Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange
(VEX) Use Cases
Publication date: April 2022
This document provides the recommended minimum data elements of a Vulnerability
Exploitability eXchange (VEX) document and offers the reader a set of scenarios with proposed
implementations. A VEX document is a form of a security advisory that indicates whether a
product or products are affected by a known vulnerability or vulnerabilities. Further work will be
needed to build out additional use cases to help users understand how to successfully build VEX
documents of varying complexity.
1.0 Introduction
The goal of Vulnerability Exploitability eXchange (VEX) is to allow a software supplier or other
parties to assert the status of specific vulnerabilities in a particular product
. This document is
part of a series of descriptions and guidance documents for VEX.
VEX is a form of a security advisory, similar to those already issued by mature product security
teams today. There are a few important improvements for the VEX model over ‘traditional’
security advisories. First, VEX documents are machine readable, built to support integration into
existing and novel security management tools, as well as broader vulnerability tracking
platforms. Second, VEX data can support more effective use of Software Bills of Materials
(SBOM) data. The ultimate goal of this document is to support greater automation across the
vulnerability ecosystem, including disclosure, vulnerability tracking, and remediation.
As a novel, machine-readable mechanism, VEX allows both suppliers and users to focus on
vulnerabilities that pose the most immediate risk, while not investing time in searching for or
patching vulnerabilities that are not exploitable and therefore have no impact. With that being
The OASIS Common Security Advisory Framework (CSAF) defines ‘product’ as “any deliverable (e.g., software,
hardware, specification, …) which can be referred to with a name. This applies regardless of the origin, the license
model, or the mode of distribution of the deliverable.” A product comes from a supplier, and can be thought of as
referring to any supplied software.
See for an initial overview. More information
will be available at
said, the VEX product statuses are not intended to be a discussion-ending declaration but a way
to empower consumers to make informed decisions.
This document is meant to give guidance on what constitutes a VEX document. The document
offers a set of scenarios that a product supplier may wish to address, starting with simple
examples and moving to more complex scenarios. Depending on the supplier and situation, the
amount and complexity of information conveyed in a VEX document may vary. It is important to
have clarity around how this data should be conveyed and implemented, to support automated
consumption of the advisories.
The use cases described below offer several different ways that an organization can structure and
organize its published VEX documents. This document does not explicitly offer
recommendations about the optimal organization. Suppliers are encouraged to work with their
customers and the vendor community to identify the approach that meets respective needs.
2.0 Minimum Data Elements
A VEX document is a binding of product information, vulnerability information, and the relevant
status details relating them. Minimum data elements of a VEX document must include the VEX
metadata, product details, vulnerability details, and product status.
VEX metadata must include: VEX Format Identifier, Identifier string for the VEX
document, Author, Author role, Timestamp.
Product details must include: Product identifier(s) or Product family identifier (e.g.,
unique identifier or a combination of Supplier name, product name, and version string, as
laid out in established SBOM guidance
Vulnerability details must include: Identifier of the Vulnerability (CVE or other
identifier) and vulnerability description (e.g. CVE description).
Product Status details (i.e., status information about a vulnerability in that product)
must be from the following list:
NOT AFFECTED No remediation is required regarding this vulnerability.
AFFECTED Actions are recommended to remediate or address this
FIXED These product versions contain a fix for the vulnerability.
UNDER INVESTIGATION It is not yet known whether these product versions
are affected by the vulnerability. An update will be provided in a later release.
See documents at for more information, particularly Framing Software Component
Transparency: Establishing a Common Software Bill of Materials.
If a status is AFFECTED, the VEX document must have an action statement that tells the
product user what to do. If the status is NOT AFFECTED, then a VEX document must
have an impact statement to further explain details.
Various other details, such as CVSS scores or links to other resources can be added to a VEX
document to add value for the customer. This document introduces the minimum required fields
for each use case. Status information in the product status field is introduced in the use case
found in section 3.1.1.
3.0 VEX Use Cases
The use cases below differ in how they address Product (or Product Line), Version, Vulnerability
and Status. This table summarizes the use cases.
Product Product
Version Vulnerability Status
Single Multiple Multiple Single Multiple All Single Multiple Single Multiple
3.1.1 x x x x
3.2.2 x x x x
3.2.3 x x x x
3.2.4 x x x x
3.2.5 x x x x
3.2.6 x x x x
3.3.2 x x x x
3.4.2 x x x x
3.4.3 x x x
3.1 Single Product, Single Vulnerability
3.1.1 Single Product, Single Version, Single Vulnerability, Single Status
This use case is the equivalent to a simple security advisory with only one vulnerability. The
company makes statements about each version of its product in a different VEX document. For a
given version of a given product, a particular vulnerability can only have a single status.
