WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:
Standards for improving quality of maternal and newborn care in health facilities.
1.Maternal Health Services. 2.Maternal Welfare. 3.Infant, Newborn. 4.Child Health Services. 5.Delivery of
Health Care – standards. 6.Perinatal Care. I.World Health Organization.
ISBN 978 92 4 151121 6 (NLM classication: WA 310)
© World Health Organization 2016
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Acronyms and abbreviations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iv
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Executive summary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
1. Background
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.1 Introduction
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Priorities for reducing maternal and perinatal mortality
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.3 Rationale
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.4 Target audience
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2. Method and process
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2.1 Overview
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Scope
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Development of the framework and standards of care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4 Development of quality measures
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
3. Denition and framework of quality of care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1 Evidence and summary of ndings
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14
3.2 Denition of quality of care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.3 Quality of care framework
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
3.4 Strategic areas of work
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
4. Standards of care
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.1 Evidence and summary of ndings
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
4.2 Denition and structure of standards
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
4.3 Scope and use of standards and quality statements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
4.4 List of standards and quality statements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
5. Quality statements and measures
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.1 Outcome of the Delphi process
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
5.2 Using quality measures
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24
5.3 Measures for quality statements
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
6. Operationalization
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
6.1 Dissemination
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
6.2 Implementation approach
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .63
7. Monitoring and evaluation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
8. Updating the standards
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Annex 1. Participants in the meeting of the guideline development group,
Geneva, 3–4 June 2015
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Annex 2. List of participants in the Delphi study
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Acronyms and abbreviations
ICD International Classication of Diseases
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
UNICEF United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund
The WHO departments of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and of Reproductive
Health and Research gratefully acknowledge the contributions of many individuals to
preparation of this document.
Special thanks go to the experts who participated in and contributed to the framework for the
quality of maternal and newborn care, standards of care and quality statements at a meeting
in June 2015: Pierre Barker, Institute for Healthcare Improvement, USA; Nynke van den Broek,
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom; Sheena Currie, Maternal and Child
Health Integrated Program, USA; Kim Dickson, UNICEF, USA; Claudia Hanson, Karolinska
Institute, Sweden; Kathleen Hill, JHPIEGO, USA; Asia Kassim Hussein, UNICEF, United Republic
of Tanzania; Lily Kak, United States Agency for International Development, USA; Joy Lawn,
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom; Tess Lawrie, Evidence-
based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, United Kingdom; Norman Lufesi, Ministry of Health, Malawi;
Silke Mader, European Foundation on the Care of Newborn Infants, Germany; Ziaul Matin,
UNICEF, Bangladesh; Goldy Mazia, Maternal and Child Survival Program, USA; Georgina Msemo,
Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, United Republic of Tanzania; Jim Neilson, University of
Liverpool, United Kingdom; Lee Pyne-Mercier, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; USA; Isabella
Sagoe-Moses, Ministry of Health, Ghana; Memuna Tanko, National Health Insurance Authority,
Ghana; Donna Vivio, United States Agency for International Development, USA; and Nabila
We acknowledge the contributions of the 116 experts in 46 countries who participated in the
Delphi study to build consensus on the quality measures (listed in Annex 2).
External consultants who supported the work at various stages are Carolyn MacLennan, Rashmi
Mathur, Senait Kebede and Tess Lowrie.
Staff members in the WHO Interdepartmental Guidelines Steering Group were Rajiv Bahl,
Bernadette Daelmans, Matthews Mathai, Fran McConville, Annie Portela, Severin von Xylander
and Wilson Were, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health; Metin Gülmezoglu, Olufemi
Oladapo, Özge Tuncalp, and Joshua Vogel, Reproductive Health and Research; Neelam Dhingra,
Shamsuzzoha Syed, Service Delivery and Safety; Margaret Montgomery and Michaela Pfeiffer,
Public Health and Environment; Mwansa Nkowane, Health Workforce; and Gerardo Zamora and
Lisa Rogers, Nutrition for Health and Development.
This Publication was coordinated by staff members in the Maternal and Newborn Quality of
care Core Working Group: Bernadette Daelmans, Olufemi Oladapo, Özge Tuncalp, Wilson Were
and Severin von Xylander.
We also acknowledge and thank all WHO staff in regions and countries who participated in the
meetings, reviewed the text and provided input.
We acknowledge and thank the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which provided nancial
support for this work.
Executive summary
Much progress has been made during the past two decades in coverage of births in health
facilities; however, reductions in maternal and neonatal mortality remain slow. With increasing
numbers of births in health facilities, attention has shifted to the quality of care, as poor quality
of care contributes to morbidity and mortality. The period around childbirth is the most critical
for saving the maximum number of maternal and newborn lives and preventing stillbirths.
WHO sees a future in which “Every pregnant woman and newborn receives high-quality care
throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period. To realize this vision, WHO has
dened “quality of care” and has prepared a framework for improving the quality of care for
mothers and newborns around the time of childbirth.
The framework contains eight domains of quality of care that should be assessed, improved
and monitored within the health system. The health system provides the structure for access
to high-quality care in the two important, inter-linked dimensions of provision and experience
of care. Within this framework and in line with the Organization’s mandate, WHO will work
towards realization of its vision in six strategic areas, which will be the basis for a systematic,
evidence-based approach to providing guidance for improving the quality of maternal and
newborn care. The six areas are: clinical guidelines, standards of care, effective interventions,
measures of quality of care, relevant research and capacity-building
Standards of care and measures of quality were prioritized because there is currently no
substantive guidance, although it is the key to ensuring the quality of care. Standards explicitly
dene what is required in order to achieve high-quality care around the time of childbirth. In the
rst phase, a rigorous approach was used to identify existing resources, conduct an extensive
literature search and map the standards of care of various organizations in order to dene and
determine their structure. It was proposed that broad standards be set, underpinned by specic
quality statements and a number of input, output or process and outcome measures. Eight
standards were formulated, one for each of the eight domains of the quality of care framework.
To ensure that the standards are specic and focused, 2–13 quality statements were formulated
for each standard to drive measurable improvements in the quality of care around childbirth.
A WHO interdepartmental steering group and a core working group were established to
review and synthesize the evidence. Between January 2015 and February 2016, the working
group reviewed published studies to dene “quality of care” and to formulate the framework
for ensuring the quality of maternal and newborn care. The framework was presented to the
guideline development group at a consultation held in Geneva on 3–4 June 2015, where the
group reviewed and discussed the denition of “quality of care”, the proposed framework,
standards of care, quality statements and criteria for dening measures of quality. Agreement
on the denition, the domains of the framework, standards of care and the quality statements
was reached by consensus. The guideline development group also discussed the criteria for
dening the measures that would be used to assess, measure and monitor the quality of care.
In the second phase, the interdepartmental guidelines steering group collated, reviewed and
formulated input, output and outcome measures for each quality statement. These measures
were derived from indicators used by WHO and other internationally recognized organizations
in the public domain. Measures were then drafted by the relevant technical department and
rened by consultation in the guidelines steering group. The resulting list was reviewed in two
rounds of a Delphi process to ensure wider geographical (46 countries) and stakeholder (116
experts) consensus. Health facility teams can use the measures to identify gaps in the quality of
care and improve the provision and experience of care according to the standards and quality
statements. They are for use by health facility leaders, planners, managers and providers to
assess and monitor the availability of resources, performance, areas for improvement and the
impact of interventions, leading to better quality.
The eight standards of care and 31 quality statements are listed below.
Standards of care and quality statements
Standard 1: Every woman and newborn receives routine, evidence-based care and management of
complications during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statements
Women are assessed routinely on admission and during labour and childbirth and are given
timely, appropriate care.
Newborns receive routine care immediately after birth.
Mothers and newborns receive routine postnatal care.
Women with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia promptly receive appropriate interventions,
according to WHO guidelines.
Women with postpartum haemorrhage promptly receive appropriate interventions, according
to WHO guidelines.
Women with delay in labour or whose labour is obstructed receive appropriate interventions,
according to WHO guidelines.
Newborns who are not breathing spontaneously receive appropriate stimulation and
resuscitation with a bag-and-mask within 1 min of birth, according to WHO guidelines.
Women in preterm labour receive appropriate interventions for both themselves and their
babies, according to WHO guidelines.
Preterm and small babies receive appropriate care, according to WHO guidelines.
Women with or at risk for infection during labour, childbirth or the early postnatal period
promptly receive appropriate interventions, according to WHO guidelines.
Newborns with suspected infection or risk factors for infection are promptly given antibiotic
treatment, according to WHO guidelines.
All women and newborns receive care according to standard precautions for preventing
hospital-acquired infections.
No woman or newborn is subjected to unnecessary or harmful practices during labour,
childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Standard 2: The health information system enables use of data to ensure early, appropriate action
to improve the care of every woman and newborn.
Quality statements
Every woman and newborn has a complete, accurate, standardized medical record during
labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Every health facility has a mechanism for data collection, analysis and feedback as part of its
activities for monitoring and improving performance around the time of childbirth.
Standard 3: Every woman and newborn with condition(s) that cannot be dealt with effectively
with the available resources is appropriately referred.
Quality statements
Every woman and newborn is appropriately assessed on admission, during labour and in the
early postnatal period to determine whether referral is required, and the decision to refer is
made without delay.
For every woman and newborn who requires referral, the referral follows a pre-established
plan that can be implemented without delay at any time.
For every woman and newborn referred within or between health facilities, there is
appropriate information exchange and feedback to relevant health care staff.
Standard 4: Communication with women and their families is effective and responds to their
needs and preferences.
Quality statements
All women and their families receive information about the care and have effective
interactions with staff.
All women and their families experience coordinated care, with clear, accurate information
exchange between relevant health and social care professionals.
Standard 5: Women and newborns receive care with respect and preservation of their dignity.
Quality statements
All women and newborns have privacy around the time of labour and childbirth, and their
condentiality is respected
No woman or newborn is subjected to mistreatment, such as physical, sexual or verbal abuse,
discrimination, neglect, detainment, extortion or denial of services.
All women have informed choices in the services they receive, and the reasons for
interventions or outcomes are clearly explained.
Standard 6: Every woman and her family are provided with emotional support that is sensitive to
their needs and strengthens the womans capability.
Quality statements
Every woman is offered the option to experience labour and childbirth with the companion of
her choice.
Every woman receives support to strengthens her capability during childbirth.
Standard 7: For every woman and newborn, competent, motivated staff are consistently available
to provide routine care and manage complications.
Quality statements
Every woman and child has access at all times to at least one skilled birth attendant and
support staff for routine care and management of complications.
The skilled birth attendants and support staff have appropriate competence and skills mix to
meet the requirements of labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Every health facility has managerial and clinical leadership that is collectively responsible for
developing and implementing appropriate policies and fosters an environment that supports
facility staff in continuous quality improvement.
Standard 8: The health facility has an appropriate physical environment, with adequate water,
sanitation and energy supplies, medicines, supplies and equipment for routine maternal and
newborn care and management of complications.
Quality statements
Water, energy, sanitation, hand hygiene and waste disposal facilities are functional, reliable,
safe and sufcient to meet the needs of staff, women and their families.
Areas for labour, childbirth and postnatal care are designed, organized and maintained so
that every woman and newborn can be cared for according to their needs in private, to
facilitate the continuity of care.
An adequate stock of medicines, supplies and equipment is available for routine care and
management of complications.
1. Background
1.1 Introduction
During the past two decades, considerable efforts have been made to ensure skilled birth
attendance, with the aim of reducing morbidity and mortality among mothers and newborns.
These efforts have substantially improved the number of births in health facilities, the proportion
of deliveries attended by skilled health personnel in developing countries having increased
from 56% in 1990 to 68% in 2012. Despite this increased coverage, 800 women and 7700
newborns still die each day from complications during pregnancy and childbirth and in the
postnatal period; an additional 7300 women experience a stillbirth. With increasing numbers
of births in health facilities, more avoidable maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity are
occurring in those facilities. The outcome of the care for women and newborns around the time
of birth in health facilities reects the evidence-based practices used and the overall quality of
services provided. The quality of care depends on the physical infrastructure, human resources,
knowledge, skills and capacity to deal with both normal pregnancies and complications that
require prompt, life-saving interventions. Improving the quality of care in health facilities is thus
increasingly recognized as an important focus in the quest to end preventable mortality and
morbidity among mothers and newborns.
Research has shown that maximizing coverage of essential interventions is insufcient to reduce
maternal mortality and severe morbidity. Additionally, there is a complex interplay between
experience of care and pregnancy outcomes. To end preventable maternal and newborn
morbidity and mortality, every pregnant woman and newborn should have skilled care at birth
with evidence-based practices delivered in a humane, respectful, supportive environment.
Good-quality care requires appropriate use of effective clinical and non-clinical interventions,
strengthened health infrastructure, optimum skills and a positive attitude of health providers.
These will improve health outcomes and give women, their families and the health care providers
a positive experience. High-quality care is integral to the right to health and the route to equity
and the preservation of dignity for women and children.
Ensuring access to skilled birth attendance and essential obstetric care that is effective and
of good quality help reduce maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity (1). The WHO
standards for the quality of maternal and newborn care are based on prioritized, evidence-
based interventions during critical periods of care. WHO envisions a world in which “every
pregnant woman and newborn receives quality care throughout pregnancy, childbirth and the
immediate postnatal period” (2) This statement is aligned with two complementary global
action agendas: “Strategies toward ending preventable maternal mortality” (3) and the “Every
newborn: an action plan to end preventable deaths” (4).
1.2 Priorities for reducing maternal and perinatal mortality
Globally, over 70% of maternal deaths are due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth
such as haemorrhage, hypertensive disorders, sepsis and abortion (5). Complications of
preterm birth, asphyxia, intra-partum perinatal death and neonatal infections account for more
than 85% of newborn deaths (6). Studies show that effective, high-quality care to prevent and
manage complications during this critical period is likely to reduce the numbers of maternal
deaths, stillbirths and early neonatal deaths signicantly (7). Hence, the time of childbirth and
the period immediately after are particularly critical for maternal, foetal and neonatal survival
and represent an opportunity to increase the return on investments to improve care.
Effective prevention and management of conditions in late pregnancy, childbirth and the
early newborn period are likely to reduce the numbers of maternal deaths, antepartum and
intrapartum-related stillbirths and early neonatal deaths signicantly. Therefore, improvement
of the quality of preventive and curative care during this critical period could have the greatest
impact on maternal, foetal and newborn survival. On the basis of the current evidence on
burden and impact, the following thematic areas are considered high priorities for evidence-
based practices in routine and emergency care (2).
routine care during childbirth, including monitoring of labour and newborn care at birth and
during the rst week;
management of pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and its complications;
management of difcult labour with safe, appropriate medical techniques;
management of postpartum haemorrhage;
newborn resuscitation;
management of preterm labour, birth and appropriate care for preterm and small babies; and
management of maternal and newborn infections.
1.3 Rationale
Quality of care is increasingly recognized internationally as a critical aspect of the unnished
maternal and newborn health agenda, mainly with respect to care around labour and delivery
and in the immediate postnatal period (8). It is recognized that high coverage alone is not
enough to reduce mortality. To reduce maternal and neonatal mortality substantially and move
towards elimination of preventable causes of maternal and newborn death, increased coverage
should be accompanied by improved quality throughout the continuum of care (9, 10).
The WHO Multicounty Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health (11), with data on more than
300 000 women attending 359 health care facilities in 29 countries, showed a poor correlation
between coverage of “essential interventions” (e.g. the proportion of the population who had
received an indicated intervention, such as women with eclampsia who received magnesium
sulfate) and maternal mortality in health facilities. Studies also show that high-quality care
requires appropriate use of the available infrastructure, staff and commodities to ensure effective
case management (12). High-quality care requires appropriate use of evidence-based clinical
practices and non-clinical interventions, strengthened health infrastructure and optimum skills
and a positive attitude of health providers.
Providing high-quality antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care must be integral to any quality
improvement strategy. Human rights norms, medical ethics and technical standards encourage
integration of these services, directly or through effective referral, as a fundamental element
of the quality of care.¹ The right to health is a fundamental human right that is central to
accelerating reductions in maternal, neonatal and child mortality and morbidity and is the route
to equity and preservation of the dignity of women and children (13).
1.4 Target audience
The quality of care framework, standards of care and quality measures may be used to guide
the preparation of national standards of care and measures for improving, assessing and
monitoring the quality of care provided to mothers and newborns in health facilities. The
framework can also be used as a basis for quality improvement strategies and activities and for
incorporating quality into existing national programmes. The framework, standards of care and
quality measures are intended primarily for use by policy-makers, programme managers, health
planners at national, subnational, district and facility levels, maternal and newborn health care
professionals, and professional bodies or technical partners involved in quality of care or which
advise ministries of health. They can also be used as a resource in medical training institutions.
In recognition of the differences between countries with regard to the organizational structure of
health facilities and the health workers who provide maternal and neonatal care, the document
focuses on the standards of care, competence, services and physical resources necessary to
ensure that maternal and neonatal health conditions are appropriately assessed, managed or
referred within a functioning health system in order to provide the optimal care. The standards
of care and quality measures should be adapted to the local context to ensure their applicability
and to obtain the desired outcomes for mothers and newborns.
1 Germain A. Meeting human rights norms for the quality of sexual and reproductive health information and services.
Commissioned discussion paper presented at the international conference on population and development
beyond 2014. International conference on human rights, Noordwijk, 7–10 July 2013.
2. Method and process
2.1 Overview
The vision of the quality of care, the framework, the standards of care and the measures of
quality were dened in three phases. In the rst, consensus was reached on the WHO vision,
and the quality of maternal and newborn care was dened. In the second phase, agreement was
reached on a conceptual framework for quality of care, a strategic approach to implementation
and strategic areas for improving the quality of care. In the third phase, the group addressed
gaps identied in strategic work areas and dened standards of care and measures for
monitoring improvement in the quality of care in health facilities. These phases included a
literature review, expert consultations and consensus-building in a Delphi process.
2.2 Scope
The scope of the work was such as to provide comprehensive guidance to international and
national stakeholders to meet the WHO global vision of improving the quality of care for
mothers and newborns. This required a framework to dene the domains of measurement, the
means by which interventions can be expected to achieve the desired health outcomes and the
measures required for assessment.
A consultation was initiated in 2015 under the guidance of the Assistant Director-General of the
Family, Women and Children cluster. An interdepartmental guidelines steering group was set
up, consisting initially of members from the two departments directly responsible for maternal
and newborn health: the Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and
the Department of Reproductive Health and Research. Once the vision had been dened, the
steering group was expanded to include the departments of Public Health, Environmental and
Social Determinants of Health, Service Delivery and Safety, Health Workforce and Nutrition
for Health and Development. A core working group with members from the departments of
Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health and Reproductive Health and Research led
evidence retrieval and synthesis and ensured coordination.
