PEAR Method for Sample Size
Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 2012, Vol. 38(2) 1
The PEAR Method for Sample Sizes
in Multiple Linear Regression
Gordon P. Brooks Robert S. Barcikowski
Ohio University
When multiple linear regression is used to develop prediction models, sample size must be large enough
to ensure stable coefficients. If derivation sample sizes are inadequate, the models may not generalize
well beyond the current sample. The precision efficacy analysis for regression (PEAR) method uses a
cross-validity approach to select sample sizes such that models will predict as well as possible in future
samples. The purposes of this study are (a) to verify further the PEAR method for regression sample sizes
and (b) to extend the analysis to include an investigation of the effects of multicollinearity on coefficient
have so heavily emphasized the desirability of working with few variables and large sample
sizes that some of my students have spread the rumor that my idea of the perfect study is one
with 10,000 cases and no variables. They go too far.” (Cohen, 1990, p. 1305). Although
Darlington (1990), among others, has noted that the best rule for choosing sample sizes is simply that
more is better, 10,000 may be just a few more than typically necessary. Indeed, for both statistical and
practical reasons, researchers should choose for their sample size “the smallest number of cases that has a
decent chance of revealing a relationship of a specified size” (Tabachnick & Fidell, 2001, p. 117). When
generalizability of a regression model is the concern, as it is when regression is used to develop prediction
models; however, this concept translates as the smallest sample that will provide the reliability of results
required across multiple samples. Especially in multiple linear regression, which is used for many
purposes, necessary sample size depends heavily on the goals and design of the analysis. For example, “at
one extreme, the null hypothesis ρ = 0 can often be tested powerfully with only a few dozen cases. At the
other extreme, hundreds or thousands of cases might be needed to accurately estimate the sizes of higher-
order collinear interactions” (Darlington, 1990, p. 380). Consequently, the selection of adequate and
appropriate sample sizes is not always an easy matter in regression.
The purpose of this study was to examine further the efficiency of the precision efficacy analysis for
regression (PEAR) method for calculating appropriate sample sizes in regression studies where
generalizability is a concern. Even though several methods currently exist to help researchers choose
regression sample sizes, none use the straightforward approach taken here by the PEAR method that
essentially uses an effect size within a single formula to determine the subject-to-variable ratio
appropriate for the squared multiple correlation expected in a given study. The PEAR method, which is
based on the algebraic manipulation of an accepted cross-validation formula, uses a cross-validity
approach to sample size selection that limits the amount of expected shrinkage in R
so that regression
models will predict as well as possible for future subjects.
Unfortunately, many researchers apparently hold erroneous beliefs that smaller calculated probability
values mean that “increasingly greater confidence can be vested in a conclusion that sample results are
replicable” (Thompson, 1996, p. 27). Statistical significance indicates neither the magnitude nor the
importance of a result (Shafer, 1993). Indeed, with a large enough sample size, a statistically significant
result may be obtained even though there is very little relationship between the criterion and the predictor
variables (Asher, 1993).
In particular, ordinary least squares multiple linear regression can result in a model being statistically
significant, but with that model providing unrealistic estimates for the relationships under investigation.
The process of maximizing the correlation between the observed and predicted criterion scores involves
mathematical capitalization on chance sampling error variation. When the regression equation is used
with a second sample, or future cases from the same population, it is most likely that the model will not
perform as well as it did in the original sample; consequently, the estimate of the population multiple
correlation will decrease in the second sample.
Sample sizes for multiple regression, particularly when used to develop prediction models, must be
chosen so as to provide adequate power both for statistical significance and also for generalizability of the
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model. From a statistical power perspective, a study with insufficient sample size stands a large chance of
committing a Type II error. From a generalizability viewpoint, an insufficient sample leads to results that
may apply only to the current sample and will not be useful for application to other samples. In either
case, time, effort, and money would have been spent arriving at results that are inconclusive or useless.
Probably most unfortunate are the cases where researchers use what they think is a good sample size rule
when, in fact, it is nothing more than a groundless convention that ignores effect size completely or a
statistical power approach that will not provide the sample sizes necessary for generalization.
Existing Sample Size Methods for Regression
Historically, there are three primary types of sample size methods available for multiple linear
regression: conventional rules, statistical power approaches, and cross-validation approaches. The
following sections describe each briefly, with emphasis on problems associated with each.
Conventional Rules. Because cross-validity formula estimates are primarily functions of sample size
and the number of predictors, conventions have evolved that are based on the premise that with a large
enough ratio of subjects to predictors, the sample regression coefficients will be reliable and will closely
estimate the true population values (Miller & Kunce, 1973; Pedhazur & Schmelkin, 1991; Tabachnick &
Fidell, 2001). For example, Stevens (2002) suggested a ratio of 15 subjects for each predictor (e.g., with 3
predictors 45 subjects are required) and Pedhazur and Schmelkin (1991) recommended , where k
is the number of predictors. Others have provided rules that combine some minimum value with a
subject-to-predictor ratio, including   (Knapp & Campbell-Heider, 1989),   
(Harris, 1985), and    (Green, 1991). Sawyer (1982) developed a formula where setting an
inflation factor to a constant of 5% results in a sample size recommendation of .
Unfortunately, because most of these rules lack any measure of effect size, they can only be effective
at specificusually unknowneffect sizes. For example, a  subject-to-predictor ratio is acceptable
only if the population squared multiple correlation is moderately large (i.e., over .40); otherwise, as the
true squared multiple correlation decreases, expected cross-validity shrinks so much as to make the
prediction model worthless (Brooks, 1998). For example, Stevens (2002) is explicit in describing how he
derived his recommendation of a  ratio based on Park and Dudycha’s (1974) tables, but others are
not so clear. Over time, the evolution of these rules causes their origins and rationales to become fuzzy.
