will
be assigned by the Employer.
(c) A permanent vacancy or opening shall be defined as one
that is in effect for more than thirty (30) working days,
except for vacancies caused by the absence of a regular
employee which shall not be considered permanent. All
permanent vacancies will be posted for bid within thirty
(30) days for a period of five (5) working days and shall be
awarded to the employee as soon as reasonably possible after
the posting has ended. However, the months of November
and December may be excluded due to operational needs.
(d) Areas designated as training areas shall be offered for selec-
tion as described in Section 11.1 (a) with the understand-
ing that the employee awarded the opening or vacancy shall
perform other work when trainees are being trained on such
training areas. An area selected by a driver will not be des-
ignated a training area without the agreement of the parties.
Each centre will have up to ten percent (10%) of the total
centre’s bid routes designated as training areas, these areas
will be used on a rotating basis. No trainee will be on a des-
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ignated training run for longer than forty-five (45) work
days unless mutually agreed to by the parties.
(e) In the event of a hardship case or pressing personal prob-
lems, the Employer will give consideration to allowing a
tractor-trailer feeder driver the opportunity to qualify for the
next available driving job.
(f) All work on the “sort” will be available to employees in the
package driver classification in order of seniority. If, because
of excessive hours, a driver is not allowed to exercise his sen-
iority to work the sort, upon request, a meeting will be
scheduled between the Employer and the Union in an effort
to resolve the matter, with the understanding that the hours
are reduced from the sort first.
Full-time drivers interested in working extra hours on the
sort will sign their names on a list which will be made avail-
able two (2) times per year, January 1st to January 15th and
May 15th to May 30th.
(g) In all other start time changes in the package driver classi-
fication of more than one (1) hour, the following may occur.
The affected driver may follow his area to the new start
time. If not, it will be posted for bid within the centre.
(h) A full-time package driver awarded a bid route, shall retain
the right to follow work from this route if more than fifty
percent (50%) of his geographical area is moved to another
route, provided he has more seniority over the full-time
driver that the work is moving to. The affected driver will
work as directed.
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Section 11.2 – Feeder Runs
(a) A permanent vacancy or opening shall be defined as one
worked within the feeder department that has been in effect
for more than thirty (30) working days, except for vacancies
caused by the absence of a regular employee which shall not
be considered permanent. All permanent vacancies will be
posted for bid within fifteen (15) days for a period of five (5)
working days, and take effect at the start of the following
work week.
(b) Openings or vacancies shall be posted by location. Such
openings or vacancies shall be filled by seniority within
the classification. Subsequent vacancies created by the
original vacancy shall be posted and awarded within the
feeder classification first and then from the feeder cover
seniority list limited to four (4) moves. If, as a result of the
fourth (4th) move, another vacancy or opening is created
in the feeder driver classification, it will be bid from the
cover driver list. In the event no employee on the list of
qualified employees elects to fill an opening, the employ-
ee with the least seniority on the list must fill the opening.
(c) It is understood the feeder department seniority list shall be
comprised of two (2) separate lists:
1. Feeder driver seniority
2. Cover/Qualified seniority (not to be included when cal-
culating number of drivers off for vacation purposes).
In order to gain seniority in the feeder department the feed-
er cover driver must be successful in bidding on an existing
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run for one (1) day or after successfully bidding and working
on the new run for thirty (30) working days as described in
11.2 (a) after which the successful candidate shall have his
seniority dovetailed into the feeder driver seniority list.
If a part-time employee is qualified and is working as a feed-
er cover driver, once he is successful in bidding on a run for
one (1) day or after successfully bidding and working on the
new run for thirty (30) working days as described in 11.2 (a)
his date of seniority will be the date he was qualified as a
feeder cover driver and they will be dovetailed into the
feeder driver seniority list.
(d) When a feeder driver is absent due to a reported injury or ill-
ness, for a period of more than one (1) month, his run shall
be bid from within the feeder seniority list, with a maximum
of two (2) moves. With the understanding that drivers revert
back to their bid run upon return of the absentee driver.
(e) Where the employer finds that the delays for bidding a new
run needs to be extended, a meeting with the local union
will be held. Any agreements must be by mutual consent,
however no reasonable request will be denied. All exten-
sions will be in writing and will be posted on the union
board in the employer’s location.
Section 11.3 – Tractor-Trailer School
Drivers who are interested in qualifying as a tractor-trailer driv-
er, shall so notify the Employer. Such employees in seniority
order, will be permitted to attend the Employer training program
which may be established from time to time as the need occurs.
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The Employer training program shall consist of up to two (2)
weeks of training for which the drivers shall be paid the appli-
cable rate of pay for all hours worked. The Employer agrees to
furnish the necessary equipment and instructors. Upon comple-
tion of this training, the employee shall be required to maintain
the proper licence and work as needed in the classification. It is
understood that the employee will maintain the proper licence
for the length of the agreement. If an employee fails to maintain
the required licence, he shall be allowed to work subject to the
contractual provisions in Appendix C.9(f).
In the event no drivers are interested in qualifying as a tractor-
trailer driver, other employees may be considered provided they
have the necessary qualifications.
An employee who desires to be removed from the qualified list
will notify the Employer at least three (3) months prior to the
expiration of this Agreement.
(a) To qualify for attendance at the tractor-trailer school, an
employee cannot have had an avoidable accident during
the year preceding his application to attend the school.
However, a minor accident shall not deprive an employee of
the opportunity to attend the school.
(b) Upon completion of tractor-trailer school, the Employer
will determine whether the employee is qualified to drive
tractor-trailer and whether the employee will be placed on
the qualified list which shall be posted in that location.
(c) To be eligible to move from the qualified list to a tractor-
trailer job, an employee cannot have had an avoidable acci-
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dent during the year preceding his assignment to a tractor-
trailer job. However, a minor accident shall not deprive an
employee of assignment to a tractor-trailer job.
(d) Subject to 11.2(a), new tractor-trailer openings or vacancies
will be filled from the list of qualified employees in their
Company seniority order at that location. In the event no
employee on the list of qualified employees elects to fill an
opening, the employee with the least seniority on the list
must fill the opening.
In Provinces where we are unable to attract Feeder drivers
due to Provincial training requirements, a representative of
the Union will meet with the Feeder management team to
discuss the situation.
Section 11.4 – Feeder Drivers
Feeder drivers, irrespective of domicile, shall work as directed,
including, but not limited to, loading, unloading and sorting as
directed in any operating location of the Employer.
At the request of the Union, the parties will meet to review and
discuss the Tractor-trailer work currently sub-contracted which
originates within their Province in an attempt to determine the
viability of converting the sub-contracted work to the bargain-
ing unit consistent with the following parameters:
1) Service and time requirements,
2) Operational needs,
3) Availability of equipment / utilization,
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4) Economically competitive,
5) Staffing.
If all the above criteria are met to the Employer’s satisfaction, the
sub-contracted work will be assigned to the bargaining unit.
Where a feeder run start-time changes by more than two (2)
hours, it will be posted for bid.
A Feeder driver that is required to cross the Canada / United
States border, will have the cost of the FAST pass reimbursed by
the Employer. This amount will be paid within a two (2) week
period of presentation of receipts.
Section 11.5 – Hours of Work
(a) The standard work week shall be Monday through Friday. A
full-time seniority employee who is called to work and
reports to work as scheduled shall be paid a minimum of
eight (8) hours, except for the drivers who appear on the
bottom ten percent (10%) of their seniority list (with a
minimum of one per operating centre) who shall be paid a
minimum of four (4) hours. Time and one-half (1 1/2) shall
be paid for all hours in excess of eight (8) hours in a day or
forty (40) hours in a week. A full-time seniority employee
who volunteers and reports to work for a sixth (6th) or sev-
enth (7th) work day, and works a minimum of five (5) hours
on either of these days will be paid two times (2) their
hourly rate for all hours worked on these days, otherwise the
normal overtime rules will apply.
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(b) The Company will with the Union’s agreement, implement
4/10 (Monday to Friday) workday/workweeks on a trial basis
in an agreed upon area. Time and one-half (1 ½) shall be
paid for all hours in excess of ten (10) hours in a day or forty
(40) hours in a week. It is understood that drivers working
a 4/10 week may have non-consecutive days off. Swing driv-
ers who are covering a run for a full week will fall under the
above language. Swing drivers who cover single days shall be
paid in accordance with Section 11.5 (a). Employees work-
ing 4/10 jobs will be excluded from any language in the col-
lective agreement pertaining to excessive overtime and
reduced workday requests. The Company reserves the right
to collapse these 4/10 runs to five (5) day per week bids from
November 1st to January 15th of each year.
When the Employer wishes to expand its operations into
areas not currently served, the Employer will meet with the
local union to negotiate a mutually agreeable economics
Package Driver
It is agreed that the full-time drivers scheduled start time
will be prior to a part-time drivers scheduled start time with-
in their centre.
This will not apply to a part-time employee who is covering
an existing full-time route with an earlier start time. In the
event that there is an exception to this it will be reviewed
with the Local Union.
Premium service delivery work regularly performed prior to
the general full-time start time(s) shall be incorporated into
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existing full-time runs, which may cause a driver on a bid
run to commence earlier.
1. The Employer and the Union recognize that overtime
work is unavoidable. However, the Employer will make
necessary efforts to avoid excessive overtime as follows.
At the request of the employee the employer must
reduce the package car driver’s workday below 9.50
hours. Those package car drivers that wish to work less
than 9.50 hours per day can sign their names onto an
opt in list which will be made available two (2) times
per year, January 1st to the 15th and May 15th to May
30th. After each period a copy of the opt in list, with
the employee’s signature will be provided to the Union
steward for the centre. Any disputes that arise will be
dealt with in a timely way by the Division Manager.
If an employee who has signed the list has more than
five (5) violations in a month the Employer will pay a
penalty of double time for the remainder of the month
for any violations in hours worked beyond 9.50 hours
per day. It is not the intent of the Employer to violate
this clause or to circumvent the paying of double time
for violations.
It is understood that the driver must maintain their
demonstrated performance level and service all pack-
ages daily.
