Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, Spring 2001 43
Organizational Research: Determining Organizational Research: Determining
Appropriate Sample Size in Survey ResearchAppropriate Sample Size in Survey Research
James E. Bartlett, IIJames E. Bartlett, II
Joe W. KotrlikJoe W. Kotrlik
Chadwick C. HigginsChadwick C. Higgins
The determination of sample size is a common task for many organizational researchers.
Inappropriate, inadequate, or excessive sample sizes continue to influence the quality and
accuracy of research. This manuscript describes the procedures for determining sample size for
continuous and categorical variables using Cochran’s (1977) formulas. A discussion and
illustration of sample size formulas, including the formula for adjusting the sample size for
smaller populations, is included. A table is provided that can be used to select the sample size
for a research problem based on three alpha levels and a set error rate. Procedures for
determining the appropriate sample size for multiple regression and factor analysis, and
common issues in sample size determination are examined. Non-respondent sampling issues
are addressed.
A common goal of survey research is to collect data
representative of a population. The researcher uses
information gathered from the survey to generalize
findings from a drawn sample back to a population,
within the limits of random error. However, when
critiquing business education research, Wunsch
(1986) stated that “two of the most consistent flaws
included (1) disregard for sampling error when
determining sample size, and (2) disregard for
response and nonresponse bias” (p. 31).
Within a quantitative survey design,
determining sample size and dealing with
nonresponse bias is essential. “One of the real
advantages of quantitative methods is their ability to
use smaller groups of people to make inferences
about larger groups that would be prohibitively
expensive to study” (Holton & Burnett, 1997, p.
71). The question then is, how large of a sample
is required to infer research findings back to a
Standard textbook authors and researchers
offer tested methods that allow studies to take full
advantage of statistical measurements, which in
turn give researchers the upper hand in
determining the correct sample size. Sample size is
one of the four inter-related features of a study
design that can influence the detection of significant
differences, relationships or interactions (Peers,
1996). Generally, these survey designs try to
minimize both alpha error (finding a difference that
does not actually exist in the population) and beta
error (failing to find a difference that actually exists
in the population) (Peers, 1996).
However, improvement is needed.
Researchers are learning experimental statistics
from highly competent statisticians and then doing
their best to apply the formulas and approaches
James E. Bartlett, II is Assistant Professor,
Department of Business Education and Office
Administration, Ball State University, Muncie,
Joe W. Kotrlik is Professor, School of Vocational
Education, Louisiana State University, Baton
Rouge, Louisiana.
Chadwick C. Higgins is a doctoral student, School
of Vocational Education, Louisiana State
University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
44 Bartlett, Kotrlik, & Higgins
they learn to their research design. A simple
survey of published manuscripts reveals numerous
errors and questionable approaches to sample size
selection, and serves as proof that improvement is
needed. Many researchers could benefit from a
real-life primer on the tools needed to properly
conduct research, including, but not limited to,
sample size selection.
This manuscript will describe common
procedures for determining sample size for simple
random and systematic random samples. It will
also discuss alternatives to these formulas for
special situations. This manuscript is not intended
to be a totally inclusive treatment of other sample
size issues and techniques. Rather, this manuscript
will address sample size issues that have been
selected as a result of observing problems in
published manuscripts.
As a part of this discussion, considerations for
the appropriate use of Cochran’s (1977) sample
size formula for both continuous and categorical
data will be presented. Krejcie and Morgan’s
(1970) formula for determining sample size for
categorical data will be briefly discussed because it
provides identical sample sizes in all cases where
the researcher adjusts the t value used based on
population size, which is required when the
population size is 120 or less. Likewise,
researchers should use caution when using any of
the widely circulated sample size tables based on
Krejcie and Morgan’s (1970) formula, as they
assume an alpha of .05 and a degree of accuracy of
.05 (discussed later). Other formulas are available;
however, these two formulas are used more than
any others.
FF oundations for Sample Size oundations for Sample Size
Primary Variables of MeasurementPrimary Variables of Measurement
The researcher must make decisions as to which
variables will be incorporated into formula
calculations. For example, if the researcher plans
to use a seven-point scale to measure a continuous
variable, e.g., job satisfaction, and also plans to
determine if the respondents differ by certain
categorical variables, e.g., gender, tenured,
educational level, etc., which variable(s) should be
used as the basis for sample size? This is
important because the use of gender as the primary
variable will result in a substantially larger sample
size than if one used the seven-point scale as the
primary variable of measure.