For example, someone who recommended a  rule may have analyzed datasets that coincidentally all
had an
near .50.
Statistical Power Methods. Statistical power is the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when
the null hypothesis is indeed false. Several scholars have proposed regression sample size methods based
on statistical power (e.g., Cohen, 1988; Cohen & Cohen, 1983; Green, 1991; Kraemer & Thiemann,
1987; Milton, 1986). From a statistical power perspective, multiple linear regression provides several
alternative statistical significance tests that can be the basis for sample size selection. Two statistical tests
are most common in practice: (a) the test of the full model (i.e., the overall or omnibus test), and (b) the
test of the individual regression coefficients in the model.
Unfortunately, sample sizes that provide adequate statistical power to reject a regression null
hypothesis may not provide the stable regression coefficients required for prediction and model-building.
Therefore, choosing a sample size based on statistical power may not ensure that a regression function
will generalize to other samples from the target population, which is the crucial factor in determining the
validity of regression models used for prediction. That is, adequate sample sizes for statistical power tell
us nothing about the number of subjects needed to obtain precise estimates of stable, meaningful
regression weights (Cascio, Valenzi, & Silbey, 1978; Darlington, 1990). Although Gatsonis and Sampson
(1989), Darlington (1990), and Maxwell (2000) have proposed methods for cross-validation using a
random model approach, their methods are also based on a statistical power approach to sample size
determination rather than a cross-validity approach.
Cross-Validity Methods. From a random model perspective, both the predictors and the criterion are
sampled together from what is usually assumed to be a joint multivariate normal distribution. The random
model of regression recognizes and accounts for extra variability because, in another replication, different
values for the independent variables will be obtained (Gatsonis & Sampson, 1989). The random model is
PEAR Method for Sample Size
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usually more appropriate for social scientists because they typically measure random subjects on
predictors and a criterion simultaneously and; therefore, are not able to fix the values for the independent
variables (Darlington, 1990; Drasgow, Dorans, & Tucker, 1979; Herzberg, 1969; Park & Dudycha, 1974).
Park and Dudycha (1974) noted that such a cross-validation approach is applicable to both the random
and the fixed models of multiple linear regression; however, they emphasized the random model, cross-
validation approach. Unfortunately, they published tables that were limited to only a few possible
combinations of squared correlation and number of predictors. Additionally, there is no clear rationale for
how to determine the best choice of either tolerance or the probability to use when consulting the tables
(although Stevens, 2002, implied through example that .05 and .90, respectively, are acceptable values).
More recently, Algina and Keselman (2000) used Monte Carlo methods to develop tables that list the
sample sizes required to ensure that cross-validity estimates maintain a desired level relative to sample
statistics. Their theoretical development of the study appears to be similar to the work done by Park and
Dudycha and; indeed, their tables provide essentially the same sample sizes as those created by Park and
Dudycha. The PEAR method follows a similar theoretical approach as both these methods.
Other Methods. Darlington (1990) has provided a method to calculate the sample size necessary for a
validation sample; that is, Darlington’s Fisher z method provides recommendations for the second sample
used to verify the regression model derived from the original sample rather than for the initial, derivation
sample. Although several scholars have proposed methods to determine sample sizes for better estimation
of the population squared multiple correlation or change in squared multiple correlation (Algina &
Keselman, 2000; Algina, Keselman, & Penfield, 2007; Algina & Moulder, 2001; Algina & Olejnik, 2000,
2003; Darlington, 1990; Knofczynski & Mundfrom, 2008) or squared semi-partial correlations (Algina,
Keselman, & Penfield, 2008; Algina, Moulder, & Moser, 2002), this type of approach is not useful for
determining sample sizes needed for better estimation of cross-validity coefficients. Kelley and Maxwell
(2003) have developed a sample size method based on obtaining regression coefficients based on what
they have called accuracy in parameter estimation (AIPE). Although it relies on precision of parameter
estimates rather than statistical power, the AIPE approach does not address cross-validity directly.
Development of the PEAR Method
The primary goal of the PEAR method is to reduce the upward bias in
, thereby enhancing the
cross-validity potential of the regression model so that results are less likely to be sample specific. That is,
the PEAR method answers the question: “What is the minimum sample size that will yield a regression
equation that will cross-validate with minimal shrinkage in another sample and thereby assure more stable
regression coefficients?”
In a sense, the PEAR method can be viewed as cross-validation in reverse. That is, instead of
determining by how much the sample
will shrink due to the sample size, the PEAR method determines
how large a sample is required to keep
from shrinking too much. Like the work done by Park and
Dudycha (1974), the theory underlying the PEAR method for sample size selection is that the researcher,
knowing that cross-validation
values are typically lower than the sample
statistics (the difference is
typically called shrinkage), can set a tolerance limit as to the amount of shrinkage expected to occur. The
concepts of cross-validity, precision efficacy, effect size, and shrinkage tolerance serve as the foundation
for using the PEAR method to, in Stevens’ (2002) terms, “keep the shrinkage fairly small” (p. 146).
