know before you go
ii 1
Introduction – Heading overseas? 1
Before you go 2
Departing Australia 3
Aviation security 3
Departing by sea 4
Departing by yacht or pleasure craft 4
Arriving in Australia 5
Arriving by sea 7
Arriving by yacht or pleasure craft 8
Prohibited and restricted goods 9
What do I have to declare to
Customs and Border Protection? 10
Duty-free concessions 15
Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS) 17
Where can I get more information? 19
Complaints and Compliments 21
ii 1
Introduction –
Heading overseas?
Are you one of more than 29 million travellers getting
ready to pass through an Australian international
airport or seaport this year?
If you are, this guide will help you prepare for your
trip and give you an idea of what to expect when you
pass through Customs and Border Protection at an
international airport or seaport. Customs and Border
Protection officers play an important role in protecting
Australia’s borders from the entry of illegal and harmful
goods and unauthorised people.
check passports as you arrive and depart Australia
check arriving and departing travellers’ documents
question and search arriving travellers and their
baggage for prohibited or restricted goods
search aircraft for prohibited or restricted goods
seize prohibited or restricted goods
patrol the tarmac and baggage handling areas to
detect and deter criminal activity
use Labrador detector dogs to search people’s
baggage for drugs and other prohibited or
restricted goods
collect duty and tax on imported goods.
Customs and Border Protection uses a range of
technology and techniques to detect illegal activities
with minimal impact on passengers in airports and
seaports including closed circuit television and
surveillance monitoring.
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
(DAFF Biosecurity) also operates at airports and
seaports. You will need to be cleared by DAFF
Biosecurity officers when you arrive in Australia. DAFF
Biosecurity officers also work at airports and seaports
to ensure you are not carrying any items of biosecurity
concern that may put at risk Australia’s agricultural
industry and environment.
2 3
Before you go
1. Make sure you visit www.smartraveller.gov.au
before you travel. The site has tips to make
your overseas trip easier.
2. Read this guide to make sure that you aren’t
carrying any prohibited or restricted goods.
3. If you will be carrying medicine for personal
use, refer to page 12 of this guide.
4. Check with your doctor and find out if you
need to get a Yellow Fever vaccination
certification before entering Australia.
5. Understand personal duty-free concessions
you are entitled to in Australia and your
overseas destination. For more information
refer to page 15.
6. It is sensible to lock your carry-on and
checked luggage.
2 3
Departing Australia
When departing Australia you need to present your
passport, completed Outgoing Passenger Card and
boarding pass to a Customs and Border Protection
officer. You will also need to go through an airport
security screening point.
Aviation security
There are aviation security restrictions on items that
you can have in your carry-on luggage when you
travel in and out of Australia. The restrictions include
weapons, explosives, sharp objects and tools, some
sporting goods and liquids, aerosols and gels (LAGs)
products. For more information about the restrictions
on weapons, LAGs or other prohibited items visit
Get to the airport early to allow plenty of time to
check-in with your airline, fill in relevant forms,
clear Customs and Border Protection and
security and process any Tourist Refund Scheme
(TRS) claims.
If you have expensive personal items like
computers or cameras that you’re taking with
you that:
1. you intend to bring back to Australia
2. you are not claiming a TRS refund, and
3. are not duty-free goods, then you can register
them on the Goods Exported in Passenger
Baggage form.
Goods must be inspected by an officer in the
Customs and Border Protection office at the
departure point.
The form (B263) is available on our website
www.customs.gov.au/site/page4288.asp or from
any Customs and Border Protection office. Once
registered, you do not need to declare these
goods to Customs and Border Protection on
return. Keep your completed form handy to show
Customs and Border Protection when you come
back to Australia.
4 5
Departing by sea
If you are departing Australia by sea, you will be
cleared at the port before you join the ship. You
will need to present your passport and Outgoing
Passenger Card to Customs and Border Protection for
outwards clearance at the location and time advised
by the ship.
Departing by yacht or
pleasure craft
There are specific customs requirements
for departing Australia by yacht or
pleasure craft. For more information visit
Your Outgoing Passenger Card is a legal document. There
are penalties for not filling in your Outgoing Passenger
Card properly and for making a false declaration.
4 5
Arriving in Australia
All arriving passengers must complete an Incoming
Passenger Card.
If you hold an Australian or New Zealand ePassport
and are aged 16 years or over, you are eligible to
use SmartGate when arriving at Australian airports.
SmartGate allows you to self-process through
passport control using ePassport data and facial
recognition technology.
All other travellers must present their passport and
completed Incoming Passenger Card to a Customs
and Border Protection officer on arrival before
collecting their baggage.