The guidelines steering group met every two weeks to achieve consensus on the WHO vision of
maternal and newborn quality of care and to dene the scope of their work. Three categories
of review were identied:
of denitions of quality of care in the context of maternal and newborn health;
of existing models of quality of care and the design of a systematic framework of important
domains of maternal and newborn quality of care; and
of the literature and denition of an effective strategy for clinical and health service
interventions to improve the quality of care at country level.
These areas were addressed during the rst and second phases as the basis for dening quality
of care and the quality of care framework and identifying strategic work areas. Denition of
standards of care was identied as a major gap.
2.3 Development of the framework and standards of care
The core working group reviewed published and unpublished literature that reported denitions
of quality of care, models of care, quality of care frameworks and strategic approaches that
have been used to improve the quality of care in general and specically for maternal and
newborn health. The ndings were presented to the interdepartmental guidelines steering
group for review and discussion, and consensus was reached on a denition of quality of care,
the conceptual framework and the strategic implementation approach (2).
Standards represent benchmarks against which improvements can be measured and should
therefore be measurable. Dening standards of care was identied as a priority, because there
was little guidance available, except for evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. In a rst
step, a denition, taxonomy and structure were devised, and then standards of care were
Consensus was reached on the denition, draft framework, and standards of care, which were
then presented to a meeting of the guideline development group in June 2015 (Annex 1).
2.3.1 Evidence retrieval and synthesis
MEDLINE, WHO publications and other databases were searched for relevant publications that
provided denitions and models of quality of care, with the search terms “standard [denition]
[criteria], [service delivery], [clinical or guidelines], [standard operating procedures]”. Additional
searches were conducted by adding ‘maternal and newborn’ to the key words. Publications were
located on organizations’ websites by utilizing the site’s search box or a specic section of their
site dedicated to publications. Organizations that were likely to have developed standards in
general and for maternal and newborns in particular including international quality and safety
organizations, government agencies, nongovernment and professional organizations were
identied. Box 1 lists the organizations the publications of which were used as the main sources
for the denition, taxonomy and structure of standards of care. A general internet search with
the Google search engine and the same key words was also conducted. The documents were
then reviewed and analysed to identify a standard in terms of denition, description, format,
measurement and taxonomy. The group also reviewed experience in improving the quality of
care in various projects completed by WHO departments.
Box 1. Resources reviewed to dene standards
International Organization for Standardization
International Society for Quality in Health Care
The Joint Commission (USA)
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), United Kingdom
Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa
National Department of Health: National Core Standards for Health Establishment in
South Africa (2011)
Safecare Basic Health Care Standards (PharmAccess Foundation of the Netherlands,
the Joint Commission International of the USA and the Council for Health Service
Accreditation of Southern Africa)
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: National safety and
quality health service standards (2012)
WHO standards for maternal and newborn health. Group 1: General standards of care
for healthy pregnancy and childbirth (2007)
WHO Regional Ofce for South-East Asia: Standards of Midwifery Care (1999)
2.3.2 Expert review and consensus-building
In order to reect the diversity of expert opinion and technical perspectives appropriately, the
quality of care framework and standards of care were dened in a participatory process. The draft
was reviewed by relevant WHO departments to ensure technical accuracy and consistency and
with WHO regional ofces and country representatives to assess their applicability in different
contexts. The consultation was conducted electronically and at face-to-face meetings, followed
by a one-day meeting of the members of the interdepartmental guideline development group
to review, nalize and draft the framework and standards of care for presentation and discussion
by the guideline development group.
In June 2015, an expert meeting (Annex 1) was held to review the WHO vision and framework
and to achieve consensus on the WHO approach and the draft standards of care. The experts
reviewed the background information and drafts to determine the comprehensiveness of the
review and whether the proposed denition of quality of care, framework and standards of care
reected current knowledge and understanding of quality of care, their applicability to values
in low-resource settings and the feasibility of implementation. Consensus was reached on most
items and by a show of hands only exceptionally. The drafts were nalized on the basis of the
outcome of the meeting.
2.4 Development of quality measures
Measures of quality are a fundamental component of standards of care. They are required to
measure inputs, the process of care or service provision and, if appropriate, the outcome of care
and thus to monitor progress towards achievement of a particular standard of care. Dening
measures of quality is challenging, however, in view of variations in denitions, complex
interactions among the factors responsible for outcomes and the context of their use and
The group sought realistic parameters and a balanced approach to measuring interventions in
health facilities. They sought both appropriate direct measures and measures that reect the
combined effect of interventions
The initial step was to identify the elements of interventions that dene the standards of care,
on the basis of WHO guidelines and other relevant sources. A list of quality measures was
then collated, and the relevant WHO technical unit formulated a quality statement. These
were reviewed by the interdepartmental guidelines steering group before a Delphi process for
2.4.1 Collating and drafting quality measures
WHO technical departments drafted the quality measures for each statement in collaboration
with the core working group. The group mapped and collated existing measures from WHO
guidelines, several WHO tools for assessing health facilities and collecting data and from national
and international partners. When no measures were found in these sources, new measures were
formulated on the basis of current guidelines and discussed within the relevant WHO units. The
measures were collated, and the interdepartmental guidelines steering group drafted a list of
318 measures for the 31 quality statements, to be reviewed in the wider consultation.
2.4.2 Consensus-building on quality measures
To build consensus on the quality measures, a wider consultation was undertaken, initially within
WHO technical units and regional and country ofces and then globally in a Delphi process.
Prospective participants in the global consultation were identied who had a wide spectrum of
expertise, from the provision of care to the experience of care. They included experts in quality
of care, professionals (e.g. obstetricians, a neonatologist, paediatricians, midwives, nurses,
communication specialists, lawyers), researchers, academics, users and implementers at various
levels and representatives of consumer organizations, professional societies and international
and bilateral agencies. Invitations were sent to 215 prospective participants in 60 countries to
gauge their interest and obtain consent to participate. The aim was to recruit approximately
equal numbers of participants in the various sectors of health and social care, with global
Of 215 invitees, 130 (60%) in 48 low-, middle- and high-income countries agreed to participate.
The quality measures were sent to those who consented to participate in the consultation,
which was conducted in two rounds over 14 weeks. Online software (SurveyMonkey®) allowed
participants to submit their comments and rankings of measures in two rounds. In the rst
round, participants were asked to review the list of 318 quality measures for validation and
completeness, provide comments and propose any additional measures. In the second round,
participants were asked to prioritize the measures on the basis of the criteria agreed at the
guideline development group expert meeting.
Round one of the Delphi survey
In the rst round, the 130 participants were sent the list of quality measures divided into three
sections, the rst covering provision of care (standards 1–3), the second covering experience
of care (standards 4–6) and the third on cross-cutting areas (standards 7 and 8). Participants
could choose to address either provision or experience of care plus cross-cutting areas or all
three sections, depending on their expertise. They were asked to provide general comments
on the validity and completeness of the measures for each quality statement and, if necessary,
to propose additional measures. The survey was open for two weeks, during which time three
reminder e-mails were sent. The participants were encouraged to complete the survey at their
own pace and to review their answers before submitting them.
The core working group analysed the text comments and the quality measures proposed by the
respondents and grouped them for each quality statement. Text comments were analysed and
organized into categories, which were rened and clustered by the aspects of care covered by
the quality statements. The categories included comments that provided insight into areas that
were not covered but considered important, those that suggested reformulation of a measure
and those that extended a statement in some way. The proposed additional quality measures
were also grouped into themes. The relevant technical units then reviewed the grouped
comments and additional measures and compiled a list for round 2 of the Delphi process.
Round two of the Delphi survey
The second round was conducted six weeks after the rst, when the list was sent to 116
respondents who had expressed preferences in the rst round. Three surveys were designed:
one on the provision of care plus the cross-cutting areas (standards 1–3, 7 and 8), a second
on experience of care plus cross-cutting areas (standards 4–6, 7 and 8) and the third on all the
quality statements. The online survey was open for four weeks, and four reminder e-mails were
sent during this period.
In this round, respondents were asked to score the quality measures on the basis of the following
ve criteria, agreed upon by the guideline development group:
Importance: The topic of the measure is signicant and strategically important to stakeholders
(e.g. patients, clinicians, purchasers, public health ofcials, policy-makers). Health importance:
The aspect of health that the measure addresses is important, as indicated by high prevalence
or incidence and/or a signicant effect on the burden of illness (i.e. effect on mortality and
morbidity in a population).
Measurability: The requirements for data collection for the measure are understandable and
feasible. The data source required for implementing the measure is available and accessible
within the timeframe for measurement.
Reliability: The results of the measurement are reproducible for a xed set of conditions,
irrespective of who makes the measurement or when it is made.
Validity: The measure truly measures what it purports to measure.
Usefulness: The measure provides a meaningful measure of change over time, for
For each of the above criteria, participants had six graded options, from which to choose one:
No: This quality measure does not full this criterion.
Probably no: This quality measure probably does not full this criterion.
Not sure: I am not sure whether this quality measure fulls this criterion.
Probably yes: This quality measure probably fulls this criterion.
Yes: This quality measure fulls this criterion.
No expertise: I don’t have expertise in this area.
Ranking of quality measures
The ratings given in round 2 by the survey respondents were used to estimate a mean score for
each quality measure, as follows:
No: This quality measure does not full this criterion. = 0 points
Probably no: This quality measure probably does not full this criterion. = 0.25 point
Not sure: I am not sure whether this quality measure fulls this criterion. = 0.5 point
Probably yes: This quality measure probably fulls this criterion. = 0.75 point
Yes: This quality measure fulls this criterion. = 1 point
No expertise: I don’t have expertise in this area. = Blank
“Blank” responses were not included in calculation of the mean scores.
Calculation of mean scores
A mean score was calculated for each quality measure on each criterion and termed the
“intermediate” score, calculated as equal to the sum of all the scores for a particular criterion
divided by the number of respondents (excluding blanks).
The intermediate score for a quality measure for one criterion = mean score (C) for that quality
measure by the number of participants. “C” is equal to the sum of the scores for that criterion
divided by the total number of respondents (excluding blanks).
As there were ve criteria, the mean of the ve intermediate score was calculated to obtain the
nal priority score for each quality measure. The nal priority score for each quality measure was
calculated by adding the intermediate scores for that measure on the ve criteria, divided by 5.
Final score for a quality measure = Mean of the intermediate scores for the ve criteria
= (C1+C2+C3+C4+C5)/5.
The input, output and outcome quality measures were then ranked for each quality statement,
according to the nal priority score.
3. Denition and framework
of quality of care
3.1 Evidence and summary of ndings
No one, universally accepted denition of quality of care was found in the literature (14–18).
Quality of care was found to be multi-faceted and described from different perspectives and
dimensions, including by health care providers, managers or patients and the health care
system; on the basis of quality characteristics such as safety, effectiveness, timeliness, efciency,
equity and patient-centredness; and as the provision and experience of care (Box 2).
A number of models of quality of care have been proposed since that of Donabedian in 1988
(18): Maxwell (19), Ovretveit et al. (20), Hulton et al. (21), the Institute of Medicine (16) and
WHO (17). The three models most commonly used and most clearly dened were perspective,
characteristics and systems models, which have been used to operationalize the characteristics
of quality of care on the basis of various elements. The most compelling was the WHO model
(17), which advanced health systems thinking by identifying six building blocks service
delivery; health workforce; information, medical products, vaccines and technology; nancing,
leadership and governance; and a structure for establishing health systems analysis and points
of intervention. The health system creates the structure that enables access to high-quality
care. These models were used to design a conceptual framework for dening, assessing and
monitoring the quality of maternal and newborn care.
The denition and framework of maternal and newborn quality of care described below were
based on the above analysis and the consensus reached at the guideline development group
expert meeting.
3.2 Denition of quality of care
On the basis of several denitions in the literature, the WHO denition of quality of care is “the
extent to which health care services provided to individuals and patient populations improve
desired health outcomes. In order to achieve this, health care must be safe, effective, timely,
efcient, equitable and people-centred” (2).
Box 2. Operational denitions of the characteristics of quality of care
Safe – delivering health care that minimizes risks and harm to service users, including
avoiding preventable injuries and reducing medical errors
Effective providing services based on scientic knowledge and evidence-based
Timely – reducing delays in providing and receiving health care
Efcient – delivering health care in a manner that maximizes resource use and avoids waste
Equitable – delivering health care that does not differ in quality according to personal
characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, geographical location or socioeconomic status
People-centred – providing care that takes into account the preferences and aspirations
of individual service users and the culture of their community
The quality of care for women and newborns is therefore the degree to which maternal and
newborn health services (for individuals and populations) increase the likelihood of timely,
appropriate care for the purpose of achieving desired outcomes that are both consistent with
current professional knowledge and take into account the preferences and aspirations of
individual women and their families. This denition takes into consideration the characteristics
of quality of care and two important components of care: the quality of the provision of care
and the quality of care as experienced by women, newborns and their families.
3.3 Quality of care framework
As quality of care is multidimensional, various models were used to prepare a conceptual
framework to guide health care providers, managers and policy-makers in improving the quality
of health services for mothers and newborns. Building on these models and the WHO health
systems approach, a quality of care framework (Fig. 1) was designed by identifying domains
that should be targeted to assess, improve and monitor care in health facilities in the context
of the health system (2).
The framework has eight domains of quality of care within the overall health system. Although
it focuses on the care provided in facilities, it also accounts for the critical role of communities
and service users in identifying their needs and preferences and in managing their own health.
The perspectives of women, their families and their communities on the quality of maternity
care services inuence their decision to seek care and are essential components in creating
a demand for and access to high-quality maternal and newborn services (12). Community
engagement is therefore an important aspect to be considered, beyond health facilities, and
should be an integral component of improving the quality of care for women and newborns.
Fig. 1. WHO framework for the quality of maternal and newborn health care
Health system
Quality of Care
Outcome Process
Individual and facility-level outcomes
Coverage of key practices People-centred outcomes
Health outcomes
7. Competent, motivated human resources
8. Essential physical resources available
1. Evidence based practices for routine
care and management of complications
2. Actionable information systems
3. Functional referral systems
4. Effective communication
5. Respect and preservation of dignity
6. Emotional support
The framework of eight domains of quality of care for pregnant women and newborns in
facilities increases the likelihood that the desired individual and facility outcomes will be
achieved. The health system approach provides the structure for quality improvement in the
two linked dimensions of provision and experience of care. Provision of care includes use of
evidence-based practices for routine and emergency care, information systems in which record-
keeping allows review and auditing and functioning systems for referral between different levels
of care. Experience of care consists of effective communication with women and their families
about the care provided, their expectations and their rights; care with respect and preservation
of dignity; and access to the social and emotional support of their choice. The cross-cutting
areas of the framework include the availability of competent, motivated human resources and
of the physical resources that are prerequisites for good quality of care in health facilities.
This framework can be used to assess the characteristics or dimensions of quality of care in
various sectors of the health system, from the perspectives of service users, service providers
and managers. On the basis of this framework and in line with the organizational mandate, six
strategic areas of work were identied for improving the quality of maternal and newborn care.
These six areas were used as the basis for a systematic, evidence-based approach to preparing
guidelines, standards of care, effective interventions, indicators of quality of care and research
and capacity-building for improving the quality of maternal and newborn care.
3.4 Strategic areas of work
The six strategic areas for improving the quality of care and ending preventable mortality and
morbidity among mothers and newborns are research, guidelines, standards of care, effective
intervention strategies, indicators for monitoring at global, national and facility levels and
strengthening capacity for quality improvement, measurement and programming (2).
Guided by the framework, work in these strategic areas will support improvement of the quality
of maternal and newborn care, with targeted national capacity strengthening and technical
support. A review indicated, however, that, whereas evidence-based clinical practice guidelines
are generally available, there was no guidance on expected standards of care and appropriate
measures of quality. Therefore, standards of care and quality measures were prioritized as the
rst normative products.
4. Standards of care
4.1 Evidence and summary of ndings
The search for denitions, taxonomy and the structure of standards of care resulted in no
consistent denition” or specic, standardized “structure”. The majority of the sources identied
were from non-health related areas that dened a standard as a statement that provides
guidance to ensure consistency in processes and products (22). Health related standards were
predominantly from high-income settings (23, 24). The National Centre for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE) provided examples of maternal and newborn standards, including standards
for antibiotics for neonatal infection, hypertension in pregnancy, induction of labour, caesarean
section, postnatal care and antenatal care (25). The PharmAccess Foundation in the Netherlands
(26), the Joint Commission International in the USA (23) and the Council for Health Service
Accreditation of Southern Africa (24) have issued standards for low- and middle-income
countries. In 2007, WHO published a limited number of standards for maternal and newborn
care (27), none of which were specic to the time around childbirth.
These health-related sources dened standards primarily for “accreditation”, although a few
were for “quality improvement”, providing “criteria” for meeting standards in “prioritized
areas”, with recognized gaps in quality and safety. While most recommended the need for
“measurement criteria”, few provided such measurements.
4.2 Denition and structure of standards
On the basis of these ndings, for maternal and newborn care, a “standard” is dened as “a
description of what is expected to be provided to achieve high-quality care around the time
of childbirth”. The standard of care has two main components: the quality statement and the
quality measure (Fig. 2). A quality statement sets out the requirements to achieve compliance
with the standard and quality measures provide objective evidence for determining whether or
not the requirements have been met.
Quality statements are concise statements of priorities for measurably improving quality of
care around childbirth (adapted from NICE quality standards (25). They dene the markers of
quality derived from evidence on the thematic area and the resources required.
Quality measures are criteria for assessing, measuring and monitoring the quality of care as
specied in the quality statement. They are of three types:
input: what must be in place for the desired care to be provided (e.g. physical resources,
human resources, policies, guidelines),
output: whether the desired process of care was provided as expected and
outcome: the effect of the provision and experience of care on health and people-centred
Fig. 2. Structure of standards
In line with the eight domains in the WHO quality of care framework, eight standards have been
formulated to dene the priorities for quality improvement:
1. evidence-based practices for routine care and management of complications;
2. actionable information systems;
3. functioning referral systems;
4. effective communication;
5. respect and preservation of dignity;
6. emotional support;
7. competent, motivated personnel; and
8. availability of essential physical resources.
The standards are accompanied by two or three quality statements; the exception is standard
1 on evidence-based practices for routine care and management of complications, for which
there are 13 quality statements to reect specic priorities for intervention. There are a total of
31 quality statements. For standard 1, some are annotated with ‘a’ if they cover only the woman,
‘b’ if they cover the baby and c’ if they cover both the mother and the baby. Each of the 31
quality statements has 6–18 measures of input, output and outcome.
4.3 Scope and use of standards and quality statements
The standards of care cover the routine care and management of complications occurring for
women and their babies during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period, including those
of small babies during the rst week of life. They are centred on the woman, the newborn and
the family and are applicable to all health facilities that offer maternity services. They are in line
with WHO guidelines and designed to address the specic priorities identied in section 1.2.