Cross-Validity Shrinkage
“Although we may determine from a sample
that the population
is not likely to be zero, it is
nevertheless not true that the sample
is a good estimate of the population
” (Cohen & Cohen, 1983,
p. 105). Population
, or
, is the unknowable squared multiple correlation that would be obtained
between the criterion variable and the specified linear combination of predictors if both were measured in
the population. Because this parameter is useful in estimating the strength of the relationship between the
criterion variable and a set of regressors in the population, it is of particular interest in descriptive and
explanatory research (Kromrey & Hines, 1995). Sample
is a positively biased estimator of
however, such that the expected value of
given by Herzberg (1969) is:
  
, (1)
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where k is the number of predictors and N is the sample size. For example, if the null hypothesis is true
and therefore
with 5 predictors and , we would expect a sample
to be near .50 rather
than near 0; if
 with 5 predictors and , we would expect a sample
close to .75. To
account for this bias, most computer packages report an adjusted
calculated using a formula most
frequently attributed to Wherry:
  
  
where k is the number of predictors and N is the sample size. For example, a researcher who computed
 with 60 subjects and 4 predictors might use the adjusted
formula to conclude that, in
the population, the proportion of variation accounted for in the criterion by the predictors is actually
closer to
is usually appropriate and frequently reported for questions concerning explanation and
description, most problems of prediction and generalizability require a different type of correction
formula, commonly called cross-validity formulas (Darlington, 1990). Herzberg (1969) noted that for
application “one is more interested in how effective the sample regression function is in other samples”
(p. 4). Indeed, the development of prediction models that are useful in future samples is one of the most
common and most important uses of regression equations in the social sciences (Huberty, 1989;
Weisberg, 1985). From this perspective of generalizability, an insufficient sample may lead to results that,
even though statistically significant, apply only to the current sample and will not be useful for
application to other samples. Mosteller and Tukey (1968) wrote that “users have often been disappointed
by procedures, such as multiple regression equations, that ‘forecast’ quite well for the data on which they
were built. When tried on fresh data, the predictive power of these procedures fell dismally” (p. 110).
Researchers, therefore, should use and report strategies that evaluate the replicability of their results,
which is necessary to provide confidence in the results; one way to gauge this generalizability is through
an estimate of cross-validity.
Cross-validity shrinkage is the size of the decrease in the sample
when an appropriate cross-
validity formula is applied. Cross-validity shrinkage, ε, is defined as the difference between sample
and the cross-validity estimate,
 
Darlington (1990) has defined shrinkage as the difference between a regression model’s apparent validity,
as measured by
, and its actual predictive cross-validity. Essentially, shrinkage is what some authors
(e.g., Cattin, 1980; Mosteller & Tukey, 1968; Stevens, 2002) call the loss in predictive power that occurs
when small samples cause a reduction in
such that
(Herzberg, 1969). The squared
cross-validity coefficient,
, is considered to be the squared multiple correlation between the actual
population criterion values and the scores predicted by the sample regression equation when applied
either to the population or to another sample (Huberty & Mourad, 1980; Schmitt, Coyle, &
Rauschenberger, 1977).
Cross-validity formulas, which are symbolized by
and based on estimates of the mean squared
error of prediction (Darlington, 1968; Herzberg, 1969), provide more accurate estimates of
than do the
values. A number of cross-validity formulas have been proposed (e.g., Browne, 1975;
Darlington, 1968; Herzberg, 1969; Lord, 1950; Nicholson, 1960; Rozeboom, 1978; Stein, 1960).
Formula-based methods of cross-validity estimation are often preferred to empirical cross-validation (e.g.,
data splitting) so that the entire sample may be used for model-building. Indeed, several formula estimates
have been shown to be at least as accurate as empirical cross-validation techniques (Cattin, 1980;
Drasgow et al., 1978; Morris, 1981; Rozeboom, 1978; Schmitt et al., 1977). When cross-validity is
estimated using a formula, any finite sample size will result in a cross-validity estimate,
, smaller than
the sample
For example, using the random model cross-validity formula developed independently by Stein (1960)
and Darlington (1968),
  
  
, (4)
PEAR Method for Sample Size
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where k is the number of predictors and N is the sample size, a researcher who computed sample
 with 60 subjects and 4 predictors would calculate a shrunken
 (note that
 for
these conditions). Although the researcher might explain 40% of the dependent variable variance in the
current sample, or perhaps 36% in the population, the cross-validity estimate suggests that less than 30%
of the variance will be explained when the same regression model is applied to future samples, which is
shrinkage of 10%. The cross-validity estimates result in more shrinkage because they must correct for the
sampling error present not only in the derivation sample but also in some future sample (Snyder &
Lawson, 1993).
It should be noted that researchers are often interested in both prediction and description; that is, they
would like to know not only how well the regression model will work in future samples, but also would
like a relatively accurate estimate of the population
value. In such cases, researchers should report both
a cross-validity estimate and an adjusted
estimate. These formulas estimate different parameters and
are not interchangeable. In large normally distributed samples, the mean, median, and mode converge
but no one would argue that these are equivalent measures of central tendency. Similarly,
, and
converge with large samples, but
provides better estimates of the true population
than does any
cross-validity estimate (e.g., Carter, 1979). As Stevens (2002) indicated, however, “use of the Wherry
formula would give a misleadingly positive impression of the cross validity predictive power of the
[regression] equation” (p. 118).
Finally, because researchers have these cross-validity formulas available to correct for inadequate
sample sizes, the importance of sample size for generalizability of regression results is not immediately
obvious. By limiting the upward bias of sample
values; however, a regression model produced using a
larger, more adequate sample size will better estimate both
. For example, the true population
in the example cited above is probably larger than .2972; indeed, the true
may be larger than .3564
because the small sample size limited the accuracy of these estimates.
Precision Efficacy
The term precision efficacy (PE) is proposed to describe how well a regression model is expected to
perform when applied to future subjects relative to its effectiveness in the derivation sample. The formal
definition of precision efficacy proposed here is:
, (5)
is the sample proportion of variation accounted for and
is the sample cross-validity estimate.
