These terms and conditions govern your use of Westlaw and The West Education Network (“TWEN”).
The terms and conditions also apply to your use of West software and hosted products if available
through your law school. From this point forward in this document “West products” means Thomson
Reuters Westlaw, TWEN, West Legal Edcenter, West software and/or West hosted products to which
your law school subscribes.
Click on “I Agree” below and click on “Submit Registration” to complete the registration process. If you
do not click on “I Agree”, you will not be provided access to West products.
By clicking “I Agree”, you represent that you are either (a) currently enrolled as a student in a law school class,
a recent graduate (within 6 months) with permitted access, or are a full-time or part-time/adjunct faculty,
administration or staff or law school career services director or staff at the law school you identified on the
password registration or (b) a recently-admitted attorney within 18 months of graduation from the law school
you identified on the password registration and participating in a law school-sponsored practice ready clinic or
program. You warrant that you will notify us immediately if your status changes.
1.1 General Terms and Conditions, located at http://static.legalsolutions.thomsonreuters.com/static/general-
terms-conditions.pdf, apply to Westlaw, West LegalEdcenter, West software and West hosted products.
1.2. License restrictions. In addition to the license restrictions in the General Terms and Conditions:
1.2.1 If you are registered as a student, you may use Westlaw and West software solely for purposes directly
related to your law school coursework (including pro bono and public service programs, minimal law
school-paid stipend work, unpaid public internships or externships that are part of your graduation
requirements), or for bar preparation purposes. Any other use, including any use in connection with your
employment outside of the law school and any student internship or externship where you receive
remuneration of any kind, is prohibited. If you are a student, your password will be in effect during the
school year and will be suspended each summer unless attendance at law school classes is mandatory on a
year-round basis or you have extended your password for authorized summer use (including law review,
research assistant, summer courses). After graduation, you may continue to use Westlaw, Practical Law,
Drafting Assistant, and/or Form Builder through your law school account for up to 18 months after your
graduation date. After graduation, you will be licensed for non-credit continuing legal education credit
access to and use of West LegalEdcenter through your law school account for up to 12 months after your
graduation date.
1.2.2 If you are law school personnel, you may use Westlaw, West software and West hosted products for
scholarly research or for student placement purposes. You may include West product data in your academic
writings prepared during the course of your regular curriculum. Any further distribution is prohibited
without our written permission. West product data included in your writings must retain copyright notices.
If you are full time law school personnel, you are also licensed to full access and use of West LegalEdcenter
for continuing legal education credit. West LegalEdcenter is not available to adjunct faculty or staff through
the law school’s subscription.
1.2.3 If you are participating in a law school-sponsored practice ready clinic or program after bar admission,
you may also use the law school’s Firm Central subscription limited to purposes directly related the practice
ready clinic or program for up to 18 months after your graduation.
1.2.4 You may not sell, sublicense, distribute, display, store or transfer data from West products in bulk or
in any way that could be used to replace or substitute for our products or services in whole or in part or as a
component of any material offered for sale, license or distribution to third parties. You may not data mine
or scrape data or use any means to discern West products’ source code.
1.3. Responsibility for Certain Matters. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your password.
Sharing passwords is strictly prohibited. We may issue a new password to you from time to time and may
cancel any prior password.
1.4. Reservation of Rights. We may modify these terms and conditions at any time. We may impose usage
limitations on Westlaw, West software and West hosted products access and/or offline transmission limits.
1.5 ProView eBook License Terms. If the law school subscribes to ProView eBook access for TWEN users,
the ProView eBook license allows you to download the ProView eBooks to your mobile devices and access the
eBook content online. We may terminate your license including notes and annotations if we lose the right to
offer the eBook content, discontinue the ProView software, or are otherwise unable to offer eBook content. We
may provide the content to you in another media format if commercially reasonable. We may update your
eBook version if necessary to maintain access to the content. Sharing of registration keys/passwords is
2.1. TWEN License. We grant you the right to access and use, at no charge, TWEN, and data made
available on TWEN and data and information provided by TWEN users. You may use TWEN only for
educational purposes. Any other use, including any use in connection with your employment outside of
the law school, is strictly prohibited.
testing, file maintenance and similar purposes in connection with TWEN and our related
products and services. Other TWEN users can use your TWEN data only as provided in these
terms and conditions, unless you include a notice granting greater rights to your TWEN data
2.1.2 Your Uploaded Documents in Westlaw. You may upload your own documents into a
Westlaw folder where the documents are marked up with KeyCite flags and hyperlinks to other
Westlaw materials. You may also add notes to your foldered documents and share documents
with other Westlaw users. Hyperlinks will allow access to Westlaw content included in the
Westlaw user’s subscription. Upon termination of this agreement, you may export your
uploaded documents, and other Westlaw users with whom you have shared your documents can
continue to use and further share your documents.