The standards of care provide a basis for what is expected and required, support the monitoring
and measurement of performance against measures of best practice in order to identify priorities
for improvement and provide information on how best practice can be used to support high-
quality care or service delivery. They dene priorities for improving the quality of maternal and
newborn care for use by planners, managers and health care providers to:
Quality measures (input,
output and outcome)
Two or three quality
statements per standard
Eight standards, one for each WHO
quality of care framework domain
prepare evidence-based national and subnational standards of care to ensure high-quality,
effective maternal and neonatal health services around the time of childbirth;
introduce the expected standards of care and delivery in order to identify the components
of care that require improvement to ensure high-quality service;
use available resources to achieve optimal health care outcomes and improve the use by
and satisfaction of individuals, families and communities with maternal and neonatal health
monitor service improvements, show that high-quality maternal and newborn care or
services are being provided and highlight areas for improvement; and
provide a benchmark for national health facility audits, accreditation and rewards for provider
They should be adopted and streamlined within national quality of care strategies and
frameworks for the delivery of maternal and newborn health services to ensure that the services
provided are of high quality.
4.4 List of standards and quality statements
Evidence-based practices for routine care and management of complications
Standard 1: Every woman and newborn receives routine, evidence-based care and management
of complications during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period, according to WHO
Aim: The aim of this standard is to ensure the expected evidence-based management of labour,
childbirth and the immediate postnatal period to mothers and to newborns in the rst few
days of life. It includes routine care, early diagnosis of complications and their appropriate
management. Many conditions require attention during this period; the standard has therefore
been limited to those associated with high morbidity and mortality. Managing these conditions
appropriately will drastically reduce the number of deaths and improve outcomes of women
and newborns during this period.
Quality statements
Quality statement 1.1a: Women are assessed routinely on admission and during labour and
childbirth and are given timely, appropriate care.
Quality statement 1.1b: Newborns receive routine care immediately after birth.
Quality statement 1.1c: Mothers and newborns receive routine postnatal care.
Quality statement 1.2: Women with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia promptly receive appropriate
interventions, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.3: Women with postpartum haemorrhage promptly receive appropriate
interventions, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.4: Women with delay in labour or whose labour is obstructed receive
appropriate interventions, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.5: Newborns who are not breathing spontaneously receive appropriate
stimulation and resuscitation with a bag-and-mask within 1 min of birth, according to WHO
Quality statement 1.6a: Women in preterm labour receive appropriate interventions for both
themselves and their babies, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.6b: Preterm and small babies receive appropriate care, according to WHO
Quality statement 1.7a: Women with or at risk for infection during labour, childbirth or the early
postnatal period promptly receive appropriate interventions, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.7b: Newborns with suspected infection or risk factors for infection are
promptly given antibiotic treatment, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.8: All women and newborns receive care according to standard precautions
for preventing hospital-acquired infections.
Quality statement 1.9: No woman or newborn is subjected to unnecessary or harmful practices
during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Actionable information systems
Standard 2: The health information system enables use of data to ensure early, appropriate
action to improve the care of every woman and newborn.
Aim: The aim of this standard is to record all information in the health facility accurately and
to use it appropriately to improve the care of women and newborns. This will require the
availability of standard forms for collecting information on all patients throughout their stay in
the facility and trained, skilled staff for data collection, analysis and use of the results to provide
feedback to monitor and improve performance at all levels of the health care system, including
the performance of health care staff.
Quality statements
Quality statement 2.1: Every woman and newborn has a complete, accurate, standardized
medical record during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period
Quality statement 2.2: Every health facility has a mechanism for data collection, analysis and
feedback as part of its activities for monitoring and improving performance around the time
of childbirth.
Functional referral systems
Standard 3: Every woman and newborn with condition(s) that cannot be dealt with effectively
with the available resources is appropriately referred.
Aim: The aim of this standard is to ensure timely, appropriate referral of all patients who need
care that cannot be provided in the health facility. The decision to refer a patient should be
made as soon as a condition that cannot be treated in the health facility is diagnosed, once the
required pre-referral treatment has been given. Communication should be made with the centre
to which the referral is made before transfer of the patient, so that appropriate arrangements
can be made to receive the patient. A complete hand-over should be given to the receiving
health facility, and feedback on the condition of the patient should be sought periodically to
improve care in both the referring and referral health facility.
Quality statements
Quality statement 3.1: Every woman and newborn is appropriately assessed on admission,
during labour and in the early postnatal period to determine whether referral is required, and
the decision to refer is made without delay.
Quality statement 3.2: For every woman and newborn who requires referral, the referral follows
a pre-established plan that can be implemented without delay at any time.
Quality statement 3.3: For every woman and newborn referred within or between health
facilities, there is appropriate information exchange and feedback to relevant health care staff.
Effective communication
Standard 4: Communication with women and their families is effective and responds to their
needs and preferences.
Aim: The aim of this standard is effective communication, which is an essential component
of the experience of care received by the patient and her family. The patient should receive
all information about her care and should feel involved in all decisions taken regarding her
treatment. Effective communication between the health care provider and the patient can
reduce unnecessary anxiety and make childbirth a positive experience for the woman.
Quality statements
Quality statement 4.1: All women and their families receive information about the care and have
effective interactions with staff.
Quality statement 4.2: All women and their families experience coordinated care, with clear,
accurate information exchange between relevant health and social care professionals
Respect and preservation of dignity
Standard 5: Women and newborns receive care with respect and can maintain their dignity.
Aim: The aim of this standard is to give total respect and to preserve the dignity of all women
throughout their stay in the health facility. Their privacy and condentiality should be respected
at all times, and any kind of mistreatment, such as physical, sexual or verbal abuse, discrimination,
neglect, detainment, extortion or denial of services, should be avoided.
Quality statements
Quality statement 5.1: All women and newborns have privacy around the time of labour and
childbirth, and their condentiality is respected.
Quality statement 5.2: No woman or newborn is subjected to mistreatment, such as physical,
sexual or verbal abuse, discrimination, neglect, detainment, extortion or denial of services.
Quality statement 5.3: All women can make informed choices about the services they receive,
and the reasons for interventions or outcomes are clearly explained.
Emotional support
Standard 6: Every woman and her family are provided with emotional support that is sensitive
to their needs and strengthens the woman’s capability.
Aim: Emotional support is an essential component of the experience of care. Having the birth
companion of her choice helps a woman to go through childbirth more condently. Every
woman receives support that strengthens her own capability during childbirth.
Quality statements
Quality statement 6.1: Every woman is offered the option to experience labour and childbirth
with the companion of her choice.
Quality statement 6.2: Every woman receives support to strengthen her capability during childbirth.
Competent, motivated human resources
Standard 7: For every woman and newborn, competent, motivated staff are consistently
available to provide routine care and manage complications.
Aim: All labour and childbirth areas of the health facility should have competent, well-trained
staff and skilled birth attendants present 24 h a day in sufcient numbers for the expected work
load. Good leadership and management in the health facility are essential to provide support
and ensure continuous quality improvement.
Quality statements
Quality statement 7.1: Every woman and child has access at all times to at least one skilled birth
attendant and to support staff for routine care and management of complications.
Quality statement 7.2: The skilled birth attendants and support staff have appropriate competence
and skills mix to meet the requirements of labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Quality statement 7.3: Every health facility has managerial and clinical leadership that is
collectively responsible for developing and implementing appropriate policies and fosters an
environment that supports facility staff in continuous quality improvement.
Essential physical resources available
Standard 8: The health facility has an appropriate physical environment, with adequate water,
sanitation and energy supplies, medicines, supplies and equipment for routine maternal and
newborn care and management of complications.
Aim: Every health facility should have basic infrastructure and amenities, including water,
sanitation, hygiene and electricity, waste disposal, a stock of essential medicines, supplies and
equipment to meet the health care needs of the women and newborns in the facility. Areas for
labour, childbirth and postnatal care should be hygienic, comfortable and logically designed
and organized to maintain continuity of care.
Quality statements
Quality statement 8.1: Water, energy, sanitation, hand hygiene and waste disposal facilities are
functioning, reliable, safe and sufcient to meet the needs of staff, women and their families.
Quality statement 8.2: Areas for labour, childbirth and postnatal care are designed, organized
and maintained so that every woman and newborn can be cared for according to their needs
in private, to facilitate the continuity of care.
Quality statement 8.3: Adequate stocks of medicines, supplies and equipment are available for
routine care and management of complications.
5. Quality statements and measures
5.1 Outcome of the Delphi process
Most of the 318 measures drafted for the online Delphi consultation were input and output
measures, as outcome measures are not necessarily covered by a single quality statement.
Outcomes measures are mainly those that could be used at local level to reliably assess the
quality of care and allow comparisons between facilities or changes over time.
In round 1, 116 of the 130 participants who received the survey (89%) responded. In general,
they agreed that the quality measures considered covered the inputs, process and outcomes
of the quality of the care that women and newborns receive around the time of birth. Of the
comments received, some indicated important areas that had not been covered, proposed
reformulation of some measures or extended the reection beyond the quality statements.
Some were not directly related to the quality statements but reected participants’ general
views on the quality of care. A number of quality statements were claried on the basis of
the comments, 10 were deleted, and 41 new measures were added, resulting in a total of 350
quality measures for consideration in round 2.
In round 2, a total of 81 participants in 46 high-, middle- and low-income countries completed
one of the three surveys, for a response rate of 70% (81/116). Sixty-one of 83 respondents
commented on the provision of care and 48 of 74 on the experience of care.
Most of the quality measures were ranked highly, from a high of 94.8 to a low of 64.3; only
three measures were ranked below 70. For provision of care, the mean score was > 90 for 35
measures, 80–90 for 116 measures and < 80 for 45 measures. For experience of care, the mean
score was > 90 for nine measures, 80–90 for 47 measures and < 80 for 16 measures. For cross-
cutting measures, the mean score was ≥ 90 for 12 measures, 80–90 for 50 measures and ≤ 80
for 16 measures. Thus, 56 quality measures received a ranking of > 90. Most of the most highly
ranked quality statements were input measures.
5.2 Using quality measures
Health facility teams can use the quality measures to identify gaps in the quality of care and
to improve the provision and experience of care according to the standard and the relevant
quality statement. Health facility leaders, planners, managers and providers can use them
to assess and monitor the availability of resources, the performance of processes, areas that
require improvement and the impact of interventions, hence driving quality improvement. The
measures should be adapted to each context, but standards must be implemented consistently
to ensure quality improvement.
The quality measures include input, output/process and outcome measures. Input measures
include physical resources, human resources, policies, protocols and guidelines. Output
measures include coverage of key practices and most are expressed as proportions, such as
The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility whose urinalysis result was
appropriately recorded during labour, childbirth and the early postpartum period.” The outcome
measures include people centred and health outcomes.
Most quality statements are followed by measures that are highly specic to that statement;
however, some measures might be relevant to more than one statement, especially with regard
to physical resources (standard 8). The numbering of the quality measures reects the order in
which they were listed in the survey. The score received by each measure is given in brackets,
and the three most highly ranked quality measures for each statement are marked with an
5.3 Measures for quality statements
Standard 1: Every woman and newborn receives routine, evidence-based
care and management of complications during labour, childbirth and the
early postnatal period, according to WHO guidelines.
Quality statement 1.1a: Women are assessed routinely on admission and during labour and
childbirth and are given timely, appropriate care.
Rationale: Assessment of women and regular monitoring on admission and during labour and
birth are critical to ensure essential care that is appropriate to the woman’s case, to prevent
the onset of complications and to identify risks or complications that require urgent action or
referral for better outcomes of pregnancy and labour for both the mother and the newborn.
On admission, women undergo a full review of their antenatal care records, pregnancy and
labour history, a vaginal examination and conrmation of labour. Fetal heart rate, fetal lie,
position and presentation, blood pressure, pulse and temperature are determined and recorded.
Blood group and Rhesus typing, haemoglobin, urine protein and glucose, and HIV status, if
appropriate, are tested and recorded.
The progress of labour is monitored with a partograph; blood pressure, pulse, temperature
and fetal heart rate are assessed regularly and at a 4-h action line. Pain relief is offered, and
the mothers choice is respected. Spontaneous vaginal birth is supported and guided by the
mothers urge to push. The third stage of labour is managed actively, with intravenous or
intramuscular oxytocin given immediately after the birth.
Any complications at admission and during labour and birth are rapidly identied and
appropriately managed (see quality statements 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6a and b, 1.7a and b).
Quality measures
Input measures
1. The health facility has the basic essential equipment and supplies for routine care and detection of
complications (thermometers, sphygmomanometers, fetal stethoscopes, urine dipsticks) available in
sufcient quantities at all times in the areas of the maternity unit for labour and childbirth*. (93.38)
The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for assessing intrapartum care and action
in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit that are consistent with WHO guidelines*.
3. Health-care staff in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit receive in-service training
and regular refresher sessions at least once every 12 months in the identication and management
of obstetric emergencies during labour and childbirth. (83.42)
4. Health-care staff in labour and childbirth areas receive at least monthly drills or simulation exercises
and supportive supervision in routine care and detection of obstetric complications during labour and
childbirth. (78.65)
Output/process measures
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility whose blood pressure, pulse and
temperature were appropriately recorded during labour, childbirth and the early postpartum period
(and acted on if appropriate). (87.25)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who received oxytocin within 1 min
of the birth of their baby. (86.18)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility whose progress in labour was
correctly monitored and documented with a partograph and a 4-h action line. (84.56)
4. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility whose urinalysis result was
appropriately recorded during labour, childbirth and the early postpartum period (and acted on if
appropriate). (78.45)
5. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who received any option for pain
relief during labour and childbirth. (73.04)
Outcome measures
1. The health facility perinatal mortality rate [number of foetal death (stillbirths) or early neonatal
deaths / the total number of births of babies weighing at least 1000 g or of 28 weeks’ gestation
(stillbirths + live births) x 1000] *. (91.39)
2. Intrapartum stillbirth rate (number of stillbirths occurring during the intrapartum period per 1000
births). (88.42)
3. The proportion of all women admitted to the health facility in active labour who gave birth within
12 h. (72.83)
Quality statement 1.1b: Newborns receive routine care immediately after birth.
Rationale: Routine care of newborns immediately after birth facilitates adaptation of the
newborn to the new environment, meets his or her immediate needs in the best possible way
and avoids preventable complications.
Immediately after birth, newborns are dried thoroughly and placed in skin-to-skin contact with
the mother for at least 1 h. Clamping of the umbilical cord is delayed until 1–3 min after birth,
and breastfeeding is supported in the rst hour after birth. Any complications are identied
and managed appropriately.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date, clinical protocols for essential newborn care that are
consistent with WHO guidelines and are available in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity
unit*. (91.09)
2. The health facility has supplies of sterile cord ties (or clamps) and scissors (or blades), available in
sufcient quantities at all times for the expected number of births*. (89.86)
The health facility has supplies of clean towels in the labour and childbirth areas for immediate drying
of newborns, available in sufcient quantities at all times for the expected number of births. (84.83)
4. Health-care staff in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit receive in-service training
or regular refresher sessions in essential newborn care and breastfeeding support at least once every
12 months. (83.94)
5. The health facility has local arrangements and a mechanism to maintain a documented room
temperature in the labour and childbirth areas at or above 25 °C and free of draughts. (77.9)
6. Health-care staff in the labour and childbirth areas receive at least monthly drills or simulation
exercises and supportive supervision in essential newborn care and supporting breastfeeding. (77.82)
1. The proportion of all newborns who were breastfed within 1 h of birth*. (86.42)
2. The proportion of all newborns who were kept in skin-to-skin contact (with body and head covered)
with their mothers for at least 1 h after birth. (83.34)
3. The proportion of all newborns who received all four elements of essential newborn care: immediate
and thorough drying, immediate skin-to-skin contact, delayed cord clamping and initiation of
breastfeeding in the rst hour. (78.93)
4. The proportion of all newborns whose umbilical cord was clamped 1–3 min after birth. (76.56)
5. The proportion of all newborns who were dried immediately and thoroughly at birth. (76.53)
1. The proportion of all newborns who had a normal body temperature (36.5–37.5 °C) at the rst
complete examination (60–120 min after birth). (85.37)
Quality statement 1.1c: Mothers and newborns receive routine postnatal care.
Rationale: Routine postnatal care represents the use of best practices for prevention, early
detection and treatment of complications in the mother and baby and counselling of mothers
on how best to take care of themselves and their newborns.
Postnatal care, the individualized care provided to a mother and her baby after childbirth
should address any variation from the expected normal recovery after birth. Blood pressure,
temperature, bleeding and urine voiding are monitored frequently during the rst 48 h after
childbirth. Complications are identied and managed, and exclusive breastfeeding is supported.
Mothers are counselled on danger signs in themselves and their babies and on birth spacing
and family planning methods.
Newborns receive a complete physical assessment, are kept in skin-to-skin contact with the
mother and given eye and umbilical cord care. Bathing is delayed for 24 h, vitamin K and
vaccines are given as per the national guidelines, temperature is monitored, and complications
are identied and managed. Low-birth-weight and small babies are given additional care as
needed (see Quality statement 1.6b).
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for postnatal care in the maternity and/
or postnatal care areas of the maternity unit that are consistent with WHO guidelines*. (90.10)
2. The health facility practises and enables rooming-in to allow mothers and babies to remain together
24 h a day*. (86.57)
3. The health facility has a written breastfeeding policy that is routinely communicated to all health
care and support staff. (83.18)
4. Health-care staff in the maternity unit receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions in
routine postnatal care and breastfeeding at least every 12 months. (83.04)
5. The health facility has local arrangements to ensure that every mother knows when and where
postnatal care for herself and her newborn will be provided after discharge from the hospital. (79.98)
The health facility has local arrangements for alternative feeding methods, including cup or cup-and-
spoon feeding, and avoids bottle-feeding. (78.97)
7. The health facility has local arrangement to inform pregnant women and their families about the
benets and management of breastfeeding. (74.49)
8. The health facility ensures that feeding of infant formula is demonstrated to mothers and family
members of newborns only when needed, with a full explanation of the hazards of improper use.
1. The proportion of all newborns on postnatal care wards or areas in the health facility who received
vitamin K and full vaccination as per national guidelines*. (91.23)
2. The proportion of all stable newborns in the health facility who are fed exclusively on breast milk
from birth to discharge. (84.37)
3. The proportion of all women in postnatal care wards or areas in the health facility who have
documented problems of blood pressure, pulse rate, vaginal bleeding, lochia or breastfeeding. (84.02)
4. The proportion of all newborns in the health facility who received a full clinical examination before
discharge. (83.13)
5. The proportion of all healthy mothers and newborns who received care for at least 24 h after an
uncomplicated vaginal birth in a health facility. (82.50)
6. The proportion of all newborns on postnatal care wards or areas in the health facility for whom there
is documented information on the newborn body temperature, respiratory rate, feeding behaviour
and the absence or presence of danger signs. (82.41)
7. The proportion of all healthy mothers on postnatal wards or areas in the health facility who received
breastfeeding counselling and support from a skilled health care provider. (82.14)
8. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who were allowed to room-in with
their newborn 24 h a day. (78.90)
9. The proportion of all postpartum women in the health facility who were offered counselling on birth
spacing and family planning methods before discharge. (77.84)
1. The proportion of all newborns in the health facility who were exclusively breastfed at the time of
discharge from hospital. (85.55)
The proportion of all postpartum women in the health facility who received contraception counselling
on birth spacing and family planning before discharge. (84.03)
Quality statement 1.2: Women with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia promptly receive
appropriate interventions.
