The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
Policy on the use of fixed term and standard
Document type
Scope (applies to)
All staff
Applicability date
Review / Expiry date
Approved date
Document owner
Human Resources Officer
School / unit
Human Resources
Document status
Information classification
Equality impact assessment
Key terms
Staff/Employee relations/Contract
Outlines the appropriate use of fixed term
contracts and expectations of employees
employed on these contracts.
Purpose / changes
Author of
changes, role
and school /
Amending the expiry
date only to coincide
with policy review
consultation dates.
Lisa Stewart
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
Table of contents
1. Policy Statement 3
2. Purpose 3
3. Scope 3
4. Definitions 3
5. Appropriate use of fixed term contracts 4
6. Renewal of fixed term contracts 5
7. Ending of fixed term or standard contract 5
8. Review 5
9. Support and advice 6
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
1. Policy Statement
1.1 The University recognises and values the contribution made by all employees of the
University regardless of fixed term/standard contract status. It is committed to ensuring that
all employees on fixed term contracts are treated as favourably as those on standard
contracts in relation to pay, benefits, training, promotion and career development. The
University seeks to provide continuity of employment for its employees and is committed to
reducing, as far as possible, the use of fixed term contracts within the overall context of
continuing to improve on its position as a world leading research and teaching University
and remaining true to its commitment of respect and fair treatment for all.
1.2 Fixed term contracts should only be used for transparent and objective reasons where
there is a genuine finite need. By minimising the use of fixed term contracts, it is
acknowledged that there will be potential redundancy situations which arise particularly for
those on standard contracts with fixed term external grant funding.
2. Purpose
2.1 The purpose of this policy is to:
minimise the use of fixed term contracts in the University by ensuring that they are only
used where objective justification exists;
provide for the transfer of fixed term employees to standard contracts where appropriate;
specify how fixed term contracts and standard contracts related to fixed term externally
funded grants and initiatives/projects will be managed;
specify the circumstances in which fixed term contracts may be used;
specify action required in relation to the termination of a fixed term contract or standard
contract related to fixed term externally funded grants or other appropriate reason e.g.
end of specific project;
ensure compliance with legislative duties as set out in the Fixed Term Employees
(Prevention of Less Favourable Treatment) Regulations 2002.
3. Scope
3.1 This policy covers all employees of the University but is specifically designed for the
following two groups: (it does not cover apprentices, agency workers or student work
Employees who are employed on fixed term contracts with a specified end date;
Those employees on a standard contract directly linked to grants, initiatives and projects
which are fixed term in nature.
4. Definitions
4.1 A fixed term contract is a contract of employment which:
is for a specific term and is fixed in advance but can be terminated early by appropriate
notice being given by either side within the fixed period;
terminates automatically on the completion of a particular task;
terminates automatically upon the occurrence or non-occurrence of an event which the
postholder is aware e.g. substantive postholder returns from maternity or research leave
or a course does not run due to lack of numbers.
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
4.2 A standard contract is defined in law as ‘a contract of employment that is not fixed term’.
Such contracts may also be referred to as open ended or indefinite. Standard contracts
may be lawfully terminated as long as the correct process has been adhered to.
5. Appropriate use of fixed term contracts
5.1 The use of fixed term contracts will continue to remain appropriate in certain circumstances
where there is a clear need and will only be used where there is a transparent and
objective justification at the time the contract is first established or upon renewal, for
Where funding is limited to a specified period and there is no reasonable or foreseeable
prospect from the outset of it being extended;
Where there is no reasonable or foreseeable prospect of short-term funding being
renewed or other external or internal funding being available or becoming available;
Where a post has been established to deliver specific project/task-based work which is
finite in nature, without any anticipated requirement for such work to continue beyond
that task/project;
The post requires specialist skills for a finite period;
To provide backfill cover for activities in the absence of another member of staff who is
expected to return to their post e.g. for research, maternity, sick leave, secondment;
Where the funding/project can be clearly demonstrated as uncertain;
Where a post has been created to satisfy short term/seasonal demand;
The post is to a temporary, personal fellowship e.g. Royal Society.
