Administration & Finance
Human Resources | Employee and Organization Development
Documenting Workflows
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Process Overview ...................................................................................................................... 2
Task Analysis ........................................................................................................................... 3
Setting up Programs and Files ....................................................................................................... 4
Setting up SnagIt ...................................................................................................................... 4
Setting up the Ribbon in Microsoft Word ....................................................................................... 7
Setting up the Template in Microsoft Word .................................................................................... 8
Getting Started with Documentation ............................................................................................. 10
Using the MS Word Documentation Template .............................................................................. 10
Capturing Screens with SnagIt .................................................................................................. 13
Using the SnagIt Editor ............................................................................................................ 15
Recording the Screen Using Camtasia ........................................................................................ 17
Editing a Camtasia Screen Recording ......................................................................................... 18
Using the Wiki Internal Documentation ....................................................................................... 20
Resources .............................................................................................................................. 23
Documenting Workflows
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When you are documenting your workflows, in a sense, you are providing training material for another
person to do the job. Here are some tips to get started:
Less is more: Simplify the process to the simplest approach and least number of steps possible.
Simplify the presentation of the information so that the document contains only what is required
and is presented as clearly as possible. Avoid irrelevant information, such as the history of a
process, unless it contributes to the motivation of the learner (e.g. demonstrates why the process
is important, negative consequences of not following it properly, etc.)
Think like a novice: If you are experienced in this process, try to think like you are new to it or
ask someone less familiar with the process to test your documents. As an expert, you may skip
steps or combine multiple steps in ways that a novice may find confusing.
Provide the big picture: Help the learner develop an overall concept of the process that they can
fit the tasks or steps into. You may or may not be there when they are learning the process. One
way to do this is with a process map. Below is a simple example of a process map for the workflow
documentation process.
Include Background information: You will often be describing procedures, but it may be helpful
to include some supporting information at the beginning or end of your documentation. Some
examples might include:
o Key roles/personnel
o Acronym definitions
o Computer system definitions
o Frequently asked questions
Organize the Files: Set up a common folder for all the files related to a project. Consider adding
subfolders for each asset type:
o Audio
o Documents
o Images
o Video
Use the template: Using the documentation template described in this document reduces the
time and effort required to document the workflow.
Process Overview
process as
in Shared
or the Wiki
Open Word
Video or
Open SnagIt
as you work
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Task Analysis
You can jump right in on a task you are currently performing or do a simple task analysis. To do a task
analysis, start a document and write down the primary responsibilities of your job. Divide these job duties
into tasks. This task may have multiple subtasks. Subtasks would ideally contain between 5 to 9 steps and
be able to be completed within 30 minutes. If a task or subtask contains too many steps or takes too long
to complete, try to break it down further into additional meaningful subtasks.
Why 30 minutes:
Provides opportunities for practice
Fits attention span
Provides manageable blocks of
material for ease of instruction and
Allows flexibility in situations where
operating conditions require short
periods of training
May be easily modified as
specifications, processes, procedures,
equipment, etc. are updated
Gives trainee sense of
Allows for immediate and specific
From: USDA National Resources Conservation Service
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Setting up Programs and Files
Setting up SnagIt
1. Open SnagIt by double clicking
on the icon in the System Tray,
located in the lower right
corner of the screen.
2. The SnagIt window will open.
3. Select the + sign beside
4. Select New preset…
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The Edit Preset dialog box will
open. Select Image.
Use the following
a. Selection: Region
b. Effects: None
c. Share: None
d. Preview in Editor: On
e. Copy to Clipboard: On
f. Capture Cursor: On
g. Time Delay: On
3 Seconds
(Choose a hotkey that
doesn’t conflict)
Select Save Preset.
Rename the preset
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Add a hotkey by clicking in the
“Add a hotkey” box and press
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Setting up the Ribbon in Microsoft Word
This will only need to be done once. If you have customized the ribbon yourself prior to this, please
know that this process will eliminate your customizations.
Right Click on the Ribbon and
Select Customize Ribbon.
Select the Import/Export
Choose Import customization
Browse for the file named
Select Yes to replace the
existing Ribbon customizations.
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Setting up the Template in Microsoft Word
Following this process will help keep the Quick Parts from “disappearing.
You should have a copy of the
MS Word template named “Cal
Poly Process Documentation
Save the template in
Documents > Custom Office
Note: If the folder doesn’t
exist, you can create it.
Click on the File tab and
choose Options.
In Word 2013: Select Save and
change the Default personal
templates location to:
\Custom Office Templates
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5. In Word 2010: Select
Advanced > File Locations
(button near bottom). Then,
select User templates and click
the Modify… button. Change
the location to:
\Custom Office Templates
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Getting Started with Documentation
Using the MS Word Documentation Template
The MS Word template, combined with the Training Guides tab on the Ribbon, is designed to streamline
the process of creating documentation and help make documentation more uniform. This process relies
on the use of Quick Parts to place tables into a document. The tables have the steps in the left column
and an example, image or description in the right column that corresponds to the step.
1. The template should be located
in Documents > Custom Office
2. Create a document based on
the template by double-clicking
on the template file.
3. Start a new page by selecting
Insert > Page Break
4. Add a pre-formatted table by
selecting Insert > Quick Parts
and Choose a Table that meet
your needs.
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When adding a second table,
numbers will continue from the
previous table. To reset the
numbers, right-click on the
first number in the list and
select Restart at 1.
Add a brief description under
the heading for the table.
Type the first step in the left
Paste the corresponding image
from SnagIt, in the right
column and resize it.
