Date of publication: 12 December 2022
Revision date
Revision summary
27 April 2016
First public version
January 2018
Updates to the list of Technical Advisory Group members and
formatting changes
22 March 2021
Minor edits about reporting
Additional information on third-party verification of consumption
Updates to recognized renewable electricity technologies: additional
specifications on biomass and hydropower
Updates to recognized renewable electricity procurement types: two
new types of passive procurement recognized
Additional information on making credible claims (previously called
‘Making Unique Claims’)
New reference to the external document RE100 Market Boundary
Criteria document version May 2019
Details on how to make claims for each procurement type have been
moved to a table in the Annex
New information on active vs. passive procurement of renewable
New text about the RE100 materiality threshold provisions, taken
from the materiality threshold document of December 2019
New information about maximizing impact
Minor edits to the list of TAG members
October 2022
Updates to recognized renewable electricity technologies: additional
specifications for sustainable hydropower
Revisions to recognized renewable electricity procurement types
Revisions to market boundary definitions in Europe
Introduction of a commissioning or re-powering date limit for
procurement of renewable electricity, with exemptions for certain
procurement types and grandfathering of eligible contracts
Formatting and structure changes for clarity
New introduction
Updates to the list of TAG members
12 December 2022
Correction in Appendix B to remove Ireland from the list of countries
in an international single market for renewable electricity in Europe
New appendix added to clarify guidance around operational
commencement dates eligible for grandfathering
Clarification added in Appendix C around biomass re-powering
Table of contents
Section One: Definitions of terms
Section Two: Introduction
1. What are the RE100 technical criteria?
2. What are the RE100 technical criteria based on?
Section Three: Recognized renewable energy resources
Section Four: Recognized procurement types for renewable electricity
1. Self-generation from facilities owned by the company
2. Direct procurement (contracts with generators)
2.1 Physical power purchase agreement (physical PPA)
2.2 Financial (virtual) power purchase agreement (financial/virtual PPA)
3. Contracts with electricity suppliers
3.1 Project-specific supply contract with electricity supplier
3.2 Retail supply contract with electricity supplier
4. Unbundled procurement of energy attribute certificates (EACs)
5. Passive procurement
5.1 Default delivered renewable electricity from the grid, supported by EACs
5.2 Default delivered renewable electricity from the grid in a market with at least a 95%
renewable generation mix and where there is no mechanism for specifically
allocating renewable electricity
Section Five: Requirements for procurement
1. Credibility of claims
2. Impact in procurement of renewable electricity
2.1 Impactful procurement
2.2 Commissioning or re-powering date limit, with exemptions and grandfathering
Section Six: Additional provisions
1. Organizational boundaries for electricity consumption
2. Material consumption of electricity
3. Third-party verification of consumption of renewable electricity
Appendix A: Credible claims to use of renewable electricity
Appendix B: Market boundaries
Appendix C: Re-powering of projects
Appendix D: Commissioning or re-powering date limit worked examples
Appendix E: Select studies in identifying procurement types
Appendix F: Operational commencement dates of contracts eligible for
Appendix G: Links with the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard
Appendix H: RE100 Technical Advisory Group (TAG) members
Appendix I: Additional resources and contact information
Section One: Definitions of terms
Renewable generator
An entity that owns or operates renewable electricity generation
Project, or facility
The physical plant generating electricity.
The electricity generated by a project, or facility.
Corporate buyer
An entity that is procuring renewable electricity for its operations and
may be seeking to make claims to its use. RE100 member companies
are corporate buyers.
Supplier, or utility
An entity that supplies electricity to corporate buyers.
Energy attributes
The physical characteristics and the environmental benefits of
electricity generation determined by those physical characteristics.
Energy attributes include, but are not limited to:
Static information about the generation (technology type,
nameplate capacity, location, commissioning date, project
name, etc.).
The released CO2e emissions associated with the
The time and date (vintage, or sometimes a timestamp) of
Energy attribute
certificates (EACs)
Standardized, tradable instruments issued to a unit of generation
(generally, one MWh) which are used to aggregate and track energy
attributes. Depending on the system that issues them and the market
where they are used, corporate buyers may purchase them bundled
with or unbundled from the underlying generation to secure the
property rights to energy attributes. EACs are often interchangeably
referred to as Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs).
Bundled procurement
When energy and energy attributes are procured together, in the
same transaction.
When energy and energy attributes are procured separately, in
different transactions.
Procurement from specified projects. Project-specific supplies always
have complete transparency regarding the energy attributes in those
supplies. The projects procured from throughout the term of a project-
specific contract are stipulated in the contract. Project-specific
supplies typically use longer contract lengths.
Retail procurement
Procurement of an ‘off-the-shelf’, standardized renewable electricity
product. Project-specificity is not a requirement for retail procurement.
The supplier of a retail supply may vary the projects used in the
supply over the term of the contract. Retail supplies typically have
less transparency regarding the energy attributes in those supplies
and use shorter contract lengths.
Section Two: Introduction
1 What are the RE100 technical criteria?
The RE100 technical criteria are the rules that member companies of the RE100
campaign observe when procuring renewable electricity and defining their
progress towards their RE100 targets. The technical criteria may also be used by
any corporate buyer as a guide for procurement of renewable electricity and
making claims to its use.
The RE100 technical criteria exist in the absence of a consistent global
framework that:
Defines which energy resources are renewable;
Defines requirements for credible claims to use of renewable electricity,
including specific market boundaries;
Outlines appropriate boundaries for organization-wide targets on renewable
electricity consumption;
Defines material consumption of electricity in the pursuit of these targets;
Calls for third-party verification of consumption of renewable electricity; and
Specifies impact in procurement of renewable electricity.
Renewable electricity markets are dynamic and vary country by country. To reflect this, RE100 may
introduce electricity accounting and reporting rules, provide regional or national context, and
provide further briefings on emerging best practice.
The RE100 technical criteria are set by the RE100 Technical Advisory Group (TAG) in consultation
with member companies, other stakeholders, and with the approval of the RE100 Project Board. A
list of TAG members is given in Appendix H. The TAG contributes to the development of the
technical criteria, but the entirety of the technical criteria may not reflect each TAG member’s views.
The technical criteria may be periodically revised for RE100 to maintain its mission as a global
leadership initiative of corporate buyers accelerating the transition to carbon-free grids by 2040.
The technical criteria do not exist purely as a reporting standard for corporate claims to use of
renewable electricity, but as the principles for corporate buyers to themselves contribute to the
decarbonization of grids through their direct actions, and through the signals to markets and
policymakers that their actions send.
2 What are the RE100 technical criteria based on?
The technical criteria are mostly an interpretation of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard market-
based scope 2 accounting guidance. They apply principles for market-based greenhouse gas
emissions claims to renewable electricity usage claims by recognizing that both types of claims are
made possible by the same market-based instruments.