Precision efficacy can be considered a measure of the cross-validitional power of a regression model:
higher precision efficacy indicates more efficiency in term of cross-validity.
Because they desire regression models that generalize well to other samples, researchers who develop
prediction models should hope to limit shrinkage as much as possible relative to the sample
obtained. Using an example from Stevens (2002, p. 118), 62% shrinkage from a sample
 to
 occurs based on Formula 4 with a sample size of 50; but if the sample size had been 150, there
would only have been 16% shrinkage to
. Precision efficacy in the first case would be 
 and in the second case, . Consequently, even if the
value were statistically significant
in the former case, the results may not be expected to perform well enough for the model to be useful with
future samples. Larger precision efficacy values imply that a regression model is expected to generalize
better for future samples; that is, high PE values indicate that the regression model will work in other
samples nearly as well as it did in the derivation sample.
Effect Size
In multiple regression research, perhaps the most common effect size is the squared multiple
. Effect size enables a researcher to decide a priori not only what size relationship will be
necessary for statistical significance, but also what relationship should be considered for practical
significance (Hinkle & Oliver, 1983). For example, because under 10% explained variance may not
provide any new, useful knowledge in a field, a researcher may choose a minimum practical effect size of
20%. In multiple regression; however, the researcher must remember the effects of shrinkage. That is, if a
researcher chooses 20% explained variance (i.e.,
) as an effect size worthy of study, that
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researcher does not want a corrected sample estimate (e.g.,
) to be .05. No matter how it is
chosen, an expected effect size must be determined a priori. In many cases, the researcher may have some
basis for deciding the smallest correlation that would be interesting to find, based perhaps on experience,
previous research, pilot studies, or practical significance. Researchers should remember, though, that
“meta-analyses often reveal a sobering fact: effect sizes are not nearly as large as we all might hope”
(Light, Singer, & Willett, 1990, p. 195).
Stevens (2002) emphasized that the magnitude of the population squared multiple correlation
“strongly affects how many subjects will be needed for a reliable regression equation” (p. 146). Stevens
demonstrated that 15 subjects per predictor are needed to keep shrinkage small if .40 is used as
in the
Stein cross-validity formula, but that fewer are needed if
. Similarly, Huberty (1994) noted that
“the magnitude of
should be considered in addition to  ratios when assessing the percent of
shrinkage of
that would result in the estimation process. That is, a general rule of thumb for a desirable
 ratio (say, ) may not be applicable across many areas of study” (p. 356). Indeed, all sample size
methods that account for effect size agree: as effect size decreases, sample size must increase
proportionately (e.g., Cohen, 1988; Darlington, 1990; Milton, 1986; Park & Dudycha, 1974; Gatsonis &
Sampson, 1989). Therefore, the first task in a sample size analysis for regression must be the
identification of the magnitude of the multiple correlation expected in the population. Unfortunately, as
Schafer (1993) noted, “if one knew the answer to that question one would not need to do the study, but a
value is needed anyway” (p. 387).
When researchers have no empirical basis for deciding on an effect size, Light et al. (1990) offered as a
starting point that effect size should be “the minimum effect size you consider worthy of your time” (p.
194). Stevens (2002) has suggested that
 is a reasonable guess for social science research;
Rozeboom (1981), however, believed that
 is an upper limit for reasonable effect sizes. Cohen
(1988) suggested that
 is a large regression effect size (
 and
 are Cohen’s
medium and small effect sizes, respectively). Indeed, because an effect of
 seemed unreasonably
large to Schafer (1993), he recommended that it serve as an upper limit only as a last resort, when no
other rationale is available.
Shrinkage Tolerance
Simply put, shrinkage is the size of the decrease in the sample
when an appropriate cross-validity
formula is applied. Shrinkage tolerance, an a priori definition of acceptable shrinkage, can also be
calculated using Equation 3, but using a priori estimates of effect size rather than estimates calculated
from the sample. Here, shrinkage tolerance (ε, but set a priori) can be considered either absolute or
relative. In an absolute sense,
can be set to a specific value regardless of the effect size expected in a
given study. That is, no matter what
is to be used as an effect size, the researcher may wish that the
expected shrinkage stay within a given distance from the sample
value. For example, if
turns out to
be .50 and the researcher has chosen ,
is desired to be near .40; but if
, the researcher
is willing to accept an
of .15 when . Algina and Keselman (2000) and Park and Dudycha
(1974) used this idea of absolute shrinkage tolerance as an accuracy criterion. Although useful in some
contexts, the absolute loss in predictive power does not provide any sense of the magnitude of loss as
compared to the original sample
. For example, a loss in predictive power of .10 suggests drastically
different implications for generalizability if
, where
would be .40 (a proportional decrease of
20%), than if
, where
 (a proportional decrease of 40%). Therefore, in a relative sense,
shrinkage tolerance can be set a priori to some proportional decrease in the sample
. For example, if
 with a priori 
will be expected to shrink only by 20% to
 (i.e.,
will be 80% as large as
), or
 will shrink only to
Proportional Shrinkage. Proportional shrinkage (PS) is defined as the amount of shrinkage relative
that occurs after a cross-validity estimate is calculated from the data. Proportional shrinkage is
calculated as
 
PEAR Method for Sample Size
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For example, if sample
 and
, the proportional shrinkage would be calculated to be .48,
suggesting limited generalizability for the regression model because
shrank by almost half. Lower
proportional shrinkage values imply better generalizability.
Employing Equation 3, the formula for calculating precision efficacy, Equation 5, can be written as
  , or
  
For example, setting the predetermined acceptable shrinkage level at 
provides .