Employees within the package driver classification shall be
eligible for the process listed above provided:
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i. The driver has a bid route.
ii. The driver has more than four (4) years package driver
This language will not apply to swing drivers, part-time driv-
ers, drivers on high kilometer routes (200 + km), drivers in
satellite centres and drivers in sort and load operations.
It is not the objective of the Company for package car driv-
ers who have not signed the list above to continually work
over ten (10) hours per day. If the driver anticipates work-
ing over ten (10) hours in a given day, they may contact the
centre team who will attempt to adjust the route that day
providing service is not jeopardized.
This language shall be null and void in the event of an act
of God during the days an employee exceeds the 9.50
The language above shall apply, except for the period from
November 1st through January 15th of each year.
2. A package car driver who desires to have their dispatch
reduced on a particular day to accommodate a person-
al commitment must adhere to the following proce-
dure. The employee must submit a written request on a
form furnished by the employer. Such a request must be
submitted no later than the start of the fifth (5th) cal-
endar day preceding the day being requested. A signed
copy of the request form stating approval or disapproval
shall be returned to the employee by the end of the
employee's next work day. Such a request shall not be
unreasonably denied. Should the Employer fail to reply
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in the allotted time, the request shall be deemed grant-
ed. The Manager shall process such requests based on
seniority. The employer shall allow a minimum of ten
percent (10%) of the package drivers worked in any
centre, to exercise this flexibility, under this language.
No package driver will be granted more than five (5)
requests per month (additional requests allowed by
mutual agreement). It is understood to accomplish the
above the Employer may have to adjust start times of
only the employee who made the request.
The Employer is not obligated to let more than one (1)
driver in a loop off at one (1) time. Such request will be
afforded during the period of February 1st through
November 1st of each year. It is understood the driver
dispatch will be based on an eight and a half (8.5) hour
dispatch that is determined by the recent driver histo-
ry. It is also understood that each driver will complete
his daily assignment. If conditions arise outside the
Employers control, reasonable efforts shall be made to
satisfy this request.
(b) Employees shall be notified of a change in their starting
times at the start of the work day prior to the change. It will
remain the responsibility of the Employer to notify those
employees who may not be at work on the shift prior to any
changes to their start times. Failing such notification, the
employee shall be paid from their original start time provid-
ed they report to work as previously scheduled.
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(c) Personal Time
Package Driver
Package drivers shall be allowed a ten (10) minute paid
break to be taken within the second and third hour of their
work day. However, they may not avail themselves of this
break until being able to meet all time-committed services.
Package drivers shall be allowed a thirty (30) minute unpaid
lunch period to be started and completed between the
fourth (4th) and the sixth (6th) hour. However, fifteen (15)
minutes of the stated thirty (30) minutes may be taken dur-
ing the remainder of the day.
It is agreed that there shall be no loss of previously demon-
strated productivity standards or service commitments. It is
understood that all breaks and lunches will be taken on the
delivery area.
(d) Feeder Driver
If any driving segment of a feeder run has a scheduled driv-
ing time in excess of two (2) hours and forty-five (45) min-
utes, the driver will be scheduled to take a portion of his fifty
(50) minute personal time, up to fifteen (15) minutes,
where feasible, during that segment.
Feeder drivers shall be allowed one (1) ten (10) minute paid
break during the course of their shift at a mutually agreeable
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Section 11.6 – Combination Jobs
It is anticipated that the changing nature of the Employer’s busi-
ness will result in some job combinations. An employee may be
required to work in more than one job classification within any
work day. When such combination jobs are made, the Employer
will pay the employee according to the following: when the
employee is required to spend one (1) hour or more of his work
day upon a job providing a higher rate of pay, he shall receive the
higher rate for the entire shift; for the full-time employee, the
above mentioned period of one (1) hour shall be a two (2) hours
or more period.
Section 11.7 – Competition
It is agreed that any provision in this contract to the contrary,
1. The Employer agrees that no work currently being done
by the bargaining unit will be subcontracted out during
the term of this Collective Agreement. However, in the
event of a serious financial hardship, which could result
in the closure of a delivery centre, the Union and the
Employer shall meet for the purpose of addressing the clo-
sure. Failing agreement, the closure of the delivery centre
shall be resolved by arbitration.
2. The Employer may use substitute means of transportation
in its feeder operations, such as aircraft or TOFC provid-
ed that if the Company extends TOFC operations over
those presently in effect, it is agreed that none of the feed-
er drivers employed by the Company in the area affected
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will be laid off as a direct result of the extension of TOFC
3. The Employer may drop loaded or empty trailers at loca-
tions designated by it, its customers or consignees for cus-
tomer or consignee loading or unloading. It is understood
that customers and consignees will not move trailers for
loading and/or unloading. It is further understood that drop-
ping and picking up of these trailers shall be done by mem-
bers of the bargaining unit.
4. A joint Employer / Union Competition Committee shall be
created with an equal number of Employer and Union rep-
resentatives. The Committee shall meet upon written
request by either party for the purpose of discussing and
evaluating proposals which, if adopted by the Committee,
could create additional bargaining unit jobs, enable the
Employer to more effectively compete with other compa-
nies, implement new services and products, or change exist-
ing services that are outside of the current Collective
Agreement. Nothing within this provision or Agreement
shall require the Employer to offer or maintain any particu-
lar service or product.
Section 11.8 – Part-Time Employees - All Bargaining
(a) Such employees, when reporting to work as scheduled, shall
be guaranteed a minimum of three (3) hours and shall start
to be paid from the time they are scheduled to report to
work. Employees working on the Toronto Preload, Toronto
Hub Twilight sort, and Montreal Hub Twilight sort will be
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guaranteed a minimum of three and a half (3.5) hours per
(b) Such employees shall be entitled to an unpaid rest period of
fifteen (15) minutes to be taken no earlier than one hour
after the operation starts, unless major operational con-
straints occur.
(c) The work week for such employees shall consist of five (5)
consecutive days. The overtime rate of pay shall be applica-
ble only for work on General Holidays and/or all hours
worked in excess of five (5) hours in a day for work per-
formed in the employee’s regular job assignment on their
regular scheduled shift except, when working in combina-
tion with another job or jobs (e.g.part-time driver). When
the employee is working in a combination of jobs, overtime
shall be paid after eight (8) hours in a day or forty (40) hours
in a week.
Employees shall be given the opportunity in order of their
seniority to perform extra work available after the comple-
tion of their day’s work provided that such employees are
present, available, and qualified at such time as the work is
to be performed. If no one is available the Company will
assign the employees by classification in reverse order of
seniority. In no event, may employees displace other
employees who have not completed their assignment.
(d) Such employees shall be on separate seniority lists, by clas-
sification, in each operating centre or hub shift. (e.g. sun-
rise, twilight, midnight), international clearance centre
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shift (e.g. morning, p.m.) or air recovery centre shift (e.g.
morning, p.m.).
(e) Such employees who are otherwise eligible shall be entitled
to optional holiday, holiday pay, bereavement leave and jury
pay on the same basis as full-time employees except that
they will be paid at four (4) hours of straight time pay per
day or the average hours paid per day of the previous calen-
dar month, whichever is the greater.
(f) A permanent new full time package driver job or permanent
full-time package driver vacancy not filled within the clas-
sification will be posted for a period of five (5) days. Part-
time employees may bid on a package driver opening or
vacancy. The job will be awarded, within fourteen (14) days
after the end of the posting to the senior bidding part- time
employee, in the building in which the vacancy occurs, who
has qualified.
However, a minor accident, demerit points, or moving vio-
lations (abstract) will not deprive a part-time driver from
being awarded a full-time job.
Part-time employees in a non-delivery building will be
allowed to bid on a vacancy in a delivery operation only
after that building’s part-time employees were considered
The above procedure will be applied on an alternating, four-
for-one basis (e.g. four part-time UPS and one new hire).
The employee awarded the job must satisfactorily complete
a fifty (50) days worked training period before attaining sen-
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iority in that classification. Part-time drivers including
those working in a Part-time driver combination job with at
least one hundred and twenty (120) work days completed
must satisfactorily complete a thirty (30) days worked train-
ing period. The employee may decide to return to their pre-
vious position during their respective training period. Any
part-time employee disqualified by employer or self cannot
re-bid again for one (1) year.
The part-time employee awarded the full-time package
driver position will maintain their part-time rate of pay and
will receive all contractual increases for said classification
until they’re eligible for the full-time package driver rate of
pay. With the exception of a part-time employee who is
within thirty (30) days of achieving the top rate of the part-
time classification. This employee will continue through
the part-time progression and once he achieves top rate,
will receive all contractual increases until they are eligible
for the full-time package driver rate of pay.
The Employer shall post on the bulletin boards the nomi-
nations of the employees awarded such openings or vacan-
cies and a copy of this posted notice shall be sent to the
local union.
(g) Part-time employees successfully transferring to package
driver jobs will be considered as newly hired full-time
employees and will be added to the appropriate seniority
list. Their seniority date will be the day of the transfer.
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For vacation and retirement purposes, the employee shall
receive additional seniority credit equal to all time worked
as a part-time employee.
(h) A hub and operating centre employee not regularly on an
eight (8) hours schedule who is required to work as a pre-
loader or sorter for one (1) hour or more of his work day shall
receive the preloader or sorter rate of pay for the entire shift.
(i) A permanent opening or vacancy in a part-time classification
shall be offered to the part-time employees in that centre.
Employees interested in moving to another shift in the same
building shall have the right to sign a list that will be main-
tained by management. Prior to hiring from the outside for
a permanent opening, the senior employee on the list shall
be awarded the open position.
Such opening or vacancy shall be awarded to the senior bid-
ding employee, who has successfully completed the proba-
tionary period in the same centre, or if not so filled, to the
senior bidding employee, who has successfully completed
the probationary period, in the building.
The opening or vacancy thus created shall be offered and
filled by seniority within the bidding employees, who has suc-
cessfully completed the probationary period in the building.
The opening or vacancy thus created will be filled by the
Employer; but if the Employer offers this job to an actual
employee, it shall be offered by seniority to the employee
who has successfully completed the probationary period.
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No more than ten percent (10%) of the number of employ-
ees in a shift (minimum of one (1)) can move to another
shift within a calendar month, to a maximum of fifty per-
cent (50%) within a calendar year.
