Love Letter to Shanghai
Dear Shanghai,
My driver, Xiao Sheng, laughed about me again this morning when I passed
Nanpu Bridge and did it again...! I took another set of pictures from the
skyline of Pudong...! After 25 years I still cannot get enough of this view
and the feeling of joy living in this restless buzzing city.
25 years ago, we came to an underdeveloped but open and friendly city,
the people were curious and very eager to learn and grow. We were used
to people trying to touch our noses and asking us about our home country.
Taxi drivers were intrigued by the three Chinese words we were able to
say, and didn’t stop talking to us!
Since always we felt as a part of the development Shanghai went through,
we are new Shanghaiers and we are proud of it.
Shanghai gave my husband and me the opportunity to live our dream! My
husband developed several companies and I finally could visit medical
school and start working as a doctor for traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM). With my Body & Soul Medical Clinics we were able to introduce
TCM to thousands of international patients and convince them of this
ancient philosophical art of healing.
When the coronavirus hit you, we had left China already to attend a swim
camp in Thailand. At the beginning we didn’t understand the severe
measures and consequences the government implemented. Honestly we
thought it was too much...!
Still, I was very impressed how the rest of China supported Wuhan. All the
doctors and nurses that were send to help, all the masks and isolation
gear that was donated to the hit areas from the Shanghai hospitals. Some
of my friends and teachers were amongst them. It was an amazing feeling
of solidarity and mutual support. I was also impressed by the support of
the European community to the Hubei province.
My family and I watched the whole situation from Thailand. It was a very
hard decision to not come back home. Our wonderful Ayi reassured us and
stayed with our 2 dogs and 5 cats for 5 weeks and we finally came back
home just right in time.
Now the page turned dramatically and what do we see? China supports the
European countries! Masks and isolation gear is delivered to the
Europeans. Italian and Spanish people in isolation sing, or better hum, the
Chinese hymn from their windows in the evening...! Isn’t this the best sign
of tolerance, understanding and mutual support?
I wish you, our favourite melting pot, a quick recovery and a prosperous
future! Don’t forget that your foreign friends love their home in Shanghai
and wish to come back rather earlier than later!
Love, Doris and family
Body & Soul
Longterm resident of Shanghai