Pricing Guidelines for Australian Plans
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When you retrieve or deliver documents on Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ that are not included in your Thomson Reuters Westlaw
subscription plan, you will be charged the applicable Thomson Reuters Westlaw rates listed below. The prices are effective June 3, 2020
and are subject to change with a 30-day notice.
The listed prices reflect the cost of most content within a content category and may vary for specific sources. Not all products are available
to Australia and New Zealand based customers. (e.g. public records).
Content Category
Content Examples
Charge per
Document Viewed
Per Transaction
Cases State and federal cases $38.00
Federal USCA®, statutory and official PDF forms $38.00
State State statutory compilations $38.00
Proposed and Enacted Legislation State session laws, legislative history, text of
Federal Code of Federal Regulations $38.00
State State administrative compilations $38.00
Proposed and Adopted Regulations
Federal Register, state administrative
registers, text of pending regulations
Federal Decisions of the Board of Veterans’
Affairs, N.L.R.B., and E.E.O.C.
State State attorney general opinions, state
workers’ compensation decisions
Non-US Primary Content
Int'l caselaw, statutes, regulations,
legislation, admin decisions, & guidance as
described above
Public Utilities Commissions Decisions of state
public utilities commissions
Secondary Sources
Journals and Law Reviews, Practice Guides, and
Jury Instructions
Harvard Law Review, ABA Center for CLE
materials, Black’s Law Dictionary®, state
jury instructions
Premium State and Specialty Titles RIA® and WG&L® titles, Florida
Jurisprudence 2d,
Federal Practice and Procedure®, Expert
Profiles, Attorney Profiles
Premium National Titles ALR®, American Jurisprudence 2d, C.J.S.®,
Jury Verdicts and Settlements
Summaries of jury verdicts and settlements
Intellectual Property
Copyright and trademark registration filings,
Litigation Alert, granted patents and patent
applications, Derwent®
IP Tools
Patent TextMate, Patent Claims History,
Patent Assignments, Patent Status
* No delivery charges apply for documents displayed in a transactional
Pricing Guidelines for Australian Plans
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News Sources
Premium News Sources Washington Post, Guardian, Euromoney
International Financing Review
$85. 00
General and Specialty Publications Newswires, regional newspapers, trade journals
Basic News Sources Abstracts, archived publications $35.00
Arbitration Materials American Arbitration Association awards, rules,
and filings, non-US arbitration
Briefs Appellate court briefs
Reports Affidavits, partial depositions, and reports $282.00
Depositions Transcripts of depositions $282.00
Trial Transcripts Transcripts of trial testimony
Administrative Filings PTAB, TTAB, ITC motions and low-level decisions $282.00
Advanced IP Tools Patent Family Tree, Patent File History $282.00
Trial Court Documents
Trial Court Documents
Pleadings, motions, and memoranda
Trial Court Orders
Court orders issued by state trial courts
Case Evaluator Reports
Case value assessment and trial resources reports $702.00
Capitol Watch Reports
Consolidates information for bills and regulations
tracked by Capitol Watch
Expert Challenge Reports Expert challenge reports $702.00
Expert Evaluation Reports Expert evaluation reports
Judicial Motion Reports Judicial motion reports $702.00
Judicial Reversal Reports Judicial reversal reports $282.00
Litigation History Reports Litigation history reports $282.00
Westlaw 50 State Surveys® $702.00
PeopleMap and Public Records Searches Please see search charges in Other Charges section for details
Premier Reports The most comprehensive report about a person
including assets, adverse information (UCC, liens
and judgments), business and employment
relationships, and licenses, along with all underlying
full-text records
Basic Reports Basic summaries of assets, adverse information,
business and employment relationships, licenses
with underlying full text records
People Features Address map, person record, person and business
graphical display
Real-Time Update Experian real-time credit header $38.00
Web Analytics Social media and deep Web search results $38.00
Pricing Guidelines for Australian Plans
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PeopleMap Alerts
Alert Run
Document Display from Alert Result
* No delivery charges apply for documents displayed in a transactional session.