Rationale: Pregnancy-induced hypertension, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are major causes
of maternal mortality, stillbirth and neonatal mortality. Prevention, early diagnosis and timely,
appropriate treatment can drastically reduce the associated mortality and morbidity.
Women with severe pre-eclampsia are immediately given intravenous or intramuscular
magnesium sulfate and an antihypertensive, as appropriate. A pre-referral loading dose of
magnesium sulfate should be given if the woman is to be transferred. Signs of organ dysfunction
and other danger signs (blood pressure, respiratory rate, uid balance, urine output, tendon
reexes and foetal heart rate) are monitored. Laboratory testing of urea and electrolytes
determines the progression of disease. If the woman is at term or the foetus is nonviable, labour
is induced with instrumental intervention or caesarean section, as appropriate. For preterm
pregnancies, proactive management with corticosteroids is undertaken if the condition is stable.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has supplies of oral and intravenous antihypertensive agents and magnesium
sulfate available in sufcient quantities at all times in the antenatal, labour and childbirth areas of
the maternity unit*. (91.8)
2. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols on the management of pre-eclampsia
that are available in the labour, childbirth and postnatal areas of the maternity unit and are consistent
with WHO guidelines. (90.59)
3. Health-care staff in the maternity unit receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions in
the use of antihypertensive agents, intravenous infusion and magnesium sulfate for treating pre-
eclampsia and eclampsia at least once every 12 months. (84.54)
1. The proportion of all women with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia in the health facility who
received the full dose of magnesium sulfate*. (91.37)
2. The proportion of all women with severe pregnancy-induced hypertension in the health facility who
received the recommended antihypertensives. (88.02)
3. The proportion of all women with pre-eclampsia in the health facility whose condition progressed to
eclampsia. (81.9)
1. The proportion of all women with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia in the health facility who died as a
result of pre-eclampsia or eclampsia*. (91.22)
2. The proportion of all women with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia who arrived at the health facility with
a live foetus whose baby died in the perinatal period (stillbirths or early neonatal deaths). (86.55)
3. The proportion of all women with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia in the health facility who experienced
maternal near-misses due to pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. (76.88)
Quality statement 1.3: Women with post-partum haemorrhage promptly receive appropriate
Rationale: Post-partum haemorrhage is the leading cause of preventable maternal mortality,
most deaths occurring in the rst 24–48 h of delivery. Early diagnosis and timely, adequate
management are the basis for effectively reducing mortality.
Postpartum bleeding is monitored routinely. If haemorrhage occurs, it should be promptly
managed with intravenous oxytocin, uterine massage, manual removal of retained placenta as
appropriate, temporizing measures or surgical interventions when indicated. Continued blood
loss, pulse and blood pressure are closely monitored, and shock is managed with immediate
resuscitation with intravenous uid and blood transfusion, if indicated.
Quality measures
4. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for post-partum haemorrhage
management that are available in the childbirth and postnatal care areas and are consistent with
WHO guidelines*. (90.76))
5. The health facility has uterotonic drugs and supplies for intravenous uid and blood administration
(syringes, needles, intravenous cannulas, intravenous uid solutions, blood) available in sufcient
quantities at all times in the childbirth and postnatal care areas. (89.55)
6. A functional blood transfusion service is available in the health facility at all times. (86.82)
7. Health-care staff in the labour, childbirth and postnatal care areas of the maternity unit receive
in-service training and regular refresher sessions in management of post-partum haemorrhage at
least once every 12 months. (84.25)
1. The proportion of all women with post-partum haemorrhage in the health facility who received
therapeutic uterotonic drugs*. (89.75)
2. The proportion of all women in the health facility with post-partum haemorrhage due to a retained
placenta for whom manual removal of the placenta was performed by a skilled birth attendant.
1. The proportion of all women who had post-partum haemorrhage in the health facility who died as a
result of post-partum haemorrhage*. (92.98)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility by caesarean section who received
a blood transfusion. (85.80)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth vaginally in the health facility who received a blood
transfusion. (85.58)
4. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had severe post-partum
haemorrhage (abnormal bleeding of >1000 mL or any bleeding with hypotension or requiring blood
transfusion). (83.69)
The proportion of all women who had post-partum haemorrhage in the health facility who experienced
maternal near-misses due to post-partum haemorrhage. (77.97)
Quality statement 1.4: Women whose progress in labour is delayed or whose labour is
obstructed receive appropriate interventions, according to WHO guidelines.
Rationale: Obstructed labour is a major cause of both maternal and newborn morbidity and
mortality. Undiagnosed obstructed labour can lead to a ruptured uterus, vesico- vaginal stula
or recto-vaginal stula in the mother and higher risks for stillbirth, neonatal asphyxia, meconium
aspiration syndrome and other conditions. Proper monitoring of labour to avoid prolongation
and its complications and early detection and timely management of obstructed labour can
decrease the incidence of these complications.
Interventions for delayed labour include digital vaginal examination at intervals of 4 h and
prompt conrmation of the delay in labour with a partograph with a 4-h action line, checking
for cephalopelvic disproportion and assessing and managing the woman’s hydration. Labour
augmentation with intravenous oxytocin (and with amniotomy if the membrane is not ruptured)
is used if there is delay in the rst stage with no cephalopelvic disproportion. Delay in the second
stage of labour is treated by appropriate use of instrumental delivery (vacuum or forceps) or by
caesarean section if there is evidence of foetal compromise or signs of obstruction of labour.
Note: Augmentation should be used only in conrmed delay of labour after exclusion of
cephalopelvic disproportion and in facilities capable of close, regular monitoring of the foetal
heart rate and the pattern of uterine contraction and can manage any adverse effects.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for preventing and managing prolonged
labour, which are available in the labour and childbirth areas and are consistent with WHO
guidelines*. (90.88)
2. The health facility has the essential supplies and equipment for vacuum or forceps-assisted delivery,
including newborn resuscitation equipment, available in sufcient quantities at all times in the
childbirth area of the maternity unit*. (90.33)
3. The health facility has an adequately equipped operating theatre close to the childbirth area of the
maternity unit*. (90.13)
4. The health facility has an adequate number of staff skilled in performing caesarean section, 24 h a
day. (87.93)
5. Health-care staff in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit receive in-service training
and regular refresher sessions (every 6 months) in managing prolonged and obstructed labour. (82.19)
1. The proportion of all nulliparous women in the health facility with a singleton cephalic foetus at
37 weeks’ gestation who underwent caesarean section during spontaneous labour (Robson group 1).
2. The proportion of all women in the health facility with prolonged and/or obstructed labour who gave
birth by caesarean section. (86.03)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who underwent instrumental
vaginal birth for delayed second stage of labour. (83.21)
4. The proportion of women with prolonged or obstructed labour who underwent emergency caesarean
section within 30 min of the decision to perform caesarean section. (79.9)
5. The proportion of all women in the health facility with conrmed delay in progress of the rst stage
of labour who received oxytocin for augmentation. (79.06)
6. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility whose active phase of rst stage of
labour exceeded 12 h. (76.79)
7. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had a prolonged second stage
of labour. (74.82)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility whose uterus ruptured during
labour. (89.35)
The proportion of all perinatal deaths that occurred in the health facility after prolonged or obstructed
labour. (85.23)
3. The proportion of all newborns born in the health facility who had birth injuries (brachial palsy,
fractures, cephalhaematoma). (83.75)
4. The proportion of women with prolonged and/or obstructed labour in the health facility who
experienced maternal near-misses due to prolonged and/or obstructed labour. (78.0)
Quality statement 1.5: Newborns who are not breathing spontaneously receive appropriate
stimulation and resuscitation with a bag-and-mask within 1 min of birth, according to WHO
Rationale: Birth asphyxia is one of the leading causes of neonatal deaths within the rst week
of life and is also responsible for long-term neurological disability and impairment. It can be
prevented by appropriate, effective resuscitation of newborns who are not breathing at birth.
Newborns who are not breathing spontaneously after thorough drying are rubbed two to three
times on the back for extra stimulation. Suction is used only if the newborn had meconium-
stained liquor or if secretions are present in the mouth or nose. Positive-pressure ventilation
with a self-inating bag-and-mask is initiated within 1 min of birth, with air for newborns >
32 weeks’ gestation and with 30% oxygen for preterm babies at < 32 weeks’ gestation. The
adequacy of ventilation is monitored by measuring the heart rate, chest movement and pulse
oximetry (if available). A higher oxygen concentration is given only if the heart rate is < 60/min
after 60 s of resuscitation.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has a suction device, at least two sizes of neonatal mask and a self-inating bag
in the childbirth and neonatal areas of the maternity unit*. (93.83)
2. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for managing newborns who are not
breathing spontaneously in the childbirth areas of the maternity unit that are consistent with WHO
guidelines*. (91.86)
3. All health-care workers providing care for pregnant and postpartum women and newborns in the
health facility are skilled in basic newborn resuscitation, as demonstrated by simulating positive-
pressure ventilation with a bag-and-mask on a manikin. (89.64)
4. Health care staff in the childbirth and neonatal areas of the maternity unit receive in-service training
and regular refresher sessions s in basic newborn resuscitation at least once every 12 month. (87.06)
5. Health care staff in the childbirth and neonatal areas of the maternity unit receive monthly drills or
simulation exercises and supportive supervision in basic newborn resuscitation. (83.91)
1. The proportion of all newborns who were not breathing spontaneously after additional stimulation
at the health facility who were resuscitated with a bag-and-mask. (81.10)
The proportion of all newborns who were not breathing spontaneously after additional stimulation at
the health facility who were resuscitated with a bag-and-mask within 1 min of birth. (75.56)
1. The proportion of all live babies born at term (≥ 37 weeks) with no major congenital malformations
in the health facility who died within 7 days of birth (early neonatal mortality) *. (91.14)
2. The proportion of all live babies born at term (≥ 37 weeks) in the health facility who were not
breathing spontaneously but were breathing spontaneously 5 min after resuscitation. (77.92)
Quality statement 1.6a: Women in preterm labour receive appropriate interventions for both
themselves and their babies, according to WHO guidelines.
Rationale: Preterm labour (before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy) can result in numerous
health risks to the baby, which increase the earlier the baby is delivered. Prevention of preterm
labour and appropriate management of imminent preterm labour are imperative to reduce the
associated risks to the baby, prevent avoidable complications and improve the outcome and
survival of preterm babies.
Women in preterm labour are admitted to a facility that has the capacity to manage preterm
babies and their complications, conduct a thorough assessment and evaluation to conrm
gestational age by ultrasound or date of the last menstrual period, assess them for signs and
symptoms of infection and evaluate whether birth is imminent or can be delayed.
Antenatal corticosteroids are given, after ruling out chorioamnionitis, for imminent risk of
preterm birth at 24–34 weeks of gestation, with tocolysis as appropriate. Antenatal magnesium
sulfate is given for preterm labour at < 32 weeks of gestation to protect the foetus from
neurological complications. Women with conrmed preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes
are routinely given antibiotics.
Quality measures
The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for management of preterm labour in the
childbirth areas of the maternity unit that are consistent with WHO guidelines*. (91.46)
2. The health facility has supplies of antenatal corticosteroids (dexamethasone or betamethasone),
antibiotics and magnesium sulfate available in sufcient quantities at all times to manage preterm
birth in accordance with WHO guidelines*. (90.06)
Health-care staff in the maternity unit receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions in the
management of preterm labour at least once every 12 months. (85.52)
4. Health-care staff in the maternity unit receive monthly drills or simulation exercises and supportive
supervision in the management of preterm labour. (79.18)
1. The proportion of all preterm newborns born between 24 and 34 weeks of gestation in the health
facility whose mothers received at least one dose of antenatal corticosteroids when indicated. (86.11)
The proportion of all preterm newborns born before 32 weeks of gestation in the health facility whose
mothers received magnesium sulfate to protect their baby from foetal neurological complications.
3. The proportion of all women with preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes who gave birth in the
health facility who received prophylactic antibiotics. (87.60)
1. The proportion of all women with preterm pre-labour rupture of membranes who gave birth in the
health facility who received prophylactic antibiotics*. (87.60)
2. The proportion of all babies at risk for birth in the health facility at 24 to < 34 weeks of gestation who
were exposed to antenatal corticosteroids. (73.61)
3. The proportion of all babies at risk for birth in the health facility at 34 weeks of gestation who were
exposed to antenatal corticosteroids. (72.43)
Quality statement 1.6b: Preterm and small babies receive appropriate care, according to
WHO guidelines.
Rationale: Preterm and small babies are at much greater risk for death during the neonatal
period and for long-term health problems and lifelong disabilities. They should be cared for in
well-equipped neonatal units with well-trained staff present round the clock.
Preterm and low-birth-weight babies (< 2500 g) are kept warm at all times and closely monitored
for complications; their mothers are given support in providing exclusive breastfeeding or
alternative feeding (expressed breast milk, donor breast milk or formula). Clinically stable
preterm newborns weighing 2000 g are given kangaroo mother care. Those who are unstable
are cared for in a clean incubator or under a radiant warmer, and their temperature is closely
monitored. The risks for common complications (hypothermia, feeding problems, apnoea,
respiratory distress syndrome and infections) are assessed, monitored, recognized early and
appropriately managed. Antibiotics, safe oxygen therapy, continuous positive airway pressure
and surfactant replacement are given as appropriate.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for the care of small and preterm babies
in the childbirth areas of the maternity unit that are consistent with WHO guidelines*. (91.41)
2. The health facility has supplies and materials to provide optimal thermal care to stable and unstable
preterm babies, including kangaroo mother care (support binders, baby hats, socks), clean incubators
and radiant warmers*. (89.14)
3. The health facility has the supplies and materials to provide optimal feeding to preterm babies and
support for breastfeeding or alternative feeding (feeding cups and spoons, infant formula, breast
pumps, milk-storage facilities, pasteurizers, milk banks if possible, nasogastric tubes, syringe drivers,
intravenous uids and tubing). (86.56)
Health care staff in the health facility who work with pregnant and postpartum women and newborns
receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions in appropriate care of preterm and low-
birth-weight babies at least once every 12 months. (85.82)
The proportion of all low-birth-weight newborns born in the health facility with a birth weight 2000
g who received near-continuous kangaroo mother care in the rst week of life. (83.35)
2. The proportion of all unstable low-birth-weight newborns weighing 2000 g who cannot receive
kangaroo mother care in the health facility who were cared for in a thermo-neutral environment,
either under radiant warmers or in incubators, as appropriate. (79.29)
3. The proportion of all low-birth-weight newborns born in the health facility whose mothers received
additional support to establish breastfeeding. (77.13)
1. The proportion of all preterm babies (< 28 weeks, 28–32 weeks and 32–37 weeks of gestational age)
born in the health facility who died within the rst 7 days of life*. (90.15)
2. The proportion of all low-birth-weight newborns born in the health facility who were exclusively fed
on their mothers milk during their stay in the health facility. (84.57)
The proportion of all live preterm babies born in the health facility who had severe neonatal morbidity
(respiratory distress syndrome, intraventricular haemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis). (81.20)
4. The proportion of low-birth-weight baby deaths in the facility attributed to possible serious bacterial
infection or sepsis. (80.30)
Quality statement 1.7a: Women with or at risk for infections during labour, childbirth or
the early postnatal period promptly receive appropriate interventions, according to WHO
Rationale: Puerperal sepsis is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality and can also cause
early-onset sepsis in newborns. The prevention of predisposing factors, aseptic precautions in
all interventions and procedures, early, accurate diagnosis and use of appropriate antibiotics
for treatment of maternal infection will reduce the occurrence of both maternal and neonatal
sepsis and the associated morbidity and mortality.
Women at risk for infection are given prophylactic antibiotics if they are undergoing elective
or emergency caesarean section, in protracted labour with pre-labour rupture of membranes,
in cases of retained placental products, with third- or fourth-degree perineal tears or before
manual removal of the placenta. Specimens are obtained for culture and sensitivity before starting
antibiotic treatment. Women with signs and symptoms of infection (fever > 38 °C before delivery
or during labour, membranes ruptured ≥18 h before birth, foul-smelling or purulent amniotic
uid and abdominal pain and/or offensive vaginal discharge in the postnatal period) are treated
with antibiotics and monitored closely, and their management is assessed regularly.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has supplies of oral and injectable rst- and second-line antibiotics (ampicillin
or penicillin and gentamicin, clindamycin, cephalosporin and metronidazole) available in sufcient
quantities at all times for the expected case load*. (92.15)
2. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols for treatment of women with, or at risk
for, infections during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period in the childbirth and postnatal
care areas of the maternity unit that are consistent with WHO guidelines*. (91.75)
3. Health care staff in the health facility who deal with pregnant and postpartum women receive
in-service training and regular refresher sessions in the recognition and management of maternal
peri-partum infections at least once every 12 months. (85.20)
1. The proportion of all women who underwent caesarean section in the health facility who received
prophylactic antibiotics before caesarean section*. (90.37)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility with preterm pre-labour rupture of
membranes who received antibiotics. (87.44)
3. The proportion of all women in the health facility with third- or fourth-degree perineal tears who
received antibiotics. (83.45)
4. The proportion of all birthing or postpartum women in the health facility with signs of infection who
received injectable antibiotics. (83.39)
5. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had a temperature of > 38 ˚C
or other signs of infection (foul-smelling or purulent lochia) after childbirth. (82.87)
1. The proportion of all women who underwent caesarean section in the health facility who had severe
systemic infection or sepsis after the caesarean section. (86.56)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had severe systemic infection
or sepsis in the postpartum period. (86.15)
Quality statement 1.7b: Newborns with suspected infection or risk factors for infection are
promptly given antibiotic treatment, according to WHO guidelines.
Rationale: Newborns are at higher risk for infection because of their immature immune system.
Infections in newborns can lead to death or to long-term disabilities in survivors. Good hand
hygiene, cord care and other appropriate aseptic precautions, screening of neonatal sepsis
according to the presence of one or more risk factor, early diagnosis of signs and symptoms of
neonatal sepsis and appropriate treatment with antibiotics are essential to prevent sepsis and
the associated morbidity and mortality.
