NDC Global Outlook Report 2019
The Heat
is On
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
The Heat is On
The Heat Is On
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that
can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves
the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in nearly 170 countries and
territories, we oer global perspective and local insight to help empower
lives and build resilient nations.
On climate change, UNDP has the largest portfolio in the UN system and
works with over 140 countries around the world.
UN Climate Change
With 197 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty
of the 2015 Paris Climate Change Agreement. The main aim of the Paris
Agreement is to keep a global average temperature rise this century well
below 2 degrees Celsius and to drive eorts to limit the temperature in-
crease even further to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
The UNFCCC is also the parent treaty of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The
ultimate objective of all agreements under the UNFCCC is to stabilize
greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will
prevent dangerous human interference with the climate system, in a time
frame which allows ecosystems to adapt naturally and enables sustainable
Copyright © UNDP and UNFCCC
September 2019
All rights reserved
Cover photograph: Jonatan Pie
Author: Alister Doyle
Graphic Design: Peter Ørntoft
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Executive Summary
Key Findings
1 Vulnerable nations step up on ambition in 2020
2 Developed nations focus on longer-term carbon neutrality goals
3 Climate action inseparable from sustainable development
4 Critical NDC systems and architecture are moving into place – vital to action
5 Widening progress across society since Paris – bottlenecks remain
NDC Implementation Progress
Methodology Note
Abbreviations and acronyms
C Celsius
CO Carbon dioxide
GHG Greenhouse gas
IEA International Energy Agency
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
LTS Long-term strategy
NAP National Adaptation Plan
NDC Nationally Determined Contribution
SDG Sustainable Development Goals
UN United Nations
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Climate Change
V20 Vulnerable Twenty Group of Ministers of Finance
(of the Climate Vulnerable Forum)
The Heat is On
When the gavel sounded on 12 December
2015, ending the talks that ushered in the
adoption of the Paris Agreement, people
throughout the world rejoiced at the news
that governments had finally come up with
a solid plan to tackle climate change. The
Agreement was a multilateral success, per-
haps one of the greatest of the modern era.
Amid the celebrations, however, was the
realization that the hard work had only
just begun. While the Agreement pro-
vided a blueprint to address the climate
change crisis, it was clear that the road to
limiting global temperature rise to 1.5°Cel-
sius (C) or below would require unprece-
dented eorts by both governments and
businesses throughout the world.
The good news is that momentum has
been building since the adoption of
the Paris Agreement. Since then, more
and more key actors are aligning their
plans, policies and projections with the
At the same time, the impacts of climate
change have been growing; often with
terrifying results, ranging from wildfires,
droughts, flooding, and hurricanes to
sea-level rise, ocean acidification to the
melting of the permafrost.
The Paris Agreement also spurred scien-
tific research, giving us far greater clarity
on the magnitude of the threats that
we face. This includes a landmark 2018
report by the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change (IPCC) with an unequiv-
ocal message: a path exists to 1.5°C, but
the window for achieving it is declining
rapidly. Furthermore, we must reduce
global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
by 45 per cent by 2030 and achieve car-
bon neutrality by 2050.
The bottom line is that while momentum
exists, we need much more climate am-
bition. There is simply no time to waste.
Climate change is fast outpacing us and
needs an urgent response by all seg-
ments of society.
Boosting Nationally Determined Contri-
butions — or NDCs — by each nation is a
key part of that work. The UN Develop-
ment Programme (UNDP) and UN Climate
Change (UNFCCC) have been working
together since 2014 to support countries
in developing these NDCs, beginning with
the launch of a regional NDC dialogue
series that just completed its 22nd event
having engaged over 2,200 participants
from over 150 developing countries. The
report that follows, leveraging those
relationships and history, is the most de-
tailed review yet of momentum since the
Paris Agreement and is designed to both
inspire and inform the UN Climate Action
Summit in New York on 23 September.
The task ahead is daunting - the last
four years were the warmest on record
and GHGs from human activities are still
rising. The choices we make on ambition
in 2020, at the first five-year milestone of
the Paris Agreement, will profoundly af-
fect us and the planet we leave to future
generations. This report clearly demon-
strates that the majority of countries are
committed to combatting climate change
and making progress – even in the most
challenging of development contexts.
We have watched truly transformational
ideas evolve in the Climate Summit’s pre-
paratory working groups and are hearing
of country intentions to make bold state-
ments on ambition at the Summit itself.
We therefore choose to be optimistic that
leaders and corporations will respond to
the needs of our planet and, especially,
the youth of today.
The race against climate change is one
we can and must win. We encourage you
to use the information in this report both
as an indication of current trends and as
incentive for encouraging significantly
greater climate action by all segments of
society. UNDP and UNFCCC stand ready
to use our extensive and long-standing
climate action expertise, combined with
our global, regional and country presence
to make this happen.
Ms. Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary
UN Climate Change
Mr. Achim Steiner
UN Development Programme
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Overall, this report finds many
reasons for optimism, but
much work remains. Its clear
that business as usual simply
isnt good enough anymore. We
must do more – much more –
in areas related to mitigation,
adaptation, and the finance to
support all of this work. And
we must do it quickly.
Photo — Gitte Winter
The Heat is On
The Paris Agreement faces its first major
test in 2020 against the backdrop of
a worrying growth in greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions since the adoption of
the landmark agreement in 2015. Promis-
ing signs of ambition are emerging from
all corners of the globe, but far more is
needed to limit emissions and adapt to
the worsening impacts of climate change.
Most governments are currently pri-
oritizing one of two complementary
approaches for addressing climate
change in the lead-up to 2020. This is
according to a joint analysis by UNDP
and UNFCCC which took the world’s
pulse on ambition and provides the
most comprehensive review to date of
intentions for 2020. Some are revising
climate plans previously submitted
under the Paris Agreement that stretch
until 2025 or 2030, while others are
preparing longer-term strategies to
decarbonize their economies.
Developing nations are currently the
front-runners in preparations to revise
plans for combatting the climate crisis
over the next decade by 2020. At least
112 nations, representing 53 percent of
global GHG emissions, have signaled this
intent. Most global growth – in terms of
population, economies and urbanisation
– will take place in developing nations in
coming decades, making it vital for policy
makers to define cleaner pathways to limit
More industrialized nations, meanwhile,
are among the 53 countries currently
working on Long-Term Strategies (LTS) to
submit by the end of 2020 that describe
the phasing out of GHGs from their econ-
omies by the second half of the century.
