Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is an Activity Desk?
A: An Activity Desk is a person or business entity that acts, for compensation or other
consideration, as an intermediary between a person seeking to purchase activities
furnished by an activity provider.
Q: What is an Activity Provider?
A: An Activity Provider is a person or business entity which provides specialized air,
land or sea tour excursions and activities.
Q: Do I have to be located in Hawaii in order to sell activities?
A: No. You must register for an activity desk license if you are selling activities to
clients in Hawaii.
Q: Do I need to register my branch office(s) also?
A: Yes. If a branch office deposits consumer funds in the same client trust account as
the principal office, then the branch office does not have to obtain its own activity
desk registration. If the branch office does not deposit consumer funds into the
same client trust account as the principal office then the branch office will have to
obtain its own activity desk registration.
Q: Do I need a client trust account?
A: All activity desks are required to submit evidence of the establishment of a client trust
account (commonly known as a business checking account) with a federally insured
financial institution located in Hawaii.
Q: Are there any alternatives to a client trust account?
A: Yes. A performance bond or an irrevocable letter or credit is permitted. An activity
desk shall provide evidence of either a client trust account, a single bond or a single
irrevocable letter of credit.
Q: Can a third party or agent open a client trust account on our behalf?
A: Please check with your respective financial institution. There are banks that will
allow a third party to hold a client trust account. Requirements may include the
agent to sign the signature card on behalf of the activity desk and an agreement
between the agent and the activity desk.
Q: What is a Designated Principal?
A: All activity desks are required to designate a person who shall have direct
management and supervision and who has ownership interest in the activity desk.
Q: What if I will be selling travel services also?
A: If you will be selling travel services in addition to activities, you must register for a
Travel Agency license. See http://cca.hawaii.gov/pvl/programs/travel/
Q: How can I find out if an activity desk is registered?
A: Visit this website to verify a registration: http://pvl.ehawaii.gov/pvlsearch/ or call (808)
Q: How do I file a complaint against an activity desk?
A: The Regulated Industries Complaints Office (RICO), a statewide agency of the
DCCA is the office to contact when you have a complaint against a licensed or
unlicensed activity desk.
Please visit RICO’s website at cca.hawaii.gov/rico/ to file a complaint online, or call
the DCCA Consumer Resource Center at (808) 587-4272.
Q: What is the renewal period to renew a license or registration?
A: The activity desk registration expires on December 31 of every odd-numbered year.
Online renewals are available approximately eight (8) weeks before the expiration
Q: What happens if the activity desk registration is not renewed before it expires?
A: If the registration is not renewed by Dec 31 of the odd-numbered year, the
registration is forfeited. The travel agency has six months from the expiration date to
restore the forfeited registration by submitting all required documents and fees,
including a late renewal fee. If the registration is not restored within the six months,
the registrant will be treated as a new applicant and shall meet the licensing or
registration requirements at the time of application.