Example Company was informed about the security vulnerability Log4j with its associated CVE-
2021-44228. The 4 potential VEX statuses are introduced with an example of each:
NOT AFFECTED: Example Company has a product ABC. When the first Log4Shell
vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) was disclosed, the Product Security Incident Response
Team (PSIRT) of Example Company released a VEX document stating that product ABC
in version 4.2 is not affected. Example Company made this assertion because the class
with the vulnerable code was removed before shipping.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
Note: It is required to include an impact statement in order to tell the consumer why the
product is not affected. In this example, the statement is that the vulnerable library’s
“class with the vulnerable code was removed before shipping.”
AFFECTED: Example Company has a product DEF which uses a vulnerable version of
the Log4j library in DEF’s version 1.0. When the first Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-
2021-44228) was disclosed, the PSIRT of Example Company released a VEX document
stating that product DEF is affected and customers should update to version 1.1 of
product DEF.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
Note: It is required to include an action statement in order to tell consumers what they
should do. In this example, the action statement is “customers should update to version
1.1 of product DEF, which fixes the issue.”
UNDER INVESTIGATION: Example Company has a product GHI. When the first
Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) was disclosed, the PSIRT of Example
Company released a VEX document stating that GHI's version 17.4 is currently being
investigated as to whether it is affected by CVE-2021-44228.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
Note: It is expected that the VEX document will be updated with the result of the analysis
at some later point in time.
FIXED: Example Company has a product DEF which uses the Log4j library in version
1.0. When the first Log4Shell vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) was disclosed, the PSIRT
of Example Company released an update and a VEX document stating that product DEF
version 1.1 is fixed.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
NOTE: This status is mostly used in combination with AFFECTED (i.e., a previous
version was affected, the current one is fixed) but can also be used as a standalone status.
3.2 Use Cases for Single Product, Multiple Vulnerabilities
3.2.1 General
A VEX document can reference multiple vulnerabilities. An example of a single product affected
by multiple vulnerabilities would be the Ripple20 vulnerabilities.
Ripple20 has been described
as a set of 19 vulnerabilities in a software library developed by Treck, Inc., and an organization
may have to issue an advisory for them at the same time. A company using this software library
in a product would need to clarify whether and how these vulnerabilities affect the product. The
information provided on Ripple20 vulnerabilities is used in use cases found in sections 3.2.2 and
3.2.2 Single Product, Single Version, Multiple Vulnerabilities, Single Status
In this use case, Example Company has fielded the product ABC with the current version 4.2.
The company makes statements about each version of its product in a different VEX document.
For a given version of a given product, a particular vulnerability can only have a single status.
When the Ripple20 vulnerabilities were disclosed, customers asked Example Company whether
the current version 4.2 of its product ABC was affected. Example Company’s PSIRT released a
VEX document stating that product ABC version 4.2 is not affected, because it does not use the
vulnerable stack.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
for more information.
3.2.3 Single Product, Single Version, Multiple Vulnerabilities, Multiple
In this use case, Example Company has fielded product GHI. The company makes statements
about each version of its product in a different VEX document. For a given version of a given
product, a particular vulnerability instance can only have a single status. However, other
instances of the same or different vulnerabilities may have different statuses.
Product GHI’s TCP/IP-Stack is based on Treck’s stack, with some custom implementation and
modifications. When Ripple20 was disclosed, Example Company’s PSIRT released a VEX
document stating that product GHI’s version 17.4 is not affected by some of the Ripple20
vulnerabilities (namely CVE-2020-11897, CVE-2020-11902, CVE-2020-11899, CVE-2020-
11905, CVE-2020-11906, CVE-2020-11913), but that it is affected by certain others (CVE-
2020-11898, CVE-2020-11907, CVE-2020-11909, CVE-2020-11910, CVE-2020-11911).
Moreover, others are still under investigation (CVE-2020-11896, CVE-2020-11900, CVE-2020-
11904, CVE-2020-11903, CVE-2020-11908) and some are fixed already (CVE-2020-11901,
CVE-2020-11912, CVE-2020-11914).
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
3.2.4 Single Product, Multiple versions, Single Vulnerability, Single Status
In this use case, Example Company has fielded product ABC and provided updates or otherwise
updated it over time, so that there are multiple versions of the software. Different types of
software or suppliers of software track versions and distributions differently.
The company makes statements about each version of its product in a single VEX document.
The new Log4j vulnerability, with associated CVE-2021-44228, has been identified in a
component of product ABC. Example Company prepares a VEX document to inform customers
that the vulnerability is exploitable (status: KNOWN_AFFECTED) in product ABC’s versions
2.4, 2.6, and all versions between and including 2.9 through version 4.1. There are 90 separate
product versions within that range, including minor versions and bug fixes.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
NOTE: Multiple versions can be communicated in two ways within a VEX document. Each
version can be called out in enumeration (e.g., 2.9, 3.0) or a range (e.g.,
"vers:generic/>=2.9|<=4.1"). An additional example of a range could be “all versions before 2.0
are AFFECTED.” Both range and enumeration are valid approaches.