These strategies include mapping out
radical shifts away from fossil fuels to
cleaner energies such as solar and wind
power – one step considered essential
for delivering on the goals of the Paris
Perhaps tellingly, more than 90 devel-
oping nations are also at various stages
of preparing National Adaptation Plans
(NAPs), which highlight climate risks and
promote resilient development by iden-
tifying adaptation strategies and invest-
ments that are critical for safeguarding
climate-vulnerable sectors and commu-
nities. Thirteen countries have already
formally submitted NAPs.
Climate action plans known as “National-
ly Determined Contributions” (NDCs) are
the backbone of the Paris Agreement.
Almost all parties - 184 out of 197 - have
already submitted their first plans, which
typically set goals to curb GHG emissions
by 2025 or 2030 and may also include
measures to make economies and pop-
ulations more resilient to the impacts of
climate change.
A key principle in the Paris Agreement is
that nations will toughen their NDCs every
five years to ratchet up the fight against
global warming. A first opportunity to do
so will be in 2020.
Of the 112 nations revising their climate
plans, 75 are leading by example. Almost
all of them are developing nations,
including many of the most vulnerable to
the impacts of climate change. They wish
to “enhance” the ambition of their current
plans – either by curbing GHG emissions,
or making their societies more resilient to
the worsening impacts of climate change,
or both. Collectively, they represent 37
percent of global GHG emissions.
The remaining 37 nations, representing
16 percent of global GHG emissions, in-
tend to “update” their existing plans with
new data, information and/or assump-
tions. Through this process, however,
opportunities for bolder action might
emerge – for example, renewable energy
technology costs have fallen dramatically
since 2015 and may now oer an opportu-
nity for ambition.
And there is ample opportunity for other
countries to step up ambition in the
weeks and months ahead because only
14 nations have indicated they do not in-
tend to revise their current plans. It is also
recognized that some nations had already
set themselves very ambitious goals in
2015 and therefore may find it harder
to do so again. Also, many developing
nations want to do more but need finance
to match their ambitions.
Significantly, the final outcome from 71
countries representing 21 percent of
global GHG emissions – including most
developed nations – is unclear. Forty-one
of these countries are still deciding how
they intend to approach their NDC revi-
sions and 10 did not provide any informa-
tion on their intentions. The remaining
20 countries intend to submit revised
NDCs but are still seeking the means to
do so. At a Group of 20 (G20) summit in
Japan in June 2019, leaders agreed that
“by 2020 we aim to communicate, update
or maintain our NDCs, taking into account
that further global eorts are needed.
This is important because the 2015 Paris
Agreement says developed countries
should “continue to take the lead with
economy-wide, absolute emission reduc-
tion targets.
While climate action has accelerated
since Paris, it still falls far short of an
unprecedented transformation needed to
limit impacts of climate change. Already
at record highs, GHG emissions are set
to keep rising in the coming decade on
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
current trends. So far, temperatures are
already up about 1.C from pre-indus-
trial times and the last four years were
the warmest on record – including July
2019, which was the hottest month of all.
And there are ever starker signs of harm
caused by climate change. Coral reefs are
dying, Arctic sea ice is shrinking, and sea
levels are rising, while droughts, floods,
and hurricanes grow more severe.
The Climate Action Summit in New York
City on 23 September, championed by
UN Secretary-General António Guterres,
therefore provides a key opportunity for
nations to announce bold new plans to
address climate change through miti-
gation and adaptation and build on the
gathering momentum. Guterres wants
governments to halt the rise in emissions
by 2020, and to come to the Summit with
pledges consistent with reducing global
GHG emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and
then to net zero by 2050 to get on track for
the 1.C Paris goal. He is urging countries
to halt subsidies for fossil fuels, to build no
coal-red power plants after 2020, and to
put a price on carbon emissions.
The existing NDCs set the world on track
for a rise in emissions of about 10.7 per-
cent above 2016 levels by 2030, accord-
ing to UNFCCC analysis. That is starkly
at odds with the UN Secretary-Gener-
al’s call for deep cuts. Among further
worrying trends, the International Energy
Agency (IEA) said that global energy-relat-
ed carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions grew
1.7 percent in 2018 from 2017, the highest
rate of growth since 2013. The IEA also
found that renewable energies around the
world only added as much net capacity in
2018 as they did in 2017, an unexpected
stalling after two decades of growth.
The most critical factor limiting raised
ambition in developing countries is ac-
cess to or availability of finance, accord-
ing to the joint UNDP/UNFCCC analysis.
Political will and engaged citizens are
also key. Global climate-related finance
flows increased by 17 percent in the
period 2015-2016, compared to 2013-
2014, reaching $681 billion in 2016. That
is still well short of the needs for a cleaner
and more sustainable future. And many
developing nations say their NDCs are
conditional on finance.
The Paris Agreement also invited coun-
tries, again by 2020, to describe long-
term plans to increase resilience and
achieve net-zero GHG emissions from
their economies in coming decades. So
far, 12 nations have shared the LTS for-
mally with the UNFCCC, including major
75 nations plan to "enhance" their
mitigation and/or adaptation eorts
37 nations plan to
"update" NDCs with
new information
For 71 nations, it is unclear how or
whether the NDCs will be revised
14 nations have no
plans to revise NDCs
Nations represent
16% of global
GHG emissions
Nations represent
37% of global
GHG emissions
Nations represent
21% of global
GHG emissions
Nations represent
26% of global
GHG emissions
The ladder of 2020 ambition
The Heat is On
UN Secretary General António Guterres
wants countries to come to the Climate
Action Summit with concrete plans to
combat climate change, which he calls
the defining issue of our time”.
I want to hear about how we
are going to stop the increase
in emissions by 2020, and
dramatically reduce emissions
to reach net-zero emissions
by mid-
Photo — Eric Bridiers
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
industrial emitters such as the US, Japan,
Germany, the United Kingdom, France,
Canada, and Mexico, as well as highly
vulnerable developing countries such as
Fiji and the Marshall Islands that seek to
promote ambition.