An employee moving to another part-time classification or
to another shift cannot move to another part-time job
before a one (1) year period, except to move to a part-time
driver job or to a position with a higher rate of pay.
The Employer shall post on the bulletin boards the nomi-
nations of the employees awarded such openings or vacan-
cies and a copy of this posted notice shall be sent to the
Local Union.
Any part-time employee moving to another part-time clas-
sification, to another shift or to a part-time driver classifica-
tion shall dovetail his seniority with the employees in the
classification or shift to which he is moving.
(j) Employees shall be notified of a change in their starting times,
at the start of their work day prior to the change.
It will remain the responsibility of the Employer to notify
those employees who may not be at work on the day prior to
any changes to their start times. Failing such notification, the
employee shall be paid from their original start time provided
they report to work as previously scheduled.
(k) The Employer agrees to create a shifter classification for
part-time employees who are required to shift trailers for
fifty percent (50%) or more of their shift. The shifter clas-
sification rate of pay is established in Article 28.6 of the
Collective Agreement.
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(l) The Employer may combine part-time classifications or
shifts. The employees working in such job combinations
shall be paid in accordance with article 11.6 of the
Collective Agreement.
Upon request from the Local Union, the Employer will
meet to discuss the possibility of creation of combination
(m) In the event of a layoff of a permanent part-time employee
they will have the right to displace the junior part-time
employee in the same building where the layoff occurred,
providing they are qualified to perform the work on the first
Monday following the date of layoff.
(n) Part-time employees may, at their own expense, obtain a
transfer from one centre to another subject to the following
(1) He can only transfer into a part-time classification.
(2) He is qualified in the classification to which he bids.
(3) Request for transfer by an employee who is qualified to
bid shall be valid thirty (30) days following receipt of
the request.
(4) Any part-time employee transferring to a new centre
shall dovetail his seniority with the employees in the
classification or shift to which he is moving.
(5) This transfer shall be granted only after all employees
in the centre that has the opening have been consid-
ered first.
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(6) The transferring employee upon acceptance shall
have ten (10) working days, commencing on the date
of the company granting request to transfer, in which
to transfer to the awarded position. If said transferee
fails to report to the new location within this ten (10)
day period the employer shall fill the vacancy at its
sole discretion.
(7) The vacancy created by the employee who is transfer-
ring will not be subject to the transfer procedures.
Section 12.1
All employees with one (1) year’s service, but less than five (5)
years’ service shall be given two (2) weeks vacation with pay.
Vacation pay for such employees will be paid on the basis of
4.5% of gross earnings since their last computed vacation pay
Section 12.2
Employees with five (5) years’ service shall be given three (3)
weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay for such employees in the
first year of entitlement will be paid on the basis of 4.5% of gross
earnings from their last computed vacation pay period to their
employment anniversary date, and 6.5% of gross earnings from
the employment anniversary date. In subsequent years, employ-
ees will be paid on the basis of 6.5% of gross earnings since their
last computed vacation pay period.
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Section 12.3
Employees with ten (10) years’ service shall be given four (4)
weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay for such employees in the
first year of entitlement will be paid on the basis of 6.5% of gross
earnings from their last computed vacation pay period to their
employment anniversary date, and 8.5% of gross earnings from
the employment anniversary date. In subsequent years, employ-
ees will be paid on the basis of 8.5% of gross earnings since their
last computed vacation pay period.
Section 12.4
Employees with twenty (20) years’ service shall be given five (5)
weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay for such employees in the
first year of entitlement will be paid on the basis of 8.5% of gross
earnings from their last computed vacation pay period to their
employment anniversary date, and 10.5% of gross earnings from
the employment anniversary date. In subsequent years, employ-
ees will be paid on the basis of 10.5% of gross earnings since their
last computed vacation pay period.
Section 12.5
Employees with twenty-five (25) years’ service shall be given six
(6) weeks vacation with pay. Vacation pay for such employees in
the first year of entitlement will be paid on the basis of 10.5% of
gross earnings from their last computed vacation pay period to
their employment anniversary date, and 12.5% of gross earnings
from the employment anniversary date. In subsequent years,
employees will be paid on the basis of 12.5% of gross earnings
since their last computed vacation pay period.
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Section 12.6
Employees who have qualified for two (2), three (3), four (4),
five (5) or six (6) weeks vacation and who sever or have their
employment severed, shall receive at the date of severance or as
soon as reasonably possible thereafter, all vacation pay comput-
ed at 4.5%, 6.5%, 8.5%, 10.5% or 12.5% respectively of their
earnings since the termination of their last computed vacation
pay period.
Section 12.7
The period for taking vacations will be from March 15th to
March 14th the following year and all vacations must be taken
during this period (excluding the period beginning at the end of
the last full week in November and ending December 26th, dur-
ing which no vacation time will be granted).
The summer vacation period will be from May 1st to September
30th, inclusive and employees who qualify for more than three
(3) weeks vacation will be restricted to three (3) weeks during
this period.
The Employer will post, by January 15th, the schedule outlining
the number of vacation weeks available for the following vaca-
tion year.
This list will remain posted until February 1st, after which
employees will be asked, in order of seniority, to sign for the
weeks of their choice.
Employees refusing to sign for their vacation time, when asked,
will not be allowed to displace junior employees at a later date.
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Employees failing to sign for their choice of vacation by the end
of the selection period will be assigned to the remaining avail-
able weeks according to seniority.
The finalized vacation schedule will be posted by March 1st.
Once an employee has booked his vacation it cannot be changed
except under the following conditions:
(a) The requested week(s) are available.
(b) The employee wishing to change his vacation must make
the request in writing thirty (30) calendar days prior to the
requested change.
(c) Each employee is restricted to one (1) change per year.
(d) The vacancy created by the employee moving shall be filled,
in seniority order, subject to (b) and (c) above with a maxi-
mum of two (2) moves. The request for such moves shall be
granted subject to the operating needs of the Employer. Such
requests shall not be unreasonably denied. Any further moves
shall be filled at the sole discretion of the Employer.
The Company will allow the number of employees off for vaca-
tions based on the following guidelines:
1 - 8 employees ....................................minimum 1 per week
9 - 18 employees ......................................minimum 2 per week
19 - 25 employees ......................................minimum 3 per week
Over 25 employees ..............................minimum 15% per week
commencing during the 1992
vacation year*
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* Calculations that result in .5 to .9 shall be rounded up to the
next whole number.
* During the first two full weeks of January the number of
employees that can be off will be a maximum of 1 employee
per centre with 1 to 25 employees and a minimum of 2 or a
maximum of 7% per centre with 26 or more employees.
* Employees who are off work at the time of selection and have
been off for one (1) year or longer, will not be included for the
purposes of determining how many employees will be off each
week. However, if the Employee has advised the Employer of
his return to work prior to February 1st, then he will be
Feeder driver vacations will be selected on an area wide basis.
All employees on the feeder driver cover list must schedule their
vacations within the feeder department. It is understood that
cover feeder drivers will select their vacations after all of the
feeder drivers on the feeder seniority list have selected their
Cover feeder drivers shall be calculated in the package driver
Section 12.8
Vacation pay shall be issued to the employee one (1) week prior
to the employee’s vacation. This shall include when the dates of
an employee’s vacation have been changed.
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Section 13.1
The following General Holidays will be observed:
New Year’s Day
Good Friday
Victoria Day
Canada Day
Civic Day
(All Provinces with the exception of Quebec)
Labour Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Boxing Day
St. Jean Baptiste Day
(In the Province of Quebec only)
Remembrance Day
is substituted by the Civic Day or St. Jean Baptiste Day.
Section 13.2
Full-time seniority employees shall be paid eight (8) hours pay at
their appropriate hourly rate for the above listed holidays.
Section 13.3
Employees whose regular shifts begin or end on a holiday shall
not be entitled to premium pay for those hours. The holiday
shall be either advanced or delayed but shall, nevertheless, be
observed and paid as a holiday.
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Section 13.4
Full-time employees who attain seniority prior to February 16th,
shall be allowed to take six (6) optional holidays off, with pay,
computed at eight (8) hours per day during the following con-
tract year.
Any full-time employee eligible for five (5) optional days may
combine these days for an additional week of vacation to be
paid at forty (40) straight-time hours.This option week is to
be selected after all regular vacations have been selected and
posted on March 1st each year. Requests for an option week
shall be awarded, in seniority order, within three (3) days after
the finalized vacation schedule has been posted.
New full-time employees who attain seniority after February
15th, shall be allowed to take three (3) optional holidays off,
with pay, between the date they attain seniority and February
15th of the following year.
Part-time employees who attain seniority will be allowed four
(4) optional holidays off, with pay, in accordance with 11.8 (e).
All optional holiday requests submitted prior to the finalized
vacation roster being posted, as per the Collective Agreement,
will be awarded in order of seniority subject to the number of
employees off at the same time as provided in section 12.7 (d).
All other requests for a optional holiday shall be put forth in
writing on a form supplied by the Employer, with at least four-
teen (14) days notice and the Employer shall reply, in writing,
within seven (7) days after the request being made and will be
awarded on a first come first serve basis subject to the number
of employees off at the same time as provided in section
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12.7 (d). Should the Employer fail to reply in the allotted time,
such optional holiday shall be deemed granted.
These optional holidays can, at the employee’s option, be used
as sick days.
Both the Union and the Employer agree that the Optional hol-
idays provided in this article fulfill the Canada Labour Code
requirements of the Personal Leave Days.
Section 13.5
Where one or more General Holidays fall during the vacation
period of an employee, such employee will be paid for the day,
or days, and at the employee’s option, will be entitled to one
day off, without pay for each such general holiday to be taken
at a time that is mutually agreed upon by the Employer and
the employee. A request for the additional day(s) off will be
granted subject to the operating needs of the Employer on a
date mutually agreeable to both the employee and the
Section 14.1
All employees covered by this Agreement shall be paid in full
each week. Not more than one (1) week’s pay shall be held on
an employee, except for newly established extended areas which
may be held up to two (2) weeks. Each employee shall have
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access to UPSers.com which will allow them to privately view
and print their statement of total hours and gross earnings and
an itemized statement of all deductions made for any purpose.
Effective January 1st, 2005 vacation pay accrued will also appear
on the employees pay stubs.