The technical criteria, in almost all cases, require a market-based instrument which gives a
corporate buyer making a claim to use of renewable electricity the property rights to renewable
electricity attributes. The procurement types recognized by the technical criteria, in almost all
cases, are categorizations of different contractual arrangements which convey these attributes to
corporate buyers.
Please see Appendix G for more information around the relationship between the technical criteria
and the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
Section Three: Recognized renewable
energy resources
RE100 considers electricity generated from the following energy resources
to be renewable:
Sustainably sourced biomass (including biogas); and
Sustainable hydropower.
RE100 does not include hydrogen in this list because hydrogen is not an energy
resource. Rather, it is an energy carrier which is manufactured, and has an
underlying energy resource as an input. Hydrogen is therefore only renewable if
the energy resource used in its manufacture is renewable. Similarly, RE100 does
not include energy storage in this list because energy storage is not an energy
Renewable electricity from biomass and hydropower can play a role in
decarbonization provided it is generated sustainably. RE100 only recognizes
renewable electricity generated from biomass and hydropower that is also
sustainable. RE100 recommends that this sustainability is proven through third-
party certification.
A non-exhaustive list of standards providing such certification includes:
ISO 13065:2015 (specifies principles, criteria, and indicators for the bioenergy
supply chain to facilitate assessment of environmental, social and economic
aspects of sustainability)
The Green-e® Renewable Energy Standard for Canada and the United States
The Low Impact Hydropower Institute (LIHI)
The Hydropower Sustainability Council’s Hydropower Sustainability Standard
The TAG will study the environmental and social sustainability of these
technologies and may introduce related recommendations and criteria as
consensus around best practices develop.
Section Four: Recognized procurement
types for renewable electricity
RE100 categorizes corporate procurement of renewable electricity into five broad
types. They differ in terms of the party being contracted with (directly with a
generator or through a more conventional contract with an electricity supplier),
whether the procurement of energy and energy attributes is bundled or
unbundled, and active versus passive procurement.
1 Self-generation from facilities owned by the company
2 Direct procurement (contracts with generators)
2.1 Physical power purchase agreement (physical PPA)
2.2 Financial power purchase agreement (financial/virtual PPA)
3 Contracts with electricity suppliers
3.1 Project-specific supply contract with electricity supplier
3.2 Retail supply contract with electricity supplier
4 Unbundled procurement of energy attribute certificates (EACs)
5 Passive procurement
5.1 Default delivered renewable electricity from the grid, supported by EACs
5.2 Default delivered renewable electricity from the grid in a market with at least
a 95% renewable generation mix and where there is no mechanism for
specifically allocating renewable electricity
1 Self-generation from facilities owned by the company
Corporate buyers can own their own projects. Projects might be on-site or off-site, on the grid, or
entirely off-grid. Corporate buyers must retain energy attributes to claim use of renewable
electricity. This means corporate buyers can consume directly from their projects, retain the
attributes, and claim use of renewable electricity. It also means corporate buyers can sell energy to
the grid, retain the attributes, and claim use of renewable electricity.
The generation may be issued with energy attribute certificates (EACs), which corporate buyers
can use to claim use of renewable electricity. The generation may be required to receive EACs. If
EACs are not issued, corporate buyers must have contracts that give them credible claims (see
Section Five: Credibility of claims) to support their claims to use of renewable electricity.
2 Direct procurement (contracts with generators)
Direct procurement describes procurement from, and contracting with, generators
themselves. It includes two forms of power purchase agreements (PPAs).
2.1 Physical power purchase agreement (physical PPA)
A physical PPA is a contract between a corporate buyer and a generator for the supply of
renewable electricity. A physical PPA can characterize purchases from on-site projects owned by
third parties, off-site projects to which there is a direct line, or off-site grid-connected projects. A
physical PPA typically uses a long-term contract.
Physical PPAs do not necessarily need to be bilateral between the corporate buyer and the
generator. A bilateral PPA requires the corporate buyer to also take responsibility for the off-take of
the power itself, including managing the moving and scheduling of the power to the corporate
buyer’s load, or into the wholesale power market (if the project is grid-connected). The corporate
buyer may need to be licensed to be able to do this. Alternatively, a trilateral PPA can involve an
additional party which is responsible for the off-take of the power from the project. This third party is
often an electricity supplier. A trilateral PPA may be advertised as a ‘retail PPA’, ‘sleeved PPA’, or a
‘third-party PPA’.
The generation may be issued with energy attribute certificates (EACs), which corporate buyers
can use to claim use of renewable electricity. If EACs are not issued, corporate buyers must have
contracts that give them credible claims (see Section Five: Credibility of claims) to support their
claims to use of renewable electricity.
2.2 Financial power purchase agreement (financial/virtual PPA)
A financial PPA (often called a virtual PPA VPPA) is a purely financial transaction in which a
corporate buyer assumes market risk related to the sale of a generator’s electricity and receives
energy attributes. This can be done through a contract for difference, where the generator
exchanges the risk of selling the project’s generation to the wholesale market at a variable rate with
a fixed-price cash flow agreed with the corporate buyer. The corporate buyer therefore off-takes
market risk the generator would be exposed to by selling power at the fluctuating wholesale energy
price, and in return is entitled to the energy attributes.
Because a financial PPA is only a financial instrument, the corporate buyer must still separately
procure electricity for its operations. It is therefore a form of unbundled procurement. A financial
PPA can serve as a hedge for fluctuating electricity costs, and some corporate buyers may realize
a financial benefit from using them. A financial PPA typically uses a long-term contract.
The generation may be issued with energy attribute certificates (EACs), which corporate buyers
can use to claim use of renewable electricity. If EACs are not issued, corporate buyers must have
contracts that give them credible claims (see Section Five: Credibility of claims) to support their
claims to use of renewable electricity.
3 Contracts with electricity suppliers
A contract with a supplier describes a conventional supply arrangement with an
electricity supplier for the supply of renewable electricity. Energy and energy
attributes are bundled together in their delivery to the corporate buyer.
RE100 recognizes two types of contracts with electricity suppliers: project-
specific, and retail. Appendix E contains guiding questions for corporate buyers
needing to identify whether a particular supply must be characterized as project-
specific or retail.
3.1 Project-specific supply contract with electricity supplier
A project-specific contract with a supplier describes an arrangement whereby the supplier procures
from specified projects on behalf of the corporate buyer. Often, the supplier holds a power
purchase agreement. The contract may be advertised as a ‘green tariff’, has complete transparency
regarding the energy attributes in the supply (meaning the corporate buyer always knows exactly
which specific projects they are purchasing from through their electricity supplier), and typically
uses a longer contract length.
The generation may be issued with EACs, which corporate buyers can use to claim use of
renewable electricity. The supplier may transfer the EACs to corporate buyers or otherwise redeem,
retire, or cancel them on behalf of corporate buyers. If EACs are not issued, corporate buyers must
have contracts that give them credible claims (see Section Five: Credibility of claims) to support
their claims to use of renewable electricity.
