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Spring 5-1-2021
Effectiveness of Visual Representations in Undergraduate Human Effectiveness of Visual Representations in Undergraduate Human
Anatomy and Physiology I & II Anatomy and Physiology I & II
Mary Agnes Mestayer
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Mestayer, Mary Agnes, "Effectiveness of Visual Representations in Undergraduate Human Anatomy and
Physiology I & II" (2021).
Honors Theses
. 1793.
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Mary Agnes Mestayer
A thesis submitted to the faculty of The University of Mississippi in partial fulfillment of
the requirements of the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College.
Oxford, MS
May 2021
Approved By
Advisor: Dr. Carol Britson
Reader: Dr. Carla Carr
Reader: Dr. Brian Doctor
© 2021
Mary Agnes Mestayer
Thank you to my friends and family for their support and grace during this process.
Thank you to my advisor, Dr. Britson, and two readers, Dr. Doctor and Dr. Carr. This
would not have been possible without your help.
MARY AGNES MESTAYER: Effectiveness of Visual Representations in Undergraduate
Human Anatomy and Physiology I & II (Under the direction of Dr. Carol Britson)
The objective of this project was to explore intersections between student
preferences and student performance on anatomical visual representations in Human
Anatomy and Physiology I and II. Visual representations are a critical resource for the
formation of relationships between function and structure furthermore; students interpret
these representations uniquely based on specific factors (learning objective, prior
knowledge, the diagram studied, etc.). Phase I of this project gathered undergraduate
responses to ten Likert-style questions on their opinions on diagrams and their use in the
A&P classroom. Phase II of this project presented participants with twelve manipulated
diagrams sourced from three diagram with four manipulations (a control in which no
manipulations were applied, a change in the portion of the leader lines located on the
diagram, both the part of the leader line on the diagram and the label location of the
leader line, and a 25% decrease in the number of leader lines) applied to each of the three
diagrams. Participants were asked to correctly identify anatomical structures on the
twelve diagrams and rate the confidence in the correctness of their answers. Students’
responses in Phase I indicated that when viewing two-dimensional diagrams, students
preferred simplified diagrams with leader lines labeling every anatomical structure
represented. In Phase II, this preference translates into a higher proportion of correctly
identified structures associated with the diagrams contain supporting visual details and the
use of visual cutes to separate structures. Generally, however, students performed better
and felt more confident on the sarcomere diagram, which had the least amount of total
leader lines. The order of diagram presentation sequence had a significant effect on
student performance (F
= 15.61, p= 0.00) with students preforming significantly
better on the sequence featuring diagrams randomly grouped together. The conclusions
made from this project support current research, which suggest that while students prefer
three-dimensional diagrams (Tan et al 2012), students preform best on detailed, two-
dimensional diagrams (Fenesi et al 2017). The practical applications of this project have
the potential to better inform educators as they choose diagrams to integrate into the
LIST OF TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
ABSTRACT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MATERIALS AND METHODS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
DISCUSSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
LITERATURE CITED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
TABLES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
APPENDICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Appendix A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Appendix B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Appendix C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Human Anatomy and Physiology II student performance in Phase II
which, consisted of correct identification of a single anatomical
structure on each of the twelve manipulated diagrams (Amerman 2018;
Appendix C).
Human Anatomy and Physiology II student performance in Phase II
which, consisted of participant self-assessment of their confidence in the
correctness of their identification of an anatomical structure from one of
the twelve manipulated diagrams (Amerman 2018; Appendix C).
Human Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) is a two-semester course that focuses on
the structure and function of tissues, organs and systems of the human body. The main
learning objective of the course is to establish relationships between the identification of
specific anatomical structures and the biological process in which the specific structure
functions. In students, the association of structure and function is created by a
combination of textual and visual information to create a holistic mental model (Lin et al
2017). The current understanding on the role of visual representations in the A&P
curriculum suggests that diagrams are crucial for successful topic storage and retention as
they allow students to form a mental model in conjunction with knowledge from other
storage. Mental model formation is what allows students to create a deeper and more
critical understanding of anatomical topics.
Instructors test students’ comprehension of identification and formation of a
correct mental model through a series of practical laboratory examinations and lecture
examinations. These assessments focus on different styles of learning; practical
laboratory examinations focus on identification while lecture examinations focus on
information synthesis (Britson 2020). Identification of anatomical structures in laboratory
practical examinations prepares students for further study by ensuring a concrete
understanding of anatomical structure location and the spatial relationships between
structures (Britson 2020). Both types of examinations often utilize anatomic diagrams as
part of their question sequence. To excel on these exams, students must be able to
comprehend information from multiple diagrams, that vary in complexity and focus, to
gain a level of knowledge that allows synthesis of information from multiple sources,
including anatomical visual representations (Fenesi et al 2017). The ability of learners to
comprehend information from multiple sources and compile that information into a
concise mental model indicates a high level of comprehension (Fenesi et al 2017).
Diagrams are an important resource that helps students of all levels visualize
relationships between anatomical structures that they have previously unexplored.