It is agreed all employees covered under this agreement will be
paid by direct deposit. Failing to provide payroll with the neces-
sary information will result in the employee not being paid for
that week.
Section 14.2
Payroll information and stubs will be available on UPSers.com.
In the event of a proven pay shortage in excess of fifty dollars
($50.00) for full-time employees, and twenty-five dollars
($25.00) for part-time employees, the employer will reimburse
the correct amount by direct deposit on the same business day,
providing the employee has notified the Company at the start of
his shift.
Section 14.3
The Employer agrees to provide forms for the driver to record
his/her starting and ending times.
When requested by the Union, time clocks will be left in place
for employees to record their work hours for their own per-
sonal use.
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Section 15.1
The Employer agrees to permit posting of any notices of Union
meetings or functions on a bulletin board conspicuously placed
and provided exclusively for that purpose provided they are
authorized and signed by an officer of the Local Union and will
be confined to official Union business.
Section 16.1
The Employer agrees that in the event of the establishment of a
Credit Union, to deduct the authorized amount from the employ-
ees pay cheques and submit same to the Secretary-Treasurer of
the Credit Union according to the wishes of the majority of the
employees at the location of the Employer involved.
Section 16.2
The Employer agrees, for the employees who so desire, to deduct
from their pay cheques, amounts of money, authorized by the
employee, that it will remit to the Fonds de Solidarite des
Travailleurs du Quebec (F.T.Q).
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Section 17.1
The Employer agrees to provide Health & Welfare coverage for
all qualified employees subject to the plan documents until
September 30, 2000.
Section 17.2
The Employer agrees to continue to pay one hundred percent
(100%) of the billed rates for premiums for employees partici-
pating in their respective provincial health insurance plan.
Section 17.3
Effective October 1st, 2000, all eligible Health and Welfare Plan
participants will be enrolled in the United Parcel Service
Canada Ltd. Flexible Benefits Plan Option 4, unless they choose
another option. All employees hired after October 1st, 2000
will be eligible to enroll in the Flexible Benefits Plan on the first
(1st) day of the month following one (1) year of employment
and will be enrolled in Option 3 unless they choose a lesser
Such coverage shall be at no cost to the employee.
The Employer agrees to make a booklet available to all
employees, which outlines the benefits of the plan. The EI
weekly disability benefit for full-time employees shall contin-
ue to be the same as outlined in the plan policy. It is under-
stood that the benefit levels for the UPS Canada Flexible
Benefits Plan will be maintained for the life of the Agreement.
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Section 17.4
In consideration of the increases negotiated in this Collective
Agreement, it is agreed that one hundred percent (100%) of the
EI premium rebate re. weekly indemnity shall accrue to the
Section 18.1
The Employer and the Union will establish a joint Board of
Trustees to administer the current Pension Plan as outlined in
the attached Memorandum of Agreement.
Section 18.2
A seniority employee will be eligible to become a member of the
United Parcel Service Canada Ltd. Pension Plan upon comple-
tion of one year of continuous service in accordance with the
plan documents. The Employer agrees to provide a booklet upon
request to each employee which outlines the benefits of the plan
and have posted on their website details regarding the Pension
Plan as well as the Administrators contact information.
Section 18.3
Pension contributions and credit for service for employees’
absence due to illness or compensable injury shall be in accor-
dance with the Canada Labour Code.
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Section 18.4
The monthly pension benefits will be as follows:
(a) As of February 2007, the monthly pension benefit will be
fifty-six dollars and fifty cents ($56.50) per month for all
years of accumulated Service Credit.
(b) As of January 2011, the monthly pension benefit will be
seventy-eight ($78.00) dollars per month for each year of
credited service for future service only for all eligible
(c) As of January 1, 2016, the monthly pension benefit for full-
time and for part-time employees hired prior to January 1,
2016 will be eighty-six ($86.00) dollars per month for each
year of credited service for future service only for all eligible
full-time & part-time employees.
(d) As of January 1, 2021, the monthly pension benefit for full-
time and for part-time employees hired prior to January 1,
2016 will be eighty-eight ($88.00) dollars per month for
each year of credited service for future service only for all
eligible full-time & part-time employees.
(e) As of January 1, 2023, the monthly pension benefit for full-
time and for part-time employees hired prior to January 1,
2016 will be ninety ($90.00) dollars per month for each year
of credited service for future service only for all eligible full-
time & part-time employees.
(f) As of January 1, 2016, the monthly pension benefit for all
newly hired part-time employees will be fifty percent (50%)
of the applicable full-time accrual rate in any given year.
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Section 19.1
If any employee is called and is required to serve on jury duty or
as a Crown Witness on his normal working day, the Employer
agrees to pay the equivalent of an eight (8) hour day at straight
time and four (4) hours for a part-time employee or the average
hours paid per day of the previous calendar month, whichever is
the greater.
Section 20.1
In the event of a death in the immediate family, a regular full-
time or part-time employee shall be allowed a reasonable time off
to attend the funeral or to make necessary arrangements for the
funeral or memorial service, not to exceed four (4) scheduled
work days.
These days shall not extend beyond the day of the funeral unless
an additional day is required for travel. The employee will be
reimbursed at eight times the employee’s straight-time hourly
rate for each day lost from work for those employees whose reg-
ular scheduled work week is five (5) days.
Immediate family shall mean spouse, common law spouse, father,
mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, father-in-law, mother-in-
law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,
grandparents, spouse’s grandparents, step-parents, step-children
and grandchildren.
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If more time is required for any reason relating to the death, a
leave of absence may be granted if mutually agreed upon.
Section 21.1
It is agreed that the Employer shall continue to pay for parking
tickets incurred by drivers, unless such ticket is incurred in an
area that the driver was instructed not to park. In such case, the
employee shall pay the ticket. In metropolitan areas where free
parking is not available to the driver in regard to personal time,
the Company agrees to reimburse the driver for parking fees, sub-
ject to the submission of receipts with the daily turn-in.
Section 21.2
All Highway Traffic Act violations incurred while in Company
vehicles shall be reported with a copy of the offense at the end
of the work day or prior to their next scheduled start time.
Except where the moving violation is a speeding offence, such a
reported offence shall not be subject to discipline.
Section 22.1
In any instance of breakdown or impassable highway which pre-
vents an employee from proceeding to his destination (or if
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obstructed from returning to his operating centre) the employee
shall be paid for all time up to the time at which he arrives at a
place of lodging or other suitable shelter, with overtime pay-
ments if appropriate. Once he has arrived at a place of lodging or
other suitable shelter, the employee shall be considered to be
relieved of duty until his regular starting time the next day or
until called to duty, whichever occurs sooner.
(Suitable shelter shall be defined as a place inside with heat,
water and toilet facilities. This could include but not be limited
to a residence, home, gymnasium, police station, fire house,
restaurant, truck stop, etc. These places must, however, have a
place where the employee may sleep or at least rest with reason-
able comfort).
If more than one (1) day elapses before the employee is called
to duty, he shall be paid for not less than his regular daily guar-
antee (eight times the employee’s regular hourly rate) for each
calendar day so long as he is away from his home operating
centre because of a breakdown or impassable highway. The
Employer agrees to pay reasonable costs of meals and lodging.
Section 23.1
Should the Employer require any employee to give bond, cash
bond shall not be compulsory, and any premium involved shall
be paid by the Employer. The primary obligation to procure the
bonds shall be on the Employer. If the Employer cannot
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arrange for a bond within ninety (90) days, he must so notify
the employee in writing.
Failure to so notify shall relieve the employee of the bonding
requirement. If proper notice is given, the employee shall be
allowed thirty (30) days from the date of such notice to make
his own bonding requirement, standard premiums only on said
bond to be paid by the Employer. A standard premium shall be
that premium paid by the Employer for bonds applicable to all
other of its employees in similar classifications. Any excess pre-
mium is to be paid by the employee. Cancellation of a bond
after once issued shall not be cause for discharge unless the
bond is canceled for cause which occurs during working hours
or due to the employee having given a fraudulent statement in
obtaining said bond.
Section 24.1
Required uniforms and other special clothing shall be furnished
by the Employer.
Employees must comply strictly with Employer rules and regula-
tions concerning personal grooming and appearance and wear-
ing of uniform and accessories. Shirts shall be furnished by the
Employer and maintained by the employee.
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Section 24.2
Shorts shall be furnished by the Employer to drivers required to
wear uniforms. Shorts may be worn only when accompanied by
the approved socks which must be purchased by the employee.
Section 25.1
The parties agree that the principle of a fair day’s work for a fair
day’s pay shall be observed at all times and employees shall per-
form their duties in a manner that best represents the
Employer’s interests. It is understood that the Employer shall
not overly supervise or unfairly coerce employees in the per-
formance of their duties. It is further understood that the
Employer will ensure that the workplace is free of intimidation
and harassment. Any violation of this Article will be subject
to the Grievance Procedure.
The Employer will treat employees with dignity and respect at
all times. The Employer shall not retaliate against any
Employees for exercising rights under this Agreement. In con-
sidering any grievance alleging retaliation for exercising his/her
rights under the Agreement, the severity and timing of the
Employer’s actions that modify an employee’s work assignment
or reprimand employees shall be relevant factors to a determi-
nation of motivation. Employees will also treat each other as
well as the Employer with dignity and respect.
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Section 25.2
Employees handling money shall account for and remit the same
to the Employer at the completion of each day’s work. An
employee’s cash turn-in may be verified or audited by the
If the Employer fails to verify the employee’s cash turn-in, when
requested, no deduction or disciplinary action shall be taken.
In cases of bona fide error (in addition or subtraction) of the cash
turn-in, the employee will be responsible for making proper resti-
tution for such shortage.
No employee shall be compelled to reimburse any C.O.D. dis-
crepancies, which the Employer alleges the employee has to
reimburse, until the full grievance procedure (if applicable) as
contemplated by the Collective Agreement has been exhausted.
No disciplinary action will be taken with regard to C.O.D. dis-
crepancies without an investigation by the Employer. Appendix
C, Section C.5 shall not apply to C.O.D. discipline.