3.2 Retail supply contract with electricity supplier
A retail contract with a supplier describes an ‘off-the-shelf’ arrangement with an electricity supplier
for the supply of renewable electricity. The corporate buyer usually pays a per-kilowatt hour
premium through an additional line item on their monthly electricity bill for the renewable electricity.
This contract may be advertised as a ‘green electricity product’, has less transparency regarding
the energy attributes in the supply, and typically uses a shorter contract length. The supplier may
vary the projects from which energy attributes are sourced throughout the contract.
The generation may be issued with EACs, which corporate buyers can use to claim use of
renewable electricity. The supplier may transfer the EACs to corporate buyers or otherwise redeem,
retire, or cancel them on behalf of corporate buyers. If EACs are not issued, corporate buyers must
have contracts that give them credible claims (see Section Five: Credibility of claims) to support
their claims to use of renewable electricity.
4 Unbundled procurement of energy attribute certificates
Energy attribute certificates (EACs) can be purchased alone, separate from the
underlying generation they are issued to, and separate from corporate buyers
procurement of electricity for their operations.
Corporate buyers can purchase EACs
to pair with their consumption of purchased grid electricity.
This permits a claim to having consumed electricity with the attributes conveyed by the EACs
. The
EACs must be issued to generation located in the same market for electricity as the electricity
supply being decarbonized by the corporate buyer
. A purchase of renewable electricity generated
in one market cannot be equated to its consumption in a different market.
EACs can be procured through short or long-term contracts, with varying degrees of project-
specificity. EACs are sometimes procured through brokers and trading platforms, making for
transactions that are less complex than those in other procurement types.
Unbundled EACs can only ever present an additional cost on top of corporate buyers separate
electricity purchases. This is a key point of distinction between long-term contracts for unbundled
EACs and financial PPAs, which can sometimes realize a financial benefit.
The EACs purchased must be from EAC systems that enable credible claims. RE100 maintains a
list of such EAC systems in its frequently asked questions. However, EACs from any system can be
purchased if their user understands the system to enable credible claims following a review of the
RE100 credible claims paper.
Unbundled EACs cannot be used to decarbonize electricity from a non-renewable project
(e.g., a CHP system) when the project is owned by the company (therefore, the emissions
from it are in scope 1), or when the project is on-site or when there is a direct line to the
project (therefore, the electricity is not sourced from the grid).
EACs are scope 2 instruments indicating renewable electricity has been generated and fed into the
grid. Using them to decarbonize scope 1 emissions does not align with greenhouse gas emissions
accounting practice. Similarly, it is inconsistent to claim that a purchase of EACs from renewable
electricity which is fed into the grid can be matched with consumption of electricity from a source
other than the grid. The electricity generated by CHP systems can only be considered renewable if
the fuel used to generate the electricity is renewable. Either a physical supply of a renewable fuel or
a purchase of an energy attribute certificate for a renewable fuel (for example, a biogas certificate)
which observes relevant credibility principles (such as market boundaries) is necessary.
More information on this provision is available in RE100’s frequently asked questions.
See Appendix B for RE100’s precise market boundary definitions.
5 Passive procurement
RE100 recognizes two types of passive procurement. The first is for corporate
buyers with credible claims to passively delivered market-based instruments
(EACs) which are in their default supplies. The second is for corporate buyers on
highly renewable grids where no market-based instruments exist.
5.1 Default delivered renewable electricity from the grid, supported
by EACs
This is the renewable electricity in the electricity utility/supplier mix that has not been voluntarily
procured by corporate buyers but is delivered by default. Corporate buyers can claim use of default
delivered renewable electricity if, and only if, an equivalent amount of EACs is retired by the
utility/supplier. Corporate buyers wishing to claim use of this renewable electricity must seek
relevant information from their utility/supplier to justify their claims.
Default supplies can include renewable electricity supplied under a compliance mandate. However,
the existence alone of such a mandate is not justification for corporate buyers to claim use of
renewable electricity. Corporate buyers must verify how their utilities/suppliers are complying with
the mandate. In the United States, Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) require that a specified
percentage of the electricity that utilities supply comes from renewable resources, and that
utilities/suppliers retire Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) on behalf of their customers for that
percentage. In some cases, these programs allow for alternative compliance routes, multipliers,
and other mechanisms that do not deliver renewable electricity to corporate buyers. Another
example in Australia is the default supply of renewable electricity by utilities/suppliers retiring Large-
scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) under the Renewable Energy Target (RET). Again, corporate
buyers must verify that their utilities/suppliers are retiring LGCs rather than using an alternative
compliance route such as paying a shortfall charge. This procurement type is not applicable in most
markets and corporate buyers wishing to use it must have evidence to support their claims.
For the avoidance of doubt, claims to default delivered renewable electricity, supported by EACs,
require an absence of voluntary procurement of renewable electricity. Corporate buyers can only
claim default delivered renewable electricity where they have a contract for a supplier’s default
supply. If a corporate buyer consumes 100 MWh, 60 MWh of which is supplied through a contract
for renewable electricity, and 40 MWh of which is supplied through a default supply, the corporate
buyer can only claim the default delivered renewable electricity, supported by EACs, present in the
40 MWh conveyed by the default supply
It is essential that claims to use of default delivered renewable electricity remain unique and
exclusive. Some markets place RPS-type compliance mandates on utilities but allow those utilities
to also sell that renewable electricity to voluntary corporate buyers actively procuring it (for
example, through the Green Premium contracts available in the Republic of Korea). Therefore, the
renewable electricity procured by utilities to meet their compliance mandate is not present in a
default supply. Claims to default delivered renewable electricity cannot be made using compliance
mandates on utilities as a justification in these instances.
5.2 Default delivered renewable electricity from the grid in a market
with at least a 95% renewable generation mix and where there is
no mechanism for specifically allocating renewable electricity
Corporate buyers can count all their electricity consumption from the grid as renewable in a market
when the generation mix is over 95% renewable and when there is no mechanism for actively
sourcing renewable electricity from the grid. This only applies when the entire market’s grid is at
or above this percentage. This procurement type does not apply to regions within markets (for
example, where one state or province is over 95%) and does not apply to electricity
consumption from sources other than the grid.
Other markets with a high percentage of renewables on the grid such as Norway and Iceland are
not eligible for passive claims because they have mechanisms for specifically allocating renewable
electricity to corporate buyers.
Passive claims are also not credible in markets that have a highly renewable domestic generation
mix, but also import significant amounts of electricity, such as Nepal.
At present, RE100 has found that only Paraguay, Uruguay, and Ethiopia meet these criteria.
The list of countries where passive claims from the grid are recognized is subject to change as
markets and grids evolve.