One promising signal is that 97 more
nations have indicated that they are also
planning for carbon neutrality. Fifty-three
countries, including many in the Group of
20, are currently preparing LTS, while 44
more have plans to do so. When coupled
with the 12 that have already completed
this task, these 109 nations cover 86
percent of global GHG emissions. About 19
of these nations, and othe 65 non-state ac-
tors that have registered 259 LTS-related
actions on the UNFCCC's NAZCA site, are
at the forefront on ambition because they
are taking the bold step to pursue net-zero
CO emissions even earlier than 2050.
The joint analysis also revealed that
governments increasingly recognise
that climate is inseparable from wider
societal goals to eradicate poverty
and hunger and reduce inequality
by 2030. Almost 90 countries plan to
make stronger links with sustainable
development in their revised climate
plans, while at least 67 countries intend
to include considerations about gender
equality and women’s empowerment
-- recognizing the vital roles that women
can play in combating the impacts of
climate change and helping to reduce
GHG emissions.
In another essential step to help unlock
ambition, developing country govern-
ments are making significant progress
to strengthen systems and put in place
the required NDC architecture needed
for successful implementation. Progress
includes mechanisms to improve coordi-
nation between ministries, improved regu-
latory and legal frameworks, mainstream-
ing of NDC target, and strengthened
systems for monitoring and reporting of
NDC progress. And around the world,
climate policies, traditionally overseen by
environment ministries, are getting higher
priority. They are now overseen by the
cabinet or the oce of the prime minister
or president in about one in three nations.
The top challenges identified for NDC
implementation were financing, reliable
information and data, and better linkages
between climate targets and existing poli-
cies, strategies, plans and budgets.
Since 2015, progress on climate action
has also been widening across soci-
ety to involve the private sector, cities,
regions, investors, civil society and other
stakeholders in finding solutions to
climate change. Lack of awareness about
climate change and unreliable data were
identified as the main bottlenecks for
mobilizing society identified in develop-
ing countries. However, a growing youth
climate movement that includes millions
of children in protests, inspired by teen
activists such as Greta Thunberg and
Jamie Margolin, is now adding pressure
for action in 2020 by demanding system
change from world leaders and more
accountability from carbon-intensive
industries. This key constituency, known
as “Generation Z”, will bear the brunt
of climate impacts. On current trends,
someone born today risks spending their
old age in a world that is 3°C warmer than
pre-industrial times – twice the toughest
ceiling of 1.5°C set by governments in
2015 in Paris.
For this reason, 2020 is emerging as a
critical year for galvanising support from
across all of society for bolder climate
action so that greater ambition is locked
in as quickly as possible. In order to
reach net-zero CO emissions by 2050,
decisions need to be taken and enacted
within the next two years.
The Heat is On
Climate test in 2020: the Paris Agreement
and the “ratchet mechanism”
The Paris Agreement aims to avert dan-
gerous climate change by rapidly phasing
out GHG emissions by the second half of
the century (to become “net zero”), while
promoting sustainable development and
poverty eradication. Carbon dioxide (CO)
from burning fossil fuels is the dominant
source of heat-trapping emissions.
The 197-member agreement, reached
at climate talks in Paris in December
2015, seeks to limit the rise in the world’s
average surface temperatures to “well
below” 2°C above pre-industrial times this
century, while “pursuing eorts” for 1.C.
It also sets a target of eliminating global
GHG emissions by the second half of the
century or at least compensating any
residual emissions through, for example,
forest growth.
The NDCs are the backbone of the Paris
Agreement. They describe each country’s
self-determined plans for curbing GHG
emissions, typically in five- or ten-year
periods (i.e., currently until 2025 or 2030).
Most also include plans to increase re-
silience to a world with more heatwaves,
floods, droughts, wildfires and more
powerful storms, or identify needs for
adapting to such impacts.
So far, 184 nations have submitted their
first NDCs and one, the Marshall Islands in
the Pacific, has prepared a second. Howev-
er, existing NDC pledges, while a depar-
ture from business-as-usual scenarios, set
the world on track for a further rise in GHG
emissions in GHGs of about 10.7 percent
by 2030, according to UNFCCC analysis.
China, the United States, the European
Union and India, account for just over half
of the world’s total GHG emissions.
A key principle in the Paris Agreement is
that no country should backslide on its
stated targets. All countries are expected
to submit increasingly ambitious NDCs
every five years, often described as a
“ratchet mechanism”. A first opportunity to
do so will be in 2020.
Given increasing risks from current
trajectories of temperature rise, the Paris
Agreement also aimed to strengthen the
global response on adaptation by defining
a global goal that would increase the abil-
ity of all to be climate resilient and adapt
to adverse impacts of climate change,
while also reducing vulnerabilities. While
adaptation has always been a priority
for developing countries, medium- and
long-term adaptation planning is increas-
ingly seen as key for preparing for future
climatic conditions.
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Photo — Bermuda Mike/flickr
Raising Ambition to Combat Rising Seas
The Marshall Islands, comprising 29 low-lying coral atolls in the Pacific
Ocean, was the first nation to issue a new NDC last year aimed at reducing
vulnerability to storms and sea level rise while cutting the use of fossil fuels.
The government says the nation accounts for a miniscule 0.00001 percent
of global emissions but wants to show leadership since it is so exposed
to storms, “king tides” and rising sea levels. In 2015, damage caused by
Typhoon Nangka cost the nation more than three percent of its GDP in a
single night.
The Marshall Islands plans to increase coastal defences and revise build-
ing codes to ensure new buildings are elevated.
The country “is at the front of the front line in the battle against climate
change, and its front line is its last line of defense,” it says in its 2050
low-carbon climate strategy.
The government also plans to generate more electricity from local, sustain-
able sources including wind, biofuels made from coconut oil and solar pan-
els floating on lagoons in a shift from imported diesel for its 53,000 citizens.
The updated NDC adds a 2035 goal for cutting GHG emissions by at least
58 percent below 2010 levels, deeper than previous targets for cuts by
2025 and 2030.
The Heat is On
Photo — Annie Spratt
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Greenhouse gas emissions
rise after Paris pause
GHG emissions from human activities
have risen to new record highs this cen-
tury. Global GHG emissions totalled 50.8
billion tonnes in 2016, up 48 percent since
1990, according to UNFCCC analysis.