Butcher (2006) and Mayer and Sims (1994) concluded that students learn better from text
that is accompanied by diagrams than just text. Diagrams provide instructors and students
a multipurpose approach to topics, which allows for students from both high-prior
knowledge and low-prior knowledge backgrounds to succeed in the classroom (Khalil et
al 2005). Visual representations are used as learning tools to encourage students to
visualize concepts and understand structures as they relate to each other (West et al
Instructors aim to facilitate students’ formation of a mental model, which
facilitates a proficiency in a topic. A mental model is the association between recently
acquired information and established information to build a visualization that allows
information from multiple sources to be related (Seel and Strittmatter 1989). This mental
model can be formed from a variety of sources including diagrams presented during
instruction (Khalil et al 2005) and is an essential part of developing long-term memory
for the topic (Fenesi et al 2017). If the mental model is created correctly, students use
their mental model to make interpretations and inferences about information adjacent to
their model (Khalil et al 2005). Mental models have the unique ability to allow students
to create new relationships between previously unrelated structures. This fluid, applicable
nature of mental models created by students has made visual representations a critical
aspect of the A&P curriculum.
According to Kottmeyer et al (2020), diagrams have become valuable in biology
education because “they are holistic, spatial arrangements; show both temporal and size
scales; and depict structure-function relationships”. Diagrams are tasked with
communicating biological concepts while referencing spatial relationships which has led
to a substantial variety of anatomical diagrams available. Butcher (2006) found that
learners synthesize information from anatomical visual representations uniquely in
response to the representation. This unique response means that certain representations
are more effective than other representation in expressing ideas (Butcher 2006). One
student may find that a diagram that represents a comprehensive overview of an
anatomical system the best way to understand a system while another student would
prefer simplistic diagrams that target specific aspects of the same system. Students’
comprehension of a specific diagram, Diagram Comprehension Ability, is influenced by
specific factors such as learning objective and the diagram studied (Kottmeyer et al
2020). Diagrams range from print to digital models and from detailed to broader
representations. The type of diagrams used has a unique influence on students’
understanding of anatomical topics and their construction of an accurate mental model
(Kottmeyer et al 2020).
Representations that are less detail oriented and focus on a broader representation,
typically diagrams with simplified lines and grey-scaled coloring, can seem more abstract
to learners (Lin et al 2017). More abstract representations can be beneficial to learners
because the increased effort in understanding the diagram initially leads the learner to
encode a more defined and robust representation of the information depicted in the
representation (Fenesi et al 2017). Detailed representations are associated with a more
aesthetic appearance (e.g., use more color and a greater emphasis of realistic details) -
which encourages students to study the representation. The emphasis on realistic detail
also encourages students to connect abstract ideas to more concrete examples (Lin et al
However, detailed representations are not always associated with a positive
learning effect on the student by requiring a greater cognitive load to process perceptual
details, which can reduce learning (Lin et al 2017; Fenesi et al 2017). Students have a
maximum cognitive load that they can process (Lin et al 2017) and excessive colors and
detail can consume a high cognitive load with low academic return (Fenesi et al 2017).
Detailed representations force students to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant
information which, for students with low prior knowledge of anatomical topics, can be
overwhelming and impede integration of anatomical function and structural
identification. (Lin et al 2017).
As technology has become a valued asset in the anatomy classroom, visual
representations have transitioned from representations found on paper in textbooks to
digital representations that can be manipulated. The progression from print to digital was
initiated by advancement in technology and a generation of students with unique styles of
learning (Khalil et al 2005). Digital representations allow for self-paced learning by
students on a variety of academic levels (Khalil et al 2005) as well as the opportunity for
animated representations (Kriz 2007). The animation of anatomical representation allows
for information to be presented in a manner most reflective of human anatomy (Kriz
2007). Digital representations allow for three-dimensional diagrams to be created and
manipulated by students, which can be a disadvantage for students with low special
rotational abilities (Fenesi et al 2017). The transition to digital representations also
allows for students to study representations from sources outside of their course or
Students and educators have access to an immense library of anatomical
representations to utilize in their learning process. The variance in representations
available to students and educators leads to the formation of preferences which are rooted
in a variety of factors including IQ, gender, age, spatial reasoning, and verbal ability
(Ainsworth 1999) and are established in response to the ease of interpretation by students.
Preferences are formed based on ease of representation interpretation, which supports the
preference of representations that are easy to comprehend and work in parallel with
student understanding of the material. A student's ability to interpret a visual
representation is influenced by a student's knowledge of a subject matter and their ability
to interpret visual information (Offerdahl 2017). Student interpretation of visual
representation can be categorized by two processes- top-down interpretation and bottom-
up interpretation. Top-down interpretations are driven by a student’s prior knowledge and
learner expectations while understanding of perceptual details propels bottom-up
interpretations of visual representations (Kottmeyer 2020). These two systems of
interpretation work together allowing students to comprehend complex information from
visual representation. Students begin their interpretation by using a bottom-up
interpretation where students categorize and compartmentalize information found in the
diagram. This information is organized and utilized to construct a mental model of the
information begin received. A top-down interpretation is provided to the newly
constructed mental model (Kottmeyer 2020) by applying prior knowledge and experience
to contextualize their understating of the representation, a bottom-down interpretation.
(Kriz 2007).
Diagrams have always been central in their importance in A&P curriculum and in
response; efforts have been made to understand how students comprehend diagrams.