To increase the accessibility of
the document, add an
alternate description to the
image by right-clicking the
image and selecting Format
a. In the Format Picture
pane, Choose Layout
and Properties
b. Add a Description.
To add additional rows,
select Table Tools > Layout >
Insert Below.
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To automatically update the
Table of Contents:
a. Click in the Table of
b. Select Update Table…
c. Choose Update entire
d. Click OK
Depending on your needs, consider adding tables/sections for
Definitions, FAQs, Resources and/or Troubleshooting Common
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Capturing Screens with SnagIt
The instructions below assume that the keyboard shortcut for SnagIt (described in a previous section)
has been put in place.
1. Be sure the screen you are
working with is visible and you
are at the step in your process
that you would like to capture.
2. Press CTRL + ALT + C. There
will be a delay of 3 seconds.
3. Decide if you need a Menu or
Menu: The time delay allows you to capture an open menu.
Cursor: If you want to include the cursor, place it in the
appropriate location for the screen shot. If you do not want to
include the cursor, move it out of the area you will capture. You
can also delete the cursor later using the SnagIt editor.
4. Section or Whole Window?
a. Section - Drag a box
around the portion of
the screen that you
want to capture.
b. Window - Click on a
window or dialog box to
capture the entire
dialog box.
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The screen image will be
copied to the clipboard. The
image will also open in the
SnagIt editor so that you can
edit it if desired.
Editing the image?
No: If you do not need to edit the image (e.g. to add highlights),
then you can close the SnagIt editor and paste the image into
your documentation.
Yes: Use SnagIt to edit the image as described in the next
Capture only the portion of the screen that is necessary to convey
the meaning, while providing enough information to understand
the context and so that the user can find the correct location.
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Using the SnagIt Editor
With the SnagIt settings that were put in place in a previous section, the editor will open automatically
when a screen is captured.
To add an arrow, click Arrow in
the menu. To add a circle or
rectangle, select Shape.
In the Quick Styles pane on
the right, select the style you
would like.
In the Tool Properties pane,
adjust the settings as desired.
For example, the thickness or
Click and drag to add the
shape to your document.
Tip - Hold the Shift key
while dragging a shape to
make an arrow straight, or to
create a perfect circle or a
Other helpful edits.
Note: These may appear under
“More” in the toolbar.
(Automatically numbered)
(Circle or Rectangle)
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To copy the image to the
clipboard (to use in MS Word),
select the Copy All button in
the upper right of the SnagIt
To use the image on the Wiki,
select Share > File. Then,
browse for a location to save
the file.
Consider avoiding the color red for highlights. Red has been shown
to have a negative impact on learning.
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Recording the Screen Using Camtasia
Open Camtasia from the Start
Select Record the Screen
Select the red record (rec)
Settings used:
a. Full Screen
b. Webcam Off
c. Audio On
Tips while recording:
Talk through the recording process.
If you make a mistake, clap 3 times and keep going; you
can remove the section later.
Press F10 to stop the
recording. Alternatively, select
the Camtasia Recorder icon in
the Taskbar and click Stop.
Select Save and Edit, located
in the lower right of the
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Editing a Camtasia Screen Recording
Press play to review the video.
Select any errors by dragging
the red and green handles to
highlight the appropriate
section. Remove the mistake
by clicking the scissors icon or
by pressing the CTRL + X on
the keyboard.
To adjust the audio, select the
Audio button.
Drag the green line up or down
to increase or decrease
To add captions, select the
More button and choose
a. Position the playhead
where the caption will be
b. Click Add caption media.
c. Type text into the text box.
d. If necessary, drag the
caption ends on the
timeline to sync the caption
with the audio.
e. Repeat for all remaining
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Select File > Save project to
save the project so that you
can edit it later if necessary.
Select File > Produce and
Share… to create a video file.
Select MP4 only (up to 1080p).
Select Next.
Name the video, choose a
location and select Finish.
Tip: Once saved, upload
to the Wiki or place in shared
location, such as your
department’s shared drive.
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Using the Wiki Internal Documentation
1. Open the Campus Wiki from
the Portal and access your
department’s Wiki space.
Note: If your department does
not have a Wiki space and
would like to begin using the
Wiki, please contact IT.
2. Create a new blank page.
3. Add a descriptive title, such as
“How to Book a Room”
4. Creating headings on the page.
Headings might include:
How to …
How to …
Additional Resources
5. Insert a table with two
columns. Place your cursor in
the new table.
6. Remove the Heading Row by
selecting the Heading row
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7. Add a Heading Column by
selecting the Heading column
8. Select the gear shaped Table
settings icon.
9. Check Insert a numbered
10. Add a brief step description
in column 2.
11. In the third column, add the
images or videos you created
using SnagIt or Camtasia.
12. To increase the accessibility of
the document, add alternate
text by selecting the image and
choosing Properties. Add a title
and alternate (Alt) text that
describes the image.
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13. The final example might look
like the following.
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Visit and select Toolkits > Documenting Workflows for more
information and resources.
Task Analysis
USDA NRCS Template
Creating a Process
Flowcharts in Microsoft Word
Flowcharts in Microsoft Excel
Using MS Word
Using Quick Parts
Using Styles
Using Templates
Using Tables
Using the Wiki
Wiki Central
TechSmith Video Tutorials
Lynda: Learn Snagit for Mac
TechSmith Video Tutorials
o How to Create Instructional Videos in Camtasia
o Learn Camtasia: Advanced Techniques
o Screencasting Fundamentals
o Camtasia Studio 8 Essential Training
All TechSmith Tutorials
Creating Documentation
Lynda: Creating Procedure Manuals and Documentation