Energy supply – everything from coal-
fired power plants to oil refineries – is the
biggest source of these GHGs, accounting
for 34 percent of emissions worldwide in
2016, ahead of industry (22 percent) and
transport (14 percent), UNFCCC data show.
In recent years, technology prices for so-
lar panels and wind energy have tumbled.
In many parts of the world, renewables
are now the lowest-cost source of new
power generation. Yet global energy-re-
lated CO emissions rose 1.7 percent in
2018, the strongest rise since 2013 amid
higher energy demand, according to the
IEA. The rise broke with a “Paris Pause”
from 2014-16 that had raised hopes that
a peak was approaching. And levels of
heat-trapping CO in the atmosphere
rose to 415 parts per million in May 2019,
higher than those observed in nature in at
least 800,000 years.
Public pressure for tougher action is
rising in many nations, especially among
young people who will inherit a warmer
planet. In many countries, all sectors of
society are getting involved – regional
governments, cities, investors, private
companies, civil society and others –
as they observe an already worsening
variety of impacts from climate change,
such as soil erosion, more crop diseases,
reduced water availability, hunger and
malnutrition, heat-related illnesses, wild-
fires, shifting fish stocks, losses of habitat
for wildlife and a melt of ice and snow
that is raising sea levels.
The Paris Agreement’s goals require
an emissions peak as soon as possible,
followed by sharp reductions. There-
fore, many see high ambition in 2020 as
fundamental if the world is to get on track
to 1.C. The UN Secretary-General has
called upon countries and the private
sector to take decisive actions to halt the
rise in GHG emissions by 2020, followed
by deep cuts.
Source: IPCC Special Report on Global Warming
of 1.5°C: On current trends, warming will reach
1.5°C above pre-industrial times between 2030
and 2052 (red dotted line). Staying below 1.5°C in
2100 (red/pink projection) will require cuts in GHG
emissions of 45 percent below 2010 levels by 2030
and to net zero by 2050.
Current warming rate
Observed warming
1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100
Climate uncertainty
for 1.5°C pathway
The Heat is On
At least 112 nations, representing 53
percent of global GHG emissions and in-
cluding many of the developing countries
that are the most vulnerable to climate
change, have indicated they intend to
revise their plans for fighting global
warming in 2020. Within this group, 75
countries, representing 37 percent of
global GHG emissions, are leading the
way with intentions to enhance ambition
in their next NDCs –either by curbing
GHG emissions, or including measures
to make societies more resilient to the
worsening impacts of climate change, or
both. In fact, two countries have already
complied with the deadline (the Marshall
Islands and Ecuador).
The countries have highlighted a range
of actions to rein in climate change,
from adjustments to existing projects
and programmes to sweeping plans and
policies to phase out net GHG emissions
by mid-century.
Encouraging signs of action to combat climate change surfaced from every part of the
globe as part of the evidence gathering for this report. Data and inputs from 197 par-
ties were synthesized to arrive at five key findings, outlined below. For information on
UNDP and UNFCCC’s approach, please refer to the methodology note (page 35).
Vulnerable nations step
up on ambition in 2020
Latin American &
Caribbean nations
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
No information
No plans
Overview of national plans for NDC updates,
by region and number of countries
African nations
Eastern European
Western European
& other nations
More than 40 least developed countries and small island developing states
are among those at the forefront of action to reduce GHG emissions by indi-
cating they will submit more ambitious NDCs. These nations, each accounting
for less than 0.1 percent GHG emissions, are facing disruption to water and
food supplies and rising sea levels, among others. Their objective is to lead
by example and demonstrate that ambition can come even from the poor and
most vulnerable.
The Heat is On
Chasing 1.5°C
Morocco has won international praise for its radical plans to help limit
global warming to the toughest goal in the Paris Agreement of 1.5°Ct
above pre-industrial times.
Among clean energy projects, the country has one of the world’s biggest
solar power plants on the northern edge of the Sahara Desert and is con-
necting wind farms to the grid to cut dependence on fossil fuels.
It is also taking strong steps to adapt to a warming climate - such as slow-
ing desertification by planting olive groves and orchards of argan trees,
whose oil is in high demand from the cosmetics and food industries.
In international rankings, Morocco was second, behind Sweden, in a
Climate Change Performance Index of almost 60 nations in 2019 com-
piled by Germanwatch, New Climate Institute and Climate Action Network
“The country has significantly increased the share of renewables over the
past five years and has increased new renewable energy capacity,” it said.
“The country is well on track for achieving its target of 42 percent installed
renewable energy capacities by 2020 and 52 percent by 2030.”
Morocco was also one of only two countries, with Gambia, to get the
top rating of “1.5 degrees Paris Agreement compatible” for its NDC in an
assessment of about 30 nations in the Climate Action Tracker, compiled
by European researchers.
The remaining 37 nations, representing
16 percent of global GHGs, intend to
“update” their existing plans. An update
may be to reflect latest scientific data or
trends in emissions, or to include deci-
sions from the last UN climate meeting in
Poland in 2018 where the detailed rules
of the Paris Agreement were agreed
such as how to improve transparency and
understanding. Through this process,
however, opportunities for bolder action
might emerge – for example, renewable
energy technology costs have fallen
dramatically since 2015 and may now be
more feasible to scale up.
There is a high likelihood that more
countries will step up as climate leaders
in the weeks and months ahead. Just 14
nations have signaled they have no plans
to submit revised climate plans. Signifi-
cantly, 41 countries – including most
developed nations – are still deciding on
how they intend to approach their NDC
revisions, while another 20 have plans to
revise NDCs and are seeking the means
to do so. No information on intentions
was provided by the remaining ten.
It is also recognized that some nations
had already set themselves very ambi-
tious goals in 2015 and therefore may
find it harder to do so again. Also, many
developing nations want to do more but
need finance to match their ambitions.
Enhancing the information basis for
Sector-specific pre-emptive adaptation
Integrating adaptation into strategies,
policies, plans and investments
Strengthening national institutions
and building institutional capacities
Contingency measures to facilitate
recovery from unavoidable impacts
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
More than 90 developing nations are also
at various stages in developing NAPs,
which are a key tool to better understand
the risks and options for adapting to cli-
mate change that threatens development
goals. Fiji, for instance, is relocating villag-
es from coasts that are vulnerable to ero-
sion - starting with Vunidogoloa in 2013.