Section Five: Requirements for
1 Credibility of claims
A credible claim to use of renewable electricity must be based on:
Credible generation data
Attribute aggregation
Exclusive ownership (no double counting) of attributes
Exclusive claims (no double claiming) on attributes
Geographic market limitations of claims
; and
Vintage limitations of claims. The period of generation used to claim use of renewable electricity
must be reasonably close in time to the period over which a claim to use of renewable electricity
is made. RE100 does not define ‘reasonably close’
2 Impact in procurement of renewable electricity
RE100’s aim is for corporate buyers to accelerate the transition to zero-carbon
grids. Corporate buyers can contribute to this transition either directly, through
the actions they take to add new renewable electricity capacity, and/or indirectly,
through the signals they send to markets and policymakers with their demand for
voluntarily procured renewable electricity.
2.1 Impactful procurement
RE100 holds that self-generation or procurement from new projects through long-term, direct, or
project-specific contracts, are central to corporate buyers themselves driving the transition to zero-
carbon grids. Where corporate buyers make one-time purchases of unbundled EACs, they can
make a preference on location, technology, project, or timing to increase the impact of these
Additional, voluntary labels can be sought for EACs which might, for example, guarantee that the
EACs are from recently commissioned projects. A non-exhaustive list of these labels includes the
Green-e ®, EKOenergy ®, and Gold Standard ® labels. They can strengthen the impact and
credibility of any procurement type that conveys EACs.
RE100 recognizes that impactful procurement is not always possible in all markets.
Corporate buyers should engage with suppliers and policymakers to remove barriers to
impactful procurement and otherwise procure renewable electricity with the highest impact
possible where they operate.
Appendix A discusses each of these features more broadly. Appendix B outlines RE100’s precise
market boundary definitions. The RE100 credible claims paper also exists as a standalone
document corporate buyers can use as an aid in their procurement and in making claims.
2.2 Commissioning or re-powering date limit, with exemptions and
The RE100 technical criteria require corporate buyers’ procurement of renewable electricity
to observe a fifteen-year
commissioning or re-powering
date limit, or to be one of the
Self-generation (procurement type 1)
Physical power purchase agreements with on-site projects or off-site projects to which there is a
direct line with no grid transfers (a subset of procurement type 2.1)
Long-term project-specific contracts the corporate buyer has entered into as the original off-
taker from the project(s), and extensions of those contracts, even if they exceed fifteen
years in length, including:
Physical power purchase agreements with off-site grid-connected projects (a subset of
procurement type 2.1)
Financial power purchase agreements (procurement type 2.2)
Project-specific contracts with electricity suppliers (procurement type 3.1)
Project-specific contracts for unbundled EACs (a subset of procurement type 4)
Claims to default delivered renewable electricity (procurement types 5.1 and 5.2)
Grandfathered contracts with operational commencement dates
before 1 January 2024
Corporate buyers may exempt procurement of renewable electricity up to a threshold of 15%
of their total electricity consumption from the requirements above.
In other words, if a corporate buyer is only procuring 15% renewable electricity, no procurement is
subject to a commissioning or re-powering date limit. A corporate buyer procuring 50% renewable
electricity may exempt 15% (in terms of its total consumption) and must subject the remainder of its
procurement of renewable electricity (35% of its total consumption) to the requirements above. A
corporate buyer procuring 100% renewable electricity may exempt 15% of its procurement and
must subject the remainder of its procurement (85% of its total consumption) to the requirements
The RE100 technical criteria do not recognize additional procurement of renewable electricity from
projects commissioned or re-powered more than fifteen years ago beyond the 15% threshold.
These requirements for impactful procurement apply to corporate buyers’ global procurement.
Corporate buyers may choose in which markets to use the procurement types subject to the 15%
threshold. RE100 recommends that corporate buyers voluntarily phase-out their use of the 15%
threshold as quickly as possible.
‘Fifteen years’ is defined as on or after 1 January of the year fifteen years prior to the claim to use
of renewable electricity. For example, a claim to use of renewable electricity over January-
December 2025 must be based on procurement from projects commissioned or re-powered on or
after 1 January 2010.
See Appendix C for RE100’s guidance on re-powering of projects.
See Appendix F for definitions of operational commencement in the context of bundled or
unbundled procurement.
See Appendix D for an illustration of how this rule impacts corporate buyers procuring different
amounts of renewable electricity.
2.2.1 Entry into force
Starting with the 2023 disclosure cycle, RE100 members will be required to disclose the
commissioning or re-powering dates of the projects in their supplies of renewable electricity,
including disclosure of an ‘unknown’ date where the information is not available.
Each RE100 member will be assessed against the fifteen-year commissioning or re-powering date
limit when they submit their first disclosures to RE100 that cover twelve months starting on or after
1 January 2024. In each disclosure cycle, the most common reporting period selected by RE100
members is January to December of the previous year. Therefore, it is expected that members
reporting on their procurement for 1 January to 31 December 2024 in the 2025 disclosure cycle will
first have their adherence to the fifteen-year commissioning or re-powering date limit assessed in
the 2025 annual disclosure report, published in January 2026.
The RE100 technical criteria are reviewed and updated every two years. If compelling, data-
supported reasons arise showing that changing the criteria is required for market growth and
sustainability, they will be considered during the review cycle.
2.2.2 Approaches to reporting on commissioning or re-powering dates
For some procurement, it can be difficult to establish precisely which projects renewable attributes
are being sourced from. This may especially be the case with retail contracts with suppliers which
have low transparency regarding the energy attributes in those supplies. Corporate buyers should
insist that their suppliers improve the transparency of such products so that they can use
commissioning or re-powering dates as a selection criterion when choosing which suppliers to
contract with.
Some supplies may be transparent with respect to commissioning or re-powering dates, but include
many projects (even when the supplies are project-specific). In these cases, it may be burdensome
to individually report each project and the volume of renewable electricity procured from it. RE100
recommends its members report in as much detail as possible. Where members cannot or do not
wish to disaggregate their reporting by commissioning or re-powering date, they must report the
commissioning or re-powering date of the oldest project in a given supply.
If a commissioning or re-powering date is unknown or not reported, the procurement counts
towards the 15% threshold which is exempt from a commissioning or re-powering date limit.
Section Six: Additional provisions
1 Organizational boundaries for electricity consumption
An organization-wide target to increase renewable electricity consumption must
define a boundary for the organization’s use of electricity. The RE100 technical
criteria rely on greenhouse gas emissions accounting guidance for this definition.
An organization’s electricity consumption is defined as the electricity consumption that underlies:
All scope 2 emissions associated with purchased electricity; and
All scope 1 emissions associated with the generation of electricity by the organization, for the
organization’s consumption (this excludes use of fossil fuels for transport, the production of
heat, or other uses not involving electricity production).
The activities with emissions in the above scopes are identified following the application of a GHG
boundary-setting approach. The GHG Protocol Corporate Standard provides guidance for:
An operational control approach;
A financial control approach; and
An equity share approach.
Organizations must choose an emissions boundary-setting approach, either prescribed by the GHG
Protocol or another, to identify the activities under their direct control and thus the underlying
electricity consumption in the scope of an RE100 target.
2 Material consumption of electricity
RE100 members make a commitment to use 100% renewable electricity across
their global operations. This requires them to act in every market they operate in.