Cochran (1977) addressed this issue by stating
that “One method of determining sample size is to
specify margins of error for the items that are
regarded as most vital to the survey. An estimation
of the sample size needed is first made separately
for each of these important items” (p. 81). When
these calculations are completed, researchers will
have a range of n’s, usually ranging from smaller
n’s for scaled, continuous variables, to larger n’s
for dichotomous or categorical variables.
The researcher should make sampling
decisions based on these data. If the n’s for the
variables of interest are relatively close, the
researcher can simply use the largest n as the
sample size and be confident that the sample size
will provide the desired results.
More commonly, there is a sufficient
variation among the n’s so that we are
reluctant to choose the largest, either from
budgetary considerations or because this
will give an over-all standard of precision
substantially higher than originally
contemplated. In this event, the desired
standard of precision may be relaxed for
certain of the items, in order to permit the
use of a smaller value of n (Cochran,
1977, p. 81).
The researcher may also decide to use this
information in deciding whether to keep all of the
variables identified in the study. “In some cases,
the n’s are so discordant that certain of them must
be dropped from the inquiry; . . .” (Cochran,
1977, p. 81).
Error EstimationError Estimation
Cochran’s (1977) formula uses two key factors: (1)
the risk the researcher is willing to accept in the
study, commonly called the margin of error, or the
error the researcher is willing to accept, and (2) the
alpha level, the level of acceptable risk the
researcher is willing to accept that the true margin
Organizational Research: Determining Appropriate Sample Size in Survey Research 45
of error exceeds the acceptable margin of error;
i.e., the probability that differences revealed by
statistical analyses really do not exist; also known as
Type I error. Another type of error will not be
addressed further here, namely, Type II error, also
known as beta error. Type II error occurs when
statistical procedures result in a judgment of no
significant differences when these differences do
indeed exist.
Alpha Level. The alpha level used in
determining sample size in most educational
research studies is either .05 or .01 (Ary, Jacobs,
& Razavieh, 1996). In Cochran’s formula, the
alpha level is incorporated into the formula by
utilizing the t-value for the alpha level selected
(e.g., t-value for alpha level of .05 is 1.96 for
sample sizes above 120). Researchers should
ensure they use the correct t- value when their
research involves smaller populations, e.g., t-value
for alpha of .05 and a population of 60 is 2.00. In
general, an alpha level of .05 is acceptable for most
research. An alpha level of .10 or lower may be
used if the researcher is more interested in
identifying marginal relationships, differences or
other statistical phenomena as a precursor to
further studies. An alpha level of .01 may be used
in those cases where decisions based on the
research are critical and errors may cause
substantial financial or personal harm, e.g., major
programmatic changes.
Acceptable Margin of Error. The general rule
relative to acceptable margins of error in
educational and social research is as follows: For
categorical data, 5% margin of error is acceptable,
and, for continuous data, 3% margin of error is
acceptable (Krejcie & Morgan, 1970). For
example, a 3% margin of error would result in the
researcher being confident that the true mean of a
seven point scale is within ±.21 (.03 times seven
points on the scale) of the mean calculated from the
research sample. For a dichotomous variable, a
5% margin of error would result in the researcher
being confident that the proportion of respondents
who were male was within ±5% of the proportion
calculated from the research sample. Researchers
may increase these values when a higher margin of
error is acceptable or may decrease these values
when a higher degree of precision is needed.
Variance EstimationVariance Estimation
A critical component of sample size formulas is the
estimation of variance in the primary variables of
interest in the study. The researcher does not have
direct control over variance and must incorporate
variance estimates into research design. Cochran
(1977) listed four ways of estimating population
variances for sample size determinations: (1) take
the sample in two steps, and use the results of the
first step to determine how many additional
responses are needed to attain an appropriate
sample size based on the variance observed in the
first step data; (2) use pilot study results; (3) use
data from previous studies of the same or a similar
population; or (4) estimate or guess the structure of
the population assisted by some logical
mathematical results. The first three ways are
logical and produce valid estimates of variance;
therefore, they do not need to be discussed further.
However, in many educational and social research
studies, it is not feasible to use any of the first three
ways and the researcher must estimate variance
using the fourth method.
