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Need help with Item Setup Content Policies?
Item Setup Content Policies
Setting up items on Walmar Marketplace can be a little
different from other platforms. In this guide, you’ll find the
most imporant policies, standards, and restrictions you
should be aware of when setting up your items.
All Parners should carefully review and understand the
policies within this guide before setting up your items.
Parners who do not follow our policies may experience
delays, removal of item listings, or possible suspension from
Walmar Marketplace.
Product Listing Copy Standards 2
Image Quality Standards 2
Item Type Guidelines 3
Item Condition Guidelines 3
Prohibited Products Policy
Pre-Approval Restrictions 4
Custom Content Product Restrictions 5
Baby and Grocery Item Restrictions 5
Specific Brands Restrictions 5
Ink & Toner Restrictions 6
Refurbished iPhone Restrictions 6
Regulations on Plastics Sold in California 6
What’s in this guide? (Click to jump to page)
Image Type Requirements
All images
All listings must have at least two images
Must be in focus, professionally lit and photographed
Cannot show accessories do not come with the item
Must not violate our Trust and Safety standards, especially to being offensive or
obscene. The image may violate these standards, even if the item itself does not
(e.g., a CD with nudity on the album cover).
Background: seamless white (255/255/255 RGB)
Item view: frontal view
Do not use placeholder images
Do not use images containing additional graphics, illustrations, logos,
watermarks, overlays or text
Background: may have the item in an appropriate setting or environment (e.g., a
grill in a patio setting)
Item view: may have the item rotated
Do not use placeholder images
Product Listing Copy Standards
Image Quality Standards
The following sections include details of our policy for your product listing content. Failure
to abide by this policy may result in warnings, unpublishing of affected listings, or suspension
(temporary or permanent).
Below are our image standards. Click the button at the bottom for additional rules.
Listing fashion or apparel items?
Click here to review fashion-specific image standards.
Full Product Content Policy
All Image Standards
Copy Standards
Product name
Do NOT include:
Info about yourself or your company
Any special characters (™, ½, @, ^, *, hears or shapes)
Retailer-specific info about the product (special sales, guaranteed ship times)
Any sales information (shipping information, product cost, promotions, etc.)
Unproven, vague marketing phrases (#1 rated, best selling, high quality, etc.)
Product attributes (price, quality, weight, material, etc.)
Marketing phrases (#1 rated, best selling, high quality, etc.)
Any references to other marketplaces (sold on Amazon, sold on eBay, Alexa, etc.)
Key Features
Item Condition Guidelines
Depending on the item’s condition, it may not be allowed to sell on Walmar Marketplace.
Additional details on setting up refurbished items here.
Item Type Guidelines
Determine if we permit the type of item you’re selling on Walmar Marketplace.
Item Type Definition Guidelines
Single items can
either be sold
as one unit or
If selling a multi-pack item (e.g., pack of 6), use the Product
ID that applies to the entire pack/case and NOT the
Product ID for the individual item in the pack/case
Group of items
that varies in size
or color
Single variant: limit of 100 variants
Example: one towel with 100 different colors
Multi-variant: limit of 500 variants
Example: pants with 25 sizes and 20 colors
Multiple items
combined by
parners but
not made by the
Bundled items are not suppored (i.e., items combined by
parners but are not made by the manufacturer)
Only set up items in a group if you have a unique Product ID
that applies to the entire group
Item that is
hardware or a
tailored bundle
Must use the correct Product ID of the customized item to
list on Walmar Marketplace
Item Condition Guidelines
Item is in pristine condition. Packaging meets manufacturer requirements.
Must follow our refurbished item rules:
Item is restored to like-new condition.
Include the word “Refurbished” in the Product Name and Description fields
Supply a different UPC and/or GTIN for the Refurbished Item
Assign a different SKU number to the Refurbished Item
Adjust the Model Number for the Refurbished Item. Add RB to the model
number (e.g ., APL_10997 might become APL-10997RB)
Items that are used are not permitted to sell on Walmar Marketplace
Prohibited Products Policy
This policy covers products that have higher regulations or
cannot be listed on Walmar Marketplace.