The Employer shall reimburse employees for loss of personal
money or personal property in a holdup while on duty, up to a
maximum of two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250) per employee,
which will include up to four (4) hours of lost wages, if required,
and the cost of replacing their drivers license, social insurance
card and birth certificate, provided the employee promptly
reports such holdup to the Employer and the police, and co-oper-
ates in the investigation of such holdup. Employees shall be paid
for all time involved.
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Section 25.3
Employees charged with loss or damage, including high value,
shall be subject to discipline only. Such employees shall remain
on the job without loss of pay, until the discipline is sustained
under the grievance procedure. This shall not pertain to COD’s.
Section 25.4
All managers and supervisors shall wear name plates so that they
are readily identifiable as management personnel while on duty.
Section 25.5
Appendices A, B, C, D and the Letters of Understanding No. 1
through No. 18 attached hereto form an integral part of this
Section 25.6
Where provinces require it, drivers will authorize the Employer,
in writing, to obtain a copy of the driver’s Provincial driver
abstract when the Employer so requests.
Section 25.7
The Employer agrees to reimburse drivers for cartage licenses
required by municipalities.
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Section 25.8
The Employer shall not use bargaining unit employees to per-
form any supervisory function as outlined in Section 3.1 of the
Collective Agreement.
No written or verbal report by a bargaining unit employee will
be relied upon to discipline another bargaining unit employee.
Written reports will be required only to the extent of confirming
training given.
Section 25.9
The Employer and union agree that packages weighing over sev-
enty (70) pounds will be handled safely and according to proper
methods, training of which will be provided. In the event that
an employee is unable to deliver or pick up a package, or if it is
the employees good faith belief that handling of any package
would be a safety hazard to herself, or himself, such employee
shall, as soon as is reasonably possible, notify his supervisor and
shall follow his supervisors instructions as to the delivery or pick-
up of such packages. The above language applies to inside sort
employees as well. In the event that an employee is unable to
pick up or deliver such packages, as per his supervisors instruc-
tions, the employee shall not be subject to discipline.
Section 25.10
The Company will provide, at no cost, an appropriate vehicle to
any employee that has to upgrade their license to class 3 in order
to comply with regulations, dependant on operational needs,
concerns or scheduling.
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Section 25.11
The Company agrees to have a program available for employees
that will provide assistance and awareness to mental health
related issues.
Section 26.1
The work caused by absence due to vacations, approved leave of
absence, sickness, injury, accidents, holidays, and any excess
work that is available will be offered to the non-combination
part-time drivers, at their current rate in order of seniority. This
work includes any work performed by a regular full-time package
The Employer will not use part-time drivers or walkers to cir-
cumvent the creation of regular full-time jobs or to replace exist-
ing regular full-time drivers. However, these employees may be
used in an effort to reduce the hours worked by the full-time
drivers as outlined in Section 11.5.
Section 26.2
a) Part-time drivers will be used in order of seniority by classi-
fication to perform the work.
b) Part-time drivers and walkers shall be laid off prior to any
full-time seniority driver, inclusive of daily lay-offs due to
the cancellation of regular package runs provided the part-
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time driver or walker has not commenced their day. A full-
time driver shall not have their hourly rate reduced to per-
form such work.
c) A four (4) hour guarantee shall apply to Part-time seniority
drivers provided this is their primary job and they reported
to work as scheduled.
d) All work performed on Saturday, Sunday or a General
Holiday shall be offered to the part-time drivers in order of
seniority for the delivery, pickup, sort, shuttle and all relat-
ed handling of packages. Overtime for this work will be paid
after eight (8) hours in any twenty-four (24) hour period or
forty (40) hours per week. Such employees will be paid at
the part-time driver’s rate of pay. A four (4) hour guarantee
shall apply to Saturday, Sunday and General Holiday work.
e) If an employee covered by this article has worked a total of
thirty seven (37) or more hours by the end of the fifth (5th)
day, such employee will not be eligible for Saturday part-
time driver work.
f) Because of the nature of the business, Shuttle drivers may
have earlier and/or flexible start times to coincide with the
needs of the Employer’s operation, this includes movements
of packages to airports and other locations such as service
centres, UPS buildings and meet points with other drivers.
Full-time employees currently performing shuttle runs will
not be replaced by the use of part-time drivers.
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Section 26.3
Overtime pay provisions shall apply after eight (8) hours in any
twenty-four (24) hour period or forty (40) hours per week.
Section 26.4
The work week for Part-time drivers and/or walkers, shall consist
of any five (5) consecutive days in a seven (7) day period.
Section 26.5
A part-time driver seniority list and separate Walker seniority
list, by Centre, shall be established, posted and maintained in
each Centre, Hub, International Clearance Centre and Air
Recovery centre.
Section 26.6
A part-time employee awarded a part-time driver position shall
receive the part-time driver rate of pay at the progression rate
equal to their seniority. In no event, shall any such driver suffer
a reduction in their hourly rate of pay.
Section 26.7
In the event a part-time driver or walker is paid one thousand
nine hundred (1,900) hours for all hours worked in the part-time
driver or walker classification, in a calendar year the Employer
will create a full-time package driver position which will be post-
ed and awarded in accordance with the collective agreement.
These one thousand nine hundred (1,900) hours paid excludes
vacations, and jury duty.
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Section 26.8
A walker will not drive any vehicle but shall operate on foot or
cart bicycle and shall start and end the day in the area worked.
Walkers who have attained seniority shall be guaranteed four (4)
hours for each day worked. Walker’s can be used in apartment
buildings, office towers, and / or shopping centres, however, dur-
ing peak periods the use of walker’s may expand.
Section 26.9
The Company shall send to a Local Union a list of all part-time
drivers and a separate list of all walkers by centre, with the total
hours paid by each employee in accordance with Section 26.7.
This list shall be sent to the Local Union three (3) times a year,
May 15th, September 15th, for the accrued hours paid since
January 1st of the current year, and on January 15th for the
accrued hours of the past year.
Section 27.1
Scope - All seniority employees on the seniority list who have
completed their appropriate progression schedule shall be enti-
tled to the Cost of Living Allowance as set forth in this Article.
Section 27.2
Index - The amount of the Cost of Living Allowance as set forth
in this Article will be determined in part through the use of the
Consumer Price Index for Canada (1986 = 100), hereinafter
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referred to as the “Index”. Continuance of this Cost of Living
Allowance shall be contingent upon the availability of the Index
in its present form or as it may be modified by Statistics Canada
and calculated on the same basis as the Index for January 1988,
unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the parties.
Section 27.3
Cost of Living Allowances shall be effective on February 1st, 2021,
February 1st, 2022, February 1st, 2023, February 1st, 2024 and
February 1st, 2025.
Section 27.4
First Year - The February 1st, 2021 adjustment will be calculat-
ed by the difference between the January 2020 Index and
the January 2021 Index.
Section 27.5
Second Year - The February 1st, 2022 adjustment will be calcu-
lated by the difference between the January 2021 Index and the
January 2022 Index.
Section 27.6
Third Year – The February 1st, 2023 adjustment will be calcu-
lated by the difference between the January 2022 Index and the
January 2023 Index.
Section 27.7
Fourth Year –The February 1st, 2024 adjustment will be calcu-
lated by the difference between the January 2023 Index and the
January 2024 Index.
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Section 27.8
Fifth Year -The February 1st, 2025 adjustment will be calculated
by the difference between the January 2024 Index and the
January 2025 Index.
Section 27.9
On February 1st, 2021, February 1st, 2022, February 1st, 2023,
February 1st, 2024 and February 1st, 2025 there shall be an
hourly allowance of $0.01 for every .6 point increase. The Cost
of Living Allowances, if any, shall be applied to the hourly rates.
Section 27.10
However, the Cost of Living Allowances, if any, to be added to
the hourly rates on February 1st, 2021, February 1st, 2022,
February 1st, 2023, February 1st, 2024 and February 1st, 2025
shall not exceed $0.20 cents per year.