A researcher typically needs to estimate the
variance of scaled and categorical variables. To
estimate the variance of a scaled variable, one must
determine the inclusive range of the scale, and then
divide by the number of standard deviations that
would include all possible values in the range, and
then square this number. For example, if a
researcher used a seven-point scale and given that
six standard deviations (three to each side of the
mean) would capture 98% of all responses, the
calculations would be as follows:
7 (number of points on the scale)
S = ---------------------------------------------
6 (number of standard deviations)
When estimating the variance of a dichotomous
(proportional) variable such as gender, Krejcie and
Morgan (1970) recommended that researchers
should use .50 as an estimate of the population
proportion. This proportion will result in the
maximization of variance, which will also produce
the maximum sample size. This proportion can be
used to estimate variance in the population. For
example, squaring .50 will result in a population
46 Bartlett, Kotrlik, & Higgins
variance estimate of .25 for a dichotomous
Basic Sample Size DeterminationBasic Sample Size Determination
Continuous DataContinuous Data
Before proceeding with sample size calculations,
assuming continuous data, the researcher should
determine if a categorical variable will play a
primary role in data analysis. If so, the categorical
sample size formulas should be used. If this is not
the case, the sample size formulas for continuous
data described in this section are appropriate.
Assume that a researcher has set the alpha
level a priori at .05, plans to use a seven point
scale, has set the level of acceptable error at 3%,
and has estimated the standard deviation of the
scale as 1.167. Cochran’s sample size formula for
continuous data and an example of its use is
presented here along with the explanations as to
how these decisions were made.
* (s)
no= ----------------- = ----------------------- = 118
Where t = value for selected alpha level of .025 in
each tail = 1.96
(the alpha level of .05 indicates the level of risk
the researcher is willing to take that true
margin of error may exceed the acceptable
margin of error.)
Where s = estimate of standard deviation in the
population = 1.167.
(estimate of variance deviation for 7 point scale
calculated by using 7 [inclusive range of scale]
divided by 6 [number of standard deviations
that include almost all (approximately 98%) of
the possible values in the range]).
Where d = acceptable margin of error for mean
being estimated = .21.
(number of points on primary scale * acceptable
margin of error; points on primary scale = 7;
acceptable margin of error = .03 [error
researcher is willing to except]).
Therefore, for a population of 1,679, the
required sample size is 118. However, since this
sample size exceeds 5% of the population
(1,679*.05=84), Cochran’s (1977) correction
formula should be used to calculate the final
sample size. These calculations are as follows:
no (118)
n = ------------------------------ = ----------------------------- = 111
(1 + no / Population) (1 + 118/1679)
Where population size = 1,679.
Where n0 = required return sample size according
to Cochran’s formula= 118.
Where n1 = required return sample size because
sample > 5% of population.
These procedures result in the minimum
returned sample size. If a researcher has a captive
audience, this sample size may be attained easily.
However, since many educational and social
research studies often use data collection methods
such as surveys and other voluntary participation
methods, the response rates are typically well below
100%. Salkind (1997) recommended
oversampling when he stated that “If you are
mailing out surveys or questionnaires, . . . . count
on increasing your sample size by 40%-50% to
account for lost mail and uncooperative subjects”
(p. 107). Fink (1995) stated that “Oversampling
can add costs to the survey but is often necessary”
(p. 36). Cochran (1977) stated that “A second
consequence is, of course, that the variances of
estimates are increased because the sample actually
obtained is smaller than the target sample. This
factor can be allowed for, at least approximately, in
selecting the size of the sample” (p. 396).
However, many researchers criticize the use of
over-sampling to ensure that this minimum sample
size is achieved and suggestions on how to secure
the minimal sample size are scarce.
If the researcher decides to use oversampling,
four methods may be used to determine the
anticipated response rate: (1) take the sample in
two steps, and use the results of the first step to
estimate how many additional responses may be
expected from the second step; (2) use pilot study
results; (3) use responses rates from previous
studies of the same or a similar population; or (4)
estimate the response rate. The first three ways are
logical and will produce valid estimates of response
Organizational Research: Determining Appropriate Sample Size in Survey Research 47
rates; therefore, they do not need to be discussed
further. Estimating response rates is not an exact
science. A researcher may be able to consult other
researchers or review the research literature in
similar fields to determine the response rates that
have been achieved with similar and, if necessary,
dissimilar populations.
Therefore, in this example, it was anticipated
that a response rate of 65% would be achieved
based on prior research experience. Given a
required minimum sample size (corrected) of 111,
the following calculations were used to determine
the drawn sample size required to produce the
minimum sample size:
Where anticipated return rate = 65%.
Where n2 = sample size adjusted for response rate.
Where minimum sample size (corrected) = 111.
Therefore, n2 = 111/.65 = 171.