Newborns with risk factors for infection or with signs of infection are given antibiotic treatment
according to WHO guidelines. Risk factors for infection are maternal fever (> 38 °C) before
delivery or during labour, membranes ruptured 18 h before birth and foul-smelling or
purulent amniotic uid. Newborns with signs of serious bacterial infection present with inability
to feed (or have stopped feeding well), convulsions, fast breathing (> 60 breaths/min) severe
chest in-drawing, fever (≥ 38 °C) or low body temperature (< 35 °C), lethargy, movement
only when stimulated or no movement at all. A blood culture is obtained before initiation of
antibiotics in newborns at risk or with signs of infection. They are treated with an empirical
injectable antibiotic for sepsis or suspected sepsis and closely monitored for reassessment of
their management. Culture reports are the basis for deciding any change in antibiotics and the
duration of treatment.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has supplies of injectable antibiotics (at least rst- and second-line antibiotics for
neonatal sepsis and meningitis) available in sufcient quantities at all times for the expected case
load*. (92.14)
2. The health facility has a written, up-to-date clinical protocol for early diagnosis and management
of neonatal infection in the childbirth areas of the maternity unit that is consistent with WHO
guidelines*. (90.47)
3. Health care staff in the health facility who care for pregnant and postpartum women and newborns
receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions in the recognition and management of
suspected newborn infections at least once every 12 months. (85.95)
4. Health care staff in the health facility know the signs of newborn sepsis and how to treat it, according
to WHO guidelines. (84.29)
1. The proportion of all newborns in the health facility with signs of infection who received injectable
antibiotics. (86.94)
2. The proportion of all newborns of mothers with signs of infection in the health facility who received
injectable antibiotics. (77.53)
1. The proportion of newborns treated for sepsis in the health facility who died (case fatality rate) *.
2. The proportion of all neonatal deaths in the health facility that were due to sepsis. (86.96)
3. The proportion of all severe neonatal morbidity in the health facility that was due to neonatal sepsis.
Quality statement 1.8: All women and newborns receive care that includes standard
precautions for preventing hospital-acquired infections.
Rationale: Hospital-acquired infections increase morbidity and mortality, the cost of care and
the duration of stay in hospital. Standard precautions are essential to prevent hospital-acquired
Standard precautions are observed at all times, including hand hygiene with soap and water or
alcohol-based hand rub before and after examining a woman or newborn and appropriate use
of gloves; safe storage and disposal of infectious waste and sharps; safe handling of equipment
for patient care and soiled linen; and sterilization and disinfection of instruments and the
childbirth surface.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has a reliable water source on site and soap and towels (preferably disposable) or
alcohol-based hand rub for hand hygiene*. (94.27)
2. The health facility ensures safe handling, storage and nal disposal of infectious waste*. (94.08)
3. The health facility ensures safe handling, storage (puncture resistant) and nal disposal of sharps
waste*. (93.36)
4. The health facility has appropriate sterilizing facilities and disinfectants for instruments. (92.99)
5. The health facility has a functioning incinerator or other appropriate method for treatment of
infectious waste and used instruments. (92.56)
6. The health facility has written, up-to-date guidelines for standard infection control and precautions
for transmission. (92.35)
Health care staff in the childbirth and neonatal areas of the maternity unit receive training in standard
infection control and precautions for transmission at least once every 12 months. (87.27)
1. The percentage of health care staff in the health facility who clean their hands correctly as per the
WHO “5 moments for hand hygiene” audit tool. (87.78)
2. The proportion of newborns with suspected severe bacterial infection who received appropriate
antibiotic therapy. (84.76)
3. Safe management of health care waste, from the point of generation to the point of disposal. (82.73)
4. The percentage of staff members in the health facility who meet biosafety standards when
administering parenteral drugs. (81.85)
The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had a severe systemic infection
or sepsis in the postnatal period, including at readmission after delivery in the facility. (81.41)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had proven hospital-acquired
infections. (78.43)
The proportion of all neonates born in the health facility who had hospital-acquired infections. (78.00)
Quality statement 1.9: No woman or newborn is subjected to unnecessary or harmful
practices during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Rationale: Unnecessary and harmful practices can lead to complications and harm mothers and
their newborns. They should be avoided and replaced with evidence-based health practices.
Unnecessary or harmful practices are not used or practised. These practices include: routine
enemas and pubic or perineal shaving before vaginal birth; fundal pressure to facilitate the
second stage of labour; augmentation of labour with oxytocin before conrmation of delayed
labour; episiotomy (unless indicated); uterine packing to control bleeding (unless indicated);
instrumental vaginal childbirth (unless indicated); caesarean section (unless indicated) and
suctioning of a newborn (unless indicated); immediate bathing of the baby, keeping well babies
in the nursery away from the mother, advertising and promotion of breastfeeding substitutes
and bottle-feeding, and applying substances to the cord.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date guidance on harmful practices and unnecessary
interventions during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period*. (89.03)
2. The health facility does not display infant formula or bottles and teats, including on posters or
placards*. (88.98)
3. The health facility does not give newborns food or drink other than breast milk, unless medically
indicated, and does not give paciers (also called dummies” or “soothers”) to breastfeeding babies.
4. Health care staff in the facility receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions on harmful
practices and unnecessary interventions at least once every 12 months. (83.00)
5. The health facility does not promote infant formula on the wards, and samples are not distributed to
mothers or staff. (82.93)
6. Health-care staff in the health facility receive monthly supportive supervision and mentoring on
harmful practices and unnecessary interventions. (75.38)
1. The proportion of all uncomplicated, spontaneous vaginal births in the health facility in which an
episiotomy was performed*. (86.01)
2. The proportion of women undergoing caesarean section in the health facility according to Robson
classication groups. (83.2)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who received augmentation of
labour with no indication of delay in progress of labour. (80.01)
4. The proportion of all babies born in the health facility who received early bathing and removal of the
vernix within 6 h of birth. (79.30)
5. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who received routine pubic or
perineal shaving before a vaginal birth. (77.59)
6. The proportion of all babies born through clear amniotic uid in the health facility who received
routine suctioning. (77.35)
7. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who received routine enemas at
any time before vaginal birth. (76.02)
References used in setting standard 1
Bhutta ZA, Das JK, Bahl R, Lawn JE, Salam RA, Paul VK, et al. Can available interventions end
preventable deaths in mothers, newborn babies, and stillbirths, and at what cost? Lancet 2014;
Boulkedid R, Sibony O, Gofnet F, Fauconnier A, Branger B, Alberti C. Quality indicators for continuous
monitoring to improve maternal and infant health in maternity departments: a modied Delphi
survey of an international multidisciplinary panel. PLoS One 2013;8:e60663.
Gülmezoglu MA, Lawrie TA. Impact of training on emergency resuscitation skills: impact on Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2015); doi: 10.1016/j.
Hussein J, Mavalankar DV, Sharma S, D’Ambruoso L. A review of health system infection control
measures in developing countries: what can be learned to reduce maternal mortality.
Globalization Health 2011;7:14.
Khaskheli MN, Baloch S, Sheeba A. Risk factors and complications of puerperal sepsis at a tertiary
healthcare centre. Pak J Med Sci 2013;29:972–976.
National Institute for Health Care Excellence. NICE guidelines on routine intrapartum
care (CG 190). London; 2014 (
Polin RA, Committee on Fetus and Newborn. Management of neonates with suspected or proven
early-onset bacterial sepsis. Paediatrics 2012;129:1006 –1015.
Raven J, Hofman J, Adegoke A, van den Broek N. Methodology and tools for quality improvement in
maternal and newborn health care. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2011;114:4–9.
Schuchat A, Zywicki SS, Dinsmoor MJ, Mercer B, Romaguera J, O’Sullivan MJ, et al. Risk factors and
opportunities for prevention of early-onset neonatal sepsis: a multicentre case-control study.
Pediatrics. 2000;105:21–26.
Sibanda T, Fox R, Draycott TJ, Mahmood T, Richmond D, Simms RA. Intrapartum care quality indicators:
a systematic approach for achieving consensus. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2013;166:23–29.
Spector JM, Agrawal P, Kodkany B, Lipsitz S, Lashoher A, Dziekan G, et al. Improving quality of care
for maternal and newborn health: prospective pilot study of the WHO safe childbirth checklist
program. PLoS One 2012;7:e35151.
Tietjen L, Bossemeyer D, McIntosh N. Infection prevention guidelines for healthcare facilities with
limited resources. Baltimore, Maryland: JHPIEGO; 2003.
World Health Organization. International code of marketing of breast-milk substitutes. Geneva; 1981
World Health Organization. Standard precautions in health care: aide-memoire. Geneva; 2007 (http://
World Health Organization. WHO guidelines on hand hygiene in health care. Geneva; 2009 (http://
World Health Organization. Evaluating the quality of care for severe pregnancy complications.
The WHO near-miss approach for maternal health. Geneva; 2011 (
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations for the prevention and
treatment of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia. Geneva; 2011 (
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations for the prevention and treatment of
postpartum haemorrhage. Geneva; 2012 (
World Health Organization. Guidelines on maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, approved
by the WHO Guidelines Review Committee. Recommendations on newborn health. Geneva;
2013 (
World Health Organization. Guidelines on maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, approved
by the WHO Guidelines Review Committee. Recommendations on maternal and perinatal
health. Geneva; 2013 (
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations on postnatal care of the mother and
newborn. Geneva, 2013 (
World Health Organization. Safe management of wastes from health-care activities Geneva; 2014
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations for augmentation of labour. Geneva; 2014 (http://
World Health Organization. The role of WHO in public health. Geneva; 2015 (
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations on interventions to improve preterm
birth outcomes. Geneva; 2015 (
World Health Organization, Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. Consultation on
improving measurement of the quality of maternal, newborn and child care in health facilities.
Geneva; 2014 (
World Health Organization, UNICEF. Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative: revised, updated and expanded
for integrated care. Geneva; 2009 (
World Health Organization, UNICEF. Indicators for assessing health facility practices that affect
breastfeeding. Geneva; 1993 (
World Health Organization Regional Ofce for Europe. Making pregnancy safer: assessment tool for
the quality of hospital care for mothers and newborn babies. Copenhagen; 2009 (http://www.le/0008/98792/E93128.pdf).
World Health Organization Regional Ofce for Europe. Hospital care for mothers and newborn babies:
quality assessment and improvement tool. Copenhagen; 2014 (
Standard 2: The health information system enables use of data to ensure
early, appropriate action to improve the care of every woman and newborn.
Quality statement 2.1: Every woman and newborn has a complete, accurate, standardized
medical record during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period.
Rationale: Complete, accurate medical recording during labour is important for documenting
care, clinical follow-up, accurate hand-over, early detection of complications and health
outcomes and provides information for identifying areas for improvement.
Standardized patient care registers and clinical records for mothers and newborns from
admission to discharge are in place and are accurate, complete and legible. Continuity of
care records are available (e.g. referral notes, records of antenatal and intrapartum care).
Demographic data, times of admission, childbirth and discharge, progress of labour, actions
taken and the outcome of childbirth, including stillbirths, are appropriately recorded. Details
of newborns, including identication, gestational age, birth weight and examination ndings,
are recorded in a system that allows linkage of women and their newborns in all records. The
International Classication of Diseases (ICD) is used to code diagnoses.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has registers, data collection forms, clinical and observation charts in place at all
time for routine recording and monitoring of all care processes for women and newborns*. (90.34)
2. The health facility has a birth and death registration system in place that is linked to the national
vital registration system at all times*. (89.44)
3. The health facility has a system for classifying diseases and birth outcomes, including death, which
is aligned with the ICD. (86.33)
1. The proportion of all newborns currently in the health facility who have a patient identier and
individual clinical medical record*. (89.15)
2. The proportion of all newborns discharged from the health facility within the past 24 h who had an
accurately completed record of processes of care, treatments, outcomes and diagnoses (with ICD
code). (83.28)
3. The proportion of all women discharged postpartum within the past 24 h who had an accurately
completed record of processes of care, treatments, outcomes and diagnoses (with ICD code). (82.88)
Quality statement 2.2: Every health facility has a mechanism for data collection, analysis
and feedback as part of its activities for monitoring and improving performance around the
time of childbirth.
Rationale: The purpose of data collection is to provide information that can be analysed and
used appropriately to provide feedback and improve health outcomes.
Data are collected, veried, analysed and used routinely to make clinical and management
decisions for planning and improving clinical services. They are available to, and used by, facility
staff for continuous improvement of processes of care and used by physicians, midwives, nurses,
supervisors and mentors to plan and improve activities and clinical services. Accurate, complete
data are submitted to the appropriate levels in a timely manner and are used for periodic
reviews of mortality and morbidity in order to improve quality.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has conducted reviews of maternal and perinatal deaths and near-misses at least
once a month within the past six months and has a mechanism for implementing the recommendations
of reviews*. (88.20)
The health facility has standard operating procedures and protocols in place at all times for checking,
validating and reporting data. (86.35)
The health facility has a data system for collecting and analysing relevant indicators and can produce
visual outputs and timely reporting on paper or digitally at all times. (85.74)
4. Managers and health care workers in the health facility met at least once a month within the past six
months to review process and outcome data. (85.12)
Managers and health care workers in the health facility used the recommendations in reviews of data
for decision-making and for mentoring improved performance within the past six months. (80.10)
The proportion of all perinatal deaths occurring in the health facility that were reviewed with standard
audit tools*. (90.26)
2. The proportion of all maternal deaths and near-misses occurring in the health facility that were
reviewed with standard audit tools*. (88.24)
3. The proportion of all maternal deaths and near-misses occurring in the health facility that were
notied. (86.84)
1. Data are collected routinely in the health facility during labour, childbirth and the postnatal period
and used regularly to make decisions on quality improvement. (83.08)
2. The proportion of all recommendations in perinatal death reviews at the health facility that have
been fully implemented. (81.51)
3. The proportion of all recommendations in maternal death reviews at the health facility that have
been fully implemented. (81.37)
References used in setting standard 2
Brien ES, Lorenzetti LD, Lewis S, Kennedy J, Ghali AW. Overview of a formal scoping review on health
system report cards. Implementation Sci 2010;5:2.
Graham WJ, Campbell OM. Maternal health and the measurement trap. Soc Sci Med 1992;35:967–977.
Lippeveld T, Sauerborn R, Bodart C. Design and implementation of health information systems. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2000.
Murray SF, Davies S, Phiri RK, Ahmed Y. Tools for monitoring the effectiveness of district maternity
referral systems. Health Policy Plan 2001;16:353–361.
UNICEF. The state of the world’s children 2009. Geneva (
World Health Organization. Service availability and readiness assessment (SARA). An annual monitoring
system for service delivery. Reference manual, version 2.2 Geneva; 2015 (
World Health Organization, United Nations Population Fund, UNICEF, World Bank. Pregnancy,
childbirth, postpartum and newborn care: a guide for essential practice, 3rd edition. Geneva:
World Health Organization; 2015.
Standard 3: Every woman and newborn with condition(s) that cannot be
dealt with effectively with the available resources is appropriately referred.
Quality statement 3.1: Every woman and newborn is appropriately assessed on admission,
during labour and in the early postnatal period to determine whether referral is required,
and the decision to refer is made without delay.
Rationale: It is vital to recognize cases that require referral rapidly in order to ensure that every
patient receives timely, appropriate care and to avoid unnecessary complications.
Up-to-date referral protocols and guidelines are in place, are accessible and reect the health
facility’s capacity and resources. There is a triage system at admission, and a mechanism on the
wards to assess, identify and respond to emergencies immediately. Facilities are available to
provide pre-referral stabilization care and treatment.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date clinical protocols and guidelines for the identication,
management (including pre-referral care) and referral of women with complications related to
pregnancy and childbirth and in newborns*. (89.94)
2. The health facility is equipped with appropriate medicines and medical supplies for stabilization and
pre-referral treatment for referred women and newborns*. (89.20)
3. Health care staff in the maternity unit receive in-service training and regular refresher sessions in
referral protocols and guidelines at least once every 12 months*. (85.33)
1. The proportion of women and newborns seen in the health facility in the past three months who
fullled the facility’s criteria for referral who were actually referred. (81.79)
The proportion of all pregnant or postpartum women who could not be managed at the health facility
who were transferred to a higher-level facility for childbirth or further management without delay,
accompanied by a health care professional and a completed standardized referral note. (81.47)
The proportion of all sick, preterm or small newborns who could not be managed at the health facility
who were transferred to an appropriate level of care within 1 h of a decision, accompanied by a health
care professional and a completed standardized referral note. (79.90)
The proportion of all women admitted to the labour ward who reported receiving immediate attention
on arrival at the health facility. (82.83)
Quality statement 3.2: For every woman and newborn who requires referral, the referral
follows a pre-established plan that can be implemented without delay at any time.
Rationale: A pre-established plan for referral expedites the process, prevents unnecessary
delay and results in better, more timely care for patients.
Availability of adequately equipped transport services that operate 24 h a day, 7 days a week,
to transport women and newborns as necessary. A list of known network facilities and their
telephone numbers is in place. The referral system is supervised and accountable, with a policy
that protects women from nancial barriers to referral, and there is a procedure to monitor and
evaluate the system.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has ready access to a functioning ambulance or other vehicle for emergency
transport of women and newborns to referral facilities*. (90.35)
2. There is an up-to-date list of network facilities in the same geographical area that provide referral
care for women and children*. (89.20)
3. The health facility has local arrangements to ensure that women and newborns who cannot be
managed at the health facility are referred to an appropriate level of care without delay, 24 h a day,
7 days a week. (87.11)
1. The proportion of all newborns who died before or during transfer to a higher-level facility for further
management*. (87.74)
2. The proportion of all pregnant or postpartum women who died before or during transfer to a higher-
level facility for childbirth for further management. (87.04)
3. The proportion of pregnant and postpartum women and newborns who were referred without
appropriate emergency transport. (75.62)
4. The proportion of all women referred from the health facility who contributed nancially to
communication or to transport. (68.93)
1. The proportion of all women referred from the health facility who completed their referral. (80.97)
2. The proportion of all newborns referred from the health facility who completed their referral. (80.95)
3. The proportion of newborns referred from the facility who reached the referral facility without
hypothermia. (76.34)
Quality statement 3.3: For every woman and newborn referred within or between health
facilities, there is appropriate information exchange and feedback to relevant health care staff.
Rationale: Appropriate information exchange and feedback within and between health facilities
improves patient care, increases the motivation of health care workers, helps learning from
experience and leads to improved patient care.