It is your responsibility to understand and comply with all
legal requirements governing the sale of your products.
Be sure to review the Prohibited Products policy regularly.
Walmar will remove the listing of any product that might be
in violation of Law, this Policy, or any other Walmar policy.
Corrective actions may also occur including suspension
or termination of your account. If you obtain written pre-
approval from Walmar, some products referenced in the
policy may be listed.
Complete List of Prohibited Products
Pre-Approval Restrictions
Items in the following categories require pre-approval from Walmar before Sellers may offer
them on Walmar Marketplace. New brands or categories may be added at a future date.
Categories Pre-Approval Details
Luxury Brands
Cell Phones and
Halloween and select
seasonal products
Custom Content
Sellers may apply for approval to offer these categories and brands
by contacting Parner Suppor using the categories: Items/Inventory
> My item is unpublished. Include a list of the brands or items you
wish to sell.
Some approvals are granted for specific brands or items within these
Approval could be retracted if there is a legal claim related to these
categories and other policy violations influence approval decision.
Unpublish message:
“Your item is violating the rules and regulations of your Retailer Agreement. Please re-ingest
your item to meet the standards outlined in the Retailer Agreement.
Custom Content Product Restrictions
Customized products containing custom designs, graphics, arwork, images, phrases and/
or text include products such as apparel (t-shirs), home decor (posters), and accessories
(mugs). We restrict these products and require approval before sellers can list these items.
We prohibit products that may porray negative stereotypes associated with ethnicity,
culture, sexual orientation, occupation, physical appearance, depression, disorder, disability
or mental state. We also prohibit products that glorify or promote tragic historical or recent
news events, or any items with sexually explicit images, text, themes or obscene language (in
all languages, not just English), or other objectionable content.
If you have questions about custom content products, please open a Parner Suppor case
and include your question and impacted item ID’s with the code “TNS.
Baby and Grocery Item Restrictions
Baby and Grocery items must meet the criteria below, or they will be unpublished.
If unpublished, the item may not be republished.
Baby and Grocery items must meet these criteria:
Expand Walmar’s existing selection
Follow the competitive pricing policy found in Pricing Rules and Automatic Unpublishing.
Reasons for Unpublishing
Restricted Product Policy
Item unpublished because it’s a Prohibited Product or restricted.
Reasonable Price Not
The item isn't adhering to the competitive pricing policy.
Restricted Product Policy:
Perormance Issues
Items with a cancellation rate higher than 2% and a return rate higher than
5% will be unpublished because of perormance issues. Perormance is
reviewed every 7, 15, and 30 days.
Specific Brands Restrictions
Walmar Marketplace parners with select sellers for sales of specific brands. All other offers
of items for these brands will be unpublished.
Unpublish message: “This item is unpublished because the brand is prohibited.
Ink & Toner Restrictions
Refurbished iPhones Restrictions
Regulations on Plastics Sold in California
All ink and toner items are restricted on Walmar Marketplace and cannot be listed.
Unpublish message: “Item is unauthorized.
These are allowed to be listed. However, some Sellers have been using the wrong Product ID
for refurbished iPhones, so we have been unpublishing some refurbished iPhones listings.
If you replace the Product ID for this item, it will be republished.
Plastic products sold into California can ONLY be labeled as compostable, home
compostable, or marine degradable if they meet the applicable ASTM standard or have the
Vincotte OK Compost HOME cerification.
Plastic products sold into California may NOT be labeled as biodegradable, degradable, or
decomposable, or imply that the plastic product will break down or decompose. Because such
products cannot sell in all 50 states, we do not allow you to list these types of products.
See all Requirements for Compostable and Biodegradable Plastic Sold in California.
Links from this QuickStar Guide
Answers to your questions are a click away! Check out our FAQ page
for extra help in setting up your items.
Items & Inventory FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Parner Suppor
Full Product Content Policy
Image Quality Standards
Item Condition Additional Details
Complete List of Prohibited Products
Pricing Rules and Automatic Unpublishing
Requirements for Compostable and Biodegradable Plastic in California