Kenya aims to make agriculture, which
accounts for a quarter of its gross domes-
tic product, more resilient to droughts and
floods with measures such as rainwater
harvesting or drought-tolerant crops. So
far, 13 countries have completed NAPs:
Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile,
Colombia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Kenya, Saint
Lucia, Sri Lanka, State of Palestine, Sudan
and Togo.
Of the 75 countries leading on NDC ambition, almost three-quarters
have indicated their NDCs will include enhancements for adaptation.
The likely sectors and types of adaptation measures to be included in
enhanced NDCs in 2020 can be construed from existing adaptation reporting.
UNFCCC analysis of the adaptation components of intended NDCs (INDCs)
and NDCs revealed that the sectors of greatest concern in terms of vulnerabil-
ity are: water, agriculture, health, ecosystems and forestry, which were also
notable for their interconnectedness. Meanwhile, analysis of INDCs, NDCs,
NAPs, and 51 National Adaptation Programmes of Action (prepared by Least
Developed Countries) identified five main types of adaptation measures.
Types of adaptation measures reflected in national plans and programmes
NAP and NDC processes are being aligned to enhance NDCs. Benefits can
accrue from aligning NDC and NAP processes at any stage of NAP elaboration.
A newly-launched NAP process can be used to review and validate the NDC
adaptation priorities, while more advanced NAP technical studies can be used
to improve the quality of adaptation information in the NDC. Some countries
plan to use the NAP to enhance NDC adaptation goals and ambition.
Adaptation playing a key role in NDC
enhancement process
Photo — SGP Morocco and Moroccan Biodiversity & Livelihoods Association
The Heat is On
Europe’s “Green Deal
A “Green Deal for Europe” will be outlined in coming months as part of a
long-term plan to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050.
The 28-nation European Union has a goal in its NDC of cutting GHG emis-
sions by at least 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. The European
Parliament and some EU member states want a much tougher goal, of 55
percent by 2030.
“I want Europe to become the first climate-neutral continent in the world
by 2050,” the President-elect of the European Commission, Ursula von
der Leyen, said in a speech in July, expanding on Commission plans
issued in 2018.
She plans a “Green Deal for Europe” in her first 100 days in oce starting
on 1 November and said it could unlock $1 trillion in investment over the
next decade.
The EU’s GHG emissions were down 22 percent from 1990 levels in 2017
at 4.3 billion tonnes, even while the economy grew by 58% over the same
period, out-performing a 2020 goal of a cut of 20 percent during the peri-
od. The pace of reductions has slowed in recent years and emissions rose
0.6 percent in 2017, driven up by industry and transport.
Photo — Daniel Sessler
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Many developed economies are mapping
out long-term plans to eliminate GHGs
by 2050, even as they have yet to clarify
plans for shorter-term NDC revisions.
UN Secretary-General Guterres recently
wrote to all governments asking them to
outline how they plan to reach net zero
emissions by 2050. Such “Long-Term
Strategies” (LTS) provide in most cases
a vision for a net-zero carbon society to
guide policies and spur both innovation
and investments in clean technologies to
keep the planet safe. They are of spe-
cial interest to young people and future
generations who will be at risk living in
an ever-hotter world with more extreme
weather patterns.
For example, the United Kingdom set a
legal goal in June 2019 of eradicating
its net contribution to climate change by
2050, the first Group of Seven economy
to do so. New Zealand also aims for net
zero by 2050. “Climate change is not just
an environmental issue, it has social and
economic implications too, and shifting
to a low emission economy presents new
opportunities for innovation, the govern-
ment says.
The LTS can also complement and pro-
vide key insights for NDCs, which primari-
ly focus on policies and actions until 2025
or 2030. Conventional coal-fired power
plants, for instance, can stay in operation
for more than 40 years but a new one built
today risks becoming obsolete before
2050 under most scenarios for limiting
global warming to 1.5°C. The shorter-term
NDCs can then be stepping stones to
achieve these mid-century goals.
So far, 12 countries have submitted LTS to
the UNFCCC since 2016 – Canada, Ger-
many, Mexico, the United States, Benin,
France, Czech Republic, United Kingdom,
Ukraine, Marshall Islands, Fiji and Japan.
A promising signal is that 97 more nations
have indicated that they are also plan-
ning for carbon neutrality. Fifty-three
countries, including many in the Group of
20, are currently preparing LTS, while 44
more have plans to do so. Coupled with
the 12 nations that have already submitted,
these countries represent 86 percent of
global GHG emissions. Thirty-one coun-
tries indicated they did not have plans to
prepare LTS, while information was not
available for the remaining 58.
About 19 of these countries, and over
200 non-state actors, are at the forefront
of ambition for pursuing plans for achiev-
ing net-zero CO emissions by 2050 or
earlier. These numbers are increasing.
Developed nations focus on longer-
term carbon neutrality goals
Countries see value in integrating LTS within long-term development plan-
ning. The survey found that 45% of LTS being prepared or planned comprised
of integrating the LTS into long-term development strategies or visions. The
other types of LTS in preparation were economy-wide (20%), sector-specific
(19%) or other (16%).
The Heat is On
Overview of country progress on
long-term strategy development
G20 countries
Rest of World
For 57 nations, including one in the G20, inten-
tions for Long-Term Strategies are unclear.
53 nations are
developing Long-
Term Strategies
12 nations
have submitted Long-
Term Strategies to
Photo — Jason Blackeye
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
31 nations have
no plans to develop
Long-Term Strategies
44 nations indicate
they plan to develop
Long Term Strategies
The Heat is On
Governments increasingly recognize
that action to address climate change is
inseparable from delivering the Sus-
tainable Development Goals (SDGs) to
eradicate poverty and hunger and reduce
inequality, according to the joint analysis.
Climate change is already disrupting na-
tional economies and aecting lives, with
a disproportionate impact on the poor,
and prioritising adaptation to climate
change is increasingly seen as critical for
resilient sustainable development.
Integration of climate and development
policies can help raise ambition and is
vital to safeguard climate-vulnerable sec-
tors such as water supplies, agriculture,
and public health, as well as to articulate
specific actions to empower and support
women, youth and other constituencies
that are vulnerable to climate change. A
growing number of countries, including
Nepal, Guyana and Lebanon, are breaking
down silos and taking steps to treat the
climate and development agendas as one.