A functioning communication system (e.g. radio, telephone) within the referral network operates
at all times, and formal agreements and arrangements for communication and consultations
are in place. Information exchange and feedback protocols on referral and standardized referral
and counter-referral forms are available when needed.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has a standardized referral form to document relevant demographic and clinical
information, which includes clinical ndings, diagnosis, pre-referral interventions or treatment given
and reason for referral*. (89.13)
The health facility has reliable communication methods, including a mobile phone, land line or radio,
which is functioning at all times, for referrals and consultation on complicated cases*. (87.14)
3. Evidence that the health facility has formal agreements, communication arrangements and a
feedback system with referral centre(s) *. (85.55)
1. The proportion of all referred women seen at the referring facility for whom there was complete
counter-referral feedback information. (80.65)
2. The proportion of all referred newborns seen at the referring facility for whom there was complete
counter-referral feedback information. (80.12)
3. The proportion of all referred women and newborns seen at the referring facility who received timely
care at the referral facility. (79.57)
References used in setting standard 3
Lawn J, McCarthy BJ, Ross R. The healthy newborn: a reference manual for program managers. Atlanta,
Georgia: Centers for Disease Control, CARE International; 2001.
Maine D, Ward V, Eitahir AH. Meeting the community halfway: programming guidelines for the
reduction of maternal mortality. New York City, New York: UNICEF; 1993.
Murray SF, Pearson S. Maternity referral systems in developing countries: current knowledge and future
research needs. Soc Sci Med 2006;62:2205–2215.
Murray SF, Davies S, Phiri RK, Ahmed Y. Tools for monitoring the effectiveness of district maternity
referral systems. Health Policy Plan 2001;16:353–361.
World Health Organization. Essential elements of obstetric care at rst referral level. Geneva: 1991.
World Health Organization. Service availability and readiness assessment (SARA). An annual monitoring
system for service delivery. Reference manual, version 2.2. Geneva; 2015 (
World Health Organization Regional Ofce for the Western Pacic. District health facilities: Guidelines
for development and operations. Manila; 1998.
Standard 4: Communication with women and their families is effective
and responds to their needs and preferences.
Quality statement 4.1: All women and their families receive information about the care and
have effective interactions with staff.
Rationale: Effective communication with women and their families helps them feel more
involved in their care, avoids unnecessary anxiety, misunderstanding and wrong expectations
and gives them control of their condition, which contribute to a positive experience.
Health care staff have interpersonal communication and counselling skills and are readily
approachable. They have a positive attitude, use simple, clear language that women and their
families can understand and recognize the communication needs and preferences of all women
under their care.
Quality measures
Easily understood health education materials, in an accessible written or pictorial format, are available
in the languages of the communities served by the health facility*. (91.01)
2. Health care staff in the maternity unit are oriented and receive in-service training at least once
every 12 months to improve their interpersonal communication and counselling skills and cultural
competence*. (85.74)
3. The health facility has a written, up-to-date policy that outlines clear goals, operational plans and
monitoring mechanisms to promote the interpersonal communication and counselling skills of health
care staff. (84.69)
Health care staff in the maternity unit receive supportive supervision in interpersonal communication,
counselling and cultural competence every three months. (80.12)
1. The proportion of all women discharged from the labour and childbirth area of the facility who
received written and verbal information and counselling on the following elements before discharge:
nutrition and hygiene, birth spacing and family planning, exclusive breastfeeding and maintaining
lactation, keeping their baby warm and clean, communication and play with the baby, danger signs
for the mother and newborn and where to go in case of complications*. (85.83)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported that they were given
the opportunity to discuss their concerns and preferences. (82.79)
3. The proportion of health care staff in the health facility who demonstrated the following skills: active
listening, asking questions, responding to questions, verifying the understanding of women and their
families and supporting women in problem-solving. (76.67)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who felt they were adequately
informed by the care provider(s) about the examinations, actions and decisions taken for their care.
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported that their needs and
preferences were taken into account during labour, childbirth and postnatal care. (80.67)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services. (80.66)
4. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported that they were
satised with the health education and information they received from care providers. (76.25)
Quality statement 4.2: All women and their families experience coordinated care, with clear,
accurate information exchange between relevant health and social care professionals.
Rationale: Coordinated care and accurate hand-over of information among health care
providers is essential to maintain continuity in patient care and to avoid unnecessary delays in
A standard format is used for information exchange between care providers (e.g. during staff
shift changes and referrals, with social care services, sending laboratory results), and effective
verbal and/or telephone communication is used among caregivers involved in the hand-over
of care. There is timely reporting of the results of critical diagnostic tests.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has a standard form for clinical progress notes and monitoring events during
labour (partograph), birth and after birth to facilitate written hand-over*. (91.75)
2. The health facility has written, up-to-date protocols for verbal and written hand-over of women
and newborns at shift changes, during intra-facility transfer, on referral to other facilities and at
discharge*. (89.14)
3. Health-care staff in the maternity unit are oriented and receive in-service training and regular
refresher sessions at least once every 12 months in the clinical hand-over policy and communication
of important information for hand-over, referral or discharge. (81.53)
The health facility has a functioning, reliable communication system for information exchange among
relevant service providers. (78.26)
1. The proportion of women attended during labour and childbirth for whom a partograph has been
completed. (81.87)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported that health care staff
introduced themselves and showed good knowledge of the women’s history and the care that had
been given to date. (73.47)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services*. (83.53)
2. The proportion of health care staff, by cadre, and social professionals who were satised with the
communication during clinical hand-over among members of the health care team in the health
facility. (68.98)
References used in setting standard 4
de Silva A. A framework for measuring responsiveness. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2000
Anderson L, Scrimshaw S, Fullilove M, Fielding J, Normand H. Culturally competent healthcare systems:
a systematic review. Am J Prev Med 2003;24:68–79.
Dwamena F, Holmes-Rovner M, Gaulden CM, Jorgenson S, Sadigh G, Sikorskii A, et al. Interventions
for providers to promote a patient-centred approach in clinical consultations. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2012;12:CD003267.
Fealy G, Riordan F. Communication and clinical handover practices: a systematic review. Dublin:
University College Dublin and Health Service Executive; 2014.
Iedema R, Manidis M. Patient–clinician communication: an overview of relevant research and policy
literatures. In: Communication (clinical handover) in maternity services. Sydney: Australian
Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and UTS Centre for Health Communication;
2014 (National clinical guideline No. 5) (
Johnson A, Sandford J, Tyndall J. Written and verbal information versus verbal information only for
patients being discharged from acute hospital settings to home. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
Kongnyu E, van den Broek N. Criteria for clinical audit of women friendly care and providers’ perception
in Malawi. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2008;8:28.
National Institute for Health Care Excellence. Patient experience in adult NHS
services. London; 2012 (
The Joint Commission. Advancing effective communication, cultural competence, and patient- and
family-centered care: a roadmap for hospitals. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois; 2010 (http://www.
Standard 5: Women and newborns receive care with respect and
preservation of their dignity.
Quality statement 5.1: All women and newborns have privacy around the time of labour and
childbirth, and their condentiality is respected.
Rationale: Privacy and condentiality of information make women and families feel respected
at all times, protect them from any stigma associated with their problems and build trust in
health care providers.
Health care staff respect the privacy and condentiality of care and information. Linen, curtains
and screens are available to ensure privacy, and verbal and written records of women’s and
newborns’ conditions are kept condential.
Quality measures
3. The physical environment of the health facility allows privacy and the provision of respectful,
condential care, including the availability of curtains, screens, partitions and sufcient bed capacity*.
4. The health facility has written, up-to-date protocols to ensure privacy and condentiality for all
women and newborns in all aspects of care*. (89.27)
5. The health facility has accountability mechanisms for redress in the event of violations of privacy,
condentiality or consent. (85.16)
1. The proportion of procedures in the health facility that require written consent for which there is an
associated record of the woman’s consent*. (86.90)
2. The proportion of all women undergoing examinations or procedures in the health facility who
reported that their permission was sought before the examination or procedures were performed.
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who were satised with the degree
of privacy during their stay in the labour and childbirth areas. (85.63)
2. The proportion of all women examined and treated in the health facility who expressed satisfaction
with the degree of privacy during examinations and treatment. (85.48)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services. (81.90)
Quality statement 5.2: No woman or newborn is subjected to mistreatment, such as physical,
sexual or verbal abuse, discrimination, neglect, detainment, extortion or denial of services.
Rationale: Every woman has the basic human right to the highest attainable standard of health
care without discrimination or maltreatment.
Health care staff treat all women with kindness, compassion, courtesy, respect, understanding and
honesty and preserve their dignity. Women are free to complain without fear of repercussions,
and there is no restriction on their movement into or out of the health facility.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has written, up-to-date, zero-tolerance non-discriminatory policies with regard to
mistreatment of women and newborns*. (91.19)
2. The health facility has a system whereby the mothers of small, sick newborns can be close to and
nurse their babies*. (89.59)
3. The fee structures for maternity and newborn care are equitable, affordable and clearly displayed*.
4. The health facility has written accountability mechanisms for redress in the event of mistreatment.
5. The health facility has a written, up-to-date policy and protocols that outline women’s and families’
right to make a complaint about the care received and has an easily accessible mechanism (e.g. a
box) for handing in complaints. (88.34)
6. Health care staff in the maternity unit receive in-service training and supportive supervision in
respecting the rights of mothers and newborns, respectful care and accountability mechanisms.
Orientation is provided for new staff. (87.36)
7. The health facility policy for payment specically precludes detention of a woman or baby for non-
payment. (86.00)
8. The health facility has a complaints box, which is easily accessible to women and their families, is
periodically emptied and the contents reviewed. (77.22)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported physical, verbal or
sexual abuse, to themselves or their newborns, during labour or childbirth or after birth. (86.68)
2. The proportion of women who gave birth in the health facility who were satised that the facility met
their religious and cultural needs. (78.15)
3. The proportion of women who attended the health facility who were refused care because of their
inability to pay. (76.97)
4. The proportion of complaints received about respect and preservation of the dignity of women and
their families. (74.37)
5. The proportion of women who gave birth in the health facility who were aware of the existence and
location of a complaints box. (70.90)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services. (85.93)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported having been treated
with respect and their dignity preserved. (84.13)
3. The proportion of all women in the health facility who made a complaint whose complaints were
acted upon without repercussions. (72.82)
Quality statement 5.3: All women can make informed choices about the services they
receive, and the reasons for interventions or outcomes are clearly explained.
Rationale: It is essential that women feel involved in their treatment and care and can make
informed choices in order to improve their compliance and satisfaction with the treatment.
Women are informed about their rights and options for care and encouraged to ask questions.
They are supported in making decisions about all aspects of their care and treatment; their
personal values and beliefs are respected, and their consent is obtained before procedures are
carried out.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has a written, up-to-date policy for obtaining informed consent from women
before examinations and procedures*. (90.98)
2. The health facility has a standard informed consent form that helps health care staff to provide easily
understandable information to women in order to obtain their fully informed consent*. (90.39)
3. Health care staff in the health facility receive in-service training and supportive supervision in
effective informed consent procedures and in women’s right to choose care at childbirth. Orientation
is provided for new staff*. (87.51)
4. The health facility has written accountability mechanisms for redress in the event that women are
denied informed choice, and the mechanism is displayed. (81.41)
1. The proportion of procedures in the health facility that require written consent for which there is an
associated record of consent signed by the woman or a family member. (84.32)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who felt adequately informed by
health care staff regarding decisions taken about their care. (80.82)
3. The proportion of women who received care in the health facility who were aware that they had the
right to accept or refuse treatment. (78.55)
1. The proportion of women who gave birth in the health facility by caesarean section who were aware
of the reason for the caesarean section. (87.13)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services. (82.74)
3. The proportion of women who gave birth in the health facility who felt they had shared decisions
about their labour, birth and postnatal care. (75.86)
References used in setting standard 5
Bohren MA, Vogel JP, Hunter EC, Lutsiv O, Makh SK, Souza JP, et al. The mistreatment of women
during childbirth in health facilities globally: a mixed-methods systematic review. PLoS Med
de Silva A. A framework for measuring responsiveness. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2000
Dwamena F1, Holmes-Rovner M, Gaulden CM, Jorgenson S, Sadigh G, Sikorskii A, et al. Interventions
for providers to promote a patient-centred approach in clinical consultations. Cochrane Database
Syst Rev 2012;12:CD003267.
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, International Confederation of Midwives, White
Ribbon Alliance, International Pediatric Association, World Health Organization. Mother–baby
friendly birthing facilities. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2015;128:95–99.
Kongnyuy E, van den Broek N. Criteria for clinical audit of women friendly care and providers’
perception in Malawi. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2008;8:28.
Lothian JA. Do not disturb: the importance of privacy in labor, J Perinat Educ 2004;13:4–6.
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Patient experience in adult NHS services: improving
the experience of care for people using adult NHS services. London; 2012 (
Reader TW, Gillespie A. Patient neglect in healthcare institutions: a systematic review and conceptual
model. BMC Health Serv Res 2013;13:156.
Valentine NB, de Silva A, Kawabata K, Darby C, Murray CJL, Evans DB. Health system responsiveness:
concepts, domains and measurement. In: Murray CJL, Evans DB, editors, Health systems performance
assessment: debates, methods and empiricism. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2003.
World Health Organization. WHO statement on the prevention and elimination of disrespect and abuse
during facility-based childbirth. Geneva; 2015 (
Standard 6: Every woman and her family or the companion of her
choice are given emotional support that is sensitive to their needs and
strengthens the womans capability.
Quality statement 6.1: Every woman is offered the option to experience labour and
childbirth with the companion of her choice.
Rationale: Birth companions provide physical, emotional and spiritual support to women during
labour and deliver and thus have a positive impact on the women and improved birth outcomes.
Women are allowed and encouraged to choose a companion to be present during her labour
and childbirth. The companion is oriented in supporting the woman during labour and
childbirth, and both the woman and her companion are encouraged to participate actively in
the woman’s care.
Quality measures
1. The labour and childbirth areas are organized in such a way as to allow a physical private space for
the woman and her companion at the time of birth*. (91.59)
The health facility has a written, up-to-date protocol, which is explained to women and their families,
to encourage all women to have at least one person of their choice, as culturally appropriate, with
them during labour, childbirth and the immediate postnatal period*. (91.25)
3. Health care staff in the health facility are oriented and receive in-service refresher training sessions
at least once every 12 months on the evidence for and positive impact of the presence of a chosen
companion during labour and birth. (84.63)
4. Orientation sessions and information (written or pictorial) are available to orient the companion on
his or her role in supporting the woman during labour and birth. (83.40)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who had a companion of their
choice during labour and childbirth*. (91.76)
2. The proportion of all companions who were satised with the orientation given on their role during
labour and childbirth. (75.19)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services. (84.84)
Quality statement 6.2: Every woman receives support to strengthen her capability during
Rationale: Every woman should be given emotional support to improve her mental health,
give her a positive outlook and improve the overall health outcomes of the mother and baby.
Care at the facility optimizes biological, psychological, social and cultural well-being. Women
are encouraged to adopt the position of their choice during labour, to walk around freely
during the rst stage and to eat and drink enough to ensure adequate nutrition and hydration.
Women with complex emotional needs (e.g. previous newborn death, experience of gender-
based violence, rape, mental health problems) are identied and supported. Grief support is
provided to families if the mother or baby dies.
Quality measures
2. Health care staff in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit were oriented in non-
pharmacological and pharmacological pain relief and received in-service training or sessions at least
once in the preceding 12 months*. (87.07)
The health facility has a written, up-to-date protocol, which is explained to women and their families,
to minimize unnecessary interventions, support normal labour and strengthen the woman’s capability,
so that she feels in control of her childbirth experience. (83.21)
4. Health care staff in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit were oriented and received
in-service training or refresher sessions at least once in the preceding 12 months to strengthen their
interpersonal and cultural competence in providing emotional support. (82.34)
5. The health facility has a referral mechanism for women and families with complex emotional needs,
and refers them for specialist care. (79.71)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who did so in the labour position
of their choice. (82.02)
The proportion of all women undergoing bereavement or an adverse outcome who received additional
emotional support from health facility staff. (80.64)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported having sufcient food
and drink during labour. (80.10)
4. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who were ambulatory during the
rst stage of labour. (77.30)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who expressed satisfaction with the
health services*. (84.69)
2. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who would recommend childbirth
in that facility*. (84.46)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who reported a positive birth
experience. (83.23)
The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who were satised that their choices
and preferences were respected. (82.36)
References used in setting standard 6
Hodnett ED, Gates S, Hofmeyr G, Sakala C. Continuous support for women during childbirth. Cochrane
Database Syst Rev 2013;7: CD003766.
International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics, International Confederation of Midwives, White
Ribbon Alliance, International Pediatric Association, World Health Organization. Mother–baby
friendly birthing facilities. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2015;128:95–99.
National Institute for Health Care Excellence. Using organisational change to enhance the experience
of women giving birth by focusing on normalising births. London; 2013 (
National Institute for Health Care Excellence. NICE guidelines on routine intrapartum
care (CG 190). London; 2014 (
Renfrew MJ. Optimising the contribution of midwifery to preventing stillbirths and improving the
overall quality of care: co-ordinated global action needed. Midwifery 2016;36:99–101.
Royal College of Midwives. Maternal emotional wellbeing and infant development, a good practice
guide for midwives, London; 2012 (les/Emotional%2.
Sandall J. Soltani H, Gates S, Shennan, A, Devane, D. Midwife-led continuity models versus other
models of care for childbearing women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2013;8: CD004667.
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations on postnatal care of the mother and
newborn. Geneva; 2013 (
World Health Organization. WHO recommendations for augmentation of labour. Geneva; 2014 (http://
Standard 7: For every woman and newborn, competent, motivated
staff are consistently available to provide routine care and manage
Quality statement 7.1: Every woman and child has access at all times to at least one skilled
birth attendant and support staff for routine care and management of complications.
Rationale: The availability of health care staff around the clock is essential for optimal routine
and emergency care of patients and timely management of complications.
A health facility stafng policy is in place, reviewed regularly and updated as necessary, which
species the number, types and necessary competence of staff to ensure an adequate number
and skill mix of health care staff for the volume of work, 24 h a day, 7 days a week. Clinical and
nonclinical staff are oriented to their specic roles and responsibilities in the facility or unit to
which they are assigned. A staff roster listing duties and the times staff will be on duty is always
updated and on display. Written information is available on how to access services, and signs
indicate key service areas (e.g. emergency department) and what to do in case of an emergency.
Women are triaged to prioritize emergency conditions.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has skilled birth attendants available at all times, in sufcient numbers to meet
the anticipated work load*. (89.50)
The health facility has a written, up-to-date stafng policy, listing the numbers, types and competence
of staff, that is reviewed continuously according to the work load*. (89.05)
3. The health facility has a roster that is displayed in all areas, giving the names of staff on duty, the
times of their shifts and their specic roles and responsibilities. (86.43)
4. The health facility has a written, up-to-date policy on triage and waiting times for emergency and
non-emergency consultations and treatment. (86.32)
5. The health facility has clear communication channels to reach staff on duty at all times. (82.87)
1. The proportion of available posts in the health facility that were lled by staff with the necessary
competence for the job description to allow the facility to provide 24-h service. (80.72)
2. The proportion of staff who have been oriented to their functions, roles and responsibilities in the
facility or unit to which they are assigned. (78.79)
The proportion of women who attended the health facility who reported receiving attention within the
appropriate time for their condition as per facility policy on triage and waiting time. (73.08)
1. The proportion of women and their newborns in the health facility who were attended by a skilled
birth attendant (as per the denition) during and after childbirth*. (90.11)
The proportion of all women who gave birth at the health facility who reported having been informed
about danger signs for her and her baby and emergency preparedness. (84.27)
3. The proportion of women who attended the health facility who were satised with the health care
they received. (80.87)
Quality statement 7.2: The skilled birth attendants and support staff have appropriate
competence and skills to meet requirements during labour, childbirth and the early
postnatal period.