Students interpret diagrams differently and diagrams are not equal in effectiveness for all
students (Butcher 2006). To incorporate multiple representations into the curriculum and
compensate for the unique interpretations of visual representations by all students,
educators began to implement multimedia learning in the classroom. By providing
students with multiple representation of one topic, multimedia learning encourages
students to gain a deeper understanding of a particular topic and synthesize multiple
representations to create an accurate mental model of the topic from multiple sources
(Ainsworth 1999). However, students often pick a singular visual representation to focus
on which leads to the formation of mental models that are not accurate or do not include
all aspects of the topic (Ainsworth 1999). If multimedia are correctly applied, students
will be provided representations that “complement, constrain, and construct” meaning
these representations aim to reinforce complimentary information, constrain
misinterpretations, and encourage students to construct a thorough understanding
(Ainsworth 1999). Educators face the challenge of providing students with multiple
representations without including irrelevant information to topics (Lin et al 2017).
Despite support for diagram use in the classroom, research on which variations of
diagrams are the most effective in the classroom is lacking. I have the following
questions: (1) What are students' perceptions on the importance of diagrams in A&P?; (2)
If students understand the importance of visual representations, are they willing to find
representations outside of the classroom?; and (3) When students are preparing for an
anatomical structure identification assessment, do they prioritize learning the mechanics
of the diagram or the anatomical structures? To test these questions, I developed the
following hypothesis; students' responses indicate a preference for a wide variety of
diagrams based on personal preference but most students will prefer simplified diagrams.
I also hypothesize that students presented with diagrams containing manipulated leader
lines will have greater difficulty correctly identifying anatomical structures.
Participants for this study were recruited from students enrolled in Human
Anatomy and Physiology I (BISC 206) and II (BISC 207) at the University of Mississippi
in the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters. Human Anatomy and Physiology is a two-
course sequence in which students must pass Anatomy and Physiology I (with a C or
higher) to enroll in Anatomy and Physiology II. All participants were undergraduate
college students with most ranging between the ages of 18 and 24 and varying in race and
gender. The protocol was approved as Exempt under 45 CFR 46.101(b)(#2) by the
University of Mississippi Institution Review Board (Protocol #21x-082).
This study was divided into two parts. In both parts students were recruited to
participate via an announcement from their Human Anatomy and Physiology I and II
course instructor. Students were told that successful participation in the project would be
compensated with extra credit towards their Anatomy and Physiology I and II grade. In
the initial announcement, students were made aware of an alternative activity of equal
extra credit value in lieu of participation in this project.
Phase I
This phase of the project was offered to students in Anatomy and Physiology I in
the fall semester of 2020. Students interested in participation emailed the PI to gain more
information about the project. After understanding what the project entailed, students
made informed decisions on participation. Once students agreed to participate, they
received an email with specific instructions that included a link to the survey (Appendix
A), project details from the IRB information sheet, and a summarized list of participation
requirements. The survey consisted of ten Likert-style questions with responses ranging
from strongly agree to strongly disagree in response to each statement. Questions focused
on students’ perception and understating of diagrams and their functions in Human
Anatomy and Physiology I. One hundred twenty-four students successfully completed the
Phase II
This phase of the project was offered to students in Anatomy and Physiology II in
the spring semester of 2021. Students received an email from the PI explaining the
second phase of the project and the extra credit associated with successful phase two
participation. Students interested in participation replied to the PI. Then, the PI emailed
the potential participant the IRB information sheet, a link to a consent form that certifies
participant age, video conference call availabilities, and a summarized list of participation
requirements. Participants and the PI worked to schedule an online video conference call
that both parties attended. An hour before the scheduled call, participants received a link
to the video conference call and a link to three diagrams (Appendix B) with instructions
to familiarize themselves with the anatomical structures labeled in the diagrams in
preparation to being asked to identify structures from an unmarked diagram. The three
diagrams were sourced from the A&P textbook (Amerman 2018) which means that
students had already studied from the three selected diagrams. On the scheduled video
conference call, the PI would begin by certifying that participants had taken the survey
certifying their age and had become familiar with the three diagrams. The PI would then
give verbal instructions to participants regarding participants: “You will be shown 12
diagrams that are similar to the three that you looked at earlier. You will be asked to
identify the anatomical structure indicated by the leader line labeled with a question
mark. After verbal identification, you will be asked to rate your confidence in your
answer on a scale from 1 to 10; 10 being the most confident that you are correct and 1
being the least confidence that you are correct.” After instructions were given,
participants were given the opportunity to ask any questions before the project began.
The PI would utilize the screen-sharing capacity of the video conference call system and
project a PowerPoint slideshow containing the 12 diagrams (Appendix C). The three
original diagrams [an inferior view of the skull (bone diagram), a mid-sagittal view of the
brain (brain diagram), and a sarcomere (sarcomere diagram)] had four types of
manipulations: a control in which no manipulations were used on the original diagrams,
the portion of the leader lines located on the diagram changing, both the part of the leader
line on the diagram and the label location of the leader line, and a 25% decrease in the
number of leader lines. The 12 diagrams were presented to participants in three different
sequences: version A, version B, and version C. Version A of the diagrams featured the
diagrams grouped by their original diagram meaning that all of the sarcomere diagrams
were grouped together, all of the brain diagrams were grouped together, and all of the
bone diagrams were grouped together. Version B randomly grouped the diagrams
together. Version C grouped diagrams by treatment which functionally translated to all
four of control diagrams grouped together, all four of the starting point of the leader line
altered together, all four of the starting and ending point of the leader line together, and
the diagrams with 25% fewer leader lines grouped together. Each participant was
randomly assigned a diagram sequence. The participant would have 90-seconds on each
diagram and would be asked to identify the anatomical structure indicated by the question
mark. If the participant was unsure or answered that they did not know the structure, they
were encouraged to guess. After the participant had completed all completed all 12
diagrams, participants were thanked for their participation and the video conference call
was terminated.