Solving Equation 7 for
and replacing the actual sample
, which is the estimated a priori
effect size chosen by the researcher, results in the formula
Using this formula, when an effect size has been chosen along with a desired level of precision efficacy,
the acceptable shrinkage tolerance can be determined. For example, if the researcher wishes to obtain a
cross-validity estimate expected to be not less than 80% of the sample
, a priori precision efficacy
would be .80. If the effect size is chosen to be
, then shrinkage tolerance for this example would
be calculated to be .
The PEAR Formula
The formula used in the PEAR sample size method was developed based on a cross-validity formula
by Lord (as cited in Uhl & Eisenberg, 1970):
  
   
   
  
where N is sample size and k is the number of predictors. Uhl and Eisenberg (1970, p. 489) found this
“relatively unknown formula” (their interpretation of Lord’s 1950 paper differs from others) to give
accurate estimates of “cross-sample” shrinkage, regardless of sample size and number of predictors.
Algebraic manipulation of Equation 9 to solve for sample size yields the formula at the foundation of the
PEAR method:
  
 
  
is the a priori shrinkage tolerance, k is the number of predictors, and
is the a priori effect
size. Shrinkage tolerance allows researchers to decide how closely to estimate
, whether absolutely
(e.g., ) or relatively (e.g., 
). The level of precision efficacy itself is embedded within the
shrinkage tolerance value in Equation 10 (through Equations 7 and 8). Note that when a proportional
definition of shrinkage tolerance is used, Equation 10 simplifies slightly; for example, if 
is used
for desired , then Equation 10 simplifies to
  
 
Examples. If a researcher has three predictors and wants to ensure that
is within .05 of the
expected sample
value of .50 (i.e., the effect size is
would be set at .05 and Equation 10
will provide a recommended sample size of 84. The implied precision efficacy of this result is based on
the shrinkage tolerance value; using Equation 7, . If the researcher wishes to maintain shrinkage
of about 20% with six predictors and an effect size of .40, Equation 11 provides a recommended sample
size of 112. Finally, if a researcher wants an
estimate to be at least 87% of the expected effect size of
with four predictors, precision efficacy should be set to .87 and, based on Equation 8, .
Substituting these values into Equation 10 calculates a necessary sample size of 73.12. Therefore, at least
74 subjects should provide a large enough sample so that
is expected to be at least .46, which is 87%
of the expected
of .53.
It is worth noting that the PEAR method formula essentially results in subject-to-variable ratios
appropriate for given effect sizes (i.e., the PEAR method results in a subject-to-variable ratio rather than
the more commonly used subject-to-predictor conventional rules). For example, using the criteria in Table
1, where
 
and PS=1-PE, at an effect size of expected
, the PEAR
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method suggests a subject-to-variable ratio of approximately  for PE = .80. With the same criteria at
an expected
, however, the number of cases required per variable increases to  (see the
 column in Table 1).
Because previous work (Brooks, 1998; Brooks & Barcikowski, 1994, 1995, 1999) has found the
PEAR method to be superior to a number of regression sample size methods (e.g., Cohen, 1988; Gatsonis
& Sampson, 1989; Green, 1991; Park & Dudycha, 1974; Pedhazur & Schmelkin, 1991; Sawyer, 1982;
Stevens, 1996) in limiting cross-validity shrinkage to given acceptable a priori levels of PE, the current
study examines impact of the PEAR method sample sizes on the variance of the regression coefficients.
First, does the PEAR method recommend sample sizes that enable the derivation of reliable regression
coefficients (that is, coefficients with small standard errors)? In order to examine the stability of the
coefficients, the standard errors of the coefficients are of primary interest. One would expect that a model
based on a proper sample size will provide more reliable regression weights and; therefore, predict better
for future subjects. Second, the impact of multicollinearity is investigated as it relates to sample sizes
recommended by the PEAR method.
A Monte Carlo analysis of precision efficacy rates was performed. The three PEAR method a priori
precision efficacy levels of .60, .70, and .80 (which correspond to squared cross-validity estimates
expected to be at least 60%, 70%, and 80% of the sample
values, respectively) were considered to be
individual methods for the analysis. That is, sample sizes were calculated using these PE levels with the
PEAR method. Comparisons of the varying precision efficacy levels of the PEAR method helped to
determine the effects of larger and smaller sample sizes on the regression coefficients.
Three factors were manipulated to comprise the testing situations for the study. First, three effect
sizes that represent simultaneously the estimated population squared multiple correlation
and the true
were set at: .10, .25, and .40. The numbers of predictors used to define the models in this
study were 3 predictors (i.e., 4 variables including the criterion), 7, 11, and 15 predictors. Finally, four
multicollinearity conditions were explored in the study: (1) extensive multicollinearity was defined as
over one-half of the predictors with 
, (2) moderate multicollinearity was defined as one-quarter
of the predictors involved in such a multicollinear relationship, (3) for all predictors in the trivial
multicollinearity condition, 
, and (4) the correlation matrix for the orthogonal condition
contained zero correlations among all predictors.