Rationale: Qualication, training and orientation of staff improve their performance of their
roles and responsibilities.
All staff have a job description that lists the necessary competence, roles and responsibilities,
supported by the desired qualications and other requirements. The education, licensure or
registration and other credentials required by law or regulation are veried for all health care
staff and kept current. There are established programmes for recruitment, retention, professional
development and continuing education of all staff.
All staff receive continuing orientation on protocols and responsibilities, supportive supervision
and professional development activities, with an annual performance appraisal and recognition
of good performance. Effective, efcient case management systems are in place to ensure that
patients receive adequate, safe, timely care, and health care staff can demonstrate appropriate
competence in providing routine care and managing complications for mothers and newborns.
Quality measures
4. The health facility has a programme for continuing professional development and skills development
for all skilled birth attendants and other support staff and conducts regular training*. (86.62)
5. The health facility has standard procedures and plans for recruitment, deployment, motivation
(recognition and reward scheme) and retention of all staff*. (84.21)
6. The health facility periodically appraises all staff and has a mechanism for recognizing good
performance. (82.76)
7. The health facility has sufcient numbers of educated, competent, licensed, motivated, regulated
skilled birth attendants with an appropriate skills mix, working in multidisciplinary teams. (81.83)
8. The health facility provides an enabling, supportive environment for professional staff development,
with regular supportive supervision and mentoring. (79.24)
9. The health facility facilitates inter-professional collaborative practice, with clear roles and
responsibilities based on the professional scope of practice and care needs during labour, childbirth
and the early postnatal period. (75.82)
1. The proportion of skilled birth staff at the health facility who received a written job description on
deployment to the facility*. (85.81)
2. The proportion of skilled birth attendants at the health facility who received in-service training, a
refresher session or mentoring within the past 12 months. (81.80)
3. The number of supervisory visits to support clinical competence and performance improvement (in
the past three months). (80.85)
4. The proportion of staff at the health facility who were assessed at least once in the preceding 12
months. (77.54)
5. The number of team meetings held per month to review competence and quality improvement
activities. (76.33)
6. The number of interactions per month with professional mentors to ensure clinical competence and
improve performance. (75.17)
7. The proportion of all staff at the health facility who were engaged in at least two active quality
improvement team meetings and participated in quality improvement activities in the preceding six
months. (74.70)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth at the health facility who were satised with the care
and support from facility staff. (82.51)
2. The proportion of skilled birth attendants and support staff at the health facility whose preceding
performance appraisal was satisfactory.
3. The proportion of all staff at the health facility who reported being “highly satised” with their job.
4. The proportion of all staff at the health facility who could identify and report on at least one clinical
improvement activity in which they were personally involved in the past six months. (75.97)
5. The proportion of all staff at the health facility who were actively considering looking for a new job.
Quality statement 7.3: The managerial and clinical leadership of every health facility is
collectively responsible for creating and implementing appropriate policies and fosters an
environment that supports facility staff in continuous quality improvement.
Rationale: Good managerial and clinical leadership improve performance by showing direction
and inspiring employees and create an environment of support for staff in undertaking
continuous quality improvement.
There is managerial and clinical leadership, collective responsibility, appropriate government
policies and procedures and an environment that supports staff in undertaking continuous quality
improvement. There is a dened leadership structure and authority, lines of accountability and
a dened quality improvement team with resources. Staff collectively develop and implement
quality improvement and patient safety programmes and receive support, supervision and
A policy and plan are in place to manage nancial risks, and the facility undertakes regular audits
(maternal and perinatal deaths and near-misses), with recommendations for improving quality.
A system is in place for regular review of the data collected and reporting and communication of
quality management matters to guide decision-making and monitor performance. Patient care
and satisfaction are reviewed regularly, and the status of quality improvement is documented.
Quality measures
The health facility has a written, up-to-date plan for improving the quality of care and a patient safety
programme*. (88.08)
The health facility has a written, up-to-date leadership structure, with dened roles and responsibilities
and lines of accountability for reporting*. (87.19)
3. The health facility has a designated quality improvement team and responsible personnel*. (85.38)
4. The health facility has a mechanism for regular collection of information on patient and provider
satisfaction. (84.98)
5. The health facility holds at least one monthly meeting to review data, monitor quality improvement
performance, make recommendations to address any identied problems, honour those who have
performed well and encourage staff who are struggling to improve. (83.19)
6. All standard governing procedures (policies and protocols) are in place and accessible to all relevant
staff. (82.61)
7. The proportion of all health facility leaders who were trained in quality improvement and leading
change (use of information, enabling behaviour, continuous learning). (81.07)
8. The health facility holds at least two annual meetings with stakeholders (e.g. the community, service
users, partners) to review its performance, identify problems and make recommendations for joint
actions to improve quality.
9. The proportion of all health facility leaders who were trained in leadership and management skills.
10. A policy is in place for staff to provide feedback to the facility management on quality improvement
and their performance. (80.82)
Health facility leaders communicated the performance of the facility through established mechanisms
for monitoring (e.g. a dashboard of key metrics) to all relevant staff. (79.75)
2. The proportion of monthly meetings on the quality of care that were actually held in the preceding
12 months. (78.69)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth at the health facility who were satised with the care
and support from facility staff. (83.95)
2. Evidence for improved performance of the system (according to the facility dashboard). (82.50)
References used in setting standard 7
Gülmezoglu MA, Lawrie TA. Impact of training on emergency resuscitation skills: impact on Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs) 4 and 5. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol 2015); doi: 10.1016/j.
ten Hoope-Bender P, de Bernis L, Campbell J, Downe S, Fauveau V, Fogstad H, et al. Improvement of
maternal and newborn health through midwifery. Lancet 2014;384:1226–1235.
International Confederation of Midwives. Essential competencies for basic midwifery practice. The
Hague; 2011 (
Renfrew MJ, McFadden A, Bastos MH, Campbell J, Channon AA, Cheung NF, et al. Midwifery and
quality care: ndings from a new evidence-informed framework for maternal and newborn care.
Lancet 2014; 384:1129–1145.
The Lancet. Midwifery. An executive summary for The Lancet’s series. London; 2014 (http://www.
United Nations Population Fund. The state of the world’s midwifery: delivering health, saving lives. New
York; 2011.
Whittaker S, Shaw C, Spieker N, Linegar A. Quality standards for healthcare establishments in
South Africa. In: Padarath A, English R, editors. South African Health Review. Pretoria: National
Department of Health; 2011:59–68 (les/
publication_pdfs/ chap_5_quality_standards_pgs_59-_68_0.pdf).
World Health Organization. Making pregnancy safer: the critical role of the skilled attendant – a joint
statement by WHO, ICM and FIGO. Geneva; 2004 (
World Health Organization. World health report 2005. Make every mother and child count. Geneva;
2005 (
World Health Organization. World health report 2006. Working together for health. Geneva; 2006
World Health Organization. District planning tool for maternal and newborn health strategy
implementation: a practical tool for strengthening health management system. Geneva; 2011.
World Health Organization. Guidelines on maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health, approved
by the WHO Guidelines Review Committee. Recommendations on newborn health. Geneva;
2013 (
World Health Organization Regional Ofce for Europe. Hospital care for mothers and newborn babies:
quality assessment and improvement tool. Copenhagen; 2014 (
Standard 8: The health facility has an appropriate physical environment,
with adequate water, sanitation and energy supplies, medicines, supplies
and equipment for routine maternal and newborn care and management
of complications.
Quality statement 8.1: Water, energy, sanitation, hand hygiene and waste disposal facilities
are functioning, reliable, safe and sufcient for the needs of staff, women and their
Rationale: A safe, clean, hygienic environment with continuous supplies of clean water and
electricity, good sanitation and safe waste disposal are the basis of appropriate care of patients,
for carrying out all procedures and interventions and for controlling infection.
A consistent supply of safe water is available on site at all times for drinking, cleaning and
hand-washing in all clinical areas, including labour, childbirth and newborn areas and operating
theatres. Sanitation services are available, clearly separated by gender and accessible to all
women, their families and staff. The health facility and its ancillary facilities (e.g. staff quarters)
have reliable access to a source of electricity (e.g. solar, generator or grid) at all times. A
mechanism for the segregation, collection, transport, treatment and safe disposal of waste is
in place. The facility has a budget and protocol for the operation and maintenance of energy,
safe water and sanitation services.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has a functioning source of safe water located on the premises that is adequate
to meet all demands for drinking, personal hygiene, medical interventions, cleaning, laundry and
cooking for use by staff, women, newborns and their families*. (90.90)
2. The health facility has leak-proof, covered, labelled waste bins and impermeable sharps containers
available in every treatment area, to allow segregation of waste into four categories: sharps, non-
sharps infectious waste, general non-infectious waste (e.g. food, packaging) and anatomical waste
(e.g. placenta)*. (90.88)
The health facility has at least one functioning hand hygiene station per 10 beds, with soap and water
or alcohol-based hand rubs, in all wards*. (89.53)
The health facility has energy infrastructure (e.g. solar, generator, grid) that can meet all the electricity
demands of the facility and associated infrastructure at all times, with a back-up power source. (89.41)
5. The health facility has written, up-to-date protocols and awareness-raising materials (posters) on
cleaning and disinfection, hand hygiene, operating and maintaining water, sanitation and hygiene
facilities and safe waste management; these are posted in the areas in which the activities are
conducted. (88.05)
6. The health facility has sanitation facilities on premises that are usable, appropriately illuminated
at night, accessible to people with limited mobility and separated by gender for staff and patients;
they include at least one toilet that meets the needs for menstrual hygiene management, with hand-
washing stations and soap and water (at least 1 latrine per 20 users for inpatient settings). (87.46)
7. The health facility has sufcient trained, competent staff on site when needed, with clear descriptions
of their responsibilities for cleaning, operating and maintaining water, sanitation, hygiene and health
care waste facilities. (86.44)
8. The health facility has sufcient funds for rehabilitation, improvement and continuous operation and
maintenance of water, sanitation, hygiene and health care waste services. (83.13)
9. The heath facility has a fuel management plan and a local buffer stock, supported by an adequate
budget for all the fuel needs for vehicles, cooking and heating, as relevant and as required, at all
times. (83.02)
10. The health facility has a preventive risk plan for managing and improving water, sanitation and
hygiene services, including for infection prevention and control. (81.34)
11. The heath facility has an energy management plan supported by an adequate budget, maintained
by appropriately trained staff and regulated by a competent authority. (77.26)
1. The proportion of women and their families who attended the health facility who were satised with
the water, sanitation and energy services and would recommend the health facility to friends and
family. (76.75)
2. The proportion of all health care staff at the health facility who were satised with the water,
sanitation and energy services and considered that these services contribute positively to providing
high-quality care. (76.23)
3. The proportion of women and their families who attended the health facility who were satised with
the power and lighting source and would recommend the health facility to friends and family. (74.20)
Quality statement 8.2: Areas for labour, childbirth and postnatal care are designed,
organized and maintained so that every woman and newborn can be cared for according to
their needs in private, to facilitate the continuity of care.
Rationale: The infrastructure of the health facility should be adequate and well maintained,
with basic services, good ventilation, a power source and hygiene.
The general infrastructure is organized into dedicated service areas close to the labour and
childbirth areas or rooms (reception, triage and assessment area, immediate postnatal high-
care area, rooming-in postnatal wards or rooms, newborn corners, sick newborn ward, kangaroo
mother care ward, neonatal intensive care unit, theatre for performing caesarean sections)
and adequately equipped for effective, consistent provision of optimal care. The service areas
are clean, well ventilated and illuminated, particularly at night, and conducive to privacy (e.g.
curtain, wall); adequate, safe, clean, well-maintained basic facilities (beds, mattresses, bed linen,
washing and bathing facilities, toilet) are in place.
Quality measures
The health facility has a dedicated area in the labour and childbirth area for resuscitation of newborns,
which is adequately equipped with a table or resuscitaire, radiant warmer, light and appropriate
resuscitation equipment and supplies*. (94.67)
2. The health facility has a labour ward and an adequate number of birthing rooms or areas for the
estimated number of births in the service area*. (90.12)
The health facility has clean, appropriately illuminated, well-ventilated labour, childbirth and neonatal
areas and surroundings that allow for privacy and are adequately equipped, regularly cleaned and
maintained*. (89.52)
4. The health facility practises and enables rooming-in for all women to allow mothers and babies to
remain together 24 h a day. (86.57)
5. The health facility has a labour and childbirth area or room with a functional, clean and accessible
bathroom or shower room and toilet for use only by women in labour. (88.94)
A facility offering surgical services has an adequately equipped operating theatre located close to and
easily accessible from the labour and childbirth areas. (88.84)
7. The facility has a dedicated recovery room or area for care of women with complications. (86.54)
8. The health facility has a dedicated ward for admitting sick and unstable small babies. (86.37)
1. The proportion of all pregnant women who attended the health facility who reported that it has a
clean physical environment conducive for childbirth. (82.65)
1. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who were satised with the
environment of the labour and childbirth area, including the cleanliness, proximity to a toilet, general
lighting, level of crowding and privacy. (81.81)
Quality statement 8.3: Adequate stocks of medicines, supplies and equipment are available
for routine care and management of complications.
Rationale: Available, adequate essential medicines, equipment and other supplies are critical
for provision of optimal quality care.
There is a list of essential medicines and supplies (e.g. laboratory reagents) and their uses and
orderly, clean, secure storage for these items, with an efcient system to avoid stock-outs. All
suitable medicines are available in the clinical areas (e.g. magnesium sulfate in the labour and
childbirth areas). Essential equipment is available in the right places, at all times, with a system
for regular maintenance and guidelines for appropriate use of the equipment. Laboratory tests
are available (e.g. haemoglobin, blood group, urine protein) for routine use and management
of complications. Blood is available for transfusion services, and an uninterrupted supply of
oxygen is available in the labour and neonatal areas.
Quality measures
1. The health facility has supplies of antihypertensive agents and magnesium sulfate in sufcient
quantities, available at all times, in antenatal, labour, childbirth and postnatal areas for the
management of women with pre-eclampsia*. (92.81)
2. The health facility has uterotonic drugs and supplies for intravenous infusion (syringes, needles,
infusion sets, intravenous uid solutions and blood) available in sufcient quantities at all times in the
childbirth and postnatal care areas for the management of women with postpartum haemorrhage*.
3. The health facility has supplies of antenatal corticosteroids (dexamethasone or betamethasone),
antibiotics and magnesium sulfate available in sufcient quantities at all times to manage preterm
births*. (92.15)
The health facility has functioning essential equipment and supplies for the detection of complications
(e.g. thermometers, sphygmomanometers, foetal stethoscopes, urine dipsticks, pulse oximeter) in
sufcient quantities at all times in the labour and childbirth areas of the maternity unit. (91.63)
5. The health facility has supplies of rst- and second-line injectable antibiotics and other essential
medicines available at all times for the management of women and newborns with, or at risk for,
infections during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period. (91.48)
6. The health facility has essential laboratory supplies and tests (blood glucose, haemoglobin or packed
cell volume, blood group and cross-matching, bilirubin, urine protein, full blood count, blood culture,
electrolytes, renal and liver function tests, syphilis, HIV and malaria rapid diagnostic tests) to support
the management of women and newborns. (91.12)
7. The health facility has essential supplies and functioning equipment (including childbirth beds,
vacuum, forceps, incubators, weighing machine, sterile gloves) available in sufcient quantities at all
times in the labour and childbirth areas. (90.88)
8. The health facility has supplies and functioning equipment for the emergency care and resuscitation
of women (well-stocked resuscitation trolley, suction device, pulse oximeter, airways, laryngoscope,
endotracheal tubes, adult bag valve masks, infusion sets, intravenous uids) available in sufcient
quantities all times in areas designated for labour, childbirth and postnatal care. (89.70)
9. The health facility has a safe, uninterrupted oxygen source and delivery supplies (nasal prongs,
catheters and masks), including nasal continuous positive airway pressure, available at all times in
labour, childbirth and neonatal areas and the operating theatre (when available). (89.37)
10. The health facility has supplies and functioning equipment for emergency care and resuscitation of
newborns (resuscitation table, well-stocked neonatal resuscitation trolley, warmer, suction device,
pulse oximeter, laryngoscope) available all times in areas designated for labour, childbirth and
neonatal care. (89.02)
11. The health facility has an on-site pharmacy and a medicine and supplies stock management system
managed by a trained pharmacist or dispenser. (88.44)
12. The health facility has a dedicated budget for essential medicines, equipment (and its maintenance)
and medical supplies for maternal and newborn care. (84.94)
13. The health facility has a functioning diagnostic ultrasound machine and trained health staff who
can conduct a basic obstetric ultrasound examination to determine the number of fetuses present,
gestational age, prenatal diagnosis of foetal anomalies or early diagnosis of placental insufciency.
1. Availability of essential life-saving medicines (oxytocin, magnesium sulfate, dexamethasone,
vitamin K, injectable and oral amoxicillin, benzyl penicillin, gentamicin, ceftriaxone, metronidazole,
antimalarial drugs, antiretroviral drugs and vaccines against tuberculosis, hepatitis B, poliomyelitis)
in the past three months. (88.84)
2. The proportion of all women who had severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia in the health facility who
did not receive the full dose of magnesium sulfate because of a stock-out. (79.38)
3. The proportion of all women who gave birth in the health facility who purchased gloves and other
necessary items. (70.62)
1. The proportion of all nulliparous women with a singleton cephalic foetus at ≥ 37 weeks of gestation
who underwent caesarean section during spontaneous labour (Robson group 1). (82.54)
2. The proportion of unmet need for caesarean section as a result of lack of supplies or staff trained to
conduct caesarean section. (74.81)
References used in setting standard 8
Chartier Y, Emmanuel J, Pieper U, Prüss A, Rushbrook P, Stringer R, et al. Safe management of wastes
from health-care activities. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (
Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council. WASH targets and indicators post-2015:
recommendations from international consultations. Geneva; 2014 (
World Health Organization. Essential elements of obstetric care at rst referral level. Geneva; 1991
World Health Organization. Essential environmental health standards in health care. Geneva; 2008
World Health Organization. Systems thinking for health systems strengthening. Geneva; 2009 (http://
World Health Organization. Evaluating household water treatment options: health based targets
and microbiological performance specications. Geneva; 2011 (
World Health Organization. Service availability and readiness assessment. Geneva; 2014 (http://apps.
