Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 14
Wireless E-Notice Board Using Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
UG Scholar/Nandha Engineering College/ Erode/ Tamil Nadu/ India.
UG Scholar/Nandha Engineering College/ Erode/ Tamil Nadu/ India.
P.Prem kumar
Associate Professor & Head/ECE/Nandha Engineering College/ Erode/ Tamil Nadu/ India.
AbstractThis document deals with an innovative rather an
interesting manner of intimating the message to the people
using a wireless electronic display board which is synchronized
using the WI-FI technology. This will help us in passing any
message almost immediately without any delay just by sending
a SMS which is better and more reliable than the old
traditional way of passing the message on notice board. This
proposed technology can be used in colleges,many public
places, malls or big buildings to enhance the security system
and also make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid
many dangers. Using WI-FI module and Bluetooth module
display the message onto the display board.
Index Terms
WI-FI module, Bluetooth module, Arduino,
8x8matrix display,microcontroller,muti terminal
In this world Mobile Phones and the related technologies are
becoming more and more prevalent. Various technical arenas
in the field of Telecommunication and Embedded Systems are
becoming omnipresent in the people. The use of cell phones
has rapidly increased over the last decade and a half.
Upgradation in networking technologies has encouraged the
development and growth of very dense networks. Now-a-days
the general mass prefer communicating while on the move
therefore landlines usage has been drastically reduced.
Notice boards are one of the widely used ones ranging from
primary schools to major organizations to convey messages at
large. A lot of paper is been used and which is later wasted by
the organizations. This in turn leads to a lot of deforestation
thus leading to global warming. Small innovative steps in
making use of technology for regular purposes would
have an adverse effect on the environment issues which
we are presently concerned about. The main aim of this paper
is to design a SMS driven automatic display Board which can
replace the currently used programmable electronic display
and conventional notice boards.
It is proposed to design to receive message in display toolkit
which can be used from an authorized mobile phone. The
whole process can be described from the transmitter and
receiver section. The WIFI/BLUETOOTH module receives a
message from the authorized mobile phone and the message is
extracted by the microcontroller from the
WIFI/BLUETOOTH module and is displayed on the
MATRIX display board. Serial to parallel communication is
used for the entire process from WIFI module to
Microcontroller and from microcontroller to the matrix
display. And for the acknowledgement LCD display is used.
proposed system in this paper has many upcoming
applications in educational institutions and organizations,
crime prevention, traffic management, railways,
advertisements etc. Been user friendly, long range and faster
means of conveying information are major bolsters for this
application. By using this proposed methodology we can
enhance the security system and also make awareness of the
emergency situations and avoid many dangers.
Intimating the message to the people using a wireless
electronic display board which is synchronized using the
GSM technology. This will help us in passing any message
almost immediately without any delay just by sending a SMS
which is better and more reliable than the old traditional way
of pasting the message on notice board. This proposed
technology can be used in many public places, malls or big
buildings to enhance the security system and also make
awareness of the emergency situations and avoid many
dangers. Using various AT commands is used to display the
message onto the display board. GSM technology is used to
control the display board and for conveying the information
through a message sent from authenticated user.
Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 15
3.1.1 USING HC-05:
A. Operating environment.
The objective is to be able to stand near the Arduino and
casually acquire live data. The equipment is claimed to work
over 10m. I have used it over 15m with clear line of sight.
One wall of lightweight domestic construction will cut the
range to about 5m maximum, and a single layer of foil
building insulation can kill it stone dead. This last can mean
that indoor to outdoor communication could be pretty risky.
B. Equipment used:
1) A standard Arduino Uno or Mega. Any 5volt Arduino
should suffice.
2) An HC-05 or HC-06 bluetooth module is used.The HC-06
operates as a slave only but is entirely suitable for this
exercise. The HC-05 can operate as a master and thus has
more commands. I don’t think there is much difference in the
price, and its extra versatility may be of value in the future.
3) A means of connection. I use a four-conductor cable to a
header on a proto shield. A breadboard lashup would suffice,
or female-male leads direct into the Arduino headers. You
could solder the module directly into a proto shield. In this
event, it would be wise to have a jumper in the 5v line so that
Bluetooth can be isolated while the code is uploaded.
This may be as simple as running 1k and 2k between Tx and
ground. The picture shows an example,
Connecting Arduino with Bluetooth.
C. The communication method and the connections required:
This is all about using the standard serial protocol using
hardware, using pins D0 and D1 on the Arduino, which are
clearly marked for the purpose. Pin D0, Rx, is the receiver
and therefore connected to the Tx pin on Bluetooth. This
means D1 is connected to Rx on Bluetooth.
Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 16
This is not about the alternative procedure, known as
“software serial” so, if in the unlikely event that you really
do have a need to use software serial for Bluetooth, read no
The only other connections required are the standard 5v and
ground. I believe all HC-05s come with six pins. You don’t
need the other two for this exercise. And yes, the HC-0x
modules are 3.3v devices but note that the JY-MCU package
level shifters on board for the power supply and is clearly
labelled for 3.6 to 6v operation.
Note particularly that, while Bluetooth modules come in two
types, master and slave, these characteristics are entirely
irrelevant to this exercise, and the words will not be
mentioned again until the appendix at the end a section
that you don’t need to read.
D. Notes on what the bluetooth module is about:
The bluetooth is a separate device between Arduino and
Android. To the Arduino, it is just another serial device,
indeed it is indistinguishable from the serial monitor and is
used in the same way. To the Android, it is just another
Bluetooth device to be paired with, and the fact that there is
an Arduino connected to it is immaterial. What this
particularly means is:
1)Arduino is not involved with the pairing. It is just providing
the power and, if there was another source of power, it
needn’t be connected.
2)Consequently, a successful pairing is just between
Bluetooth and Android, and does not guarantee successful
communication with the Arduino.
3)Similarly, the serial communication between Bluetooth and
Arduino does not guarantee successful communication with
Android. Note that there is no way of checking
communication from Arduino to Bluetooth other than getting
the signal all the way to Android.
4)All the procedure for pairing and establishing connection is
done at the Android end.
3.1.2. USING ESP8266:
Description: The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self contained
SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any
microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is
capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-
Fi networking functions from another application processor.
Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT
command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up
to your Arduino device and get about as much WiFi-ability as
a WiFi Shield offers The ESP8266 module is an extremely
cost effective board with a huge, and ever growing,
community.This module has a powerful enough on-board
processing and storage capability that allows it to be
integrated with the sensors and other application specific
devices through its GPIOs with minimal development up-
front and minimal loading during runtime. Its high degree of
on-chip integration allows for minimal external circuitry,
including the front-end module, is designed to occupy
minimal PCB area. The ESP8266 supports APSD for VoIP
applications and Bluetooth co-existance interfaces, it contains
a self-calibrated RF allowing it to work under all operating
conditions, and requires no external RF parts.There is an
almost limitless fountain of information available for the
ESP8266, all of which has been provided by amazing
community support. In the Documents section below you will
find many resources to aid you in using the ESP8266.
ESP8266 Pin diagram:
The functional approach and the extensive library of built-in
functions allow to write very short but powerful scripts; to
keep them comprehensible, medium-length keywords were
adopted.The user, besides writing new high-level functions in
Proteus, can add new functions in C/C++ by following the
guidelines and using the templates available in the software
development kit; the new functions can be invoked exactly
the same way as the predefined ones, passing expressions by
value or variables by reference.Proteus is an interpreted
language: programs are loaded into memory, pre-compiled
and run; since the number of built-in functions is large,
execution speed is usually very good and often comparable to
that of compiled programs.
Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 17
The logic connections between Arduino and ESP are
very simple: ESP-Rx goes to Arduino Tx, ESP-Tx goes
to Arduino Rx. However, all ESP-8266 run on 3.3V,
while Arduino pins run on 5V. Before connecting them,
you shall provide a way to adapt these voltages, or you
could damage your ESP.
Here are some terms you should be familiar with when
working within a serial terminal window. Many of these terms
are covered in a lot more detail in our Serial Communication
tutorial. It highly recommended that you read that page as
well to get the full picture.
ASCII - Short for the American Standard Code for
Information Interchange’s character encoding scheme, ASCII
encodes special characters from our keyboards and converts
them to 7-bit binary integers that can be recognized by a
number of programs and devices. ASCII charts are very
helpful when working with serial terminals.
Baud Rate - In short, baud rate is how fast your data is being
transmitted and received. 9600 is the standard rate, but other
speeds are typical amongst certain devices. Just remember
that all the links in your chain of communication have to be
“speaking” at the same speed, otherwise data will be
misinterpreted on one end or the other.
Transmit (TX) - Also known as Data Out or TXO. The TX
line on any device is there to transmit data. This should be
hooked up to the RX line of the device with which you would
like to communicate.