Categorical DataCategorical Data
The sample size formulas and procedures used for
categorical data are very similar, but some
variations do exist. Assume a researcher has set
the alpha level a priori at .05, plans to use a
proportional variable, has set the level of
acceptable error at 5%, and has estimated the
standard deviation of the scale as .5. Cochran’s
sample size formula for categorical data and an
example of its use is presented here along with
explanations as to how these decisions were made.
* (p)(q)
no= ---------------------
no= ---------------------- = 384
Where t = value for selected alpha level of .025 in
each tail = 1.96.
(the alpha level of .05 indicates the level of risk
the researcher is willing to take that true
margin of error may exceed the acceptable
margin of error).
Where (p)(q) = estimate of variance = .25.
(maximum possible proportion (.5) * 1-
maximum possible proportion (.5) produces
maximum possible sample size).
Where d = acceptable margin of error for
proportion being estimated = .05
(error researcher is willing to except).
Therefore, for a population of 1,679, the
required sample size is 384. However, since this
sample size exceeds 5% of the population
(1,679*.05=84), Cochran’s (1977) correction
formula should be used to calculate the final
sample size. These calculations are as follows:
n1= ------------------------------
(1 + no / Population)
n1= ---------------------------- = 313
(1 + 384/1679)
Where population size = 1,679
Where n0 = required return sample size according
to Cochran’s formula= 384
Where n1 = required return sample size because
sample > 5% of population
These procedures result in a minimum
returned sample size of 313. Using the same
oversampling procedures as cited in the continuous
data example, and again assuming a response rate
of 65%, a minimum drawn sample size of 482
should be used. These calculations were based on
the following:
Where anticipated return rate = 65%.
Where n2 = sample size adjusted for response rate.
Where minimum sample size (corrected) = 313.
Therefore, n2 = 313/.65 = 482.
Sample Size Determination TableSample Size Determination Table
Table 1 presents sample size values that will be
appropriate for many common sampling problems.
The table includes sample sizes for both continuous
and categorical data assuming alpha levels of .10,
.05, or .01. The margins of error used in the table
were .03 for continuous data and .05 for
48 Bartlett, Kotrlik, & Higgins
categorical data. Researchers may use this table if
the margin of error shown is appropriate for their
study; however, the appropriate sample size must
be calculated if these error rates are not
Other Sample Size Determination Other Sample Size Determination
Regression Analysis.
Situations exist where the
procedures described in the
previous paragraphs will not
satisfy the needs of a study
and two examples will be
addressed here. One situation
is when the researcher wishes
to use multiple regression
analysis in a study. To use
multiple regression analysis,
the ratio of observations to
independent variables should
not fall below five. If this
minimum is not followed,
there is a risk for overfitting,
“. . . making the results too
specific to the sample, thus
lacking generalizability” (Hair,
Anderson, Tatham, & Black,
1995, p. 105). A more
conservative ratio, of ten
observations for each
independent variable was
reported optimal by Miller and
Kunce (1973) and Halinski
and Feldt (1970).
These ratios are especially
critical in using regression
analyses with continuous data
because sample sizes for
continuous data are typically
much smaller than sample
sizes for categorical data.
Therefore, there is a
possibility that the random
sample will not be sufficient if
multiple variables are used in
the regression analysis. For
example, in the continuous
data illustration, a population of 1,679 was utilized
and it was determined that a minimum returned
sample size of 111 was required. The sample size
for a population of 1,679 in the categorical data
example was 313. Table 2, developed based on
the recommendations cited in the previous
paragraph, uses both the five to one and ten to one
Table 1: Table for Determining Minimum Returned Sample Size for a Given
Population Size for Continuous and Categorical Data
Sample size
Continuous data
(margin of error=.03)
Categorical data
(margin of error=.05)
100 46 55 68 74 80 87
200 59 75 102 116 132 154
300 65 85 123 143 169 207
400 69 92 137 162 196 250
500 72 96 147 176 218 286
600 73 100 155 187 235 316
700 75 102 161 196 249 341
800 76 104 166 203 260 363
900 76 105 170 209 270 382
1,000 77 106 173 213 278 399
1,500 79 110 183 230 306 461
2,000 83 112 189 239 323 499
4,000 83 119 198 254 351 570
6,000 83 119 209 259 362 598
8,000 83 119 209 262 367 613
10,000 83 119 209 264 370 623
NOTE: The margins of error used in the table were .03 for continuous data and .05 for
categorical data. Researchers may use this table if the margin of error shown is appropriate
for their study; however, the appropriate sample size must be calculated if these error rates
are not appropriate. Table developed by Bartlett, Kotrlik, & Higgins.