As a leadership initiative, RE100 can be unashamedly challenging for members.
Nevertheless, some members have small operations in some markets that have negligible impact
on local demand. In markets where it is not technically feasible to source renewable electricity (for
example, because the load is small or because of landlord-tenant issues), such loads can have a
disproportionate impact on a member’s ability to meet their RE100 target.
In recognition of this, RE100 has elected to set a maximum allowable threshold of electricity
consumption that may be excluded from the RE100 target coverage.
RE100 member companies:
Can exclude small loads (small offices, retail outlets, etc.) of up to 100 MWh/year
, per market,
from the RE100 target boundary;
Can claim exclusions
up to 500 MWh/year (no more than 100 MWh/year per market); and
Cannot make any exclusions in markets where it is technically feasible
to procure renewable
The size of the excludable load was determined using modelling of energy consumption for a
small office, commercial building, or retail space as well as loads reported by RE100 members.
All claimed exclusions must still be reported to RE100 via the annual reporting process.
RE100 does not define ‘technically feasible’ but recommends members consider the list of
countries where I-RECs are issued as an indication of technical feasibility.
3 Third-party verification of consumption of renewable
Consumption of renewable electricity must be verified by a third party. If renewable electricity is
being self-generated, it may be necessary for generation of renewable electricity to also be verified.
RE100 is not aware of any global standards for verifying consumption of renewable electricity.
However, because the RE100 technical criteria are, in part, based on greenhouse gas accounting
guidance, RE100 considers a GHG auditor’s report that verifies scope 1 and market-based
scope 2 emissions to act as a proxy for a verification of consumption of renewable
electricity. This is because the instruments and evidence used to prepare a GHG inventory are,
according to the RE100 technical criteria, the same instruments and evidence that are used to
make credible claims to use of renewable electricity.
Appendix G discusses how the RE100 technical criteria link to the GHG Protocol Corporate
Standard in more detail. In particular, links with the Scope 2 Quality Criteria are discussed, along
with areas where the RE100 technical criteria deviate from GHG Protocol guidance (i.e., where
RE100’s recognized claims to use of renewable electricity and market-based scope 2 emissions
claims do not align).
Date of publication: 12 December 2022
Revision date
Revision summary
October 2022
New release to the 2022 technical criteria update presenting clearer
12 December 2022
Correction in Appendix B to remove Ireland from the list of
countries in an international single market for renewable electricity
in Europe
New appendix added to clarify guidance around operational
commencement dates eligible for grandfathering
Clarification added in Appendix C around biomass re-powering
Appendix A: Credible claims to use of
renewable electricity
A claim to use of renewable electricity must be unique and exclusive. Corporate
buyers must be able to demonstrate that they have such claims. This means
securing property rights to renewable electricity attributes. Energy attribute
certificates are recommended as the best method for tracking and establishing
ownership of energy attributes. However, it is possible for a contract alone to
perform the same tracking function as EACs and ensure no other entity may
claim use of the same renewable electricity.
The following six principles more completely define the features of a credible
claim to use of renewable electricity:
Credible generation data;
Attribute aggregation;
Exclusive ownership (no double counting) of attributes;
Exclusive claims (no double claiming) on attributes;
Geographic market limitations of claims
; and
Vintage limitations of claims. The period of generation used to claim use of renewable electricity
must be reasonably close in time to the period over which a claim to use of renewable electricity
is made. RE100 does not define ‘reasonably close’.
These points are expanded on below and are also addressed in RE100’s credible claims paper
which exists as a standalone reference document.
1 Credible generation data
Accurate generation data is critical as the basis for any renewable electricity usage claim. Static
data (e.g., fuel type, location, date of first operation, etc.) should be third-party verified, a common
practice of attribute tracking systems. Dynamic data (quantity of generation) is best when metered
using a “revenue-grade meter” and independently used as the basis for determining the quantity of
attributes and certificate issuance.
Companies should be cautious of making claims where static data cannot be verified by third
parties and/or generation data is not metered.
2 Attribute aggregation
A renewable electricity usage claim is not supported by any individual attribute, but rather by all
attributes that define the generation being claimed. Therefore, making a credible renewable
electricity usage claim requires ownership of all environmental and social attributes associated with
the generation that can be owned, and that none of these attributes have been sold off, transferred,
or claimed elsewhere.
See Appendix B for RE100’s precise market boundary definitions
The conditions of attribute aggregation vary by country and legal/regulatory framework for the
electricity sector. Where a single multi-attribute instrument, such as a U.S. REC exists, assurance
of all relevant attribute aggregation is simplified. If separate instruments have already been created
for different attributes of power generation (e.g., carbon attributes), attribute aggregation can be
achieved by bringing these instruments together by demonstrating ownership and retirement of all
instruments that make up a renewable electricity usage claim. Where there is not an existing
market for renewable electricity, or where electricity is not typically differentiated, attribute
aggregation may require engagement with local electricity suppliers. Companies should also take
account of the in-country policy context of the generation (existing practices, policies, and legal
frameworks that determine how electricity and renewable electricity is or can be transacted in
different markets).
Where certain attributes (e.g. GHG emissions), cannot be owned or are equivalent to zero due to
policy (e.g. the effect of a GHG cap-and-trade program on the avoided grid emissions attribute),
and where attributes are not sold off separately, a renewable electricity usage claim may
nevertheless be possible, provided that the renewable electricity purchaser owns all other
generation attributes and that the remaining owned attributes are sufficient to define use of the
resource according to market development, consumer expectation, and stakeholder feedback.
Companies should disclose any attributes that are not included in the instrument or transaction. In
addition, different standards and certifications (e.g., Green-e) may have different or additional
requirements for a “fully aggregated” instrument or group of instruments. Companies should also
abide by any local laws and regulations pertaining to claims (e.g., the U.S. Federal Trade
Commission’s “Green Guides” in the U.S.).
3 Exclusive ownership
Exclusive ownership of renewable attributes consists of legal enforceability, tracking (exclusive
issuance, trading, and retirement), and exclusive sales and delivery.
3.1 Property rights
Legally enforceable contractual instruments must include “property rights” to environmental and
renewable attributes of generation that is, there must be a legally enforceable contract in place to
back the exchange of attributes as property rights. Legal enforceability does not necessarily require
governmental programs or legislation to create or recognize a market or energy attribute certificate,
only that the mechanism for definition and conveyance/transfer of the attributes (e.g., contract,
energy attribute certificate in a tracking system, etc.) is legally enforceable.
3.2 Tracking
Claims must be substantiated by attributes that have been reliably tracked from a generator to a
consumer. Where attributes are transacted without energy attribute certificates, the transfer of
attributes must be clearly articulated in a legally enforceable contract or series of contracts that link
the generator to the end user, and claims must be based on the permanent end-use ownership or
final use of those attributes, which also must be specified in a contract. Where energy attribute
certificates are used, the certificates must be reliably tracked. This, again, can be done using
contracts. However, the most sophisticated mechanism for tracking energy attribute certificates is
an electronic attribute “tracking system”, in which certificates are electronically serialized and
issued to generators with accounts on the system, tracked between account holders in the system
where they are traded, and ultimately permanently retired or cancelled electronically by the entity
making the claim or on behalf of an end-user making a claim. Attribute tracking systems provide
exclusive issuance, trading, and retirement of attributes to markets for renewable electricity to
support credible claims. Where tracking systems exist, transactions outside of the tracking system
are usually limited to special cases (e.g., where participation in the tracking system is too costly for
very small generation units).