All travellers must then proceed to the Customs and
Border Protection and DAFF Biosecurity checkpoints
and follow the directions of Customs and Border
Protection or DAFF Biosecurity officers.
Your baggage may be x-rayed or examined by
Customs and Border Protection or DAFF Biosecurity
officers who work together to detect prohibited,
restricted or dutiable goods and risk items such as
animal and plant material. You may be questioned by
officers and have your bags inspected.
In the passenger hall you may see Customs and
Border Protection and DAFF Biosecurity using detector
dogs to search for drugs and other prohibited or
restricted goods.
6 7
If you are caught carrying undeclared, prohibited or
restricted goods, you could be fined or prosecuted.
For more information about your arrival into Australia
visit www.customs.gov.au/site/page4351.asp
Complete your Incoming Passenger Card while
you are on the aircraft – this will save you time
when you land.
Have your passport and completed Incoming
Passenger Card ready to give to a Customs and
Border Protection officer at all times.
Declare on your Incoming Passenger Card all
drugs, steroids and high dependency prescription
medicines which may be subject to misuse, food,
plant and animal products or other goods as listed
in the restricted goods section of this guide.
Make sure you know Customs and Border
Protection’s duty-free concessions before you
go shopping. See page 15 for further details.
6 7
Arriving by sea
When you reach your port of arrival into Australia,
you need to present your passport and completed
Incoming Passenger Card to Customs and Border
Protection. When permanently leaving the ship, at
either the first or subsequent ports, you need to
present your baggage and Incoming Passenger Card
to Customs and Border Protection for clearance.
You will also need to be cleared by DAFF Biosecurity
to ensure you are not carrying any items of
biosecurity concern.
In some cases Customs and Border Protection officers
may check your passport and Incoming Passenger
Card on board the vessel before arrival in an
Australian port.
8 9
Arriving by yacht or
pleasure craft
There are specific customs requirements
for arriving in Australia on a yacht or other
pleasure craft. For more information visit
Your Incoming Passenger Card is a legal document. There
are penalties for not filling in your Incoming Passenger
Card properly and for making a false declaration.
Mobile phones, cameras, video cameras and
recording devices must not be used in Customs
and Border Protection controlled areas at airports
and seaports. If you are on the phone, you will be
asked to terminate your call until you have cleared
Customs and Border Protection. Customs and
Border Protection can, and will, ask you to delete
any photos or film recorded if you are caught
taking photos or recording in Customs and Border
Protection controlled areas.
8 9
Prohibited and
restricted goods
It is illegal to carry drugs including cannabis, heroin,
cocaine and amphetamines in and out of Australia.
Other goods may be restricted. You will need a permit
to carry these goods in and out of Australia.
See page 12 for a summary on what you can and
can’t carry and what you need to declare on your
Incoming and Outgoing Passenger Cards. There are
penalties for not declaring prohibited and restricted
goods and for making false declarations on your
Incoming or Outgoing Passenger Card.
Contact Australian Customs and Border Protection
Service or the embassy, high commission or consulate
of the countries you’re visiting before you travel for
more advice about importing or exporting prohibited
and restricted goods.
Counterfeit and Pirated Goods
(DVDs, Music, Handbags,
Clothing and Apparel etc.)
Buying counterfeit or pirated items supports an
illegal trade that could involve serious criminal
activity. Items may be seized by Customs and Border
Protection and you may be subject to civil litigation or
criminal prosecution.
10 11
What do I have to
declare to Customs and
Border Protection?
Firearms, weapons and ammunition
You must declare all weapons, firearms and
ammunition and their components, including imitation
firearms and soft air (BB) firearms that discharge a
plastic pellet by means of compressed air which are
commonly purchased as “toy guns”. Other weapons
such as paintball markers, blowpipes, all knives,
nunchakus, slingshots, crossbows, electric shock
devices, laser pointers, body armour, batons, pepper
sprays, knuckle dusters and parts and accessories
for use with firearms and weapons must also be
declared. Some of these items may require permission
to be imported, and may be subject to other import
requirements such as unique serial numbers and
safety testing.
Please note: The maximum penalty for importing firearms,
weapons and related goods without import approval is a
penalty not exceeding $275,000, imprisonment for
10 years, or both.
10 11
Performance and image
enhancing drugs
All performance and image enhancing drugs must
be declared on arrival. These include human growth
hormones, DHEA, and all anabolic and androgenic
steroids. These items cannot be imported into
Australia without a permit.
There is no limit on the amount of currency you can
bring in or take out of Australia. However, you must
declare amounts of A$10,000 or more in Australian
currency or foreign equivalent. You must also disclose
any promissory notes, traveller’s cheques, personal
cheques, money orders, postal orders or other
bearer negotiable instruments, regardless of value, if
requested by a Customs and Border Protection officer
or police officer.