Table 1. Subjects per Variable
Sample Size Ratios from the PEAR Method and the 15:1 Ratio
Precision Efficacy (PE)
.60 .70 .80 15:1 ratio
.05 87.4 116.2 173.7 15.0
.10 41.9 55.5 82.8 15.0
.15 26.8 35.3 52.5 15.0
.20 19.2 25.2 37.4 15.0
.25 14.6 19.2 28.3 15.0
.30 11.6 15.1 22.2 15.0
.35 9.4 12.3 17.9 15.0
.40 7.8 10.1 14.6 15.0
.45 6.6 8.4 12.1 15.0
.50 5.5 7.1 10.1 15.0
.55 4.7 6.0 8.4 15.0
.60 4.0 5.0 7.1 15.0
.65 3.4 4.3 5.9 15.0
.70 2.9 3.6 4.9 15.0
.75 2.5 3.0 4.0 15.0
Note. Here, ε=ρ
, where PS=1-PE and ρ
is the estimated population value. To calculate N,
multiply the number of variables by the tabled value and round to the next larger integer if necessary.
number of variables is (k+1), where k is the number of predictors.
PEAR Method for Sample Size
Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 2012, Vol. 38(2) 9
A Delphi Pascal program was created for an original algorithm used to create 48 population
correlation matrices (i.e., 3x4x4) to meet the above criteria required by this study. These correlation
matrices were treated as population correlation matrices from which joint multivariate normal data from a
random model perspective were generated for each sample in the study. Delphi Pascal procedures were
developed to generate sample data through a process that converted uniformly distributed pseudorandom
numbers created by the L’Ecuyer (1988) combined multiplicative congruential generator (translated from
Press, Teukolsky, Vetterling, & Flannery, 1992) into multivariate-normally distributed data using the
Box-Muller transformation (adapted from Press, Flannery, Teukolsky, and Vetterling, 1989) and the
Cholesky decomposition (adapted from Nash, 1990; recommended by several scholars including Bratley,
Fox, & Schrage, 1987; Chambers, 1977; Kennedy & Gentle, 1980; Morgan, 1984; Ripley, 1987;
Rubinstein, 1981). Finally, these procedures were incorporated into a Delphi Pascal program that
performed the Monte Carlo simulation with 10,000 iterations.
During program execution, several statistics were computed and recorded. For each sample, the
program performed a standard multiple linear regression analysis. The program first calculated the
necessary information from the full-model regression with all predictors entered simultaneously for each
sample (e.g., PE,
, Wherry
, Stein
, 
). Both
were set equal to zero when they
were negative, as recommended by Cohen and Cohen (1983) and Darlington (1990). These data were
averaged over the number of iterations for each condition. Finally, counts were made for several statistics
regarding their significance or accuracy. For example, statistical significance at  was tested for
both the full regression model and the regression coefficients, as was the accuracy of PE and
In addition to these raw statistics, the appropriate calculations were made and data were collected as
required for bias, root mean squared error (RMSE), Relative Efficiency, and the standard deviations of
several key estimates. Statistical bias is defined as
 
where θ is the known population parameter and 
is the expected value of the sample statistic, which
is the average of the statistic over infinite samples (Drasgow et al., 1979; Kromrey & Hines, 1995;
Mooney, 1997). RMSE provides an indication of the statistic’s variability:
 
where θ is the known population parameter (as set in the computer algorithm),
is the estimate of that
parameter obtained in sample i of the Monte Carlo simulation, and N is the total number of samples taken
in the Monte Carlo study (Darlington, 1996; Drasgow et al., 1979; Mooney, 1997). Mooney defined
Relative Efficiency as the ratio of two RMSE values, multiplied by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
are two different estimates the same parameter. Values under 100 would indicate the
superiority of estimator
with smaller RMSE).
The PEAR method recommended sample sizes that provided reliable regression coefficients. More
specifically, higher PE levels provided more stable coefficients. For the conditions with three predictors,
Table 2 provides the standard errors of the coefficients for the four sample size methods; similarly, Table
3 provides this information for seven predictor models. These tables show that the PE levels that
recommended larger samples consistently resulted in smaller standard errors of the coefficients,
regardless of the number of predictors or effect size. Although the problem of multicollinearity was not
cured by the PEAR method, higher levels of PE do indeed help to alleviate the effects. The results not
presented showed similar patterns for the 11 and 15 predictor cases as well. That is, across all studied
conditions, multicollinearity did increase standard errors as expected, but larger sample sizes tended to
mitigate the impact.
Table 4 provides the relative efficiency of the methods compared for all numbers of predictors, all
multicollinearity levels, and all effect sizes. For this table, the standard errors for the individual predictors
were used for comparison because, for unbiased estimates such as the regression coefficients, RMSE
Brooks & Barcikowski
10 Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 2012, Vol. 38(2)
Table 2. Average Standard Errors of the Standardized Coefficients (SE
) for Three Predictors
Multicollinearity ρ
Method N SE
Orthogonal .40 PE = .80 59 .102 .103 .094
PE = .70 40 .126 .126 .118
PE = .60 31 .147 .147 .136
.25 PE = .80 113 .080 .080 .079
PE = .70 77 .098 .099 .097
PE = .60 59 .114 .113 .111
.10 PE = .80 331 .052 .052 .050
PE = .70 222 .064 .064 .062
PE = .60 168 .074 .073 .071
Trivial .40 PE = .80 59 .108 .108 .096
PE = .70 40 .134 .135 .120
PE = .60 31 .155 .155 .139
.25 PE = .80 113 .139 .082 .136
PE = .70 77 .170 .100 .166
PE = .60 59 .195 .115 .193
.10 PE = .80 331 .071 .066 .055
PE = .70 222 .089 .083 .068
PE = .60 168 .101 .095 .079
Moderate .40 PE = .80 59 .202 .254
PE = .70 40 .254 .312
PE = .60 31 .295 .365
.25 PE = .80 113 .154 .213
PE = .70 77 .189 .260
PE = .60 59 .218 .302
.10 PE = .80 331 .114 .151
PE = .70 222 .140 .187
PE = .60 168 .160 .213
Extensive .40 PE = .80 59 .183 .264
PE = .70 40 .228 .327
PE = .60 31 .264 .387
.25 PE = .80 113 .129 .381
PE = .70 77 .158 .466
PE = .60 59 .179 .537
.10 PE = .80 331 .128
PE = .70 222 .156
PE = .60 168 .180
indicates predictors with VIF> 5.0 (i.e., predictors involved in multicollinearity).
approximates the standard error. To create Table 4, the relative efficiency of each predictor was
calculated and then those values were averaged for the predictor set. It would not have been appropriate to
average the results for Table 4 across predictors if the relative efficiency results had not been so
consistent (as can be calculated from Table 2).
