Reflection paragraph: Hall of Fame
Write a topic sentence. Your topic sentence must mention your candidate’s name plus make a
general connection to you. (For example, As a result of learning about Jody Williams, I am
inspired to make changes in my life.)
Sentences 2 and 3: Write two sentences about your leader’s contributions. (For Example, Jody
Williams was an American who was angry that landmines were hurting and killing people
all over the world long after wars ended. She created an organization that worked to get
countries to agree not to use landmines in the world. )
Sentence 4: Write one sentence about the learner profile that most defines your leader
and WHY you think that. (For example, Jody Williams is caring because she worked
to help people she didn’t even know.)
Sentence 5 & 6: Write two sentences about how you changed or how are you going to
change because of this unit? (For example, Learning about Jody Williams makes me
determined to look out for more ways to help other people. Already, I saw
somebody being bullied in the cafeteria, and I stood up for him. )
Sentence 7: Write a concluding sentence. (For example, Walking in Jody Williams’
footsteps will make be a more caring and better person.)
1. Edit all 7 sentences using Editing Checklist.
2. Then, rewrite your paragraph with thesis sentence and 5 other sentences onto your footprint in your
neatest writing.