All employees who were on the payroll prior to contract ratifi-
cation date and are currently in wage progression will receive the
contractual increases effective August 1st and February 1st for all
years and then complete the wage progression schedule shown
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28.1 Feeder Drivers
Top Rate 02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Singles $32.040 $32.440 $32.840 $33.240 $33.640 $34.040
Doubles $32.170 $32.570 $32.970 $33.370 $33.770 $34.170
Triples $32.290 $32.690 $33.090 $33.490 $33.890 $34.290
(LCV) $33.670 $34.070 $34.470 $34.870 $35.270 $35.670
Long Combination Vehicle
Top Rate
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Singles $34.440 $34.840 $35.240 $35.690 $36.140
Doubles $34.570 $34.970 $35.370 $35.820 $36.270
Triples $34.690 $35.090 $35.490 $35.940 $36.390
(LCV) $36.070 $36.470 $36.870 $37.320 $37.770
Long Combination Vehicle
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate
08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of hire $19.00 $19.00
Seniority $19.00 $19.00
Seniority plus twelve months $19.50 $19.50
Seniority plus twenty-four months $20.00 $20.00
Seniority plus thirty months $23.00 $20.00
Seniority plus thirty-six months $25.00 $23.00
Seniority plus forty-two months $27.00 $23.00
Seniority plus forty-eight months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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28.2 Package drivers
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $31.790 $32.190 $32.590 $32.990 $33.390 $33.790
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $34.190 $34.590 $34.990 $35.440 $35.890
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate 08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of hire $17.00 $17.00
Seniority $17.00 $17.00
Seniority plus twelve months $17.50 $17.50
Seniority plus twenty-four months $18.00 $18.00
Seniority plus thirty months $19.50 $18.00
Seniority plus thirty-six months $21.50 $21.00
Seniority plus forty-two months $23.50 $21.00
Seniority plus forty-eight months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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28.3 Automotive Mechanics
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $36.790 $37.190 $37.590 $37.990 $38.390 $38.790
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $39.190 $39.590 $39.990 $40.440 $40.890
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate 08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of Hire $31.00 $31.00
Seniority $32.00 $32.00
Seniority plus twelve months $33.00 $33.00
Seniority plus twenty-four months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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28.4 Maintenance Mechanics
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $34.890 $35.290 $35.690 $36.090 $36.490 $36.890
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $37.290 $37.690 $38.090 $38.540 $38.990
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate 08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of Hire $30.00 $30.00
Seniority $31.00 $31.00
Seniority plus twelve months $32.00 $32.00
Seniority plus twenty-four months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
28.5 Apprentices
Date of Hire
Level 1 $18.34
Level 2 $21.82
Level 3 $24.87
Level 4 $26.53
Level 5 $29.43
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28.6 Preloaders, Sorters, Air Ramp Employees
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $25.990 $26.390 $26.790 $27.190 $27.590 $27.990
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $28.390 $28.790 $29.190 $29.640 $30.090
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate
08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of Hire $15.50 $15.50
Seniority $15.50 $15.50
Seniority plus twelve months $16.00 $16.00
Seniority plus twenty-four months $16.50 $16.50
Seniority plus thirty months $16.50 $16.50
Seniority plus thirty-six months $18.50 $18.50
Seniority plus forty-two months $19.75 $18.50
Seniority plus forty-eight months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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28.7 Package Handler, Clearance Centre Employees,
Customer Counter Clerks, Part-time Walkers,
Car Washers and Revenue Auditors
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $24.610 $25.010 $25.410 $25.810 $26.210 $26.610
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $27.010 $27.410 $27.810 $28.260 $28.710
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate
08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of Hire $15.00 $15.00
Seniority $15.00 $15.00
Seniority plus twelve months $15.50 $15.50
Seniority plus twenty-four months $16.00 $16.00
Seniority plus thirty months $16.00 $16.00
Seniority plus thirty-six months $18.00 $18.00
Seniority plus forty-two months $19.50 $18.00
Seniority plus forty-eight months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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28.8 Part-time drivers and Shifters
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $26.030 $26.430 $26.830 $27.230 $27.630 $28.030
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $28.430 $28.830 $29.230 $29.680 $30.130
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate
08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of Hire $16.00 $16.00
Seniority $16.00 $16.00
Seniority plus twelve months $16.50 $16.50
Seniority plus twenty-four months $17.00 $17.00
Seniority plus thirty months $17.00 $17.00
Seniority plus thirty-six months $19.00 $19.00
Seniority plus forty-two months $19.75 $19.00
Seniority plus forty-eight months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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28.9 Clerical
02/01/20 08/01/20 02/01/21 08/01/21 02/01/22 08/01/22
Top Rate $20.550 $20.950 $21.350 $21.750 $22.150 $22.550
02/01/23 08/01/23 02/01/24 08/01/24 02/01/25
Top Rate $22.950 $23.350 $23.750 $24.200 $24.650
Hired prior to Hired after
7/31/2020 8/1/2020
Rate in effect as of Rate in effect as of
Progression Rate
08/01/20 08/01/20
Date of Hire $14.00 $14.00
Seniority $14.00 $14.00
Seniority plus twelve months $14.50 $14.50
Seniority plus twenty-four months $15.00 $15.00
Seniority plus thirty months $15.00 $15.00
Seniority plus thirty-six months $16.00 $16.00
Seniority plus forty-two months $16.80 $16.00
Seniority plus forty-eight months Current Year Top Rate Current Year Top Rate
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Section 29.1
The term of this Agreement will be from August 1st, 2020 to July
31st, 2025. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties
hereto, their successors, administrators, executors and assigns.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed
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Operations Clerical Employees
The following language shall supersede any language on the
same subjects in other sections of this Agreement unless specifi-
cally stated otherwise.
1. Appendix A shall cover all operations clerical employees
that have certified.
2. All operations clerical employees certified after July 31st
2020 will be covered by Appendix A.
3. All operations clerical employees covered by Appendix A
shall follow the wage progression as per Article 28.9, unless
specified otherwise below.
4. In the event that an operations clerical employee is receiv-
ing a wage rate that is higher than the top rate as per Article
28.9, that employee will be red circled and will not receive
any contractual increases until the top rate in Article 28.9
exceeds their existing wage rate.
5. The employees that are red circled as per paragraph 4 above,
will not receive contractual increases however, they will
receive an annual lump sum payment of two percent (2%)
based on all regular and overtime wages earned between
January 1st to December 31st of each year. In order to be
eligible for this payment the employee must be employed on
December 31st of any given year.
6. Operations clerical employees that certify after July 31st,
2020 will be red circled provided their current rate is above
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the start rate in Section 28.9. These employees will be con-
sidered as newly hired operational clerical employees for wage
progression and will be added to the appropriate seniority list.
Their seniority date will be the date of certification.
For vacation and vacation selection purposes, the employ-
ee’s date of hire will be used.
Employees with a wage rate above the applicable top rate for
their classification will follow A.4 and A.5.
7. Employees hired after a centre is certified will follow the
wage progression set out in Article 28.9.
8. The Employer determines the need to maintain full-time
positions or to replace full-time employees through attrition
with part-time employees as required.
9. The employer agrees to establish and maintain a separate
seniority list for all operations clerical employees.
10. If a clerical employee is laid off they will be able to displace
a junior employee within their classification on the basis of
seniority and on the condition that they are qualified and
meet the normal job requirements.
11. Employees covered under Appendix A will have the right
to bid on positions as per Section 11.8(f) and 11.8(g) only
after the employees in the main bargaining unit have been
considered first. No employees from the main bargaining
unit will be able to displace clerical employees, unless it is
for a temporary time-period while the main bargaining unit
employee is on Temporary Alternate Work (TAW).
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12. Article 17 of the collective agreement with respect to
health and welfare insurance will apply to the clerical
employees. All Employees will be enrolled in the
Employer’s flexible benefits plan. If a clerical employee was
hired prior to October 1, 2004 they will be put into Option
4, whereas employees hired after October 1, 2004 shall be
enrolled in Option 3 or a lesser option if the employee spec-
13. Employees that certify after the date of ratification will con-
tinue to participate in the Employers non-union pension
plan until January of the year following their centres certifi-
cation, at which point participation in that plan will cease
and the employee will then be covered by the Employer’s
pension plan which applies to unionized employees, subject
to the plan documents.
14. The provisions of the collective agreement will apply if not
otherwise covered by this Appendix A.
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B.1 Automotive technicians, automotive mechanics and
maintenance mechanics shall be posted on a separate sen-
iority list in each operating centre or shop.
B.2 The standard work week for employees hired prior to
August 1, 2020 shall be five (5) consecutive days Monday
through Friday, unless they bid on an alternative work
week. A full-time seniority employee who is called to work
and reports to work as scheduled shall be paid a minimum
of eight (8) hours. Time and one- half (11/2) shall be paid
for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in a day or
forty (40) hours in a week.
A work week consisting of five (5) consecutive days may
be established as the need arises.
The Employer agrees, at the request of the Local Union,
the parties will meet to determine if there is an opportuni-
ty to establish a four (4) day work week which will consist
of four (4) days of ten (10) hours per day. A full-time sen-
iority employee who is called to work and reports to work
as scheduled shall be paid a minimum of ten (10) hours.
Time and one half (1 ½) shall be paid for all hours worked
in excess of ten (10) hours in a day or forty (40) hours in
a week.
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B.3 Automotive technicians, automotive mechanics and
maintenance mechanics called back after the completion
of their shift shall be paid a call-back guarantee of three
(3) hours at the overtime rate. Such employees shall only
be required to perform the work for which they were
called back.
B.4 Permanent shift openings or vacancies shall be posted for
bid to automotive technicians, automotive mechanics and
maintenance mechanics in seniority order with a maxi-
mum of three (3) moves.
A permanent shift vacancy or opening shall be defined as
one that is in effect for more than thirty (30) working days.
B.5 Each employee shall furnish his own hand tools. All tools
of 3/4” drive and over and all special tools including but
not limited to tool meters and/or digital tach required to
perform the work shall be provided and maintained by the
The Employer agrees to provide necessary training on
unfamiliar tools or new equipment. Mechanics shall only
perform driving work as it pertains to their mechanical
The Employer shall provide and maintain all tools neces-
sary to perform lubrication work.
No employee shall be penalized if he refuses to work under
conditions contrary to the Canada Labour Code, Part II,
Occupational Safety & Health.
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B.6 The Employer shall continue the practice of providing, on
a daily basis, shirts and pants for automotive and mainte-
nance employees and further the Employer shall provide
rainwear, parka, sleeveless vests, warm lined leather gloves,
and a toque when they are required to work outside. The
employee shall not be required to share any of the above
mentioned items. The Employer agrees to continue its cur-
rent practice regarding uniform cleaning for its mechanics.
In Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta automotive
mechanics that require a pair of lined coveralls will have
them provided and replaced as required.
B.7 The Employer shall provide non-absorbent, insulated
gloves for any employee and each mechanic who is
required to work on propane fueling.
B.8 Automotive technicians, automotive mechanics and
maintenance mechanics shall be scheduled a maximum of
one (1) hour of personal time during the work day.
B.9 Apprentices shall be covered under this Agreement and
the Employer shall provide all benefits under the
Collective Agreement and provide the difference between
any monies received from the Government, and the regu-
lar rate of pay for apprentices while attending school based
on the apprentices current regular rate of pay or the
Apprenticeship Act, whichever is the greater. Senior
apprentices shall have preference over junior apprentices
as to shift start times. This will not interfere with the
Employer’s right to train. Apprentices must attend school
and receive a passing grade to be eligible for the rate of pay.
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In Quebec where automotive mechanics licenses are not
required by the Province, and the employee does not have
at least five thousand four hundred (5,400) hours of dedi-
cated automotive mechanics experience, the employee
will be considered an automotive apprentice and will fol-
low the schedule and wages as set out in Article 28.5. If
the employee has more than the required five thousand
four hundred (5,400) hours, then they will follow the pro-
gression and wages set out in Article 28.3 or 28.4.
This also applies to Maintenance mechanics.
B.10 A full-time or part-time utility classification shall be per-
mitted in the mechanics/maintenance departments. The
job description includes parts room work, painting and
sanding of trailers, battery room inventory, shipping of
tires and various miscellaneous duties. The hourly pay rate
for the full-time or part-time utility classification will be
the same as a part-time hub sorter.
B.11 Part-time certified mechanics may be used where needed.
The hourly pay rate for the part-time mechanic shall be
the same as the full-time automotive technicians, automo-
tive mechanic.