Illegal pornography
Illegal pornography is controlled on import and export.
This includes publications and any media which
depicts child pornography, bestiality, and explicit
sexual violence.
12 13
You need to declare medicines and substances which
may be subject to misuse, abuse or dependence,
for example steroids, opioid analgesics, cannabis or
narcotic based medications. These products may be
restricted or require a permit in order to be imported.
Some traditional medicines may contain endangered
plant or animal products and these should be declared
to Customs and Border Protection.
No need to declare
If you are carrying medications such as aspirin,
paracetamol or Australian over-the-counter
medications you do not need to declare these items
to Customs and Border Protection when you arrive
in Australia.
If you are carrying prescription medication you do not
need to declare these provided you import no more
than three months supply. It is advisable that you carry
a letter of prescription from your doctor in the English
language describing your medical condition.
Departing Australia
Many prescription medicines are financially
subsidised by the Australian Government under the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS). You can only
take out of Australia the amount of medication you
need. It is advisable that you carry a medical and/
or dental practitioner’s letter and complete the PBS
Medicine Export Declaration available from
Medicare Australia.
12 13
Important note: If you are residing or visiting Australia
for three months or longer and require ongoing
medications, it is advisable that you visit an Australian
medical practitioner to obtain your prescriptions. If you
are intending to have your medications sent through
the mail or via courier, import permits will be required
prior to importing the medications. It is recommended
that you enquire about the import procedures before
you arrive in Australia.
Protected wildlife
Australia’s strict laws control the import and export
of protected plants and animals and associated
products. This can include regulated products such
as traditional medicines, ivory, snake or reptile skin
orchids, turtle shell, caviar and many hunting trophies.
Heritage-listed goods
You need to apply for a permit to import or export
heritage-listed goods including works of art, stamps,
coins, archaeological objects, minerals and specimens.
Agricultural and veterinary
chemical products
Declare all agricultural chemicals and veterinary
medicines. This includes products that are
prohibited without a permit and may include
personal insect repellents.
Defence and strategic goods
Permits are required to import or export defence and
strategic goods. For more information on which goods
fit into this category, refer to Customs and Border
Protection’s Export controls for defence and strategic
goods factsheet at www.customs.gov.au
If you’re unsure, you should check Australian import
requirements before you buy. For more information visit
www.customs.gov.au or phone 1300 363 263.
14 15
Declaring restricted goods
on Arrival
Declare on
For more
details, contact
Firearms, weapons
and ammunition
Yes Yes
Customs and
Border Protection
Illegal pornography Yes Yes
Customs and
Border Protection
Performance and
image enhancing
Yes Yes
Australian Sports
Anti-Doping Authority
Therapeutic Goods
Currency A$10,000
or over
Medicines and
substances which
may be subject to
misuse, abuse or
Yes Yes
Medicare Australia
Therapeutic Goods
Food, plants,
animals and
biological goods
Yes No DAFF Biosecurity
Protected wildlife
and wildlife
Yes Yes
Department of
Environment, Water,
Population and
Yes Yes
Department of
Regional Australia,
Local Government,
Arts and Sport
and veterinary
Yes Yes
Australian Pesticides
and Veterinary
Medicines Authority
Defence and
strategic goods
Yes Yes
Customs and
Border Protection
Contact details for relevant organisations are listed at the back
of this guide.
The possession or trafficking of drugs is a very serious crime.
In many countries you could face the death penalty or life in prison.
14 15
Duty-free concessions
Duty-free concessions in Australia are different to
those in other countries. Most personal items such
as new clothing, footwear, and articles for personal
hygiene and grooming (excluding fur and perfume
concentrates) may be brought into Australia in your
accompanied baggage, free from duty and tax.
Personal goods are free from duty and tax if they are:
owned and used by you overseas for 12 months
or more
imported temporarily (a security may be required
by Customs and Border Protection)
For other goods, limits apply. These include goods that
are purchased overseas and goods that are purchased
in Australia duty or tax free (that have been previously
exported), or from an inwards duty-free shop on arrival
into Australia. Also included are goods for which a
Tourist Refund Scheme claim has been made. Duty-
free concessions do not apply to commercial goods.
General goods
If you are aged 18 years or over, you can bring up
to A$900 worth of general goods into Australia
duty-free. If you are under 18 years of age there
is a A$450 limit. General goods include gifts,
souvenirs, cameras, electronic equipment, leather
goods, perfume concentrates, jewellery, watches
and sporting equipment.
Aviation security regulations may restrict the
volume of liquids that you can bring into Australia.
As an alternative, duty-free alcohol can be
purchased in an airport duty-free shop on arrival
in Australia.