However, complex version ranges can often be more complex to parse. To reduce the effort on
the user’s side, it is recommended to explicitly enumerate versions wherever possible. The
version range specifier tries to tackle the problem but can only solve that for known version
3.2.5 Single Products, All Versions, Single Vulnerability, Single Status
In this use case, Example Company has fielded product XYZ. The company makes statements
about all versions of product XYZ in a single VEX document.
When the Log4j vulnerability with associated CVE-2021-44228 was disclosed, the Example
Company’s PSIRT released a VEX document stating that all of XYZ's versions are currently
being investigated (status: UNDER INVESTIGATION) as to whether they are affected by CVE-
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
NOTE: A VEX document author might state that all versions have a certain status. It might be
useful to convey a message such as “XYZ is not affected as it is a Rust program - it does not use
Java at all and therefore cannot be affected.” However, a misperception can be created by doing
so as this includes future versions. If the company chooses to reimplement XYZ and use Java in
a later version, this can become problematic if the company does not update the VEX document
as the statement is not bound to the current latest version when the statement was made. In
combination with the status under investigation, the author must be cautious. All versions means
all versions and therefore can also include versions which are already End of Life.
3.2.6 Single Product, Multiple versions, Single Vulnerability, Multiple
In this use case, Example Company has fielded product ABC and provided updates, or otherwise
updated it over time, so that there are multiple versions of the software. The new Log4j
vulnerability, with associated CVE-2021-44228, has been identified in a component of product
Example Company concludes that some versions of product ABC are affected by CVE-2021-
44228 (see use case found in section 3.2.4). Example Company also concludes that there are
some versions of product ABC that are not impacted by CVE-2021-44228. Example Company
prepares a VEX document to communicate that the vulnerability is exploitable (status:
KNOWN_AFFECTED) in versions 2.4, 2.6, and all versions from and including 2.9 to 4.1, but
also not exploitable (status: KNOWN_NOT_AFFECTED) in versions 1.0 to 2.3, 2.5, and 2.7 to
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
3.3 Use Cases for Multiple Products, Single Vulnerability
3.3.1 General
A VEX document can refer to multiple products. An example of multiple products affected by a
single vulnerability is the Log4j vulnerability, CVE-2021-44228, released in 2021. A company
utilizing the Log4j software library may choose to create a VEX document containing all of its
affected products rather than one VEX document for each product.
Naming software products is an ongoing problem and this document does not propose to resolve
this issue.
For a given product with an identifier, different versions may be affected differently.
However, there are multiple practices, including multiple “best practices” for describing the
version of a given product. This paper describes several approaches to addressing these best
practices below. Note that this problem expands beyond the challenge of security advisories, but
if a single model is not realistic, then a scalable machine-readable approach to advisories will
require some predictability.
3.3.2 Multiple Products, Multiple Versions, Single Vulnerability, Multiple
In this use case, Example Company has fielded products ABC and JKL and provided updates
over time, so that there are multiple versions software. The new Log4j vulnerability, with
associated CVE-2021-44228, has been identified in components of products ABC and JKL.
To make it easier for its customers to download and distribute VEX material, Example Company
decides to communicate the exploitability status of products ABC and JKL in a single VEX
document as opposed to creating two separate VEX documents. Example Company prepares a
VEX document to communicate the exploitability of CVE-2021-44228 in product ABC as before
(see use case found in section 3.2.6).
The VEX document also includes the assertion that the vulnerability disclosed in CVE-2021-
44228 is exploitable (status: KNOWN_AFFECTED) in versions 4.5 to 5.0 of product JKL.
Moreover, CVE-2021-44228 is not exploitable (status: KNOWN_NOT_AFFECTED) in product
JKL versions 1.0 to 4.4. The mitigation for all versions of product JKL is to upgrade to the new
version 5.1, in which the status of CVE-2021-44228 is FIXED.
More information on the software identification challenge, along with guidance, is available at:
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
3.4 Multiple Products, Multiple Vulnerabilities
3.4.1 General
An example of multiple products, multiple vulnerabilities can be based on the subsequent Log4j
vulnerability disclosures (CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-45105, CVE-2021-44832) weeks after
the initial Apache Log4j CVE-2021-44228 was released. A company utilizing the Log4j
software library might develop one VEX document that addresses the status of all of these
vulnerabilities in a number of products, as opposed to creating a separate VEX document for
every new CVE. This is because one VEX document containing vulnerability exploit
information for all Log4j vulnerabilities might be easier for downstream consumers to receive,
process, and distribute than a stream of asynchronous VEX document releases with each
document being produced for a different Log4j vulnerability.