While tracking systems have developed independently of each other in different jurisdictions around
the globe, there are a few elements that all credible tracking systems have in common. These
Standardized certificate information: Tracking systems issue certificates in MWh, and include
the same basic information on each certificate:
Resource/fuel Type (e.g., wind, solar, etc.)
Serial ID
Generator ID
Generator Name
Generator Location
Vintage (date of generation)
Issuance Date
Certificates are issued for all renewable electricity generated by registered generators:
Certificates are issued to the renewable electricity generator. Some tracking systems require
that certificates be issued for all production that is put onto the grid by registered generators. In
others, such as those in Europe, registered generators have the right to request certificates
issuance for selected production, in which case the attributes associated with production that is
not issued certificates are allocated to the residual mix. In both cases, no energy attribute
certificates from registered generators should be traded outside of the tracking system, in order
to avoid potential double counting.
Defined geographical footprint: To prevent double registration and issuance of certificates,
tracking systems must be clear on the geographic boundaries within which generators have
access to the tracking system, and ensure, through cooperation with other tracking systems,
that generation facilities register in only one tracking system for certificate issuance.
Independence and transparency: Independence and transparency of tracking systems help to
maintain the integrity of the attribute market. Best practices include:
The tracking system operator does not act as a market player trading, selling or redeeming
Tracking systems should have transparent and non-discriminatory issuance criteria and
operating rules;
Tracking system operators should follow defined procedures to identify and prevent conflicts
of interest;
The tracking system should provide access to regulators and system auditors and allow for
independent consumer claim verifications. To the extent possible, full disclosure of unit
attributes and status should be made public;
Frequent independent third-party audit of the tracking system should be conducted by a
credible and competent organization, verifying the factual static and dynamic data contained
within the tracking system, and preferably made public;
The system should be open and accessible to new participants.
4 Exclusive claims
To the extent that tracking systems prevent double issuance and other forms of double counting,
tracking systems alone will not necessarily ensure exclusive claims, i.e., that there are no other
claims being made on either the attributes (including emissions) or electricity as renewable. Where
energy attribute certificates can be sold separately from electricity, the electricity buyer does not
have an exclusive renewable electricity use claim unless they own and retire the certificates, and
likewise the certificate buyer does not have an exclusive usage claim where the electricity is also
being claimed/reported as renewable or individual attributes are being claimed/transacted in
another way. This requires that all renewable electricity instruments or instruments representing
individual generation attributes (e.g., carbon offsets issued for renewable energy generation) have
been retired by or on behalf of the same entity and that there are no other usage claims being
made on the generation or attributes, for example, by the electricity supplier to meet a renewable
electricity delivery target or in marketing that renewable electricity is being delivered to customers.
5 Geographic market boundaries
Attributes (and certificates) must be sourced and purchased from within the same defined
geographic region that constitutes a “market” for the purpose of transacting and claiming attributes.
Ideally this “market boundary” would be clearly defined, but in general it refers to an area in which
the laws and regulatory framework governing the electricity sector are sufficiently consistent
between the areas of production and consumption. As such, transactions that are both international
and intercontinental are not usually appropriate unless there is physical interconnection (indicating
a level of system-wide coordination between countries) and ideally if these countries’ utilities or
energy suppliers recognize each other’s instruments. Within a single country or multiple countries in
a common regulatory framework (e.g., U.S. and E.U. respectively), there may be multiple grid
distribution regions where electricity is physically delivered. Because of the regulatory consistency,
the geographic market for attributes is not necessarily constrained to the area in which it is possible
to physically deliver electricity within the grid. There are advantages to larger market boundaries
that allow consumers to source renewable electricity where it may be less expensive to create,
while other programs or companies may prioritize sourcing from the same grid region as their
consumption in order to support more local jobs or economic development.
Appendix B contains RE100’s definitions of market boundaries its members must observe.
6 Vintage limitations
To make a credible renewable electricity claim, the vintage of the attributes (and certificates) that
is, when the generation occurred must be reasonably close to the reporting year of the electricity
consumption to which it is applied. There is no official consensus on what is “reasonable” in this
case, and it may vary between markets. Companies can refer to certification standards, claim
verification and recognition programs, and/or GHG inventory reporting systems to ensure that the
vintage of generation does not occur too far in advance or after consumption. This will also depend
in part on the technical requirements of the tracking system and the market in which the consumer
is active. Certain certification programs may enforce their own criteria for what is considered
“reasonable”, such as Green-e’s requirement of a 21-month vintage eligibility window for certified
sales of renewable electricity in a given year.
Appendix B: Market boundaries
1 What are markets for renewable electricity?
Claims to use of renewable electricity must be based on generation occurring in
the same market for renewable electricity that use is claimed in.
A market for renewable electricity refers to an area in which:
The laws and regulatory framework governing the electricity sector are
consistent between the areas of production and consumption;
Electricity grids are substantially interconnected, indicating a level of system-
wide coordination; and
Utilities/suppliers recognize each other’s energy attributes and account for
them in their trade of energy and energy attributes.
2 Markets for renewable electricity recognized by RE100
Except for the single markets described in the next section, individual countries
are distinct markets for renewable electricity.
3 International single markets for renewable electricity
recognized by RE100
3.1 The single market between the United States and Canada
The United States and Canada are considered to form a single market for renewable electricity.
3.2 The single market in Europe
Countries in Europe which meet all the following conditions are considered to form a single market
for renewable electricity:
The country is in the EU single market;
The country is a member of the Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB) issuing European Energy
Certificate System (EECS) Guarantees of Origin; and
The country has a grid connection to another country meeting the first two rules.
Exceptions have been made for countries or areas which have little domestic energy production
and import much of their electricity (including renewable electricity attributes) from bordering
countries which meet the above rules. The exempted countries or areas include the Channel
Islands, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, and Vatican City. In these countries or areas,
corporate buyers must procure renewable electricity supported by EECS Guarantees of Origin and
cancel them ex-domain
The list of countries or areas which currently meet these rules is:
Czech Republic
The Channel Islands
San Marino
Vatican City
The following countries listed in RE100’s note on market boundaries from 27 May 2019 are
now individual markets for renewable electricity:
Reason for exclusion
Bulgaria is not an AIB member
Cyprus is not grid-connected to the single market for
renewable electricity in Europe recognized by RE100
Ireland is not grid-connected to the single market for
renewable electricity in Europe recognized by RE100
Malta is not an AIB member
Poland is not an AIB member
Romania is not an AIB member
Serbia is not in the EU single market
The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is not in the EU single market and is
not an AIB member
These countries or areas are included in RE100’s view of the single market for renewable
electricity in Europe as exemptions because they have little domestic energy production and import
much of their energy (including renewable electricity attributes) from bordering countries which
meet the rules in Appendix B: 3.2.