Receive (RX) - Also known as Data In or RXI. The RX line on
any device is there to receive data. This should be hooked up
Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 18
to the TX line of the device with which you would like to
COM Port (Serial Port) - Each device you connect to your
computer will be assigned a specific port number. This helps
to identify each device connected. Once a device has a port
assigned to it, that port will be used every time that device is
plugged into the computer. Note that Mac and Linux COM
ports have a different naming convention.
when a message is sent in the specified format, then a series
of commands are executed which can be seen in a Hyper
Terminal whenthe kit is connected to the COM PORT of PC.
Connecting Dot Matrix LED Display with
An LED Matrix consists of an array of LED’ s which are
interconnected such that the positive terminal (anode) of each
LED in the same column are connected together and the
negative terminal (cathode) of each LED in the same row are
connected together. Note that this could be the other way
around as well, with the positive terminals connected to the
rows and the negative terminals connected to the columns.8x8
LED Matrix Schematic An LED dot matrix display (“dot”
refers to the circular lenses in front of the LEDs) can also
come with multiple LEDs of varying colors behind each dot
in the matrix. For example, the matrix used in this project has
a Red, Green and Blue LED behind each dot in the 8x8 grid.
A configuration with multiple LEDs behind each dot adds
another control pin to every column (positive terminal) for
each additional color of LED, while the rows (negative
terminals) are still all connected together. Therefore an RGB
matrix has 32 control pins compared to the 16 pins.
Controlling the LED Matrix Since all of the individual LED’s
in a matrix share their negative and positive terminals in each
row and column, it is not possible to control each individual
LED at the same time. Instead, the matrix is controlled by
cycling through each row very quickly while triggering the
correct column pins to light the desired LED’s for that
particular row.
8x8 dot matrix led connection with microcontroller.
If the switching is done at a quick enough rate, there will be
no visible flicker and the LED matrix display will appear to
have each LED turned on at the same time. This works
because of the principle known as Persistence of Vision,
which is the theory that the retina of the human eye retains an
image for about a tenth of a second. Thus an LED matrix
must be very precisely controlled, with the Rows being
scanned through sequentially at a rate greater than about 40Hz
(to be safe) while sending out the column data at the exact
same rate. This kind of control is most easily accomplished
with the aid of a microcontroller, plus some additional
Programming the Microcontroller The Atmel ATMEGA8L
can be programmed using BASIC, C, or Assembly language.
After the code is written, it is compiled using the compiler
which outputs a Hex file that can then be directly downloaded
to the microcontroller. The Hex file is downloaded via an
InCircuit Programmer that connects the microcontroller to
the parallel port of a PC.
Before going on to the proposed design practically, the results
were verified in 8051 simulator. Using this simulator various
modules of the project are constructed with the tools available
in the simulator. And then by making the appropriate
circuit connections as discussed earlier using the virtual wires
and then writing the hex code onto the virtual microcontroller
we can observe the results of the proposed method. The
process of simulation of the project is as follows.
Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 19
BOTTOM SHIELD for mother board.
Figure shows the schematic diagram built using the tools
available in the simulator. It shows all the components of
the project such as WI-FI module, Microcontroller and
Display board and the connections between them.
Daughter board view 1.
This figure shows the initialization process of module and
microcontroller using AT commands. The two virtual
terminal windows in above figure shows the commands
execute in the microcontroller that are passed onto the
display board.
Initially when power is switched on and all the modules are
kept ready, as there is no message is sent to the WIFI module,
the board displays the default message fed into it as shown in
above figure.
Android application:
The MultiTerminal is intended for simultaneous management
of multiple accounts, such as WIFI and BLUETOOTH for
which is mostly helpful for transmitting messages to the
The new terminal successfully combines great functionalities
that allow effective transferring with many accounts and with
exceptional usabilityTerminal can easily get acquainted to this
new program within a few minutes. After installing the
application in mobile phone it need to configure with
As the technology is advancing every day the display
board systems are moving from Normal hand writing
display to digital display. Further to Wireless display
units. This paper develops a photo type laboratory model
wireless notice board system with WIFI MODULE and
BLUETOOTH connected to it, which displays the
desired message of the user through an SMS in a most
populated or crowded places. This proposed system has
many upcoming applications in educational institutions
and organizations, crime prevention, traffic management,
railways, advertisements etc. Been user friendly, long
range and faster means of conveying information are major
bolsters for this application. By using this proposed
methodology we can enhance the security system and also
make awareness of the emergency situations and avoid
many danger
Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies (JNCET)
Volume 6, Issue 4, April (2016)
ISSN: 2395-5317 ©EverScience Publications 20
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