2.1.3 Upload and Posting Restrictions. You agree not to upload or post (i) any data,
information, messages or other materials that you do not have the right to distribute or the
provision of which violates the proprietary rights of others; (ii) any data, information, messages
or other material that is defamatory, violates another person's or entity's privacy, publicity or
other rights, or is obscene, harassing, threatening or offensive; or (iii) any data file that contains
viruses or other harmful, disruptive or destructive components. We trace anonymous postings
that violate this section. We may release your name to your law school if your anonymous
posting violates this section.
2.1.4 TWEN Notice. Law school professors may monitor usage of TWEN for their courses. For
example, professors may access information such as the number of times TWEN is accessed, the
content accessed, and postings made to discussion forums from your account. By using TWEN,
you consent to this observation. If you have any questions about how a professor uses the
statistical tools in TWEN, you should talk to that professor.
2.2. Use of TWEN.
2.2.1 Use of TWEN Data, Users Data on TWEN. You may print out and download
insubstantial amounts of TWEN data, users’ data on TWEN content only for your own use, for
review of these materials in hard copy form or for incorporation of portions of these materials in
your work product, appropriately cited and credited.
2.2.2 Online Notices. Certain TWEN data, users’ data on TWEN, and Westlaw data is subject
to different license terms, as identified by online notices. To the extent additional permission is
required for use of these materials, you must send a written request (indicating the content or
data at issue and the purposes for which you would like to use it) to Copyright Services at
[email protected] or via fax at 651/687-7551.
2.2.3 Limited Distribution of TWEN Data and Users’ Data on TWEN. You may
occasionally distribute electronic copies or printouts of individual documents of TWEN data and
users’ data on TWEN for informational purposes only to a limited number of third parties (for
example, if you are employed by a law school, to a few other law school professors at the same
law school or, if you are a student, to a few other students at your aw school). Copyright and
other source-identification notices must be retained on the transmitted or printed items.
2.2.4 Restrictions. You may not sell, license or use TWEN data, users’ data on TWEN as a
component of any commercial material. You may not permanently store entire documents of
TWEN data, users’ data on TWEN for subsequent retrieval. You may not share documents, web
feeds or channels that include full or summarized text plus metadata such as publishing dates and
2.2.5. Title. All right, title and interest in TWEN and TWEN data are our exclusive property or
that of our third party providers.
2.2.6. No Endorsement. We are not responsible for (i) users’ data on TWEN; (ii) any third-
party products and services made available through TWEN; or (iii) data, information, files and
other materials included at any third-party Internet sites accessed by a link or URL provided on
TWEN. Statements and opinions expressed by forum facilitators or our other employees (except
for our authorized spokespersons) are not necessarily our views or endorsements. We are not
providing legal advice. Your interpretations are your own for which you have full responsibility.
3. Information for California Users Only. Under California Civil Code Section 1789.3, we are required to
provide the following information: (a) The provider of lawschool.westlaw.com and West products is West
Publishing Corporation, 610 Opperman Drive, St. Paul, Minnesota 55123, telephone 1-800/514-4111; (b)
TWEN charges are currently waived for your use if you use TWEN for educational purposes (see paragraph 2.1
above); and, (c) The Consumer Affairs Center of the California Department of Consumer Affairs may be
reached at 400 R. Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, telephone 1-916/445-1254.
4. Lawschool.westlaw.com. Lawschool.westlaw.com. is an Internet-based service that provides access to
Westlaw and TWEN. We grant you a non-exclusive, nontransferable, limited license to use
lawschool.westlaw.com. You may not use any means to discern the source code of Westlaw (including
westlaw.com), or TWEN. The performance of lawschool.westlaw.com varies with the manufacturers’
equipment with which it is used.
5. Modifications. We may, at any time without notice, amend these terms and conditions and modify, enhance
or delete content, products and services. You will be notified of the amended or new terms online. The new
terms will be effective immediately upon posting.
6. No Assignment. You may not assign, sublicense or otherwise transfer these terms and conditions or any part
of it (including your password) to a third party without our prior written consent.
7. Term and Termination. These terms and conditions will be effective upon your first access to West
products by means of your password and will terminate as follows:
(i) for law school students, on your graduation date;
(ii) for students who are enrolled in an authorized class, at the time you complete or otherwise terminate
your enrollment in the class;
(iii) for personnel, when your employment with the law school terminates; or
(iv) for newly admitted attorneys, at the end of 18 months after your graduation date.
You may also terminate these terms and conditions at any time by giving us notice by United States mail to
West Academic Programs 610 Opperman Drive, P.O. Box 64833, St. Paul, Minnesota 55123-1396 and ceasing
all use of West products, your password, and/or lawschool.westlaw.com. We may terminate these terms and
conditions at any time by revoking your password. In addition, these terms and conditions will terminate
automatically upon any termination of the law school’s West products subscription agreement or TWEN
Agreement. Except for the opportunity to export your uploaded documents as stated in paragraph 2.1.2 above,
upon any termination of these terms and conditions, your password will automatically be revoked.