Public Records
Individual Records Full-text records for adverse, assets, business &
employment, licenses, people information
Real Property Reports Comparable, Sales, Property Detail, Legal &
Vesting and ValuePoint®4 Reports
Real Property Comprehensive Reports Comprehensive reports $282.00
Images Real Property Deed Images and Parcel Maps $38.00
Business Law Center™
Core Content Securities filings, precedents agreements,
transactional deal summaries
Private Equity Investment reports, fund & firm reports $702.00
Hoover’s Company Profile
Company overview, history, and financial information $282.00
Company Investigator
Please see search charges in Other Charges section for details
Display Documents from Alert Results Company alert results displays $38.00
Company Family Tree Company family tree displays $38.00
Basic Reports Basic information on the selected company $282.00
Premier Reports
Current and historical information for a selected
Delaware Corporate Records and Business Registrations
Please see search charges in Other Charges section for details
Document Displays Full-text corporate and limited partnership records $41.00
* No delivery charges apply for documents displayed in a transactional
Dun & Bradstreet®
Please see search charges in Other Charges section for details
Comprehensive Business Information Report $466.00
Business Information Report (US - Domestic) $332.00
Business Information Report (Non-US)
Africa/Europe $447.00
Asia/Australia $447.00
Canada $332.00
Latin America $447.00
Experian Premier Profile Reports
Experian Business Credit Reports $282.00
Investext® Analyst Reports
Standard Reports PDF reports containing in-depth analysis on
companies and industries from 1600+ contributors
Premium Reports PDF reports from Thomson-exclusive contributors,
such as Barclays® and Credit Suisse
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Guides and Summaries
Devices, drugs, medical
Learn About Summary Documents
Drugs, medicine, devices, medical term links
Medical Journals
Neurosurgery, Medicine
Medical News Journals
Alternate Medicine Review, New England Journal of
Medicine, Applied Radiology, Clinical Medicine
High Resolution $383.00
Watermark Resolution $38.00
Drafting Assistant Cite Formatting
Drafting Assistant Insert Flags
Drafting Assistant Insert Links
Drafting Assistant Quote Right
Drafting Assistant Table of Authority Insert
Drafting Assistant Deal Proof (online)
Westlaw Edge is only available on a subscription basis. The charges below will be applied for cost recovery purposes. Standard search and result list charges apply.
Litigation Analytics
Litigation analytics derived from dockets and caselaw
providing insights on attorneys, law firms, judges, case
types and courts.
Statutes Compare/ Federal
Regulations Compare
Redlined comparison of historical and/or current
statutes or federal regulations within a given
Jurisdictional Surveys
Identify relevant laws on a specific topic with a custom
search optimized by our legal index taxonomy.
Quick Check Reports
Legal research report consisting of relevant case, brief,
and secondary source recommendations and KeyCite
warnings based on legal issues contained in an
uploaded document.
Alert Newsletter
$0.00 per newsletter
Capitol Watch Tracks
$8.00 per transaction
KeyCite® Alert Continuous
$15.00 per day per transaction
KeyCite Alert Daily
$8.00 per transaction
KeyCite Alert Other
$8.00 per transaction
Publication Alert
$0.00 per transaction
WestClip® Continuous
$5.00 per day per transaction
WestClip Other
$0.00 per transaction
Pricing Guidelines for Australian Plans
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Each document or form drafted using Westlaw® Doc and Form Builder incurs a transactional charge of $138.00 - $282.00
Docket searches are included in Thomson Reuters Westlaw subscription plans.