Where the total hours worked by all part-time mechanics
in that location justifies the addition of a full-time
mechanic, the Employer will hire a mechanic for full-time
employment. The minimum justification for the addition
of a full-time mechanic at said location shall be the fact
that where all hours worked by part-time mechanics at
that location in any thirty (30) calendar days exceeds one
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hundred and twenty-eight (128) hours which could have
been worked by one additional full-time mechanic.
Hours accumulated because of vacation or sickness will
not be used to justify the addition of a full-time mechanic.
The above clause shall not apply to the Montreal and
Toronto shops, however part-time mechanics may be used
in Montreal and Toronto by mutual agreement between
the Employer and the Local Union.
B.12 The Employer will not have work done by an outside
garage which is normally done by the automotive and
maintenance personnel except when employees or equip-
ment required are not available or when operational needs
require the equipment to maintain service to our cus-
tomers. The Employer will not sub-contract work for the
purpose of avoiding overtime.
Where there are thirty (30) or more vehicles assigned to
a building which presently uses a sub-contractor, the
Employer shall hire and maintain an automotive
mechanic on the payroll for that location. In buildings
where there are fewer than 30 vehicles and there is cur-
rently a UPS mechanic employed, this position will be
maintained. The Company will review staffing / sub-
contracting with respect to the automotive classification
and those arrangements economically feasible will be
adjusted accordingly.
With respect to the above, the Company reserves the right
to take into consideration:
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1) Service and time requirements,
2) Operational needs,
3) Availability of equipment / utilization / facility,
4) Economically competitive,
5) Staffing
B.13 In March of each year, all automotive and maintenance
employees will be allowed to bid on start times in their
immediate shops in accordance with their seniority and
qualifications and within their respective classifications.
The Employer reserves the right to ensure that it has a
nucleus of qualified personnel on each shift.
B.14 The Employer must establish regular start times for all
employees which shall not be changed without forty-eight
(48) hours posted notice. However, if an employee is
required to report before his regular starting time, he will
be advised at the start of the day of his previous shift.
B.15 The Employer will provide insurance coverage for loss of
mechanic’s tools taken from the Employer’s premises in
the case of a proven burglary. Claims to be paid to the
mechanic in the case of a loss of his tools. Coverage will
also be provided for loss due to fire.
In order to claim under this clause, the mechanic must
have filed annually an inventory of approved tools with
the Employer.
B.16 Mechanics will be provided with a heated, dry area to
work in.
The Employer agrees to provide a separate tool chest stor-
age area.
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B.17 Where the Employer has extra work to be performed on an
overtime basis, senior employees shall be given the first
opportunity to the work. However, they will have the right
to decline the work, providing a sufficient number of jun-
ior qualified employees are available to do the said work.
B.18 The Employer agrees that employees employed in han-
dling hazardous material shall be supplied by the Employer
with any and all necessary safety equipment (rubber cloth-
ing, goggles, safety glasses, welding shields and welding
screens, etc.) to protect the employee’s person.
B.19 Full-time seniority mechanics will receive a maximum of
two-hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) per year upon
presentation of proper receipts to purchase CSA certified
footwear. Approved footwear will have steel toes and slip
resistant soles. This amount will be paid within a two (2)
week period of presentation of receipts.
B.20 All seniority mechanics on the payroll as of the last full
pay period of the contract year shall receive eight dollars
($8.00) per week up to a maximum of four hundred and
sixteen dollars ($416.00) per year payable by separate
cheque as a tool allowance. This amount will be payable
at the end of the last full week of March.
All seniority mechanics on the payroll as of the last full
pay period of the contract year shall receive forty dollars
($40.00) to be used to purchase nitrile gloves. This
amount will be included with the tool allowance listed
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B.21 The Employer shall reimburse mechanics for all trade
licensing fees. This amount will be paid within a two (2)
week period of presentation of receipts.
B.22 The Company and the Union agree that any concerns
relating to day shifts for Automotive technicians
(mechanics) shall be reviewed and discussed by the
Automotive Division Manager and local Business Agent
in that area.
B.23 Hub Automotive technicians (mechanics) will not be
required to perform maintenance mechanic work dealing
with high voltage equipment if they are not qualified to
do so.
B.24 Whereas automotive technicians have been qualified
with certificates in both light and heavy inspector trade
licenses, there will be a premium paid of seventy-five
($0.75) cents per hour.
It is the sole discretion of the Company to determine
how many qualified employees will be needed. The
licenses will be obtained at the Employees expense.
B.25 In the event a certified mechanic desires to obtain a sec-
ond mechanics license (ex. 310T) they will make the
request to the Automotive manager responsible for their
area in writing. If the request is approved, the Employee
will meet with the Employer to discuss the available
options to attend the required in school training. The
options that will be made available will be documented
and available upon request.
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Rules and Regulations
C.1 All disciplinary measures for infractions of Rules and
Regulations shall become invalid one (1) year after date of
C.2 Nothing in these Rules and Regulations shall deprive the
employees of the right to challenge a penalty through the
regular grievance machinery. Existing Employer Rules and
Penalties shall not conflict with those contained herein.
In case of conflict, it is agreed that these Rules and
Regulations shall apply. All infractions of the Highway
Traffic Act and Municipal by-laws shall be the responsi-
bility of the employees except those which are, by their
nature, the responsibility of the Employer.
C.3 For the purpose of this Article, “discipline” shall mean:
1. Written reprimand; or
2. Suspension; or
3. Dismissal.
C.4 Any employee requested to sign for the receipt of an
employee corrective discipline contact report, may be
accompanied by a steward.
C.5 All penalties and reprimands must be issued to the
employee within five (5) working days, exclusive of
Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays from the time the infrac-
tions became known with a copy to the Local Union, oth-
erwise the penalty or reprimand will be considered null
and void.
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C.6 Passengers:
No driver shall allow anyone, other than employees of the
Employer, who are on duty, to ride on his truck except by
written authorization of the Employer, except in cases of
emergency arising out of disabled commercial equipment,
accidents, or an Act of God.
C.7 Accidents:
(a) Accidents for which the employee is at fault for which
his action or lack of action is a contributory factor, will
result in disciplinary action which may range from rep-
rimand to dismissal according to the seriousness of the
accident. However, the driver will be absolved of blame
if the accident is proven to be caused by mechanical fail-
ure and the Employer will then be responsible for wages
and expenses if the driver involved is required to appear
in court relating to the accident.
(b) Suspension for the investigation of an accident shall
not exceed five (5) days (Saturdays, Sundays and
General Holidays excluded). Employees shall be paid
for all lost time during the said investigation period
should it be found that they were not at fault.
(c) Failure to report all accidents as soon as possible in
accordance with Employer posted instructions will
result in the employee being subject to discipline.
(d) Employees involved in accidents will be notified by
the Employer whether the accident was a preventable
or a non-preventable accident within thirty (30) days
from the date the accident occurred.
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C.8 Equipment:
(a) Tampering with tachograph, governor or other safety
1st offence - one week off
2nd offence - subject to discipline.
(b) Failure to ensure that power equipment is properly
serviced for fuel, oil and water before leaving the
Employer’s location where required by the Employer:
1st offence - reprimand
2nd offence - one day off
3rd offence - three days off
Subsequent offences - subject to discipline
(c) Unauthorized use of Employer motor vehicles:
1st offence - reprimand to three days off
2nd offence - subject to discipline.
C.9 Conduct and Behaviour:
(a) Consuming intoxicants or illegal stimulants while on
duty or on the Employer’s property:
1st offence - subject to discipline.
(b) Reporting for work while under the influence of an
intoxicant or an illegal stimulant:
1st offence - reprimand to one week off
2nd offence - subject to discipline
(c) Theft or willful damage:
1st offence - subject to discipline
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(d) Failure to obey instructions of authorized personnel:
(names of persons in authority will be posted)
1st offence - reprimand
2nd offence - one day off
3rd offence - three days off
4th offence - subject to discipline
(e) Deliberate disobedience of order of authorized
1st offence - subject to discipline
(f) An employee will not be discharged due to loss of his
driver’s licence. The Union and the Employer will
meet to discuss movement to alternate work where
such work is available but no other employee will be
laid off due to such a move and the employee moving
shall be placed at the bottom of the classification sen-
iority list for work preference and layoff. When the
employee regains his licence, he will revert to his for-
mer position.
C.10 Reports:
Deliberate falsification of time cards or trip report:
1st offence - subject to discipline
C.11 Driving Behaviour:
Driving at speeds in excess of Government posted speed
1st offence - reprimand
2nd offence - one day off
3rd offence - three days off
4th offence - subject to discipline
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C.12 Attendance:
(a) Failure to notify the Employer as soon as reasonable
but not less than one (1) hour before regular starting
time when unable to report for duty with a reasonable
1st offence - reprimand
2nd offence - reprimand
3rd offence - subject to discipline
(b)Reporting late for work without a reasonable
1st offence - reprimand
2nd offence - one day off
3rd offence - three days off
4th offence - subject to discipline
C.13 The Employer may request the employee to sign a state-
ment attesting to receipt of a disciplinary statement or
other documentation. Such signature does not constitute
acceptance of the disciplinary measure, but only receipt of
written notice.
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It is agreed that Airport Gateways that are planned to work four
(4) hours or more of continuous work and where the equipment
is UPS owned will be operated by UPS employees.
The Company will maintain the right to sub-contract to meet
operational needs.
This clause will not have any effect at any existing location
where there is less than four (4) hours of continuous work and
the Company is performing the operation.
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It is agreed that the specific penalties listed under Appendix C,
Section C.7 through and including Section C.11 shall not apply
to the following Locals:
I.B.T. Local 31 - British Columbia
I.B.T. Local 213 - British Columbia
I.B.T. Local 362 - Alberta
I.B.T. Local 395 - Saskatchewan
I.B.T. Local 931 - Quebec
I.B.T. Local 979 - Manitoba
I.B.T. Local 1999 - Quebec
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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Packages originating in Canada destined for points in the
United States shall be consolidated and delivered to the most
convenient location by a U.P.S. Canada employee.
Packages originating in the United States destined for Canada
shall be consolidated at the most convenient locations and
picked up by a U.P.S. Canada employee.