Phase I data were compiled to obtain descriptive statistics about survey responses.
Phase II data was analyzed with a 3-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) with the level
of significant set at α=0.05 where diagram, treatment, and version were the experimental
factors. Cohen’s d statistic was used to calculate effect size for any significant
Phase 1 Results
Fifty-seven percent of the 126 students in Anatomy and Physiology I (spring
2020) who participated in the survey had previously completed a biology course at the
University of Mississippi. The number of biology credits ranged from just under 4 credit
hours at the 100-level for 53 participants to 4 credit hours at the 400-level for 8
participants. Results from the remaining survey questions were divided into three general
categories: (1) Spatial Awareness, (2) The Use of Digital Resources, and (3) The Effect
of Diagrams Structure on Learning.
Survey questions focused on spatial awareness provide insight into student
opinions on the importance of spatial awareness and its function in the anatomy
curriculum. Ninety percent of students agreed or strongly agreed that an important part of
preparing for an A&P I laboratory practical was to understand the spatial awareness
between structures in an organism (Table 1). A little over 40% of respondents strongly
agreed that they prefer to lean on three- dimensional structures rather than two-
dimensional structures. As seen in Table 1, three-fourths of students agree and strongly
agree that when they had access to three-dimensional anatomical software, they would
prefer to use the three- dimensional structures to prepare for the laboratory practical.
When studying two-dimensional structures, about fifty percent of students agreed that
they can apply their knowledge to a more complex diagram and more specifically,
knowledge acquired on two-dimensional figures to three-dimensional figures easily
(Table 1).
As seen in Table 1, fifty percent of students agreed or strongly agreed that when
preparing for a laboratory examination, students seek computer-based models
independently of provided diagrams to better contextualize their knowledge. Half of
students also agreed that they feel comfortable applying their knowledge from a
computer-based diagram to an image or diagram of a physical dissected specimen.
Students varied in opinion on feeling comfortable learning to identify anatomical
structures using computer models rather than diagrams or pictures of physical dissected
specimen (Table 1).
The results recorded in Table 1 indicates that 80% of students agreed or strongly
agreed that they preferred simplified diagrams that highlight one structure rather than a
detail-oriented diagram when initially learning about a structure. Students preferred
simplified structures however, 60% preferred structures that had leader lines that labeled
every structure instead of only relevant structures being labeled (Table 1).
Phase II Results
There were no significant differences in the interaction effect between the
treatment applied to the diagram and student performance (F
(3, 335)
= 1.31, p = 0.273).
There was also no significant effect on diagrams times version (F
(4, 335)
= 0.928, p =
0.448) or treatment times version (F
(6, 335)
= 0.115, p = 0.995) on student performance.
There was a significant effect of version on student performance (F
(2, 335)
= 15.61, p =
0.00). The magnitude of the effect size that sequence version has on student performance
can be quantified. There is a medium magnitude effect size between the B and A versions
(0.39) and the A and C versions (0.26). There is a large magnitude effect size between the
B and C versions (0.65) of the diagram sequence. There was a significant effect of
diagram times treatment on student performance (F
(6, 335)
= 9.53, p = 0.00).
The three diagrams without any manipulations to the original, the control, had no
significant differences in student performance between the bone and brain diagrams
(Figure 1). However, a two-fold increase in the proportion of correctly identified
structures was seen in the sarcomere diagram. The three diagrams with the location of the
leader line located on the diagram changed, denoted by “starting point” in Figure 1,
corresponds to a ten percent decrease in correctly identified structures in both the
sarcomere and brain diagrams. In the bone diagram, the starting point manipulation has a
positive effect on student performance and is associated with a twenty percent increase in
correctly identified structures (Figure 1). The three diagrams with both the leader line
located on the diagram and the labeled portion of the leader moved, noted as “both
points” in Figure 1, had no effect on student performance on the sarcomere diagram. On
the bone and brain diagrams, both leader line manipulations lead to an increase in the
proportion of correctly identified structures. On the three diagrams with a 25% decrease
in the number of leader lines, denoted as “fewer lines” in Figure 1, a substantial change in
the proportion of correctly identified structures for all three diagrams is noted. The brain
diagram with fewer leader lines had a forty percent increase on student performance. The
bone and sarcomere diagram have a decrease in student performance by about fifty
There were no significant differences in the interaction effect between the
treatment applied to the diagram and participant confidence (F
(3, 335)
= 1.5, p = 0.215).
There was also no significant effect on diagrams times version (F
(4, 335)
= 0.75, p = 0.558)
or treatment times version (F
(6, 335)
= 1.19, p = 0.313) on participant confidence. There
was a significant effect of version on student confidence (F
(2, 335)
= 9.82, p = 0.00). The
magnitude of the effect size that sequence version has on participant confidence can be
quantified. There is a medium magnitude effect size between the B and A versions (0.39)
and a small effect size between the A and C versions (0.093). There is a large magnitude
effect size between the B and C versions (0.52) of the diagram sequence. There was a
significant effect of diagram times treatment on participant confidence (F
(6, 335)
= 6.25, p
= 0.00).