There is a striking similarity between the relative efficiency statistics in Table 4 and those found by
Brooks (1998) for the correlation statistics. Specifically, the relative efficiency statistics show that,
regardless of multicollinearity level, the magnitude of the standard errors of the coefficients from the
 level were, on average, about 19% smaller than those from the  level. Similarly,
Relative Efficiency comparisons of the  and  levels showed  to be
approximately 13% more efficient in terms of standard errors.
PEAR Method for Sample Size
Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 2012, Vol. 38(2) 11
Table 3. Average Standard Errors of the Standardized Coefficients (SE
) for Seven Predictors
Multicollinearity ρ
Method N SE
Orthogonal .40 PE = .80 117 .074 .073 .073 .068 .073 .074 .074
PE = .70 81 .091 .089 .089 .083 .089 .091 .091
PE = .60 63 .105 .103 .102 .098 .105 .104 .105
.25 PE = .80 226 .058 .058 .056 .056 .058 .058 .058
PE = .70 153 .071 .072 .069 .069 .071 .072 .071
PE = .60 117 .084 .083 .080 .080 .082 .083 .082
.10 PE = .80 663 .036 .037 .037 .036 .037 .037 .037
PE = .70 444 .044 .044 .045 .045 .046 .046 .045
PE = .60 335 .051 .052 .053 .052 .052 .053 .052
Trivial .40 PE = .80 117 .100 .102 .100 .097 .109 .091 .081
PE = .70 81 .123 .124 .123 .119 .135 .111 .099
PE = .60 63 .142 .144 .141 .138 .156 .126 .116
.25 PE = .80 226 .070 .085 .070 .064 .090 .071 .079
PE = .70 153 .087 .105 .086 .078 .109 .086 .098
PE = .60 117 .099 .121 .098 .089 .127 .099 .113
.10 PE = .80 663 .043 .042 .050 .061 .052 .057 .054
PE = .70 444 .053 .052 .060 .075 .065 .069 .066
PE = .60 335 .060 .061 .071 .086 .075 .080 .076
Moderate .40 PE = .80 117 .192
.137 .141 .177
.154 .094 .130
PE = .70 81 .236
.170 .174 .219
.188 .116 .158
PE = .60 63 .270
.191 .200 .249
.215 .132 .182
.25 PE = .80 226 .129 .089 .130
.079 .080 .074 .180
PE = .70 153 .159 .109 .160
.097 .099 .092 .220
PE = .60 117 .184 .126 .187
.113 .114 .107 .258
.10 PE = .80 663 .086
.043 .098
.083 .060 .047 .041
PE = .70 444 .103
.052 .120
.101 .072 .058 .051
PE = .60 335 .121
.061 .139
.118 .084 .066 .059
Extensive .40 PE = .80 117 .118 .131 .166
PE = .70 81 .143 .161 .199
PE = .60 63 .167 .187 .233
.25 PE = .80 452 .093 .168
.097 .121 .147
PE = .70 307 .113 .207
.118 .150 .179
PE = .60 234 .131 .237
.139 .173 .205
.10 PE = .80 663 .153
.083 .106
.063 .047 .207
PE = .70 444 .185
.101 .129
.076 .058 .250
PE = .60 335 .213
.114 .150
.087 .066 .287
indicates predictors with VIF> 5.0 (i.e., predictors involved in multicollinearity).
The primary goal of precision efficacy analysis for regression is to provide a means by which the
researcher can assess the predictive power potential (i.e., generalizability) of a regression model relative
to its performance in the derivation sample. As Cohen (1990) stated, “the investigator is not interested in
making predictions for that sample---he or she knows the criterion values for those cases. The idea is to
combine the predictors for maximal prediction for future samples” (p. 1306). The PEAR method has been
shown through a line of research (Brooks, 1998; Brooks & Barcikowski, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1999) to be a
viable method for this generalizability analysis.