3.2.1 Entry into force
Contracts with operational commencement dates
before 1 January 2024 may observe the
definitions of market boundaries adopted by RE100 in its note on market boundaries published 27
May 2019 (which includes the countries excluded above) or by CDP in its scope 2 technical note
(version: 3 April 2020) (which states that countries which are AIB members form a single market for
renewable electricity). All contracts with operational commencement dates starting 1 January 2024
and later must observe the updated market boundary definition.
Each RE100 member will be assessed against the updated market boundary definition when they
submit their first disclosures to RE100 which cover twelve months starting on or after 1 January
2024. In each disclosure cycle, the most common reporting period selected by RE100 members is
January to December of the previous year. Therefore, it is expected that members reporting on
their procurement for January to December 2024 in the 2025 disclosure cycle will first have their
adherence to the update market boundary definition studied in the 2025 annual disclosure report,
published in January 2026.
See Appendix F for definitions of this term in the context of bundled or unbundled procurement.
Appendix C: Re-powering of projects
RE100 considers projects which have met one of the following conditions in the last fifteen years
as re-powered and which corporate buyers may procure renewable electricity from:
1. The facility has been re-powered such that 80 percent of the fair market value of the
project stems from new generation equipment installed as part of the re-powering.
2. Eligible hydropower facility improvements that increase electrical energy output due to
efficiency improvements may include:
Rewinding of existing turbine generator(s)
Replacement with new turbine generator(s)
New turbine generator additions to an existing impoundment
Improvements may not as a consequence increase the water storage capacity or the head
of an existing water impoundment, or otherwise change the run of the river flow of the
resource. Qualifying “new” incremental hydropower output will be credited using the
following quantification and accounting criteria. The incremental generating capacity (in
nameplate MW) is divided by the total uprated generating capacity (in nameplate MW) and
then multiplied by generation output (in MWh) from the uprated generator. For example, if
a hydroelectric power plant expands generating nameplate capacity from 100 MW to 125
MW and generation output increased to 1,000 MWh, then 200 MWh ((25 MW/125 MW) *
1,000 MWh) would be eligible for use by corporate buyers, regardless of the overall level
of generation of the project during the period. Note that the overall generation from the
uprated hydroelectric power plant may be higher or lower than generation levels that
occurred at the plant prior to the capacity uprate.
To verify the new” incremental output, RE100 reserves the right to request that corporate
buyers present an independent third-party report demonstrating that the increased annual
output of electrical energy is a result of the “new” incremental improvements.
Improvements that increase electrical energy output due to routine maintenance (i.e.,
output would be increased compared to original design) do not count.
3. A separable improvement to or a complete improvement of an existing operating facility
provides incremental generation that is separately metered from the existing generation at
the facility.
4. The facility has begun co-firing sustainable biomass with non-renewable fuels or has
transitioned to firing 100% sustainable biomass.
RE100 re-powering guidance is adapted from the United States Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Green Power Partnership's (GPP) guidance:
‘Fifteen years’ is defined as on or after 1 January of the year fifteen years prior to the claim of use
of renewable electricity. For example, a claim to use of renewable electricity over January-
December 2025 must be based on procurement from projects commissioned or re-powered on or
after 1 January 2010.
Appendix D: Commissioning or re-
powering date limit worked examples
These diagrams illustrate how corporate buyers with otherwise credible claims to use of renewable
electricity may or may not have their claims recognized as progress towards their RE100 targets.
In this example, a corporate buyer has a credible claim to be consuming 10% renewable electricity.
None of this consumption is subject to the requirements in Section 5: 2.2, and so the entire 10%
contributes progress towards the corporate buyer’s RE100 target.
In this example, a corporate buyer has a credible claim to be consuming 50% renewable electricity.
It exempts procurement of renewable electricity amounting to 15% of its total consumption from the
requirements in Section 5: 2.2. It also subjects procurement of renewable electricity amounting to
35% of its total consumption to the requirements. Therefore, the entire 50% contributes progress
towards the corporate buyer’s RE100 target.
In this example, a corporate buyer has a credible claim to be consuming 100% renewable
electricity. It exempts 15% from the requirements in Section 5: 2.2, and subjects the remainder to
the requirements. Therefore, the entire 100% is recognized by the RE100 technical criteria, and the
corporate buyer has met its RE100 target.
In this example, a corporate buyer has a credible claim to be consuming 50% renewable electricity.
It does not subject any of its procurement to the requirements in Section 5: 2.2 (in other words, it
procures from projects commissioned or re-powered more than fifteen years ago through contracts
with operational commencement dates on or after 1 January 2024). Therefore, only 15%
contributes progress towards the corporate buyer’s RE100 target since it is exempt from the
requirements. The remaining 35% is not recognized as progress towards the RE100 target.
In this example, a corporate buyer has a credible claim to be consuming 100% renewable
electricity. It exempts 15% from the requirements in Section 5: 2.2, but only subjects 75% to the
requirements (in other words, it procures the 25% from projects commissioned or re-powered more
than fifteen years ago through contracts with operational commencement dates on or after 1
January 2024). Therefore, the final 10% is not recognized as progress towards the corporate
buyer’s RE100 target.
Appendix E: Select studies in
identifying procurement types
1 Project-specific versus retail supply contracts for
renewable electricity
The following questions aid in identifying whether a given contract with a supplier must be
characterized as ‘retail’ and not as ‘project-specific’.
Is it known exactly which projects are used in the supply at all times?
If the answer to this question is ‘no’, the supply is not project-specific and must be
characterized as a retail supply of renewable electricity.
Can the supplier vary the projects used in the supply without the corporate buyer’s consent, or
is the variation of the projects used in the supply not an explicit clause in the supply contract?
If the answer to this question is ‘yes’, the supply is not project-specific and must be
characterized as a retail supply of renewable electricity.
2 EAC arbitrage
2.1 What is EAC arbitrage?
EAC arbitrage describes swapping EACs for other EACs, often for the purpose of reducing
renewable electricity procurement costs
. A corporate buyer holding a PPA with a new project may
receive a supply of EACs with a high market value. The corporate buyer may exchange these
EACs for cheaper EACs (from older or less desirable projects). The corporate buyer still off-takes
the market risk from (and therefore supports) the new project and may realize a financial benefit by
trading the EACs from the new project.
2.2 What procurement types must be reported when EAC arbitrage is
EAC arbitrage takes away the corporate buyer’s ability to claim it has used renewable electricity
with the new generator’s attributes. The corporate buyer can only claim to have used renewable
electricity with the attributes conveyed by the lower-value EACs it has acquired.