The three diagrams with no changes to their leader lines had no significant effect
on participant confidence. Participants were most confident in their identification of
structures on the sarcomere diagram, rating their confidence at a 7.4, and least confident
in their identification of structures on the bone diagram, rating their confidence at a 5.6
(Figure 2). The three diagrams with the location of the leader line on the diagram altered,
the “starting point” column on Figure 2, had significant effects on participant confidence
for the bone and sarcomere diagrams. The change in leader line staring point had no
significant effect on the brain diagram, however an increase in participant confidence on
the sarcomere diagram (Figure 2) is noted. The change in starting point correlates to a
16% decrease in student confidence on the bone diagram. The three diagrams with both
the leader line located on the diagram and the labeled portion of the leader moved, noted
as “both points” in Figure 2, had a positive effect on all three diagrams. The magnitude of
this effect varies, the confidence in the sarcomere diagram increases by three percent
while the confidence in the bone and brain diagrams increases by fourteen and eight
percent, respectively. The three diagrams with a 25% decrease in the number of leader
lines, indicated by “fewer lines” in Figure 2, have no effect on participant confidence on
the bone diagram. However, a significant change in the confidence for both the brain and
sarcomere diagram is noted (Figure 2). Participant confidence on the brain diagram is
increased by 25% compared to the confidence on the control. Confidence on the
sarcomere diagram is decreased by a fourth (Figure 2).
Phase I
The survey associated with phase one of this project was used to compare
University of Mississippi undergraduate human anatomy students opinions and
performance to published research on undergraduate learning.
Students overwhelming agreed that understanding the spatial relationship between
structures is important for mental model formation, which supports Khalil et al (2005)
who states that the goal of diagram incorporation is to facilitate mental model formation,
which allows students to make informed inferences about related structures. Students that
integrate visualization and analysis of three-dimensional models develop a linkage
between previously acquired knowledge relevant to the structure and knowledge
presented in the provided diagram (Wu et al 2000). Another intersection between student
survey response and published data is the preference to learn using three-dimensional
anatomical representation rather than a two-dimensional representation. In agreement
with my data, Tan et al (2012) conclude that students prefer to learn with three-
dimensional diagrams when available, but these diagrams do not yield a statistically
significant advantage on examination performance. Despite the lack of correlation
between the use of three-dimensional diagrams and improved exam scores, Tan et al
(2012) suggest that three-dimensional diagrams can improve learning by increasing
student interaction with the visual representation, which is associated with more
consistent and holistic mental model formation.
Use of three-dimensional visual representations in the classroom requires a virtual
component for integration into the curriculum. Technology has become more integrated
into the classroom and student responses indicate that use of digital resources alongside
classroom provided resources has become standard. This finding supports published data
that encourage integration of digital resources as it allows for structures and concepts to
be presented in a more explicit way (Kriz 2007). Using digital resources also allows
students to self-pace and control their own curriculum which can appeal to the varied
knowledge levels of each student (Khalil et al 2005). Digital representations offer
positives to both the learner and instructor; however, students were unable to completely
agree that they were comfortable beginning their mental model formation with digital
diagrams. Digital diagrams traditionally contain more color and details, which can
overwhelm students with less familiarity with structures (Lin et al 2017). Previous
research supports a blended approach that uses digital resources as a complement to
physical resources provided which encourages long-term knowledge formation (Khalil et
al 2015).
Butcher (2006) agrees that visual representations are not equal in their
effectiveness for each learner. This variation in effectiveness comes from both diagram
specific factors (e.g., number of labels, style, color, etc. ) - and the student’s background
(e.g., spatial awareness ability, knowledge of the subject, ability to comprehend visual
information, etc.; Offerdahl 2017). Students’ responses indicate that they preferred
simplified structures with every structure identified. When applying this preference to the
cognitive load theory proposed by Lin et all (2017) there are some interesting
Cognitive load theory states that each student has a maximum cognitive load they
can comprehend before information is no longer stored effectively. It is recommended
that educators take this theory into account when choosing diagrams to incorporate into
the curriculum. Educators should aim to not waste cognitive load on excessive or
extravagant details that consume cognitive load without adding to a student’s knowledge
(Lin et al 2017). This theory is supported by students’ preference of a simplified diagram,
however, students preferring every structure being labeled rather than only relevant
structures is a contrast from what the theory predicts. Excessive visual details add no
educational value to diagrams and can distract learners while, comparatively, labeling
every structure can help students form connections and associations between previously
attained information. However, having to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant
structures when focusing on concepts could have a positive effect on mental model
formation as Fenesi et al (2017) found association between the amounts of effort required
during initial understanding of the diagram and the representation associated in the
students' mind; the more effort required initially to understand the diagram encourages a
more in-depth and critical understanding of the information.
Responses gathered helped to inform my understanding of undergraduate
students’ preferences on types of diagrams. Before the collection of these responses,
based on personal preference, I assumed that students would prefer printed simplified,
two-dimensional diagrams and that this preference would translate to an increased
proportion of correctly identified structures on simplified diagrams.