A supplier might also choose to provide VEX documents that are focused on particular products
or product lines. If the supplier follows this practice, a user that only has a few of the supplier’s
products would not have to go through every VEX document produced by the supplier, on the
off chance that it might provide information about one of their products.
3.4.2 Multiple Products, Multiple Versions, Multiple Vulnerabilities, Multiple
In this use case, the new Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228, and the subsequent vulnerability
have been identified in components of products ABC and JKL.
Two weeks after CVE-2021-44228, the initial Log4j CVE is released, an additional Log4j
vulnerability with associated CVE-2021-45105 is released. Example Company produces a VEX
document stating that the vulnerability disclosed in CVE-2021-44228 is exploitable (status:
KNOWN_AFFECTED) in products ABC versions 2.4, 2.6, 2.9 to 4.1, as well as JKL versions
4.5 to 5.0. The VEX document also states that the vulnerability disclosed in CVE-2021-45105 is
exploitable (status: KNOWN_AFFECTED) in the same versions of products ABC and JKL. JKL
version 5.1 is also affected by CVE-2021-45105 and therefore the mitigation is now to upgrade
to version 5.2. Other mitigations remain the same.
CSAF example
CycloneDX example
The authors acknowledge that CVE-2021-45046 was discovered before CVE-2021-45105. For the examples,
CVE-2021-45105 will be used.
3.4.3 Multiple Product Lines, Multiple Vulnerabilities, Multiple Statuses
There are instances where vendors group products into product lines. For example, MicroLogix
1400 is a product line of programmable logic controllers offered by Rockwell Automation, Inc.,
that includes products such as 1766-L32BWA and 1766-L32BXBA. Rather than call out each of
those product numbers individually, some vendors may choose to state the exploitability of the
entire product line, for one or more vulnerabilities.
Example Company has a product line of Ethernet switches: PROD_ALPHA, which includes
products MNO, PQR, and STU, as well as a product line of remote terminal units,
PROD_BETA, which includes products VWX and YZA. When CVE-2021-44228 and CVE-
2021-45105 are released for the Log4j vulnerabilities, Example Company produces a VEX
document stating that these vulnerabilities are not exploitable (status:
KNOWN_NOT_AFFECTED) in any of the products within product line PROD_ALPHA, but
are exploitable (status: KNOWN_AFFECTED) in all products within PROD_BETA. Example
Company decides to communicate that these entire product lines are affected/not affected as
opposed to communicating each product individually.
CSAF example
NOTE: Although this use case is valid, caution should be taken. Automated systems perform
poorly when they need to infer what products are within a product line unless that information is
made machine processable and is available elsewhere. Moreover, users may not know exactly
which products are in which product line.
4.0 Next steps for VEX
Further work will continue to refine the VEX specification, offer practical guidance, and discuss
implementations. One area of interest is to specify more detail for machine-readable information
about status. The community will also better explore the operationalization of VEX, and work
with the implementing standards. More work is also needed to understand the transport and data
management side of VEX implementation and use.
More information about SBOM, broadly, is available at To learn more
about SBOM and VEX, and join the VEX working discussion, please reach out to
Appendix A: About this document
This document was a product of the VEX Working Group, which grew out of the NTIA
Multistakeholder Process and the Framing Working Group, initially beginning work in 2020.
That work continued into 2022, facilitated by CISA.
Participants included:
Allan Friedman, CISA
Bruce Lowenthal, Oracle Corporation
Bryan Cowan, Fortress Information Security
Charlie Hart, Hitachi America Ltd.
Derek Kruszewski, aDolus Technology Inc.
Dmitry Raidman, Cybeats
Duncan Sparrell, sFractal Consulting
Ed Heierman, Abbott
Eliot Lear, Cisco Systems
Dr. Hans-Martin von Stockhausen, Siemens Healthineers
Jeremiah Stoddard, INL
Jim Jacobson, Siemens Healthineers
Josh Bressers, Anchore
Justin Murphy, CISA
Kate Stewart, The Linux Foundation
Matthew Paulsen, Juniper Networks, Inc.
Michael Hoover, INL
Nisha Kumar, Oracle
Rich Steenwyk, GE Healthcare
Steve Springett, OWASP
Thomas Schmidt, Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) Germany
Timothy Klett, INL
Timothy Walsh CISSP, Mayo Clinic
Tom Alrich, Tom Alrich LLC
Tony Turner, Fortress Information Security
Others participated, but do not wish to be named. Input into this document and the broader VEX
effort included feedback from multiple presentations, with a particular appreciation for feedback
from the Healthcare SBOM PoC community.