It is understood that U.P.S. Canada feeder drivers will not per-
form any local pickup and delivery work in the United States
while transporting international packages between Canadian-
United States operating locations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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Section 8.8 (d) shall not apply to all feeder drivers who were on
the payroll as of the 14th of May 1982. These drivers shall have
the opportunity to displace the least senior package driver as pro-
vided in Section 8.8 (c).
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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The Employer agrees to provide electrical outlets for engine
block heaters where it occupies, owns or rents buildings in the
area generally described as those centres North, East and West of
Sudbury and North Bay and including those centres.
The Employer will make every effort to work out suitable
arrangements with gas station operators in the same areas.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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Appendix B - Section B.8 of the Agreement to the contrary
notwithstanding, the Employer agrees to continue the practice
of allowing mechanics to take a lunch period of one-half (
hour and one (1) ten (10) minute paid coffee break.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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The Company and the Union hereby agree to amend the cur-
rent United Parcel Service Canada Ltd. Pension Plan as follows:
1. The parties agree to establish a Trust Agreement to provide
for the creation of a joint Board of Trustees to administer
the Pension Plan. The joint Board of Trustees shall be com-
prised of three (3) Employer Trustees and three (3) Union
2. The newly established joint Board of Trustees will have
authority regarding any and all duties and responsibilities as
required in accordance with all applicable Federal and
Provincial legislation. The joint Board of Trustees will also
have authority to make decisions respecting the engage-
ment of any third party professionals necessary to carry out
the day-to-day operation of the Pension Plan.
3. The United Parcel Service Canada Ltd. Pension Plan will
be deemed to be a continuing plan, except for the estab-
lishment of the joint Board of Trustees outlined above.
4. The Pension Plan will continue to be funded by the
Company to provide all accrued and future negotiated pen-
sion benefits. Expenses incurred during the transition and
implementation of the joint Board of Trustees, as well as
ongoing expenses incurred to operate the Pension Plan will
be paid from the assets of the Pension Plan.
5. The parties agree that the negotiated pension benefits for
the current Collective Agreement, subject to the terms and
conditions, Rules and Regulations of the Pension Plan will
be as follows:
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(a) As of February 2007, the monthly pension benefit will be
fifty-six dollars and fifty cents ($56.50) per month for all
years of accumulated Service Credit.
(b) As of January 2011, the monthly pension benefit will be
seventy-eight ($78.00) dollars per month for each year of
credited service for future service only for all eligible
(c) As of January 1, 2016, the monthly pension benefit for full-
time and for part-time employees hired prior to January 1,
2016 will be eighty-six ($86.00) dollars per month for each
year of credited service for future service only for all eligible
full-time & part-time employees.
(d) As of January 1, 2021, the monthly pension benefit for full-
time and for part-time employees hired prior to January 1,
2016 will be eighty-eight ($88.00) dollars per month for
each year of credited service for future service only for all
eligible full-time & part-time employees.
(e) As of January 1, 2023, the monthly pension benefit for full-
time and for part-time employees hired prior to January 1,
2016 will be ninety ($90.00) dollars per month for each year
of credited service for future service only for all eligible full-
time & part-time employees.
(f) As of January 1, 2016, the monthly pension benefit for all
newly hired part-time employees will be fifty percent (50%)
of the applicable full-time accrual rate in any given year.
6. The eligibility requirements for unreduced retirement ben-
efits are age sixty (60). For all Employees hired after July 31,
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2015 the unreduced retirement benefits are age sixty (60)
and thirty (30) years of service. Employees will receive the
full monthly benefit pay out based on their years of service.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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This will confirm the Company’s intention to provide an
Employee Assistance Program for the employees of United
Parcel Service Canada Ltd.
The Union and the Company agree on the following points:
1. That any and all participation in the Employee Assistance
Program be on a strictly voluntary basis unless mandated by
Federal legislation.
2. That all employee information associated with the
Employee Assistance Program remain strictly confidential
and shall only be released upon written consent of the
3. That all information associated with the Employee
Assistance Program obtained voluntarily or otherwise shall
not be used for any disciplinary action.
4. That all costs associated with the Employee Assistance
Program shall be and will continue to be the sole responsi-
bility of the Company.
5. An employee shall be permitted to take a leave of absence
for the purpose of undergoing treatment in an approved pro-
gram for alcoholism or drug abuse. The leave of absence
must be requested prior to the commission of any act subject
to disciplinary action. Such leave of absence shall be grant-
ed on a one-time basis and shall be for a maximum of thir-
ty (30) days unless extended by mutual agreement.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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1. The employer does hereby recognize the Canada Council of
Teamsters as the sole and exclusive bargaining agent for
clerical employees in centres where certificates have been
issued by the Canada Industrial Relations Board according
to the following bargaining unit description:
“All operations employees of United Parcel Service Canada
Ltd. employed as clerical employees, including, but not lim-
ited to, data entry clerks, document auditors, excluding
operations management specialists, supervisors and those
above the rank of supervisor”;
2. The parties agree that in the event any new centres are cer-
tified the bargaining unit description in paragraph 1 will
3. In future, if any of the Employer’s operations centres includ-
ing International, across Canada, seek certification for a
bargaining unit as described in paragraph 1 for the entire
location the certification process set out in the Canada
Labour Code will apply. Once a certificate is issued the
Employer will not contest that the Canada Council of
Teamsters shall become the bargaining agent for that oper-
ations centre.
4. It is also agreed that the clerical employees covered by the
bargaining unit as well as any future operations clerical
employees as described in paragraph 1 who seek and obtain
certification, shall be governed by the collective agreement
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entered into between the Employer and the Canada
Council of Teamsters from August 1, 2020 until July 31,
2025 as amended by Appendix “A”.
5. Operations clerical employees that were hired prior to
August 1, 2015 who were part of a centre that certified
between August 1, 2015 and July 31, 2020, will go to the top
rate as per Section 28.9 in effect on the date of the 2020 rat-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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The Employer and the Union agree to participate in a joint edu-
cational seminar for shop stewards. One (1) regular, full-time,
and one (1) regular part-time shop steward per centre/shift, will
be invited to attend a seminar and receive one (1) days pay, eight
(8) hours, paid by the Employer, for their attendance.
The Employer may be present and take part in the aforemen-
tioned presentation.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
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In Union Locals 931 and 1999, the Employer will communicate
in one of the two official languages of Canada as requested by the
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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Air recovery employees whose primary responsibilities are to
load, unload, sort or move packages from the air recovery area to
another work area will be bargaining unit employees.
Where a dispute exists over whether or not these employees
should be bargaining unit members, the Employer and the
Union will meet to resolve the dispute.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
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Notwithstanding Article 2.4 (a) and 2.4 (b) of the Collective
Agreement, the Employer agrees, for Local Unions 931, 1999
and any other Local to deduct the Union dues on a weekly basis
and to remit monthly such monies to the Local Union not later
than the tenth (10th) day of the following month. The amount
to be deducted weekly will be provided by the local union.
The arrears deductions shall not exceed the employee’s normal
weekly dues payment.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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The Employer shall make contributions at the rate of five cents
($0.05) per hour for all hours for which wages are payable for
each employee, (to a maximum of forty (40) hours per week for
full-time and twenty-five (25) hours per week for part-time
employees), coming under the jurisdiction of the following
Teamster Locals: 31; 91; 213; 362; 395; 855; 879; 927; 931; 979;
1999 covered by this Collective Agreement. Such monies are
payable to the respective Local Unions for placement in their
Industry Advancement Fund by the 15th day of the month fol-
lowing that to which they refer.
The above contributions shall commence on the day of ratifi-
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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Within all Hub locations, each inside operation by shift will
maintain appropriate list(s), by seniority of those employees
requesting extra work when the Employer determines the need.
It will be the employee’s responsibility to sign up on the appro-
priate list. The Company shall post such list(s) and employees
interested in adding their names to the list shall do so during the
first week of January each year. Employees wishing to add their
names after the first week of January can have their names added
by submitting a written request to the Employer. Employees who
are unavailable to work on three (3) separate occasions within a
calendar month will have their names removed from the list for
the following 60 days. The Company will use the appropriate list
to fill the required positions and such employees will work as
assigned, provided they are qualified for the work. This applies to
Hub employees only.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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_________________________ _________________________
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The Cost of Living Allowance as described in Section 27.8 shall
be payable only if the total allowance is equal or greater than
eight cents ($0.08) in that year.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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The purpose of Trade Direct is to improve the service capacity
and capabilities of U.P.S. Canada Ltd. and to protect the num-
ber of bargaining unit jobs and to preserve work and job oppor-
tunities for the employees covered by this collective agreement.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
_________________________ _________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
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Whereas the Company proposed the implementation and use of
Personal Vehicle Drivers (PVD’s) during peak periods or to
reduce the paid day of the existing workforce as an alternative
delivery model.
And, the Parties recognize a PVD driver is required to use his
personal vehicle for deliveries which differentiates him from a
regular part-time employee.
The Parties agree as follows:
1. PVD drivers may only be implemented by mutual agree-
ment between UPS, The Canada Council of Teamsters and
a Local Union during the life of this agreement;
2. UPS shall contact The Canada Council of Teamsters and
the Local Union a minimum of thirty (30) days prior to
express their desire to discuss the implementation of PVD’s;
3. PVD’s if implemented, may only preform work in the geo-
graphical boundaries of a Local Union should a mutual
agreement be reached;
4. In the event a mutual agreement is reached, it shall be
reduced to writing and signed by the Parties;
5. The terms and conditions attached to a Local Union are
without precedent and prejudice to any other Local Union.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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During the life of the 2020 to 2025 Collective Agreement the
Company has committed to add a minimum of twenty-five (25)
Feeder drivers to their payroll.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties signed on
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This request for an optional holiday must be submitted by the
employee at least fourteen (14) days in advance. The employ-
er will approve or disapprove the request within seven (7) days
of the request being made.
I, ________________________, request an optional holiday on
I understand that the request must be made at least fourteen (14)
days prior to the date of the requested optional holiday.
Employee Signature:
Reason for Dissapproval :
Centre Manger:
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2020 - 2025
Locals 31, 91, 213, 362, 395, 855, 879, 927,
931, 938, 979, 1999
United Parcel Service
Canada Ltd.
du Canada Ltée
(December 15, 2020 / 11:24:30)
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