Organizational Research: Determining Appropriate Sample Size in Survey Research 49
As shown in Table 2, if the researcher uses the
optimal ratio of ten to one with continuous data, the
number of regressors (independent variables) in the
multiple regression model would be limited to 11.
Larger numbers of regressors could be used with
the other situations shown. It should be noted that
if a variable such as ethnicity is incorporated into
the categorical example, this variable must be
dummy coded, which will result in multiple
variables utilized in the model rather than a single
variable. One variable for each ethnic group, e.g.,
White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian
would each be coded as 1=yes and 2=no in the
regression model, which would result in five
variables rather than one in the regression model.
In the continuous data example, if a researcher
planned to use 14 variables in a multiple regression
analysis and wished to use the optimal ratio of ten
to one, the returned sample size must be increased
from 111 to 140. This sample size of 140 would
be calculated from taking the number of
independent variables to be entered in the
regression (fourteen) and multiplying them by the
number of the ratio (ten). Caution should be used
when making this decision because raising the
sample size above the level indicated by the sample
size formula will increase the probability of Type I
Factor Analysis. If the researcher plans to use
factor analysis in a study, the same ratio
considerations discussed under multiple regression
should be used, with one additional criteria,
namely, that factor analysis should not be done
with less than 100 observations. It should be noted
that an increase in sample size will decrease the
level at which an item loading on a factor is
significant. For example, assuming an alpha level
of .05, a factor would have to load at a level of .75
or higher to be significant in a sample size of 50,
while a factor would only have to load at a level of
.30 to be significant in a sample size of 350 (Hair
et al., 1995).
Sampling non-respondents. Donald (1967),
Hagbert (1968), Johnson (1959), and Miller and
Smith (1983) recommend that the researcher take
a random sample of 10-20% of non-respondents to
use in non-respondent follow-up analyses. If non-
respondents are treated as a potentially different
population, it does not appear that this
recommendation is valid or adequate. Rather, the
researcher could consider using Cochran’s formula
to determine an adequate sample of non-
respondents for the non-respondent follow-up
response analyses.
Budget, time and other constraints. Often, the
researcher is faced with various constraints that
may force them to use inadequate sample sizes
because of practical versus statistical reasons.
These constraints may include budget, time,
personnel, and other resource limitations. In these
cases, researchers should report both the
appropriate sample sizes along with the sample
sizes actually used in the study, the reasons for
using inadequate sample sizes, and a discussion of
the effect the inadequate sample sizes may have on
the results of the study. The researcher should
exercise caution when making programmatic
recommendations based on research conducted
with inadequate sample sizes.
Final ThoughtsFinal Thoughts
Although it is not unusual for researchers to have
different opinions as to how sample size should be
calculated, the procedures used in this process
should always be reported, allowing the reader to
make his or her own judgments as to whether they
accept the researcher’s assumptions and
procedures. In general, a researcher could use the
standard factors identified in this paper in the
sample size determination process.
Another issue is that many studies conducted
with entire population census data could and
probably should have used samples instead. Many
of the studies based on population census data
achieve low response rates. Using an adequate
Table 2: Minimum Number of Regressors
Allowed for Sampling Example
Maximum number of
regressors if ratio is:
Sample size for:
5 to 1 10 to 1
Continuous data: n = 111 22 11
Categorical data: n = 313 62 31
50 Bartlett, Kotrlik, & Higgins
sample along with high quality data collection
efforts will result in more reliable, valid, and
generalizable results; it could also result in other
resource savings.
The bottom line is simple: research studies take
substantial time and effort on the part of
researchers. This paper was designed as a tool that
a researcher could use in planning and conducting
quality research. When selecting an appropriate
sample size for a study is relatively easy, why
wouldn’t a researcher want to do it right?
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variables in multiple regression analyses. Journal of
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handbook: Linking research and practice. San
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Johnson, P. O. (1959). Development of the sample
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Experiential Education, 27, 167-176.
Krejcie, R. V., & Morgan, D. W. (1970). Determining
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Psychological Measurement, 30, 607-610.
Miller, D. E., & Kunce, J. T. (1973). Prediction and
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Peers, I. (1996). Statistical analysis for education and
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Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Wunsch, D. (1986). Survey research: Determining
sample size and representative response. Business
Education Forum, 40(5), 31-34.
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