The corporate buyer can report procuring attributes from a new generator through a PPA to convey
a potential support claim for new renewable electricity capacity but cannot make use claims with
those attributes. In reporting to RE100, if member companies report arbitraged PPAs as
PPAs, they must note in a comment where they have arbitraged their PPAs with an
unbundled EAC purchase and include details of the replacement EACs. In this way, claims to
have supported renewable electricity generation and to have used renewable electricity generation
are separate and distinct.
Reporting to RE100 has not previously identified where PPAs are arbitraged, or where unbundled
EAC purchases result from arbitraged PPAs. RE100 will consider evolving its reporting
infrastructure in the future to better study EAC arbitrage if the practice is understood to be
associated with a significant amount of corporate procurement of renewable electricity.
3 M2L contracts in China
Large energy consumers in China currently procure in mid-to-long-term (M2L) markets from
electricity exchanges
. They can procure from specific projects on the exchanges.
Corporate buyers sourcing renewable electricity through M2L contracts are not contracting with
generators themselves. They must report their procurement as project-specific contracts with
electricity suppliers. The procurement must not be reported as a form of power purchase
agreement, because there is no direct contracting with generators.
4 Long term EAC contracts in the Republic of Korea and
The Republic of Korea and Japan both offer long-term unbundled EAC contracts from new projects.
The contracts may be advertised as financial (virtual) power purchase agreements. However, the
contracts do not involve contract-for-difference mechanisms which allow for the off-take of market
risk by the corporate buyer, and are only for the projects unbundled EACs. The extent to which the
corporate buyer off-takes any wholesale electricity price risk from new projects by providing an EAC
revenue stream to the generator is unclear.
In Japan, a feed-in-premium (FIP) is paid to some projects. The level of the premium is dependent
on the average prices of electricity and EACs in the wholesale market. In theory, the premium will
be higher when the average electricity prices and EAC prices at the wholesale market are lower,
and vice versa or zero in case of negative. This might make long-term EAC contracts with high
EAC prices similar in impact to virtual power purchase agreements, without involving contracting-
for-difference mechanisms or direct contracting with generators.
RE100’s view is that these contracts must be reported as unbundled procurement of EACs.
Appendix F: Operational
commencement dates of contracts
eligible for grandfathering
This appendix provides further guidance to companies establishing which contracts meeting the
2021 RE100 technical criteria are eligible for grandfathering once RE100s definition of a single
market for renewable electricity in Europe changes (see Appendix B), and when RE100 introduces
a fifteen-year commissioning or re-powering date limit for renewable electricity purchases (see
Section Five: 2.2).
Contracts with operational commencement dates before 1 January 2024 are eligible for
For the avoidance of doubt, the term operational commencement date has no relation to the signing
date of a contract. Instead, RE100 is linking the term to the claims to use of renewable electricity
the contract is used to make.
1 Bundled procurement
For bundled procurement contracts (meaning all physical PPAs procurement type 2.1 and all
contracts with suppliers procurement types 3.1 and 3.2), the operational commencement date is
defined as the date of first physical supply of electricity.
In other words, for a bundled procurement contract to be eligible for grandfathering, it must be used
to make claims to use of renewable electricity for consumption periods before 1 January 2024.
2 Unbundled procurement
For unbundled procurement contracts (meaning all financial/virtual PPAs procurement type 2.2
and all contracts for unbundled EACs procurement type 4), the operational commencement date
is defined as the date of the first physical supply of electricity the contract is used to decarbonize.
In other words, for an unbundled procurement contract to be eligible for grandfathering, it must be
used to make claims to use of renewable electricity for consumption periods before 1 January
Appendix G: Links with the GHG
Protocol Corporate Standard
1 The RE100 technical criteria and the Scope 2 Quality
The Scope 2 Quality Criteria define requirements for market-based emissions claims. Broad
comparisons can be drawn with the RE100 technical criteria.
Requirements for a credible claim to use of
renewable electricity
Requirements for a market-based scope 2
emissions claim
Ensuring accurate generation and attribute information
Credible generation data
Attribute aggregation
Convey GHG emission rate
No double-counting of generation attributes or attributes between instruments
Exclusive ownership (no double-counting)
Convey GHG emission rate
Be the only instrument that conveys that
GHG emissions rate
Tracked, redeemed, cancelled by or on
behalf of the reporting entity
No double-claiming between users
Exclusive claims (no double-claiming)
Requirement to use the residual mix or
document its absence
Utility-specific requirements
Direct purchasing requirements
Matching generation to usage geographically
Geographic market boundary limitations
Market boundary limitations
Matching generation to usage temporally
Vintage limitations
Vintage limitations
This table is also found in the RE100 credible claims paper.
2 Where do the RE100 technical criteria deviate from the
GHG Protocol Corporate Standard?
The RE100 technical criteria deviate from established market-based emissions
accounting guidance in some areas, and for different reasons.
2.1 Using market-based instruments to decarbonize scope 1
RE100 provides guidance for credible use of market-based instruments for claiming scope 1
emissions (i.e., biogas certificates) in the absence of market-based scope 1 accounting guidance
from the GHG Protocol.
RE100 specifically advises that energy attribute certificates issued to renewable electricity
generated and fed into grids are scope 2 instruments which cannot be used to decarbonize scope 1
emissions, or the emissions associated with electricity which is not consumed from the grid.
2.2 Recognizing passive claims to use of renewable electricity where
there is a highly renewable grid and no market
RE100 recognizes passive procurement which conveys no market-based instruments to an
organization on grids which are highly renewable (95% or more) and where no market-based
instruments exist. This is because the initiative does not feel it is necessary to call for members to
drive change in these markets, and recognizes their passive claims there.
It is important to note that while RE100 recognizes claims to use of renewable electricity in
these markets, only location-based emissions claims can be made in them.
Appendix H: RE100 Technical Advisory
Group (TAG) members
The RE100 TAG contributes to the development of the RE100 technical criteria,
but the entirety of the technical criteria may not reflect each TAG member’s
Andrew Glumac (Chair) Senior Manager Renewable Energy, CDP
Nicholas Fedson (Secretary) Technical Manager Renewable Energy, CDP
Jared Braslawsky Secretary General, RECS International
James Critchfield Director, Green Power Partnership, US Environmental
Protection Agency
Masaya Ishida Senior Manager, Renewable Energy Institute, Japan
Todd Jones Director, Policy, Center for Resource Solutions
Doug Miller Deputy Director, Market & Policy Innovation, Clean Energy Buyers
Daniel Riley Director, International Corporate Climate Partnerships, World
Wildlife Fund US
Appendix I: Additional resources and
contact information
The RE100 technical guidance page links to:
The RE100 technical criteria (this document)
The full RE100 credible claims paper
The RE100 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The RE100 joining criteria
RE100’s guidance on how its members are held to account
Yearly RE100 reporting guidance
For general (non-technical) questions about RE100, including requests to join the
RE100 initiative, please write to the campaign lead, Climate Group, at
For technical questions about RE100 guidance, please write to [email protected]