If you are aged 18 years or over, you can bring
2.25 litres of alcohol duty-free into Australia with
you. All alcohol in accompanied baggage is
included in this category, regardless of where or
how it was purchased.
16 17
Up until 31 August 2012, if you are aged
18 years or over you can bring 250 cigarettes
or 250 grams of cigars or tobacco products
duty-free into Australia with you. All tobacco
products in accompanied baggage are included
in this category, regardless of where or how they
were purchased.
From 1 September 2012 the traveller tobacco
concession reduces. If you are aged 18 years or
over you can bring 50 cigarettes or 50 grams of
cigars or tobacco products duty-free into Australia
with you. All tobacco products in accompanied
baggage are included in this category, regardless
of where or how they were purchased.
Families travelling together can pool their duty-free
concessions. A family means:
a husband and wife, and any of their children
18 years of age; or
a person and his or her de facto partner (including
same-sex couples) and any of their children under
18 years of age.
Be aware that if you exceed Australia’s duty-free
concession limits you will be charged duty and tax on all
items of that type (general goods, alcohol or tobacco), not
just the items which exceed the limits.
Carry proof of ownership in the form of
receipts, as they will help in assessing the
value of general goods.
16 17
Tourist Refund
Scheme (TRS)
On departure you may be able to claim a GST and
Wine Equalisation Tax (WET) refund under the
TRS if you:
are a passenger, not operating air or sea crew
purchase a minimum of $300 (GST inclusive)
worth of goods from the one retailer
purchase the goods within 30 days of
departing Australia
have a single tax invoice for the goods
wear or carry the goods as hand baggage onto
the aircraft or ship. Special conditions apply
for ‘oversized’ goods (such as golf clubs and
surfboards) and goods that cannot be taken
on board as hand baggage due to aviation
security measures (such as perfume and wine).
Contact Customs and Border Protection for more
present your original tax invoice, goods, passport
and international boarding pass to the TRS facility
when departing Australia.
Customs and Border Protection has the right to
see all goods. If you are unable to present your
goods to Customs and Border Protection on
request, or provide evidence that Customs and
Border Protection has sighted your goods at your
port of departure from Australia, your claim will
be refused.
If you are considering bringing goods back to Australia
for which a TRS claim has been made, please be
aware that they may be subject to duty and tax.
If the value of these goods together with overseas
purchases and goods bought in Australia duty-free or
tax-free exceeds the passenger duty-free concession
limits, the goods must be declared to a Customs and
Border Protection officer on your return to Australia.
Penalties may apply to undeclared taxable goods.
Please allow plenty of time to get your TRS claim
processed before the cut-off time of departing
Claims at airports can only be made up to 30 minutes
prior to the scheduled departure of your aircraft.
Claims at seaports can be made no earlier than
4 hours and no later than 1 hour prior to the scheduled
departure of your vessel.
For further information regarding the TRS visit
Where can I get
more information?
Australian Customs and Border Protection
1300 363 263
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
(DAFF Biosecurity)
1800 020 504
+ 61 2 6272 3933 (ph)
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority
1800 020 506
+61 2 6206 0200 (ph)
Australian Pesticides and
Veterinary Medicines Authority
+ 61 2 6210 4701 (ph)
1800 021 037
+ 61 2 9950 0055 (ph)
20 21
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT)
1300 139 281
Department of Regional Australia,
Local Government, Arts and Sport
+61 2 6274 1810 (ph)
Department of Sustainability, Environment,
Water, Population and Communities
+ 61 2 6274 1900 (ph)
Department of Infrastructure and Transport
+61 2 6274 7111 (ph)
Medicare Australia
1800 500 147
Therapeutic Goods Administration
1800 020 653
+ 61 2 6232 8791 (ph)
+ 61 2 6232 8605 (fax)
20 21
Complaints and
To offer a comment on any aspect of Customs
and Border Protection service, either complete a
Complaints and Compliments brochure available
from any Customs and Border Protection office,
phone 1800 228 227 (in Australia) or email
If you see or hear something suspicious that may
threaten Australia’s borders, call Customs Watch
immediately on 1800 06 1800 (toll free) or report
online www.customs.gov.au/customswatch.
If you are overseas call +61 26246 1325 (normal call
costs apply). If you notice suspicious activity within
an Australian international airport or seaport, please
advise an Australian Customs and Border Protection
officer. Your information could be the missing link in
disrupting criminal activity.
For information on any Customs and Border
Protection matters, contact the Customs Information
and Support Centre on 1300 363 263 or email
[email protected].au or visit the website at
www.customs.gov.au Information contained within
this brochure was correct at time of printing.
June 2012