Creating stronger links with SDGs, as
well as alignment with development and
sectoral plans and targets, was the sec-
ond most important reason for planned
revisions to NDCs, cited by 88 govern-
ments. Only strengthening of underlying
data and evidence (92 nations) ranked
higher. And 67 nations intend to incorpo-
rate considerations about gender equali-
ty and women’s empowerment into their
revised plans – recognizing the vital roles
that women can play in combating the
impacts of climate change and helping to
reduce GHG emissions.
Tighter links with development goals can
also reinforce action to eliminate poverty
and hunger. Ghana’s current NDC, for
instance, focuses on sustainable land
use including food security, reinforcing
infrastructure such as bridges or roads to
resist flooding or landslides, and equita-
ble social development.
Climate action inseparable from
sustainable development
Main objectives for
revising NDC
Include monitoring plan for NDC
Integrate gender considerations
Create stronger link to SDGs and align NDC
with development/sectoral plans and targets
Add new sector(s) not considered in first NDC
Strengthen data and evidence
Raise ambition or specificity of adaption targets
Raise ambition of mitigation targets
Update timeframe from 2025 to 2030
Women in developing
nations are on the front
line of climate change
because they often have the brunt
of fetching fuelwood and water,
cooking, and running small farms.
First-hand knowledge also makes
them suitable as leaders. Integrat-
ing gender considerations into
NDC planning was mentioned of-
ten by countries. Kenya has includ-
ed a gender equality approach to
climate technologies and innova-
tion in the private sector, targeting
women and youth to support them
to commercialize clean technology
Source: UNDP 2019 NDC survey
in 133 countries
A key lesson learned from the INDC
process is that participation is
needed to create ownership. Most
governments are including more
extensive outreach and engagement
plans for the NDC revision.
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Successful NDC implementation will
require countries to put in place many key
systems and building blocks. Developed
countries already have many core com-
ponents of the NDC architecture in place
because of their more stringent reporting
requirements under the 1992 Climate Con-
vention. But the Paris Agreement reflects
the first time that all nations are setting
targets. While many developing nations
have begun to make progress on more
systematic processes such as biennial up-
date reports, it will inevitably take time to
create laws and policies, mainstream NDC
targets, mandate institutional coordination,
improve regulatory and legal frameworks,
and establish financial mechanisms for
climate priorities.
Developing countries have made sig-
nificant progress over the 18 months in
putting in place the key architectural
components and systems needed to
advance NDC implementation, which will
be vital to encouraging bolder climate
Critical NDC systems and architecture
are moving into place – vital to action
NDC implementation progress from March 2018 to August 2019
Done in 2018
Done in 2019
In preparation
NDC financing strategy/plan in place
Reviewing progress and revising strategies
25 43
Mobilized financial resources for NDCs
Aligning budgets, assessing investment, mobilizing resources
89 18
Completed NDC implementation plan or strategy
Undertaking consultation on first NDC implementation
56 43
Adaptation measures under implementation
Mitigation measures under implementation
Developing first NDC implementation plan
Institutional coordination mechanism in place
Designing institutional arrangements and coordination mechanisms
97 7
MRV or monitoring systems in place
Designing monitoring and reporting systems
Source: EOSG's 2018 NDC survey in 104 countries
and UNDP's 2019 NDC survey in 133 countries
The Heat is On
Since 2015, the private sector, cities,
regions, investors, civil society and other
stakeholders have all become more
involved in solutions to climate change.
However, far more action is needed if
we are to achieve the 1.5°C goal. Report-
ed bottlenecks to NDC implementation
include challenges of assessing the
costs of dierent options and accessing
finance, limited institutional capacity or
lack of engagement by key ministries,
limited access to reliable data, and lack of
political will.
However, governments also highlighted a
variety of ways in which these barriers are
being overcome, such as strengthened
policy and regulatory frameworks, more
structured processes for engaging the pri-
vate sector and citizens, and mainstream-
ing of NDC targets into plans, policies,
and budgets.
Developing nations indicate that a lack
of access to finance is the biggest single
hurdle to raising ambition. Global total
climate related finance flows, ranging
from private sector investments in solar or
wind energy to investments in defences
against river flooding, totaled $681 billion
in 2016, rising 17 percent in 2015-16 com-
pared to 2013-14.
In 2009, developed nations pledged to
mobilise $100 billion in climate finance
each year for developing countries by
2020, from both public and private sourc-
es. That level will be a floor in the future
under the Paris Agreement, but is only a
fraction of total investment needed.
Pathways limiting global warming to 1.5°C
are projected to involve annual average
investment needs of around $2.4 trillion
in the energy system alone between
2016 and 2035, representing about
2.5 percent of the world’s Gross Domes-
tic Product (GDP), the IPCC says. Most
studies indicate that those costs will be
dwarfed by benefits, ranging from more
jobs in clean energy to less air pollution
and more stable water and food supplies.
Widening progress across society
since Paris bottlenecks remain
Top bottlenecks reported for NDC implementation,
raising ambition, and mobilising society
Photo — Markus Spiske
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Barriers to accelerating
NDC implementation
Access to reliable
information and data
Barriers to raising
Barriers to
mobilizing society
Linking NDC targets to
existing policies, strategies,
plans and budgets
Access and availability
of funding
Access and availability
of sucient funding
Political will
Awareness raising and
understanding of key
Source: UNDP 2019 NDC survey in 133 countries
The Heat is On
NDC implementation
Significant progress on NDC “building blocks”
The five-year cycles of the NDC will require
countries to have in place systems, pro-
cesses and tools to support the phases of
design/review, implementation, monitoring,
and revisions, in an ecient and trans-
parent manner. UNDP defined seven key
elements as essential for this purpose,
derived from experience in supporting
countries on NDCs.
and stakeholder
NDC targets
NDC financial
investment plan
for NDC
NDC mitigation
and adaptation
actions under
reporting and
Source: all data presented in this section is based
on the UNDP 2019 NDC survey in 133 countries
Finalised but not yet endorsed Yes In preparation No
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Institutional coordination
and stakeholder engagement
Establishment of a mechanism or designated en-
tity to coordinate NDC planning, implementation
and monitoring, helps to eectively implement
NDCs, especially for coordination across sectors,
institutions and various stakeholder groups.