5.2 Employees on fixed term contracts
5.2.1 It is intended that fixed term employees should:
have contracts which contain the same core contractual terms and conditions of
employment as comparable staff on continuing appointments;
have comparable workloads to comparable staff on continuing appointments;
be able to access the same facilities as comparable staff on continuing appointments
e.g. library, Sports Centre, office space, photocopying;
have equal access to development opportunities that meet their identified needs,
including those opportunities that advance their career paths e.g. by having an annual
review with their line manager and research and impact paid leave;
have a clear understanding of the current and planned future status of their post;
be provided with information on, and the opportunity to apply for, other positions within
the University;
be eligible to participate in University governance and committees;
have an expectation that after 3 years’ service, they will normally be provided with
confirmation that their post is to be made standard unless clear objective justification
applies, or their post is not being renewed at this point;
not have more than three successive renewals or extensions for periods of one year or
less other than in exceptional circumstances;
not be selected for redundancy or be unfairly dismissed if the principal reason for the
selection was because of their fixed term status.
5.2.2 Employees on fixed term contracts can request a written statement within 21 days of
commencement in their post to explain any differences in their employment arrangements
from those of comparable continuing contracts. In addition, employees can request at any
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
time during their employment to be provided with an objective justification for the fixed term
nature of their appointment.
6. Renewal of fixed term contracts
6.1 Normally, employees will be deemed to hold a standard contract if their fixed term contract
is being renewed/extended; and the new contract period will result in employment
extending beyond 3 years or more unless there is a clear objective justification for the fixed
term status remaining (as outlined in 5.1).
6.2 There will be cases where the extension provides for continuous service of 3 years or more
but the further funding for the post remains a significant risk e.g. it is only short term for a
few months with no guarantee that more substantive funding will become available. In
these circumstances, each case will be reviewed individually and where future funding is
considered highly uncertain, objective justification for the continued use of a fixed term
contract beyond 3 years may apply. In cases where the further use of a fixed term contract
extends service beyond 3 years, a written statement of the rationale will be provided
(usually as part of the individual’s contract extension paperwork).
6.3 Where a standard contract is issued which has finite funding or is related to a finite
initiative/project, the employee will normally be advised of this at the point the
contract/extension is issued.
7. Ending of fixed term or standard contract
7.1 The end of a fixed term contract is deemed to be a dismissal in law therefore, the
University must adhere to a dismissal procedure that is compliant with relevant
employment legislation.
7.2 In the majority of cases, the reason for dismissal upon the expiry of a fixed term contract
will be redundancy but, in some cases,, it may be for ‘some other substantial reason’ e.g.
on the return of an absent member of staff for whom cover has been provided.
7.3 There will also be cases where it is necessary for the University to consider the termination
of a standard contract as a result of redundancy, e.g. where the fixed term funding/project
comes to an end without equivalent replacement.
7.4 In the case of individual redundancy situations, the Principal Investigator/Manager/Head of
School will be informed at least 5 months prior to the potential expiry of the fixed
term/standard contract to enable a speedy response and avoid unnecessary
communication being sent to individual members of staff that places them at risk of
redundancy when, in fact, further funding/initiative/projects are available.
7.5 If a redundancy process has to be initiated, it will follow the steps outlined in the
University’s Redundancy Policy.
7.6 Employees at risk of termination for ’some other substantial reason’, will be given the
opportunity to have a meeting to discuss the end of their contract and look at alternative
options available.
7.7 The University will make all reasonable efforts to ensure the continuity of individuals where
possible and consideration will be given to bridging funding and redeployment
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
8. Review
8.1 This policy will be reviewed periodically with the unions and to reflect changes in relevant
legislation. Information on the use of fixed term and standard contracts will be presented at
the Research and Teaching Staff Forum each semester.
9. Support and advice
9.1 If you require further information regarding any of the content of this policy, please contact
a member of the HRBP team in the first instance.
This policy is not contractual and may be amended by the University from time to time.
Purpose / changes
Author of
changes, role
and school /
Migration of the policy
to the Governance
Louise Milne
Change to
classification from
internal to public.
Lisa Stewart
Change to review date
Lisa Stewart
Change to review date
Lisa Stewart
Change to review date
Lisa Stewart
Change to review date
and broken links fixed.
Lisa Stewart
Review date extended
to allow policy review to
Lisa Stewart
Amending the expiry
date only to coincide
with policy review
consultation dates.
Lisa Stewart