Participant responses support published data showing that diagrams are a crucial
resource for mastering an anatomical topic (Fenesi et al 2017). Students agreed that when
preparing for a laboratory practical, using digital visual resources was crucial to fostering
their understanding of a topic. This result is extremely relevant as students and educators
are relying more heavily on digital components of the curriculum. Physical diagrams are
still important during initial mental model formation; however, students recognize the
importance of digital resources from multiple sources, which helps to create a whole,
well-informed mental model (Ainsworth 1999). Digital visual representations create an
opportunity for the integration of three-dimensional representations into the curriculum.
Based on student responses, these three-dimensional representations are important for
representing the spatial relationship of multiple anatomical structures. This conclusion is
currently relevant as traditional, in-person laboratories are not always a viable option for
every student or institution. During the COVID-19 pandemic, traditional laboratory
instruction has transition to digital instruction, which has forced instructors to adapt to
teaching in an online setting. For A&P courses, this transition to online learning means
finding a substitute to teaching with specimen and models. Three-dimensional, digital
representations are not an equal substitute for a physical laboratory; however, students do
comprehend spatial relationships using these resources (Khalil et al 2005). This spatial
relationship formed from physical laboratories or three-dimensional diagrams helps
students to relate anatomical structures to one another, which encourages mental model
Phase II
The three diagrams used in phase two were unique in their style, number of
leader lines, and colors. Allowing for analysis of a variety of diagram dependent factors
of student performance.
Participants had an hour between receiving the diagrams and being asked to
identity structures from the diagrams. An intuitive assumption is that this short time
frame would increase the likelihood that participants would memorize leader line
positions rather than use the diagrams to form a mental model. If this assumption was
correct, I would expect to see a higher level of correctness associated with the structures
on the control diagrams compared to structures on any manipulated diagrams. However,
the proportion of correctly identified structures on both the bone and brain control
diagrams were significantly lower than for the manipulated diagrams. For the sarcomere
diagram, however, the proportion of correctness was highest for the structure with the
control treatment. This difference may be attributed to the style of the sarcomere
diagram. The sarcomere diagram is the simplest of the three diagrams; the original
diagram had fewer lines and used color to differentiate between structures. Presumably
these factors contribute to the sarcomere diagram being the easiest for students to recall.
The sarcomere diagram had the highest proportion of correctly identified structures for all
treatments except the treatment with fewer lines. The diagram-dependent factors present
in the sarcomere diagram exclude the sarcomere diagram from conclusions drawn from
the bone and brain diagrams because these factors create too many points of variations to
treat the three diagrams as equal. Participants were given the same three diagrams to
review for the same amount of time which excludes subject dependent causes of variation
such as time spent reviewing the diagrams and the type of diagram reviewed by
participant. The differences between these three diagrams can be quantified by looking at
the proportion of correctly identified anatomical structures by participants. The bone and
brain control diagrams have similar proportion of correctly identified structures at 44.6%
and 55.4% respectively while structures on the sarcomere diagram were identified
correctly 76.9% of the time.
The manipulated bone and brain diagrams had a higher proportion of correctness
for structures on the manipulated diagrams. This increased proportion leads to several
possible conclusions. One possible conclusion is the manipulated diagrams presented the
anatomical structures in a manner that were not significantly different enough to elicit a
change in the proportion of correctly identified structures. Another conclusion implies
that participants initiated some level of mental model formation rather than memorization
of leader line placement. A final conclusion is that the bone and brain diagrams with a
reduced number of leader lines were more simplistic and therefore easier for students to
interpret, which correlates to an increased proportion of correctness. The conclusion that
the reduced number of leader lines lead to a more simplistic diagram can be dismissed
because the results indicate an increased portion of correct answers for all manipulated
diagrams, not only the diagrams with a reduced number of leader lines. The conclusion
attributing the increased proportion of correctly identify structures to students being
unaware of any manipulations to the diagram and preforming slightly above average can
be disproven by the differences between the proportion of correctly identified structures
for the control diagrams compared to the manipulated diagrams. My conclusion
attributing the increased proportion of correct answers to increased mental model
formation is not easily dismissed by the data from phase II which encourages further
exploration of these ideas. Attributing the increased proportion of correct answers to
increased mental model formation; I identify factors responsible for increased mental
model formation. The bone and brain diagrams are more complex than the sarcomere
diagram and the increased complexity requires participants to expend more cognitive
resources to comprehend anatomical structures, which may encourage a more in-depth
understating of the structure (Fenesi et al 2017). This understanding is better equipped to
be projected onto manipulations of the previously studied diagram to correctly identify
the anatomical structure.
Another factor that may increase correct identification in the manipulated bone
and brain diagram compared to the sarcomere diagram is the style of the diagrams. The
brain diagram communicates the most anatomically-realistic features compared to the
other two diagrams. The brain diagram does not use color to distinguish between
structures and requires an attention to detail to differentiate between structures. The brain
diagram’s lack of differentiation between structures by visual aide requires some amount
of prior knowledge application to identify structures found in the diagram. Required prior
knowledge can be disadvantageous and overwhelming for students with low prior
knowledge (Lin et al 2017). The bone diagram has other unique features compared to the
brain and sarcomere diagram that further differentiate the three diagrams. The bone
diagram uses vibrant colors to denote various bones in the skull. The use of color as a
means of distinction between structures can be distracting and make it more difficult for
students to integrate the anatomical structures represented in this diagram into their prior
knowledge (Lin et al 2017). In contrast, Khalil et al (2005) found that students preferred
diagrams that used color as a tool to differentiate between anatomical structures. Color
adds another aspect to the cognitive load of the student to comprehend which, by the
cognitive load theory, would decrease student’s ability to recall and correctly identify
structures (Lin et al 2017). My results contradict this theory as a higher proportion of
correctly identified structures in both the brain and bone diagram is seen compared to the
less cognitively taxing sarcomere diagram.