Almost 90 percent of countries surveyed have
a “coordination mechanism” in place to guide
NDC implementation. Eighty percent of coun-
tries also have mechanisms in place to coordi-
nate and engage other parts of society - beyond
government, including the private sector,
research institutions and civil society. Climate
policies, traditionally overseen by environment
ministries which often have limited power, are
now getting higher priority. In a third of countries,
these policies are now run by the oce of the
Prime Minister or President, or by the full cabinet
or council of ministers. The survey showed that
the involvement of other key Ministries including
Planning and Finance is critical to gain traction
and ensure the eective inclusion of NDC targets
in national planning and budgeting.
NDC Implementation Plan
NDC implementation plans or roadmaps de-
scribe the process for delivering the targets of
the NDC. Most countries have used the process
of developing these plans to negotiate with key
sector actors and define and prioritise policies
and measures to meet the targets and agree on
roles and responsibilities.
Most countries (80 percent) are pursuing strate-
gies to implement NDC priorities. Nearly half of
those have already finalized a strategy.
NDC targets mainstreamed
For developing countries, the Paris Agreement is
the first time that most will have targets. Lengthy
awareness-raising and negotiations with key
sectors and stakeholders have been essential –
even after the NDCs were validated. Almost all
countries say they have or are in the process of
“mainstreaming” their NDC targets, integrating
them into national climate change policies, strat-
egies, budgets and laws. So far, NDCs are main-
streamed mainly in the energy sector, followed
by agriculture, water, forestry, and transport.
There is less progress on ensuring that NDCs are
part of budgets, especially at regional levels, and
in regional development planning. This suggests
that governments have not yet considered how to
fund a long-term shift to net-zero carbon and have
not suciently engaged sub-national actors.
Yes In preparation No
National climate change
Sectoral budgets
Sectoral development plans
Sub-national budgets
Sub-national development
National budgets
National development plans
Mainstreaming of NDC target into
Latin America
Eastern Europe
Arab States
NDC implementation strategy in place
In preparation
Percentage of countries with
coordination mechanism in place
Cabinet or Council of Ministers
Ministry of Environment, NRM, SD
Ministry of Finance or Economy
Ministry of Foreign Aairs
President or PM oce
Where coordination sits
Percentage of countries
The Heat is On
Planting Trees for a Green Legacy
Ethiopia says it planted more than 350 million tree seedlings on 29 July
2019, in what the government reckons was a one-day world record in a
broader campaign to promote sustainable development and slow down
climate change.
Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s oce says the country’s broad “Green
Legacy” project seeks “to raise the public’s awareness about Ethiopia’s
frightening environmental degradation”. Children, government workers
and many others took part in the mass nationwide planting.
Trees soak up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as they grow, helping
to reduce global warming while bringing other benefits such as protect-
ing biodiversity. The important role of land use and forests is therefore
recognized in many NDCs and is an opportunity for enhancing ambition.
Ethiopia’s forests shrank from 15.1 million hectares in 1990 to 12.5 million
in 2015, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization says. Ethiopia’s NDC
includes a goal of expanding forest cover by more than seven million
hectares by 2030, a key nature-based solution captured in many NDCs.
The country has been among the most prominent on climate change
among the least developed countries.
A Climate Action Tracker, compiled by European researchers, ranks
Ethiopia among only a few countries whose policies are compatible with
limiting global warming to 2°C. Ethiopia was also a founding member of
the Vulnerable 20 (V20) group, which represents developing nations
most at risk from climate change.
Photo — Clay Knight
Yes Pipeline No
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
NDC financial strategy/
investment plan
The financing strategy (plan or frame-
work) describes how NDC targets and
associated actions will be funded. This
could include identification of sources of
financing, strategies for accessing those
sources, or definition of specific projects
or pipeline for investment.
A majority of countries (53 percent)
already have (20 percent) or are design-
ing (33 percent) a financial strategy or
investment plan to mobilise finance to
implement their NDCs. Such strategies in-
clude identifying sources of finance - such
as taxes on fossil fuels or foreign grants
or loans - and to define a list of projects
for investment. However, the remaining 47
percent have no such instruments in place.
Finance mobilized for NDC
Most countries surveyed had mobilized
funds for NDC implementation, primarily
international grant financing or domestic
public funds. Fewer than 30 percent have
mobilized funds from international loans
or domestic private sources. And fewer
than 10 percent have had access to inter-
national private finance.
Countries with a finance strategy have
more often managed to mobilise domestic
public funding for their NDCs. And coun-
tries with a finance strategy also clearly
benefit in mobilization of international
grants - of 16 nations with finance strate-
gies in place, 14 have managed to secure
international grants.
NDC mitigation and
adaptation actions under
Almost 90 percent of countries are
already acting to curb GHG emissions,
mainly focused on renewable energy.
Also, most are acting to adapt their econ-
omies to the eects of climate change,
mainly in agriculture or by managing
forests and other ecosystems.
Having a finance strategy appears to
boost action - all countries except one
with a finance strategy have started
actions to reduce emissions. There are
some apparent mismatches - countries
say the most vulnerable sectors are water,
agriculture and public health yet only four
percent of actions to cope with climate
change go to the health sector.
In preparation
Status of NDC financing strategy
Percentage of countries
Percentage of countries that have already
mobilized finance to support NDC
implementation, specified by type of source
Int'l private finance
Int'l public loans,
concessional finance
Int'l public grant finance
Domestic private finance
Domestic public finance
Percentage of countries with mitigation
actions under implementation
Percentage of countries with adaptation
actions under implementation
The Heat is On
Measuring, reporting and
verification (MRV) system
MRV systems monitor progress on NDCs,
both in terms of GHG emissions trends,
impacts and adaptation, financial or other
type of support provided, or NDC prog-
ress as a whole. Systems might monitor
economy-wide progress or by sector.
Almost all countries indicated they have a
reporting system in place, or are prepar-
ing one, mainly for GHG emissions, which
have been mostly commonly reported
by developing countries under the 1992
climate Convention.. Many countries are
also setting up an MRV system specifically
to track the progress of their NDCs. Under
the Paris Agreement, countries are due to
have a first “global stocktake” in 2023 to
assess progress towards the goal of keep-
ing temperatures low - assessing progress
will be impossible without MRV systems.