The PEAR method appears to fill an important gap in the regression literature in that it recommends
sample sizes for prediction based not only on the number of predictors in a study, but also on the size of
the effect expected. Indeed, most sample size methods in other areas of statistics, including fixed model
regression, consider effect size to be an essential part of the calculation. The PEAR method provides a
means by which researchers can use a straightforward formula to choose samples by setting a priori effect
Brooks & Barcikowski
12 Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 2012, Vol. 38(2)
Table 4. Average Relative Efficiency of the Standardized Coefficients Across Predictors
k Method Comparison Orthogonal Trivial Moderate Extensive
.40 3 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 80.8 80.2 80.6 80.5
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 69.5 69.5 69.2 68.5
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.1 86.6 85.9 85.1
7 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.7 81.6 81.3 82.9
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.5 70.6 71.2 71.1
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.3 86.6 87.6 85.8
11 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.4 81.8 81.6 80.5
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.7 70.4 70.8 70.5
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.8 86.1 86.7 87.6
15 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.7 81.5 80.4 81.9
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.7 70.6 69.8 70.7
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.5 86.7 86.9 86.3
.25 3 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.3 81.9 82.0 81.7
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.7 71.0 70.2 71.3
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 87.0 86.7 85.7 87.4
7 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.2 81.5 81.2 81.6
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.0 71.0 69.9 70.7
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.2 87.1 86.1 86.6
11 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.4 81.6 81.6 81.4
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.5 70.8 70.6 71.1
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.6 86.8 86.5 87.3
15 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.8 81.2 81.0 81.4
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 71.2 70.6 70.2 70.5
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 87.0 86.9 86.8 86.5
.10 3 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.0 80.1 80.6 81.6
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.6 69.8 70.8 70.5
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 87.2 87.2 87.9 86.4
7 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.9 81.6 82.1 82.4
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.4 70.5 70.6 72.0
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.0 86.4 86.0 87.4
11 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.1 81.9 81.8 81.7
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.4 70.9 71.2 70.6
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.8 86.6 87.1 86.5
15 RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.70) 81.0 80.9 81.7 81.1
RMSE(.80) / RMSE(.60) 70.2 70.4 70.7 70.7
RMSE(.70) / RMSE(.60) 86.6 87.1 86.5 87.2
sizes, shrinkage tolerance, and precision efficacy levels. Brooks (1998) and Brooks and Barcikowski
(1995) have shown that prediction models produced using appropriately large sample sizes will better
and will also provide necessary statistical power. The most important argument for the PEAR
method is that a model based on a proper sample size, as suggested by the PEAR method, will provide
more reliable regression weights. Therefore, these models will predict better for future subjects because,
ultimately, the efficiency of a prediction model depends not only on correlation statistics such as
, but also on the stability of the regression coefficients used to calculate predicted scores.
From the relative efficiency statistics, it would seem that the  level used with the PEAR
method usually would be most desirable. However, rather than rely on such a generalization, researchers
must consider the needs of each project. For example, at lower population
effect sizes, the statistics
based on the methods become rather close in absolute value. For example, at
 with three
was .088 and 
averaged 0.05 for the  level, but
 with average
 for . The  level required 331 subjects to obtain its larger
, whereas the
 level only required 168 subjects to obtain a value that many researchers might find acceptable
PEAR Method for Sample Size
Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, 2012, Vol. 38(2) 13
(Brooks, 1998). Other researchers may determine; however, that the additional subjects recommended by
the  level are well worth the added precision efficacy. These dramatic differences in sample
sizes must be balanced against the expected gain in precision and
, particularly at lower effect sizes.
The sample size differences are not quite so striking at higher effect sizes, but still must be considered.
For example, at
 and three predictors, the extra 28 subjects recommended by the 
() level as compared to the  level () resulted in the more noticeable difference in
of .350 versus .294, respectively, and 
of 0.10 and 0.14, also respectively. Indeed, higher
PE (e.g., .90) might be desirable under certain circumstances. Fortunately, thoughtful adjustments to the a
priori precision efficacy or shrinkage tolerance enable researchers to use the PEAR method to make such
Some may argue that effect sizes required by the PEAR method are too difficult to determine---“if
one knew the answer to that question one would not need to do the study. . .” (Schafer, 1993, p. 387)---
but blind adherence to conventional subject-to-predictor ratios certainly cannot be better research
practice. Further, research in the evolution of the PEAR method has determined that when expected
overestimates the actual
value by too much (e.g., based on an effect size too large or due to an
inappropriate conventional rule), no regression sample size method will recommend appropriate sample
sizes for generalizability. For example, Brooks and Barcikowski (1995) found that when expected
, but actual
, precision efficacy rates were in the .47 to .50 range even for desired
. This reinforces the need for carefully chosen effect sizes in regression---as Schafer (1993)
continued, “. . . but a value is needed anyway” (p. 387). When effect sizes are difficult to determine, pilot
studies, meta-analyses, and careful interpretation of previous research play a critical role in the research
process. Fortunately, because the PEAR method has performed well at a variety of effect sizes, numbers
of predictors, shrinkage tolerance levels, and levels of multicollinearity, it seems to be well-suited to a
variety of research situations.
Developing a model with good precision efficacy should be considered only a first step in the model
validation process. The use of mathematical cross-validity formulas does not supersede the need for the
validation of regression models in other samples. The cross-validity formulas suggest how well a model
should perform in other samples, assuming that the sample from which it was derived was reasonably
representative of the population; however, any given sample can deviate from what would be expected or
representative. Further, no matter what the precision efficacy, a model that does not predict well in a
derivation sample also probably will not predict well in any other samples. Finally, empirical cross-
validation does not depend upon the assumptions required for use of the cross-validity equations, thus
providing a possible substitute when the assumptions are not met (Darlington, 1990; Wherry, 1975).
Therefore, the safest way to determine that a model will generalize to future subjects is to test it with
new data. Indeed, replication is basic to all science and is essential to confidence in both the stability and
the generalizability of results. Additionally, Darlington (1990) and Montgomery and Peck (1992) have
reminded us of the importance not only of model validation, but also of model adequacy, which requires
residual analyses for violations of assumptions, searching for high leverage or overly influential
observations, and other analyses that test the fit of the regression model to the available data. Darlington
noted, however, that robustness to certain violations of assumptions continues to increase as sample size
It is hoped that both the evidence presented and the relative simplicity of the PEAR method will
encourage researchers to consider more carefully the issues of sample size, effect size, and
generalizability for regression research. Because generalizability may be an even more important issue
than statistical power in much regression research, an assessment technique such as precision efficacy
analysis for regression appears beneficial to a more complete understanding of regression results.
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Send correspondence to: Gordon P. Brooks
Ohio University