In a more macroscopic view of my analysis, all participants were shown the same
diagrams with the same manipulations; the only difference was the presentation. three
variations of presentations were used: (A) which featured the diagrams grouped by their
original diagram, (B) which featured the diagrams randomly grouped, and (C) which
featured the diagrams grouped by their treatment. I hypothesized that version (A),
grouping diagrams based on their original diagram, would have a higher proportion of
correctly identified structures. Organizing the diagrams together in this manner would
theoretically allow students to maintain focus on one mental model at a time instead of
switching between diagrams. An ANOVA analysis was performed on the phase two data
and found that version (B) correlated to the highest proportion of correct answers. The
diagrams in version (B) were randomly arranged with no patters in diagram type or
diagram treatment. This indicates that the sequence of diagram presentation does have a
significant effect on student performance; however, the root of this effect is unidentified.
Blocking experiential design (e.g., version order of questions) was used to attempt to
minimize the effect of subject dependent variables on results. However, the small sample
size of this project increases the effect of subject dependent variables on results. Future
projects should consider the effect of question order during experimental design.
Participant confidence offers key insights to explore identification of anatomical
structures through using the Dunning-Kruger effect. The Dunning-Kruger effect finds an
inverse relationship between confidence in a correct answer and the level of knowledge
the individual has on a particular subject (Dunning and Kruger 2009). Applying this
relationship to my project, I would expect to see an inverse relationship between the
proportions of correct answers to the confidence in a correct answer. I see a modest
positive correlation between these two variables; however, students generally
overestimated the correctness of their responses. Structures that were easy to identify and
associated with a high proportion of correctness were also associated with a high rating of
confidence. However, structures that were difficult to identify and associated with a low
proportion of correctness were also associated with a moderately high rating of
confidence. This leads to one of two conclusions either (1) participants have low overall
subject area knowledge and cannot accurately assess their responses or (2) participants
have a moderate understanding of the subject area that allows them to feel confident in
the more easily identifiable structure but not as confident on more difficult structures. It
was surprising to see differentiation between student's confidence of easily identified
structures compared to more difficult structures. Students have developed enough of a
knowledge base to accurately assess their performance on easy structures; however, their
knowledge base is not comprehensive enough for students to be able to accurately assess
their responses to more cognitively-taxing structures. As students continue to expand
their knowledge base, they will develop a more accurate understanding of self-
assessment, which would correlate to a decrease in response correctness confidence
according to Dunning-Kruger.
The results of phase two illuminated areas of my project that future projects could
alter to improve and draw more definite conclusions. In this project, participants were
tested on three diagrams with varying visual representation factors. This meant the
proportion of correctly identified structure was the result of several independent
variables. Future studies could isolate individual variables to obtain more concise data.
For example, minimizing the differences in diagram dependent factors by using diagrams
with similar color, attention to detail, scale, and theme would allow for results to reflect
manipulations in the treatment of each diagram instead of a compound of variables.
Continuing to isolate variables responsible to changes in participants’ response, future
projects would be tempted to apply each manipulation to each diagram. However, if
every possible combination of manipulations and diagrams were presented to
participants, the identification of the anatomical structure would become obvious to
participants. Instead, future projects should focus on minimizing the queuing effect when
selecting the sequence order and manipulation for each diagram. Another aspect that
future projects could modify is the use of diagrams from a different source independent
of the curriculum or the textbook (Amerman 2018). The diagrams participants were
asked to identify structures from are sourced from their textbook, which means that
students were previously familiar with the provided diagram. Students with previous
experience with the diagrams have a greater opportunity to have already formed a mental
model of the anatomical topic. Future projects should ask students to identify structures
that have not been previously covered in the Human Anatomy and Physiology sequence.
Asking participants to identify structures outside of the scope of the course further
ensures that student’s formation of mental models is dependent on their one-hour
exposure to the diagram.
Simpler diagrams are traditionally assumed to be easier for less experienced
learners to understand (Lin et al 2017; Fenesi et al 2017); however, my results suggest
that details found on diagrams have important functions by serving as memory cues and
spatial markers, which assist students’ recall. Kottmeyer et al (2020) found that students
with low diagram compression ability especially benefited from extra supporting details
featured on diagrams. By removing these details from the diagram, students require more
time to orient themselves to the visual representation. The stress of reorienting to a visual
representation can lead to poor student performance. Results from phase two supports
this conclusion- removing leader lines from the diagrams was associated with a decreased
proportion of correct answers. This reorientation, however, is not dependent on the
placement of either the beginning or ending of the leader line.