Number of countries with MRV
systems in place, by type
Sectoral MRV systems (e.g.
transport, residential buildings)
Financial or other support provided
Climate change impacts and
NDC progress
National GHG emissions
100 120806040200
Yes In preparation No
The Winds of Change
The energy-rich Central Asian nation of Kazakhstan is switching to solar
and wind power as part of its long-term vision to generate half of its
electricity from alternative energies by 2050, cutting its dependence on
fossil fuels.
Almost 90 percent of electricity currently comes from coal and natural
gas; the remainder from hydropower.
A green economy plan adopted in 2013 set intermediate goals to raise
the share of solar and wind in power generation – three percent by 2020
and 10 percent by 2030. By 2017, solar and wind had reached one percent
penetration, the government said in its most recent report to the UN.
Kazakhstan’s NDC builds upon this ambitious national strategy for
economic transformation that is centered on sustainable development,
greater foreign investment, and a push for renewable energy. To enable
its implementation, Kazakhstan was the first country in Central Asia to
launch a National Emissions Trading System in 2013 to regulate domestic
CO2 emissions and promote a low-carbon economy. The government
has also adopted an advanced platform for measurement, reporting and
verification of greenhouse gas emissions.
More recently, the government began incentives for energy eciency.
Kazakhstan is among the world’s top 10 countries with the highest ener-
gy consumption per unit of GDP.
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Photo — United Nations Development Programme in Europe and CIS/flickr
The Heat is On
Finance Strategy
Financing strategy
Existence of gov-
ernment and broad
stakeholder coordi-
nation mechanism
Inter-ministerial coordi-
nation and stakeholder
engagement mecha-
nisms both in place
One mechanism in
No mechanisms in
place, or in prepara-
No response
Note *
In preparation
No response
In preparation
No response
Mainstreamed in both plan and budget
Mainstreamed in either plan or budget
Not mainstreamed
No response
Strategy for NDC
National develop-
ment plans and
Sectoral plans
and budgets
plans and bud-
Mainstreaming of NDC targets
2020 ready?
A global snapshot of how well-advanced countries are in establishing key systems and
architecture for successful NDC implementation. Note: A country may be advanced on some
buildling blocks but lagging on others.
* 20 countries did not respond to the survey question on coordination mechanisms due to a technical issue.
77 56 31 32 13 25
4 4
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
MRV system in
No response
Covers MRV of GHG
emissions, NDC prog-
ress & support
Covers 1 or 2 cate-
No system in place
No response
No response
Finance mobilisation
Finance mobil-
ised from public
Finance mobil-
ised from private
Implementation of Actions
of mitigation ac-
tions underway
of adaptation ac-
tions underway
89 31
4 4
The Heat is On
Closing coal
Chile announced plans in June 2019 to close eight coal-fired power
plants in the next five years and set a long-term goal to become carbon
neutral by 2050. Chile, which will host this year’s international climate
negotiations in December on implementing the Paris Agreement, said
the closures represent 19 percent of the nation’s coal-fired installed
generation capacity.
The government aims to shut down all remaining coal-fired power plants
by 2040 and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, meaning that Chile’s
forests will soak up as much CO as they grow as is emitted by human
Chile’s national power grid now has 28 coal-fired power plants, account-
ing for almost 40 percent of electricity generation and emitting
26 percent of the country’s GHGs. Enel Chile, one of the companies
most aected by the first wave of closures, said it would relocate work-
ers but planned no layos. The company said it would focus even more
on renewable energies including solar, wind and geothermal power.
Chile is one of few countries with an emissions tax, of $5 per tonne of
CO, applied to thermoelectric power plants above 25MW. The tax,
along with abundant sunshine, helps solar energy generation and pri-
vate engagement in NDC implementation.
Photo — Victorddt/flickr
Taking Stock of Global Climate Ambition
Methodology note and definition of terms
The purpose of this Report is to provide an overall snapshot of mo-
mentum with respect to the direction of overall climate ambition. The
intention is not to provide individual analysis or comment on the work
of any one nation.
This report is based on UNFCCC analysis and outreach that gathered
information from 197 Parties, including from 184 NDCs, 44 annual GHG
inventory reports, 13 NAPs, 51 NAPAs, the biennial update reports of
46 Parties and the latest biennial reports and national communications,
and on the results of a UNDP survey on NDC implementation and 2020
intentions that was conducted from May to August 2019 . The survey
was disseminated to 197 parties and 133 responses were received from
government focal points on climate change. The survey was confidential.
Survey responses regarding 2020 intentions were verified and cross-ref-
erenced against similar tracking eorts of the UNFCCC. They were
further validated against information compiled by the NDC Partnership
and the government of the UK.
Four primary responses were identified in a review of country intentions
for the communication of NDCs in 2020 and the following terms and
definitions were applied for classification purposes:
Will enhance ambition: Information indicates that the country is en-
gaged in an exercise of identifying opportunities to enhance ambition
of either mitigation targets, adaptation targets, or both, as self-defined
by the country, or believes it has already communicated a more ambi-
tious new or updated NDC;
Will update: Information indicates that the country is engaged in an
exercise of updating information in its NDC but there are no activities
that imply they intend to enhance ambition on mitigation or adapta-
tion. Updates could include, for example, revising underlying data and
assumptions, incorporating latest trends of sectoral action, incorporat-
ing Katowice decisions, and others;
– Unclear: Information available does not allow a country’s intentions
to be clearly predicted, although the underlying reasons differ. In
some cases, the country is willing to revise its NDC but either the pro-
cess has not yet started and/or support does not appear to be current-
ly available and so it is unclear if a revised NDC will be communicated.
In other cases, information received is either conflicting or it indicates
that the country is still undergoing a decision-making process. Finally,
in select cases, no substantiated information was available;
Will not revise: Information indicates that the country does not plan to
update or communicate a new NDC.
In the case of Long-Term Strategies, two primary classifications were
used for 2020 intentions:
Intends to communicate: Refers to countries that have indicated an
interest in communicating an LTS, but have not yet started the process
either due to ongoing internal discussions or because they are seek-
ing support;
Preparing to communicate: Refers to countries in the process of de-
fining LTS for submission.
United Nations Development Programme
1 UN Plaza
New York, NY 10017
UNFCCC Secretariat
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D-53153 Bonn
The Heat is On