Docket Alerts $0.00 per transaction
Docket Tracks $8.00 per transaction
Court Wire Alerts Continuous $5.00 per day per alert
Docket Documents
Document Display
$38.00 per document
Document Display from Alert
$38.00 per document
Document Update
$3.00 - $12.00 per document
Docket Bankruptcy Creditor Update
$6.00 per document
Docket PDF
$6.00 per image
Docket PDF from Select State Counties
$40.00 per image
Los Angeles County (CA), Riverside County (CA), Sacramento County (CA) San
Bernardino County (CA), Harris County (TX)
Docket PDF from DE Court of Chancery, Court Wire PDF Complaint (Manually Retrieved) $282.00 per image
Court Wire Documents $38.00 per document
Westlaw Legal Calendaring
Court Calendar Information Update $3.00 per transaction
Court Calendar Tracking Service $8.00 per transaction
Calendar Integration Service $200 per transaction
Docket Summaries
Each docket summary document that is viewed incurs a charge of $158.00 for transactional billing sessions.
These charges are included or ancillary based on your Thomson Reuters Westlaw subscription plan.
Form Finder Easy Edit
Each document downloaded in Easy Edit incurs a charge of $38.00. Easy Edit charges are included in your
Thomson Reuters Westlaw subscription plan.
Form Finder Learn About
Each Learn About document that is viewed incurs a charge of $158.00 for transactional. Learn About charges are
included in your Thomson Reuters Westlaw subscription plan.
Image charges occur when you display images in PDF, JPEG, or other computer file formats.
50 State Survey PDF $282.00 per image
Briefs $282.00 per image
Courtroom Transcripts $282.00 per image
EDGAR Filings PDF $38.00 per image
Expert Witness Filings PDF $282.00 per image
Federal Register PDF $38.00 per image
GAO Federal Legislative History PDF $50.00 per image
Non-US Content PDF $38.00 per image
Patent $3.00 per image
Statutes at Large $38.00 per image
Trial Court Documents $282.00 per image
West Reporter PDF $60.00 per image
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Saving a document in a folder
There is no charge to save a document or text in a folder. Documents and text in a folder may be accessed at no
charge for 12 months after the initial chargeable view. In transactional billing sessions, the initial chargeable view
occurs the first time a document is viewed (in or out of the folder). Documents viewed in a folder after 12 months
will incur the applicable transactional display charge for the document.
Sharing folders within your organization
There is no charge to share a folder. Documents and text in a shared folder may be accessed at no charge for
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Sharing folders across organizations
There is no charge to share a folder with people outside an organization. Outside the organization, an initial
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following 12 months by anyone within an organization with which the folder is shared.
On Thomson Reuters Westlaw, there are three
broad categories of chargeable events:
Searching for documents
Viewing documents
Offline delivery of documents
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documents from content not included in your plan, standard charges apply and you will be billed at the applicable
rate for that content. Alerting (excluding continuous alerts) and delivery documents are included in your Thomson
Reuters Westlaw CORE subscription.
Under transactional billing, the monthly fee covers:
Searching for documents
Viewing documents from content included in your plan
Offline delivery of documents (printing or downloading)
Search Charges
Search charges for users who have selected transactional billing are included in Thomson Reuters Westlaw subscription plans. For cost
recovery purposes, a $256.00 search charge is incurred for running a search. These charges are listed on your invoice as included
charges. Exceptions are noted below.
The following search charges are excluded from Thomson Reuters Westlaw subscription plans, unless an applicable subscription is purchased:
Company Investigator Searches $158.00 per search
PeopleMap Searches $158.00 per search
Public Records Searches $38.00 per search
People/Company Records Mini Searches $38.00 per search
Delaware Corporate Records & Business Registrations $158.00 per search
Dun & Bradstreet $38.00 per search
Document Display
Each display of a document incurs a transactional charge. Charges vary by content category (see the standard charges
chart). The same rate applies, no matter how the document is accessed (e.g., retrieved by citation, accessed from a
search result list, or viewed from a KeyCite result list). Charges for viewing documents are included or excluded
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KeyCite charges are included in your Thomson Reuters Westlaw CORE subscription plan. Each citation checked in
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Inline KeyCite
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