The goal of this project was to explore intersections between student preferences
and student performance in anatomical diagrams. Students’ responses indicated that
forming spatial awareness between anatomical structures is important for mental model
formation. These relationships are formed from a combination of provided two-
dimensional diagrams and digital three-dimensional representations. When viewing two-
dimensional diagrams, students preferred simplified diagrams with leader lines for every
anatomical structure represented. This preference translated into a higher proportion of
correctly identified structures associated with the diagrams containing supporting visual
details and the use of visual cues to separate structures. Students also performed better
and felt more confident on the diagram with the least amount of leader lines total. The
conclusions made from this project support current research which suggest that while
students prefer three-dimensional diagrams (Tan et al 2012), students preform best on
detailed, two-dimensional diagrams (Fenesi et al 2017). The practical applications of this
project have the potential to better inform educators as they choose diagrams to integrate
into the classroom.
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Table 1: Human Anatomy and Physiology I student responses to Likert-style statements
on phase I survey which recorded undergraduate opinions on diagrams and their function
in the A&P curriculum. (SA= strongly agree, A= agree, N= neutral, D= disagree, SD=
strongly disagree; df=4)
An important part of my preparation for an anatomy
laboratory practical is understanding the spatial relationship
between structures in an organism.
If I have access to three-dimensional interactive anatomical
software, I would prefer to use it to study anatomical figures
than a two-dimensional image in a textbook or lab manual.
I feel comfortable learning to identify anatomical structures
using computer anatomical models rather than diagrams or
pictures of dissecting specimens.
When initially learning about various structures, I prefer
simplified diagrams or pictures that highlight one particular
structure rather than a diagram or picture that is detail
I prefer images with leader lines that identify every structure
in an image rather than leader lines that only identify the
relevant structures in an image.
I prefer to learn anatomical structures on a three-dimensional
image rather than a two-dimensional image.
When I study a two-dimensional model, I can apply
anatomical knowledge to a three-dimensional subject easily.
When studying anatomical structures on a computer-based
model, I can apply my anatomical knowledge easily to an
image or diagram of a dissected specimen.
While studying anatomical structures, I seek computer-based
models from sources outside of the classroom to
contextualize my anatomical knowledge.
After studying an anatomical structure on a simplified
computer-based image or diagram, I am spatially aware of the
structure so that I’m able to apply my knowledge to a more
complex diagram.
Figure 1: Human Anatomy and Physiology II students' performance on Phase II which
consisted of correct identification of a single anatomical structure on each of the twelve
manipulated diagrams (Amerman 2018; Appendix C). Participant responses are
represented in this figure as the proportion of the number of correctly identified
anatomical structures to the number of incorrectly identified structures out of the thirty-
one participants.
Figure 2: Human Anatomy and Physiology II studentsperformance in Phase II which
consisted of a participant self-assessment of their confidence in the correctness of their
identification of an anatomical structure from one of the twelve manipulated diagrams
(Amerman 2018; Appendix C). Participants rated their confidence on a scale from one to
ten; ten being the most confidence in the correctness of their answer and one being the
least confident in the correctness of their answer (in this figure, confidence ratings were
scaled to one hundred).
Phase I Survey Questions:
Preliminary Information:
Have you taken any other biology courses at the University of Mississippi?
A) Yes
B) No
If you answered yes:
- How many 100 level credits? _________
- How many 200 level credits? _________
- How many 300 level credits? _________
- How many 400 level credits? _________
Mark the response most representative of your feelings on the following statements.
1. An important part of my preparation for an anatomy laboratory practical is
understanding the spatial relationship between structures in an organism.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
2. If I have access to three-dimensional interactive anatomical software, I would prefer
to use it to study anatomical figures than a two-dimensional image in a textbook or
lab manual.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
3. I feel comfortable learning to identify anatomical structures using computer
anatomical models rather than diagrams or pictures of dissecting specimens.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
4. When initially learning about various structures, I prefer simplified diagrams or
pictures that highlight one particular structure rather than a diagram or picture that
is detail oriented.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
5. I prefer images with leader lines that identify every structure in an image rather than
leader lines that only identify the relevant structures in an image.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
6. I prefer to learn anatomical structures on a three-dimensional image rather than a
two dimensional image.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
7. When I study a two dimensional model I can apply anatomical knowledge to a
three-dimensional subject easily.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
8. When studying anatomical structures on a computer based model I can apply my
anatomical knowledge easily to an image or diagram of a dissected specimen.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
9. While studying anatomical structures, I seek computer-based models from sources
outside of the classroom to contextualize my anatomical knowledge.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
10. After studying an anatomical structure on a simplified computer based image or
diagram, I am spatially aware of the structure so that I’m able to apply my
knowledge to a more complex diagram.
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Original Diagrams from Amerman (2018)
Diagram #1: Figure 7.7c Inferior view of the skull.
Diagram #2: Figure 10.4-2 Structure of a skeletal muscle fiber.
Diagram #3: Figure 12.12a Midsagittal section of the brain showing the brainstem.
Modified Diagrams from Amerman (2018).
Sarcomere Diagram:
Diagram #1: Control
Diagram #2: Starting point of leader lines altered
Diagram #3: Both starting and ending point of leader lines altered
Diagram #4: Number of leader lines reduced by 25%
Brain Diagrams
Diagram #5: Control
Diagram #6: Starting point of leader lines altered
Diagram #7: Starting and ending point of leader lines altered
Diagram #8: Number of leader lines reduced by 25%
Bone Diagram
Diagram #9: Control
Diagram #10: Starting point of leader lines altered
Diagram #11: Starting and ending point of leader lines altered
Diagram #12: Number of leader lines reduced by 25%