World Health Organization, UNICEF. Progress on drinking-water and sanitation: Joint Monitoring
Programme update 2014. Geneva; 2014 (
World Health Organization, UNICEF. Water, sanitation and hygiene in health care facilities. Status in
low- and middle-income countries and way forward. Geneva; 2015 (
6. Operationalization
Evidence-based, effective, respectful, high-quality care and the elements of health systems
that support optimal care for women and newborns described in the WHO quality of care
framework are to be operationalized by applying the standards of care and quality statements.
The standards should be adapted to the context of each country to ensure detailed processes
of evidence-based clinical care (standard 1), information systems (2), referral systems (3)
experience of care (4–6), an enabled, motivated work force (7) and adequate resources (8). The
standards are accompanied by evidence-based quality statements, which include measures
of inputs, outputs and outcomes. These will improve quality and ensure high-quality care for
mothers and newborns. Ideas for implementing the standards should be based on the county’s
experience and on adaptive learning within and between countries.
6.1 Dissemination
The framework, standards of care and quality measures are published in a technical reference
document, which can be incorporated into strategic documents at country level. They are part
of a package of normative tools for supporting improvement of the quality of maternal and
newborn care. They will be translated into Arabic, French, Russian and Spanish in collaboration
with the WHO regional ofces, for wider circulation. The publication will be available for
downloading from the websites of WHO headquarters, the regional and country ofces, WHO
collaborating centres and partner agencies involved in maternal and newborn quality of care.
Hard copies of the publication will be disseminated to all WHO country ofces and will be
available for sale from WHO bookshop and its distribution network to all medical libraries and
6.2 Implementation approach
To increase access to and use of the standards of care and quality measures, orientation and
capacity-building workshops will be conducted in all the WHO regions in collaboration with the
regional ofces. Targeted support will be provided to countries, and a learning platform will be
created for sharing best practices within and among countries by an innovative approach (Fig.
3), which is an adaptation of the “Plan Do Study Act” model (22) based on synthesis of evidence,
best practice and experience. It provides a plan for continuous quality improvement by setting
aims and building teams to achieve desired outcomes through use of change packages
(individual, multi-faceted or complex interventions, depending on the context and needs),
capacity-building and other strategies to maximize the chances for sustaining implementation.
Fig. 3. Implementation approach
In addition, step-by-step guidance will be provided on establishing a system for improving
the quality of maternal and newborn health within the national quality of care strategy and
operational plan. The guidance will be accompanied by the necessary tools and targeted
capacity-building for strong country leadership.
1. Establish leadership structures and function
5. Build capability
& implement
6. Continuously measure quality of care & outcomes
7. Rene strategies
for scale up
2. Adapt standards of care
3. Conduct situation analysis/assessment
4. Ensure essential infrastructure to get started
7. Monitoring and evaluation
Implementation of these standards will be accompanied by an internal and external monitoring
and evaluation plan. Internal monitoring and evaluation will be integrated into the guidance
and linked to the output of the learning platform. External monitoring and evaluation will
be conducted for rigorous evaluation of implementation by various methods, sources and
study designs to ensure effectiveness (pragmatic and quasi-experimental designs), process
(quantitative and qualitative designs) and economic efciency. The results of both the internal
and external monitoring and evaluations will be used to improve the implementation guidance
and learning platform.
8. Updating the standards
The best practices reported on the learning platform and the evaluations of implementation
will be collated and used to review and update the standards of care and quality measures as
1. Raven JH, Tolhurst RJ, Tang S, van den Broek N. What is quality in maternal and neonatal
health care? Midwifery 2012;28:e676–e683.
2. Tuncalp Ö, Were WM, MacLennan C, Oladapo OT, Gulmezoglu AM, Bahl R, et al, Quality
of care for pregnant women and newborns – the WHO vision. Br J Obstet Gynaecol
3. World Health Organization. Strategies toward ending preventable maternal mortality.
Geneva; 2015 (,
accessed 22 March 2015).
4. World Health Organization. Every newborn: an action plan to end preventable deaths.
Geneva; 2014 (
consultation/en/, accessed 19 January 2015).
5. Say L, Chou D, Gemmill A, Tuncalp O, Moller AB, Daniels J, et al. Global causes of maternal
death: a WHO systematic analysis. Lancet Global Health 2014;2: e323–e333.
6. WHO Global Health Observatory. 2014 (,
accessed 12 January 2015).
7. Bhutta ZA, Das JK, Bahl R, Lawn JE, Salam RA, Paul VK, et al. Can available interventions
end preventable deaths in mothers, newborn babies, and stillbirths, and at what cost?
Lancet 2014; 384:347–370.
8. United Nations. Global strategy for women’s and children’s health. New York; 2010.
9. Campbell OM, Graham WJ. Lancet Maternal Survival Series steering group. Strategies for
reducing maternal mortality: getting on with what works. Lancet 2006;368:1284–1299.
10. Global Health Group. Where women go to deliver: overview of the project and review of
preliminary ndings. San Francisco, California: University of California at San Francisco,
Global Health Sciences; 2014.
11. World Health Organization. WHO multicountry survey on maternal and newborn
health 2010–2012. Geneva; 2011 (
12. Bohren MA, Hunter EC, Munthe-Kaas HM, Souza JP, Vogel JP, Gulmezoglu AM. Facilitators
and barriers to facility-based delivery in low- and middle-income countries: a qualitative
evidence synthesis. Reprod Health 2014;11:71.
13. World Health Organization. The second report of the independent expert review group
(iERG) in information and accountability for women’s and children’s health. Geneva; 2013.
14. Wilson L, Goldsmith P. Quality and its measurements. In: Wilson L, Goldsmith P, Editors.
Quality management in health care. Sydney: McGraw-Hill; 1995;229–258.
15. Roemer MI, Montoya-Aguilar C. Quality assessment and assurance in primary health-care.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 1988.
16. Institute of Medicine. A strategy for quality assurance. Washington DC: National Academy
Press; 1990.
17. World Health Organization. Quality of care: a process for making strategic choices in
health systems. Geneva; 2006.
18. Donabedian A. The quality of care. How can it be assessed? JAMA 1988; 260:1743–1748.
19. Maxwell RJ. Dimensions of quality revisited: from thought to action. Qual Health Care
1992; 1:171–177.
20. Ovretveit J, Bate P, Cleary P, Cretin S, Gustafson D, McInnes K, et al. Health service quality.
An introduction to quality methods for health services. Oxford: Blackwell Scientic
Publications; 1992.
21. Hulton L, Matthews Z, Stones RW. A framework for the evaluation of quality of care in
maternity services. Southampton: University of Southampton; 2000.
22. International Organization for Standardization. Geneva (
standards.htm accessed 24 June 2016)
23. The Joint Commission. Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois
standards_information/jcfaq.aspx accessed 24 June 2016.
24. The Council for Health Service Accreditation of Southern Africa (COHSASA) accreditation
standards. Pretoria ( accessed 24 June 2016).
25. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. London (
standards-and-indicators accessed 24 June 2016).
26. Pharmaccess group. Safe care basic healthcare standards. The Hague ( accessed 24 June 2016).
27. World Health Organization. Standards for maternal and neonatal care. Group 1: General
standards of care for healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Geneva; 2007 (http://www.who.
Annex 1.
Participants in the meeting of the guideline
development group, Geneva, 3–4 June 2015
Dr Pierre Barker, Institute for Healthcare
Improvement, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Mrs Sheena Currie, Maternal and Child Health
Integrated Program, United States Agency for
International Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Kim Dickson, UNICEF, New York City (NY), USA
Ms Claudia Hanson, Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Kathleen Hill, JHPIEGO, Washington DC, USA
Dr Asia Kassim Hussein, UNICEF, Dar-es-Salaam,
United Republic of Tanzania
Dr Theopista John, WHO Country Ofce, Dar-es-
Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Dr Lily Kak, Global Partnerships and Newborn
Health, Washington DC, USA
Dr Senait Kebede, Emory University, Atlanta,
Georgia, USA
Professor Joy Lawn, London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Dr Tess Lawrie, Evidence-based Medicine
Consultancy Ltd, Bath, United Kingdom
Mr Norman Lufesi, Ministry of Health, Lilongwe,
Dr Carolyn Maclennan, Alice Springs Hospital, Alice
Springs, NT, Australia
Dr Silke Mader, European Foundation for the Care
of Newborn Infants, Munich, Germany
Dr Md. Ziaul Matin, UNICEF, Dakka, Bangladesh
Dr Goldy Mazia, Maternal and Child Survival
Program, PATH, Seattle, Washington, USA
Dr Georgina Msemo, Ministry of Health and
Social Welfare, Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of
Dr Jim Neilson, Professor of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, University of Liverpool,
United Kingdom
Mr Lee Pyne-Mercier, Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation, Seattle, Washington, USA
Dr Isabella Sagoe-Moses, Ministry of Health, Accra,
Dr Memuna Tanko, Acting Director, Quality
Assurance, National Health Insurance Authority,
Accra, Ghana
Professor Nynke van den Broek, Centre for
Maternal and Newborn Health, Liverpool School of
Tropical Medicine, United Kingdom
Ms Donna Vivio, Senior Newborn Health
Advisor, United States Agency for International
Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Nabila Zaka, Senior Advisor Health, UNICEF,
Geneva, Switzerland
Annex 2.
List of participants in the Delphi study
Joel Adze, Kaduna State University, Kaduna, Nigeria
Anna Afugglas, United Nations Population Fund,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Dr Elnahas Amir, Sidra Medical and Research
Center, Doha, Qatar
Professor Surasak Angsuwathana, Faculty of
Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
Sir Sabaratnam Arulkumaran, FIGO, London, United
Dr Deorari Ashok, All-India Institute of Medical
Sciences, New Delhi, India
Ms Joanne Ashton, Joint Commission International,
Oakbrook Terrace, Illinois, USA
Professor Nabhan Ashraf, Ain Shams University,
Cairo, Egypt
Dr Alberta Bacci, Independent consultant, Lisbon,
Dr Solange Balaga, , Independent Consultant,
Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dr Cyprien Baribwira, Maryland Global Initiative
Corporation (MGIC), Kigali, Rwanda
Dr Suppawat Boonkasidecha, Queen Sirikit
National Institute of Child Health, Bangkok
Dr Betzabe Butron, WHO Regional Ofce for the
Americas, Washington DC, USA
Dr Romano Byaruhanga, Kampala Medical
Chambers Hospital, Kampala, Uganda
Ms Anna Coates, WHO Regional Ofce for the
Americas, Washington DC, USA
Dr Jeanine Umutesi Condo, University of Rwanda,
College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Kigali,
Dr Dilberth Cordero, WHO Country Ofce,
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Ms Sheena Currie, JHIEGO and Maternal and Child
Health Integrated Program, United States Agency
for International Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Louise Day, LAMB Integrated Rural Health and
Development, Dakka, Bangladesh
Professor Soo Downe, Research in Childbirth and
Health Group, London, United Kingdom
Atf Gherissi, El Manar University, Tunis, Tunisia
Professor Michael English, KEMRI-Wellcome Trust
Research Programme, Nairobi, Kenya
Professor Jan Jaap Erwich, University of Groningen,
Groningen, Netherlands
Professor Vicki Flenady, University of Queensland,
Herston, Australia
Mr Fabrice Fotso, UNICEF West and Central Africa
Regional Ofce, Dakar, Senegal
Dr Sabine Gabrysch, Heidelberg University,
Heidelberg, Germany
Dr Karima Gholzbhouri, WHO Regional Ofce for
the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo, Egypt
Dr Gathari Gichuhi, Ministry of Health, Nairobi,
Dr Aparajita Gogoi, Whiteribbon Alliance, New
Delhi, India
Dr Rogelio Gonzalez, Centre for Perinatal
Diagnosis, Catholic University of Chile, Santiago,
Professor Malik Goone wardene, Faculty of
Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Ms Ana Guerreiro, independent consultant, Lisbon,
Privat Guie, Polyclinic Internationale sainte Anne
Marie, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire
Ms Gill Gyte, University of Liverpool, Liverpool
Women’s NHS Foundation Trust, Liverpool, United
Ms Fransisca Handy, Apotek Puri Satu Kembangan,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Ms Claudia Hanson, Karolinska Institute,
Stockholm, Sweden
Dr Jim Heiby, United States Agency for
International Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Jorge Hermida, Assist/University Research Co.,
Quito, Ecuador
Dr Kathleen Hill, United States Agency for
International Development, ASSIST Project,
Washington, DC, USA
Dr Stephen Hodgins, Save the Children,
Washington DC, USA
Dr Caroline Homer, University of Technology,
Sydney, Australia
Ms Petra Hoope-Bender, Instituto de Cooperación
Social – Integrare, Barcelona, Spain
Dr Grace Irimu, Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
Ms Rima Jolivet, White Ribbon Alliance for Safe
Motherhood, Washington, DC, USA
Dr Theopista Kabuteni-John, WHO Country Ofce,
Dar-es-Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Dr Lily Kak, United States Agency for International
Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Ariel Karolinski, WHO Country Ofce, Buenos
Aires, Argentina
Professor Holly Kennedy, Yale University, Boston
Dr Neena Khadka, Maternal and Child Survival
Program, Washington DC, USA
Prof Zulya Khodjaeva, Federal Research Centre
for Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Perinatology,
Moscow, Russian Federation
Dr Tamar Khomasuridze, United Nations
Population Fund, European Regional Ofce,
Ankara, Turkey
Dr Andre Lalonde, The Society of Obstetricians and
Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC), Ottawa, Canada
Dr Marzia Lazzerin, Institute for Maternal and Child
Health, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, Italy
Dr Li Wenying, Aviation General Hospital of China
Medical University, Beijing, China
Dr Jerker Liljestrand, Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, Seattle, USA
Dr Liu Cheng, Beijing Armed Police Corps Hospital,
Beijing, China
Dr Nigel Livesley, University Research Co.,
Bethesda, USA
Mr Norman Lufesi, ARI/Community Health Service,
Ministry of Health, Lilongwe, Malawi
Ms Silke Mader, European Foundation for the Care
of Newborn Infants, Munich, Germany
Dr Kuhu Maitra, Abt Associates, Cambridge (MA),
Prof Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton,
Southampton, United Kingdom
Dr Goldy Mazia, PATH, Seattle (WA), USA
Dr Alison McFadden, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Ms Alison Mcintyre, WaterAid, East Melbourne,
Prof Tarek Meguid, Mnazi Mmoja Hospital,
Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania
Dr Tanko Memuna, National Health Insurance
Authority, Accra, Ghana
Dr Abraham Mengistu, Ministry of Health, Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia
Dr Raul Mercer, Universidad Nacional de La Plata,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Dr Allisyn Moran, United States Agency for
International Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Rintaro Mori, National Centre for Child Health
and Development, Tokyo, Japan
Dr Georgina Msemo, Ministry of Health, Dar-es-
Salaam, United Republic of Tanzania
Dr Bremen de Mucio, WHO Country Ofce,
Montevideo, Uruguay
Dr Christine Muzel, Philips Healthcare, Amsterdam,
Dr Victoria Nakibuka, Nsambya Hospital, Kampala,
Dr James Neilson, University of Liverpool,
Liverpool, United Kingdom
Dr Hiromi Obara, Bureau of International Medical
Cooperation, Tokyo, Japan
Dr Dwiana Ocviyanti, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Jeanne Odette, Université du Burundi,
Bujumbura, Burundi
Prof Pius Okong, Health Service Commission,
Kampala, Uganda
Dr Eduardo Ortiz-Panozo, Centro de
Investigaciones Regionales, Mérida, Mexico
Prof Ouadraogo Charlemagne, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Yalgado, Ouagdougou, Burkina Faso
Dr Duran Pablo, WHO Country Ofce, Montevideo,
Dr Imran Pambudi, Ministry of Health Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Dr Robert Pattinson, Maternal and Infant Health
Care, South Africa Medical Research Council,
Kalafong Hospital, Pretoria, South Africa
Dr Loveday Penn-Kekana, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Dr Emily Peterson, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta (GA), USA
Dr Cynthia Pileggi, Ribeiro Preto Medical School,
University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Dr Neil Prose, Duke University, Durham (NC), USA
Ms Pamela Putney, Options Consultancy Services
Limited, London, United Kingdom
Dr Neena Raina, WHO Regional Ofce for South-
East Asia, New Delhi, India
Prof Kathryn Ramsey, Columbia University Medical
Center, New York, USA
Prof Mary Renfrew, Scottish Improvement Science
Collaborating Centre, Dundee, United Kingdom
Dr Alexander Rowe, Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Atlanta (GA), USA
Prof Irina Ryumina, Research Centre for Obstetrics,
Gynaecology and Perinatology, Moscow, Russian
Dr Harshad Sanghvi, JHPIEGO, Baltimore, MD, USA
Prof Ola Saugstad, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Dr Kerri Schuiling, International Confederation of
Midwives, Rochester (MI), USA
Ms Gloria Seguranyes, University of Barcelona,
Barcelona, Spain
Ms Priti Dave Sen, Children’s Investment
Foundation, London, United Kingdom
Dr Hemantha Senanayake, Faculty of Medicine,
University of Colombo, Colombo, Sri Lanka
Prof Shi Qi, North Sichuan Medical College,
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Nanchong, China
Dr Miannes Silvestre, University of the Philippines
College of Medicine, Manila, Philippines
Dr Jeffrey Smith, JHPIEGO, Baltimore, MD, USA
Dr Howard Sobel, WHO Regional Ofce for the
Western Pacic, Manila, Philippines
Prof Williams Stones, FIGO, London, United
Dr Tang Zengjun, Hebei Provincial People’s
Hospital, Shijiazhuang, China
Ms Nicole Thiele, European Foundation for the
Care of Newborn Infants, Munich, Germany
Dr Paul Vinod, All-India Institute for Medical
Sciences, New Delhi, India
Ms Donna Vivio, United States Agency for
International Development, Washington DC, USA
Dr Gijs Walraven, Aga Khan Development
Network, Paris, France
Dr Wang Yeping, Wenzhou City People’s Hospital,
Wenzhou, China
Dr Martin Weber, WHO Regional Ofce for Europe,
Copenhagen, Denmark
Prof Zhang Hongyu, Hainan Medical, Haikou,
Dr Zhang Jim, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
School of Medicine, Shanghai, China
Dr Zhou Wei, Chongqing medical university,
Chongqing, China
Dr Nabila Zaka, UNICEF Headquarters, New York,
Professor Zhang Huixin, Fourth Hospital of Hebei
Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China
ISBN 978 92 4 151121 6
Department of Maternal, Newborn,
Child and Adolescent Health
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20, CH-1211 Geneva 27,
Fax: +41 22 791 4853
Department of Reproductive Health
and Research
World Health Organization
Avenue Appia 20, CH-1211 Geneva 27,
Fax: +41 22 791 4171
E-mail: reproductiv[email protected]
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